Without warning, his hips picked up speed as he rammed his cock harder between my clenched thighs and the huge cock head hit the tender skin of my man hole but slipped past it. I felt the hair around the base of the cock, scrape my scrunched ball sack. ‘Oh, sweet fuck,’ I breathed into his ear and hung on as he pounded roughly. How was it going to feel when he entered me and prayed he would be a bit more gentle. At first that is. Then he could slam that manly heat seeking cock as deep as he wished.
Martin’s pounding between my now very wet, pre cum stained thighs, stopped as he pressed down hard and we both froze to enjoy the moment. His sparse chest hairs tickled my bare nipples as he breathed deeply near my ear. Raising himself on his elbows and lifting his head, his lips came down onto my mouth I opened my mouth and let his tongue clash with my own. After a few seconds he jerked his hips ever so slightly while his strong tongue and lips upped the sexual excitement. I felt the deep urge to purr like a pussy cat as my first internet lover held me captive under his expert mouth and masculine, hot body. I tried to concentrate on the juicy cock hitting the right spots just under my balls and quivering butt hole, waiting to be invaded but his lips and mouth felt ever so good. I really loved a man who knew how to kiss and Martin was one of the best no doubt.
My bisexual lover kept up the very slow grinding of his hips into my own pelvis as I ran my hands up and down his naked back, bare ass cheeks and imagined those strong thigh muscles making sure I enjoyed every second. It felt great feeling his heavy body on mine as we lay in my bed while the sound of traffic and footsteps rushed by my window. The day was just about to start for some, while mine had began in the best way possible. A hot and sexually charged cock, waiting to pound me silly before its owner started his day at the police station. I never even had a chance to find out exactly what he did there. Let us get the most important details over and done with I suppose.
My lips tingled after a few minutes and he must have thought I had suffered enough.
“You okay so far?” he asked gently.
All I could do was shake my head. My own hot body felt limp yet charged at the same time.
“Let me see all of you again,” he insisted softly, in case anyone walking past my hear.
He lifted himself as if doing a push up and his eyes roamed my naked body. Feeling a bit self conscious I was not as fit, I closed my eyes and stretched like a cat.
“Open your eyes and look at me,” I was told and complied.
Our eyes met and I followed his cue. My eyes took in the broad chest above me. His hard biceps keeping him still while the hunky abdomen hovered over mine. I almost whimpered at the sight of his huge thick cock dangling between us. The now dark cock head hung close to my pubic hair and I saw some pre cum waiting to anoint my pubic region. Martin’s cock was a beautiful thing to look at. Clean, cut and perfect in every way. The thick heavy shaft made it hang while semi erect and I wondered what it looked like when full erect and hard.
“You are just beautiful,” slipped out of my mouth and I felt like a dumb struck fan. I was sure everyone of those who had the pleasure of being fucked by this lovely man had told him that. Today was going to be my turn.
Martin seemed secure and confident in his naked skin while I felt less so and after dangling naked over me, I wanted to get the show on the road. I needed this man deep in me very soon and I am sure he felt the same way. Dropping himself onto me, Martin gripped my hips and in one fluid motion, rolled onto his back and I ended up lying on top of him. I got the impression it was my turn to show him just what I was capable of. Not being the most experienced lover, I was not sure what he really expected or wanted of me. My body language must have alerted him to that fact and his huge hands wrapped around my neck and put his lips onto mine. After a few seconds he stopped and told me he would be happy with anything I did to his naked and horny body. I took a very deep breath as our eyes locked and like a slave, I bid as my master requested.