Thomas had been immediately attracted to the woman and they had started fucking within a day of meeting each other. Now that she had her own house in town, he would visit her and make love, usually on weekdays when he would go into town to do the shopping.
On this particular occasion they were both naked and on all fours in the living room. Thomas was kneeling behind Helen, looking down at her broad hips and her big engorged piss flaps, wet with her mucus. He slid the tip of his organ up and down, parting the flesh and ploughing her furrow as it were before poking her. She groaned and swayed her hips back at him.
“Come on!” she muttered. “Put it in! I haven’t had you in me for a week!”
It had in fact been more than a week since they had last met, however, and he could no longer hold back, but suddenly slapped into her. She gave a sharp little cry of pain as he pushed into her tight little cunt, then she began grunting in time to the slop, slop, slop of hard male flesh in her hungry love hole.
It was soon too much for Thomas and he sped up, groaned and shot his load into her. The woman made a disappointed sound but Thomas knew he was good for another round and stayed in her, leaning forward. He began to tweak her large nipples and play with her breasts, so that she became silent.
When he had spent in her sweet little body a second time they showered together, dressed and she made him a cup of coffee. They watched the telly for a while, chatting, and he lifted her skirt and began to explore her with his fingers as they had plenty of time. Just then he noticed the program on the telly, which was showing shots of hills to their north, and Thomas thought how nice it would be to go camping there. Then Helen had his trousers down and was sucking enthusiastically on his swelling tool. When it was hard and gaping he made love to her again as she lay spread beneath him on the floor. As he rammed in and shot his load in her, he looked up and saw a shot of two rounded hills that looked like a woman’s breasts. It made him spend even more copiously.
When he got home he remembered the hills, and put it to Mary that they might like to go together for a couple of days, camping out, having fun. She agreed but was clearly unenthusiastic. She was a lank, blond haired woman with long, hanging tits and big nipples, but little interest in sex. She only allowed Tom to “do” her once a month. Still, thought Tom, she might become inspired by all that nature. Who knew?
It was a fine spring day, a Friday, when they set out, round about ten o’clock.
On the morning of the second day, the Saturday, they rose somewhat cramped and stiff from their first night in the little dome tent, rode a few kilometres to the Narrikup roadhouse and, still somewhat chilled, had a pot of tea and raisin toast in the oiled wooden interior. The jolly Yorkshire woman in charge gave them an extra serving for free when she heard of their bicycle trip and reminisced about the ones she had done in her youth on the Moors, and then asked where they were going.
“Just into the Porongurups, a few k’s,” said Thomas cheerfully. “Probably head back this afternoon. Just cycling for a couple of days.”
His wife went to the toilet then and the woman came over. She was a plump, middle aged creature with a little upturned nose, curly brown hair, freckles and blue eyes that actually twinkled when she smiled. She stood by him, looking into his eyes and not talking. Being so close to her, smelling her perfume, made him start to lengthen. He looked up at her in surprise, flushing. She smiled back at him, quite unabashed and, as though some kind of signal had passed between them, took his hand in hers.
“My name’s Julie,” she whispered. “If you do happen to come back this afternoon, you can spend the night in our granny flat, out the back. On Saturday afternoon I’m usually having a siesta there ’til about four, but don’t hesitate to knock me up, if you feel the need.” She gave a little shudder at the double entendre. “I’ll be alone,” she added.
“Thanks,” he said, and gravely gave her hand a squeeze. He noticed that her shirt had for some reason become unbuttoned half way down the front and he could see the freckled slopes of her big breasts, innocent of any bra. She grinned at his look and walked off, buttoning up, her broad bum swaying under the cotton dress. He squeezed his now quite hard tool through the cloth of his trousers.
Just then his wife returned and he pulled his hand away. His erection began to subside.
They left then and rode towards the long line of blue hills in the distance. An hour later the dirt road stopped in a little round clearing next to a brick barbecue and there they boiled the billy and had tea with their sandwiches.
Suddenly Thomas felt bored. He looked over at Mary who gazed back at him blankly. He was, he realised, in need of a fuck, but it was clear that he would get nowhere with the woman in front of him. He began to fantasise about Julie in the roadhouse and went off to have a leak. There in the privacy of the silent trees he pulled a few times on his half tumescent tool, thinking of what Julie would look like naked, then stopped. He had a better idea. Taking a small twig he crept round to their bicycles and let down one of Mary’s tyres.
When Mary discovered she had a flat tyre she insisted that he ride on and get things ready for them. She seemed happy for the excuse of not being in his company, and said that she felt like walking.
Thomas shrugged and cycled off, reaching the roadhouse in half an hour. He noted that it was now closed and wheeled his bike round the back. He knocked on the door of the granny flat, a low unit under the trees and it opened almost immediately. The woman was standing there bare footed and in a dressing gown and smiled at him.
“Hi,” she said. “Come on in. Where’s wifey?”
He explained that Mary would be another hour or more because of the flat tyre, and the woman’s eyes took on a certain gleam. She nodded and took his hand. “Never mind. We can entertain each other till then.” Then she paused.
“If you wait ’til I’m properly dressed we can go into the shop and have a coffee I suppose.” She looked down and frowned.
“Well,” said Tom, “I suppose we could.” He took her hand and held it.
“Why don’t we just stay here then?” she said, slowly stroking his cheek. She looked into his eyes and then padded off to the door. She shut and locked it and turned back to him. “George won’t be back till this evening,” she added, a little breathlessly, and Thomas supposed George was her better half.
She was quite close now, and grinned at him as she pulled at the cord of her old checked dressing gown. It fell open down the front, revealing that she was quite naked beneath the garment. Her breasts had large brown aureoles, thick nipples and hung down over her full belly. Her pubic hair was curly and black. Thomas, as in a dream, stroked one of the nipples, making it stiff and upstanding. The woman moaned in pleasure. He stroked the other nipple and she closed her eyes, then he moved right up and took her in his arms, kissing her, their tongues probing. She shuddered and pulled away.
“Come on,” she whispered urgently. “We don’t have that much time. Let’s get those clothes off.” She dropped her dressing gown to the floor and began undoing his belt.
Shortly after, quite naked, he lay beside her on the bed and began to suck on those tits and to fondle and excite her big piss flaps ’til they stood up fatly, and her mucus flowed copiously out of her eager slit. Then, unable to contain himself, he fell on her as she spread herself in offering. She parted her raised knees and he sank into her willing cunt and began to fuck her hard, filled with a strange hunger for her ripe body. He spent himself in minutes, but then she skillfully played with him and sucked him ’til he was hard again and this time she cried out in orgasm and spasmed about him. That brought him off in turn and milked him of his seed to the last drop.
That night George, a thickset, hairy fellow with a tendency to grunt, was present and they all had tea together. Afterwards George insisted on playing his guitar and singing country and western songs, but Mary, herself somewhat of a musician, asked to try the guitar. Soon the two of them were getting on famously. Thomas looked across at Julie and shrugged. She got up.
“If you two are going to make noises on that thing all night long, we’ll go and talk in peace and quiet in the shop,” she said, smiling and George waved them off with an impatient hand. He was, Thomas saw with a twinge of jealousy, sitting on a chair so close to Mary that their thighs were touching. George now reached round Mary and held her hands from behind, positioning them, showing her how to hold the thing, embracing her.
Julie grabbed his hand and pulled him out the front to the darkened shop. They sat at one of the tables.
“It’s clear how that’s going to end,” said Julie gruffly. Then she grinned. “But I don’t care, dear. Let’s make the most of our time alone.”
She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it apart, revealing her big tits. Thomas groaned with desire and reached out, squeezed a nipple and rolled it between his fingers. They may have continued like this for some time, but then they noticed that the guitar had stopped.
“Come on,” said Julie, with a grin. “Bet I know where they are.”
She led him along a corridor then into the bathroom, locked the door, then, lit only by a street light outside shining through the window, she went over to another window in one of the side walls and pulled the curtains carefully back.
“One way glass,” she said, in reassurance, for Thomas had stepped anxiously back. “Made by the last owner so he could perve on his guests.”
They were looking at a fully lit bedroom and there were George and Mary, embracing passionately beside the bed. George now began sliding his hand down inside the back of Mary’s slacks, squeezing her large bum. Mary said something and backed off, pulled down her slacks and undies, slipped out of her tee shirt and bra and stood naked in front of the man, her long goat tits swinging gently to her breathing. The fellow now very excited, grabbed her, groped her tits, her bum and kissed her nipples, sucked on them. For a woman as angular as Mary, she was surprisingly full breasted and heavy of thigh.
“Come on,” said Julie, and when Thomas turned she was casting off the last of her clothing. He stripped himself and then stood in front of her as she held him close, rubbed her large tits against him, cupped his balls, pulled on his big stiff dick.
“Do you want me now?” the woman whispered in his ear.
“Oh yes!” said Tom, slipping a finger into her slit.
“Come on then.Take me!” said the woman.
The fellow in the other room now had Mary standing, bent over the bed, hands on the mattress, bum out, and was sliding into her from behind. He was well endowed and Mary seemed to writhe in pain a little as he sank into her.
Meanwhile Julie had placed herself in front of Thomas, holding onto the sill of the one way window. She had bent over and was presenting to him, her piss flaps glistening in the distant light. He slid into her and then began slowly to pump her. They both wanted to time themselves to come with the other couple but did not have to wait long.
Suddenly Mary gave a distant cry and tossed up her head, and the other fellow rammed in, sending her sprawling face down on the bed. Thomas sped up. Julie began to grip him with her inner muscles, saying “Oh, yes, yes, yes! Do it man! Poke me hard! Fuck me!”
Very excited now by her words, he clenched his buttocks, thrust forward and then spurted several large gouts up her full woman’s cunt to her great wail of pleasure.
When it was clear that Mary had decided to spend the night with George, Julie bedded down with Thomas in the granny flat, and they made love twice more before dawn found them sprawled, exhausted, on the bed.
Thomas never did return to the road house, but Julie often came to town to buy provisions and spend many agreeable hours with Thomas in a motel room. Although Mary left him for George, shortly after these events, Thomas now spent his days servicing Helen and Julie and even had threesomes with them. The two women got on well and one would play with the other, exciting her to a frenzy, as Tom plumbed one hungry cunt or the other.
Eventually they both moved in with Helen, and he got them both gravid with child. Pregnant, he found, they were even more exciting to fuck, but that is another story.