MY Neighbor Lady
At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or even paper towels laying around. All that changed the summer of my eighteenth year when I was earning some spending money by painting the trim on my neighbor’s house. It was a very hot day and all I was wearing is a pair of shorts and my sneakers. My neighbor, a single woman, wasn’t home and her yard was very private so I had just put on a pair of silk running shorts to help cope with the heat. The sweat was rolling off me and my shorts became soaked with sweat. My cock was clearly visible through the silk material but I didn’t care because no one could see me. All I knew is that it was hot as hell and that I would have painted in the nude if I could. I was on a ladder painting the trim over the kitchen window when I heard someone moving about in the house. Mrs. Johnson had arrived home and was putting away some groceries. She stuck her head out to ask how it was going and then asked if I would like a cold drink. I looked down at her to say hi and to tell her I would love a cold drink and then I noticed she was staring at me, straight at my crotch more specifically. I thought for a minute she might have been looking at the paint job but soon realized that she was staring at my shorts. I looked down and noticed that the head of my cock and my balls were hanging out one leg of my shorts. Also, the rest of my cock was clearly outlined in the sweaty, wet silk of my shorts. I may as well have been nude. I was very embarrassed and as I tried to cover myself up while holding a paintbrush and paint can, I slipped on the ladder and fell to the ground. More embarrassed than anything I rolled on to my stomach pretending to be hurt so I could conceal my cock. I was wishing she would have stayed in the house so I could have dash home and change, but Mrs. Johnson came running out. She asked if I was OK and I replied that I thought so and had probably just knocked the wind out of me. Mrs. Johnson tried to help sit me up. She pulled a lawn chair over to where I was sitting and helped me up from the lawn and into the chair. I slumped into the chair and tried my best to cover my crotch. It was then that I noticed a long scratch on my stomach that must have been caused by the ladder when I fell. The scratch ran across my stomach and below the waistline of my shorts. I had also spilled a bit of paint on my chest and legs. Mrs. Johnson reminded me that she was a nurse and needed to take a look at it. She kneeled on the grass in front of me, gently pushed my arms to the side and ran her fingers over the scratch. She followed the scratch down my stomach and lifted the waistband of my shorts to see how far the scratch went. She said it was going to be fine but that she would get a wet cloth to wash the area, put on some ointment on and then clean up the spilled paint. As she went into the house to fetch the washcloth, I was tempted to run home. I tried hiding my dick as best I could but either my balls or part of my cock would fall out of my shorts one leg or the other. I covered my crotch with my hands as Mrs. Johnson returned and I tried to cover up as much as possible. Mrs. Johnson dipped the cloth on a bowl of warm water and told me to set back and she would clean off the paint and have a look at the scratch. She bent forward over me and I was treated to a look at the most gorgeous set of tits I had ever seen outside of the pages of Playboy. Her loose blouse fell forward and it became immediately obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Along with a perfect view of her large, soft looking tits, I couldn’t quite see her nipples. She asked me to set back some more and as I tried to do so it quickly became uncomfortable so I slumped in the chair to rest my head on the back of the chair. It was then I could feel that my balls had fallen out of the leg of my shorts and were now dangling over the edge of the chair. My cock was lying right beside them. I didn’t know what to do but hoped that she was giving all her attention to the paint and wouldn’t notice. I kept my eyes closed and tried not to think about her beautiful breasts so I wouldn’t get a hard on… that’s all I needed! Because I was hot and sweaty, my balls were hanging lower than usual and I became concerned that she would freak out if she saw them. My young mind had never had to deal with a situation like this but I figured the best way to deal with this was straight up. I asked her if I could tell her something to which she replied “of course”. I then proceeded to tell her that I would never had dressed like this if I knew she was going to be home. It was just so darn hot that I had thrown on the lightest pair of shorts I owned, they didn’t really cover me properly and I was very embarrassed. I asked her if she would mind letting me go home and get decent before I was embarrassed any further so she didn’t think poorly of me. As I had been speaking, she looked toward my crotch and I could see her eyes glued to my cock and balls. She seem transfixed on them and as I tried to cover myself she snapped out of her little trance, brushed my hands away and told me not to be silly, that she was a nurse and that she see lots of people in various states of undress every day. She said not to worry about being embarrassed and that she understood why I dressed the way I did and said she would have done the same if she thought no one was around. I had my eyes closed in pain and didn’t even think about my state of undress. I started to apologize again and she told be to be quiet and to sit still and let her finish cleaning off the paint and looking at the scratch. She told me I was a silly boy and to let her take care of me. She was on her knees between my kegs and as she started to clean the paint off my chest, she moved forward and pressed her hip into my crotch. The contact was very soft and I could feel her hip gently pressing on my cock and balls. It felt so good but if I was embarrassed before, I knew I was in big trouble now. Predictably, my cock started to fill out in response to her gentle touch. Before long I was at half-mast and the head of my cock started to push into her belly. I didn’t know whether to shit or go blind! All I could do was keep my eyes closed and pretend that everything was OK. I peeked down and saw her continuing to wipe my chest but her eyes were glued to my cock. This only made matters worse and my cock was now a full on stiff. Shit. I watched her watching me and my eyes went again to her magnificent tits. I watched as they swayed back and forth and jiggled in time with her movements. Fuck! I was so embarrassed I finally couldn’t take it anymore and started to apologize again. When she asked what the problem was I looked at my cock and said I didn’t want to gross her out and make her think I was a perv. Nonsense she said, as long as it is staring me in the face, and that it is the only part of your body I hasn’t checked, I may as well make sure it was ok too. I told her that wouldn’t be necessary but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She pushed my hands away and sat back to look at my cock. My discomfort and embarrassment were quite obvious and Mrs. Johnson sensed that I was still ill at ease. She took my hand and once again, reminded me that she was a nurse and as such, had seen hundreds if not thousands of men in their altogether. My mind was racing with a myriad of different thoughts and emotions. On one hand, I was being comforted by a health care professional whose approach was seemingly professional and clinical and on the other hand I was, for all intents and purposes, naked with my cock and balls exposed and looking down the blouse of a beautiful woman who had a huge pair of tits. Mrs. Johnson took my cock gently into her small hands and started a thorough examination. She became less gentle as she lifted and twisted and moved it all over the place so that she could see all its surfaces and the more she touched it, the harder I became. She didn’t seem to react when it reached its full potential and the head of my cock was within a few inches of her face. I noticed that her breathing had seemed to quicken and her mouth was open. As she licked her lower lip I could see her tits rising and falling at a quicker pace. She held my cock in both hands and continued to look at it from every angle. When an involuntary shudder went through me she asked if it hurt. What the hell, if I was in for a penny I was in for a pound so I said it didn’t hurt at all and that the more she touched it the less I seemed to feel the aches and pains of my fall. This was pure bullshit of course and was really a very amateurish attempt to make sure she kept touching me. For whatever reason, she seemed to accept this as some kind of sign that touching my cock was making me feel better so she asked if she should continue. I said that would be very nice of her and as she smiled at me, she grasped my cock with one hand, slowly stroking it and said that she might as well check out my “scrotum” to make sure that my “testicles” were ok too.