Robot Train

"Getting lost on a train."

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Audra and her husband rocked in time with the train’s motion, chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga… Her head lolled against his shoulder and her calm, steady breaths led Steve to think that she was asleep. An older man read a book alone across the aisle as Steve watched the countryside pass by. Audra’s half-closed eyes were fixed but not focused on the seat’s armrest. 

They were less than an hour into their trip but Steve was already convinced that taking the overnight train instead of flying was an inspired choice. He couldn’t imagine that anyone here would want to be anywhere else. 

Audra stirred and lifted her head. “How long was I out?” 

“Not long. You can rest some more. I was enjoying the view.” 

“No, I don’t think so. I need to find the restroom.” She climbed over, giving him a quick peck on the way, and traipsed down the aisle. 

Neither of them had taken a long train trip before. This wasn’t like the commuter runs in the city: there was more room, there were fewer people, and the bar car would be opening soon. They were advised that their cabin would be small, and it was, but that was okay. 

Steve was lost in the train’s regular motions before he realized that Audra had been gone for a while. He traced her steps to the nearby women’s room and knocked. “Audie? Are you in there?” 

A woman opened the door out from under his fist and gave him an up-and-down, flagrantly flirty look. “Can I do something for you, handsome?” 

He ignored the breasts pressed against him and told her that he was looking for his wife. “She’s blond, a little shorter than you…” 

“There’s nobody in here but me. It could be nobody but me and you.” 

Annoyed, Steve fought past the increasingly aggressive woman and called for Audra again, and again in the men’s room, before shoving the woman aside to make his way to their cabin. 

“Please! I need you!” she shouted at his back, flagging his attention with her underwear. 

Audra wasn’t in their cabin or the nearby restrooms. Steve anxiously, futilely asked people if they had seen her or a train employee. He doubled back in case they missed each other, to their bench and down the aisle to check some other restrooms. He cracked a door open and called out again. 


“Right here,” she answered behind him. 

“Audie!” He gripped her by the shoulders and drew her in for a relieved hug. “My God, where have you been?” 

“Nowhere. I went to the bathroom, came back, you weren’t there, and then I found you here.” 

“Babe, you were gone for an hour.” 

“Nonsense.” Audra took advantage of their embrace and kissed him, first to reassure him, then to capture him, taking his tongue into her mouth. “You must have dozed.” She kissed him again. “I’m horny.” 

“Really?” Steve was stunned by the word, one that she hadn’t ever used with him before, no matter how romantic she was feeling. 

“Uh-huh.” She pushed him into the ladies’ room without breaking the hug. “Let’s do it. In here. Right now.” 

“We can go to our cabin…” 

NO! Now! Please, I need you now!” 

Audra was fumbling with her husband’s belt before the door closed itself. Steve pulled his pants down while she peeled off her jeans and panties. 

“The penis must be hard…” she assessed softly to herself and anxiously took it into her mouth. Her head bobbed in time to a rhythm buried in her brain: sucka-sucka, sucka-sucka…  

Steve grabbed a fistful of Audra’s hair and moaned. “Audie, Babe…” 

“It is hard. Fuck me.” Audra stood with her legs apart, pulled her husband to her by his dick, and very easily engaged it with an illusory click. “Yes, fucking…” 

Steve stopped wondering why and began thrusting. He typically set the tempo but Audra demanded and set her own mindless cadence. She swung a leg onto his hip, which he captured and held, and she lifted her body on tiptoe and dropped, lifted and dropped: fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

“Not the neck!” Audra scolded when Steve nibbled just above her collarbone. She kept the startled man’s mouth occupied with her own without missing a beat. 

Fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

“Audie, Babe, I’m gonna cum,” Steve said with his lips against hers. 

“Steve? Oh!” Audra was surprised when the orgasm slammed through her, and profoundly aware of his cock pulsing inside her. 

Steve had to catch his breath but managed to retrieve his wife’s panties and jeans. He kissed her cheek and told her how amazing she was as he zipped up. 

“Did you, did we…” At first, Audra disregarded the offered clothing until she realized that they were hers and that she was bottomless. “Are we in the restroom? Steve, did you just fuck me in the ladies’ room?” 

“You know I did, or you fucked me ‘cause it was your idea and you sure ran with it.” 

“I did not,” she insisted as she wiped away her husband’s seeping semen. “I wouldn’t have.” 

“You’re not serious, are you? Audie, you told me you were horny after being gone for an hour or more and then you fucked my brains out like a machine. Are you telling me that’s not how it happened?” 

Before she could answer, the door flung open and a kissing couple tumbled inside. The woman pushed the man onto the floor, telling him over and over that she needed him. 

At first, Audra hurried to get dressed but slowed when the man’s exposed hard cock seemed to be pointing right at her. She stared at it, licking her lips, and slowly stalked it. The woman hissed at Audra and buried his cock into her cunt. Click. The woman ground their privates and Audra nodded her head in time with her steady, regular sweeps. 

Fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

“Audie, let’s go,” Steve said and pulled her out by the elbow. 

“Did you see them?” 

“I couldn’t not see them.” 

“I mean, did you see his hard penis?” 

“Sure. Audra, are you feeling okay? You wouldn’t let me touch your neck earlier. Did you get hurt?” 

“No, I don’t think so.” She managed to return her attention to her husband. “I left to go to the bathroom and then I remember finding you but I don’t really remember looking for you. And then the next thing I knew, I was having one of the best orgasms of my life and you were pulling out of me.” 

She lost herself in thought for a moment and shivered herself out of it. “Let’s do it again,” she said. 

“Let’s go to our room,” he insisted. 

On their way, they passed the man who had been reading near them. He had a girl’s tongue in his mouth and her hand rubbing his crotch. “The penis must be hard,” she said. “I need you.” 

Once they were in their cabin, Audra pushed him onto the bed. “I can have you all to myself in here.” She took her pants back off and rubbed her pussy up and down his leg while kneading his cock over his pants. 

“No way, Audie, we’re not doing this now. I couldn’t yet if I wanted to.” 

“No? We’re not going to fuck? But I need you.” 

“We’re not doing anything until you tell me what’s going on with you.” 

Audra scowled and struggled to understand. Her heart was racing and she was squirming. “We’re not going to fuck.” 

“That’s right.” 

“I was thinking; I could fuck someone else, then.” Before her words could register with Steve, she mumbled to herself that that would be alright. “Yes, I’ll fuck someone else and come back when you’re ready.” 

“You’re staying here. You’re not fucking anyone.” 

“I’m not?” 


“There is no one to fuck.” 

“That’s right.” 

“I need you.” 

“I said no, I can’t.” 

Audra went limp then, staring blindly. Blinkchugga-chugga-chugga, blinkchugga-chugga-chugga… 

Steve repeatedly jiggled her unsuccessfully to awaken her. He wiped some drool from her mouth, mildly puzzled about how strangely slick it was. 

He held her close and tried to block out the increasingly pervading sounds of sex from outside. He didn’t dare to leave for help and doubted that he’d find any anyway. He thought about the woman that accosted him when he was looking for Audra. “I need you,” she had said, the same thing that Audra said to him, the same thing the woman on the bathroom floor said. 

About an hour later, Audra’s body stiffened. She sat upright and unconsciously undid Steve’s pants. He held off speaking to her and waited instead, curious about what roused her. Is she sleepwalking? He helped to take his pants down and exposed his listless cock.  

“The penis must be hard,” she said and settled her open, wet pussy on him the way a mother bird sits on her eggs. She wriggled and humped until it swelled enough for her to take him in. Click. As Steve felt his erection quicken, she rebooted her earlier mechanical thrusts. Yes, fucking… 

Fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

Something was off. Steve knew Audra’s vagina well and the one squeezing his cock wasn’t quite right. He didn’t fit the same and instead of the usual random give and take, her muscles gripped and released his cock in a regular, rolling motion, like a wave up and down his shaft. He grabbed her butt to reposition himself but that wasn’t the same either. It wasn’t bigger and it wasn’t smaller. Rounder he thought, and firmer—just a little. 

Steve shifted under her and changed up his thrusts to get himself off quicker but Audra quickly reestablished the more correct rhythms. He relaxed to let her and before long, he reached his peak, his orgasm melding with hers. 

Audra’s vacant stare turned into one of inspection and introspection. 

“Welcome back.” Steve slid out from under his wife and kissed her forehead. 

“I was really gone this time, wasn’t I? I kind of remember you saying ‘no’ to me. At first, I felt sad, and then nothing. I woke up right before my orgasm, like before.” 

They listened to the couple next door as they loudly finished their own encounter. Steve told Audra about the way she had been behaving and added, “I’ve been listening to people fuck ever since you crashed. It’s not only you. It sounded like every woman on the train was begging to be fucked.” 

“Needing,” Audra said half to herself. “I remember now that I wasn’t just horny for a fuck, I needed to be fucked.” 

“That’s what you had kept saying. And now?” 

“If you got hard now, I’d be all over you but for the time being, it’s not too overwhelming.” 

Steve wanted to see what was going on in the rest of the train but didn’t want to risk leaving Audra alone—they both knew that she would jump the first hard-on she found. He handed her jeans to her but she adamantly shook her head. “I can’t.” She refused an offered skirt as well and reluctantly put on a long nightshirt when Steve insisted. 

There were three entranced women on the floor on the other side of their door, bottomless or naked. Steve thought that they might be sisters but when he looked back at his wife, he noted that all four resembled one another. 

“Audie, do you have different make-up on?” 

“No, why?” 

“It’s nothing, probably. Your eyes seem different. Not your eyes exactly, but their shape. And your nose looks flatter.” 

A man and a half-naked woman interrupted them when they emerged from a nearby cabin. She smiled when she saw Steve and recoiled when Audra hissed at her and shouted, “No! No!” 

“No? Please, I need…” 

Audra crouched. “No!” she repeated. 

The woman looked up and down the aisle and then at the man who was shaking his head next to her. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped to the ground as comatose as the ones already there. 

“That’s what they all do,” the man said. “If they can’t find a hard dick, they do that, what she just did.” He went back into the room and locked the door. 

“That’s what I did, wasn’t it?” 

Steve nodded, gripping her hand. They had taken only a few steps away when one of the naked sleepers silently arose. She sidestepped the others without acknowledging their existence and headed toward the back of the train. 

The couple wordlessly decided to follow her with Audra uncharacteristically taking the lead. Steve kept his grip on her, just in case, as they reached the last car—the one after the caboose. 

This one was an empty, dimly lit version of the typical passenger car. Its benches had been removed and, in their place, up and down the entire length, were knee-high dividers. When the naked woman reached the back, she stepped over the dividers into the corner and turned to face front. A digital sign above the rear door changed from [00] to [01]. 

Audra shook off Steve’s hand, stripped off her shirt, and stepped into the row next to the first woman, sharing her dull, blind stare. The sign flipped to [02] before blinking back and forth between [01] and [02] as Steve struggled to tug his wife away. He finally tossed her over his shoulder and took her and her shirt to another car.


He yelled at her to wake up as they fled. Once he had her back to the sleeping car, he propped her against the wall and vainly shook and screamed at her some more. As scared and angry as he was, Steve couldn’t bring himself to slap his wife. He shook her harder, cursed at her louder, and finally cracked his palm across her buttocks. 

She flinched. 

“Wake up! He cried and spanked her again, over and over. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” 


“Yeah, Audie, it’s Steve. Wake up.” 

“I’m so horny. All I want to do is fuck or sleep.” 

He spanked her again to keep her eyes open. “I know, Audie, I know. I can’t right now, I just can’t.” 

“No?” Audra’s face blanked again and only the whites of her hooded eyes were visible. When Steve laid her carefully onto their bed, he was shocked to discover a small blinking light embedded into the base of her skull. He barely touched it and she jumped back to life. “Not the neck!” 

Steve fought off her flailing arms and kicking legs and finally pulled it out. Audra continued to defend herself until he stepped back to examine it: a simple LED with two slim wires. Pulling it out didn’t help; she crashed again. 

Who did this to you

Steve was more than certain that Audra was physically changing. Her face was still recognizable but her breasts had become smaller and higher, and her overall shape was different somehow. He covered her and hoped she’d be okay while he searched for answers. 

Once outside, an entranced naked woman spread her pussy lips for him as she approached. Her appearance was remarkably similar to what his wife’s had become. “Fuck me. I need you.” 

He shook his head, said, “No,” and she continued her sluggish march to the end. 

The train was littered with naked dolls and limp dicks. Husbands and boyfriends all told the same stories. There were precious few opportunists still able to hump a woman back to temporary lucidity: fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

A pair of inanimate lips remained in contact with a sleeping man’s dormant cock. Every now and then another woman would rise, scan, and amble. Men held back their women as much as they could from joining the procession. 

Steve knew that the reading man was dead before he shook him. He retrieved a prescription bottle from his clutch: Viagra. He swallowed one dry, and then a second, and raced back to Audra, shoving the parade of women aside. 

“Fuck me.” 

“I need you.” 

“No. No. No.” 

Audra wasn’t there when he finally reached their cabin. He hoped that he wouldn’t need much more time for the pills to work as he rushed through the cars to rescue his wife. The compartment was already half full of cookie-cutter sisters who differed only in hair, eye, and skin colors. 

“Audra? Audie?” Steve surveyed the car for blue-eyed blonds that might still be his wife. He remembered the LED and inspected their necks for one that was missing theirs. Random red-amber-green flashes taunted him until he found her. He lifted her from her stand and rushed down the aisle, knocking aside the newcomers, until he reached a secluded corner. 

The counter went down by one. 

Talking to her didn’t work so he mercilessly swatted her ass until she stirred and moaned. 

“Fuck me.” 


“I need you. Fuck me.” 

“Yes, Audra, I want to fuck you!” 

“The penis must be hard.” 

“Soon, Baby, suck on it. Make it hard.” He shimmied his pants to his knees and waved his semi at her. 

“The penis must be hard,” she repeated and took it into her mouth. Sucka-sucka… 


Steve was sad and guilty over how good the blow job felt.  

“It is hard. Fuck me,” the girl said and lowered her cunt onto his cock. Click. Fucka-fucka… 

Yes, fucking… 

“Audie, are you in there?” They were Audra’s eyes, he was sure, but they weren’t her breasts, her pussy… 

Fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

He slapped her alien ass and sucked on an engorged, unfamiliar nipple. 

Fucka-fucka, fucka-fucka… 

“I’m getting close, Audie. Cum with me. Come back to me.” 

Just as Steve’s erection erupted, the girl’s eyes shot open and she trembled through her own climax. He kept thrusting even after she had stopped. “Audra?” 

“Yes, Babe, it’s me. Oh, God, Steve, I’m so lost.” 

Steve thrust harder. “You’re not. You’re with me. Stay with me.” 

“I can’t. Oh, God, that feels so good. Babe, I can’t. I won’t. I need…

Published 2 years ago

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