Revenge – A Dish Best Served Cold – Part Two

"Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. And Sarah had a special type of revenge in mind."

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On my way home, my phone buzzed. It was a message from a number I did not recognise.

“Hi Sarah, this is Charlie, got your number from Ben. Can’t believe you saw him without me!” I was laughing as I typed my reply.

“I just bumped into him by accident!”

“You did more than bump into him! LOL. He’s been like a dog with two dicks!”

I laughed again. Fuck, what a couple of hours that had been. He had suggested a quick drink after work and an hour later he was fucking me senseless. It had been wonderful, to be completely and utterly fucked by a lovely young man, who seemed to have a constant hard-on, even when a few minutes earlier he had emptied himself deep inside me.

“He doesn’t need another one!” I replied.

“So, it’s my turn next. Friday after work?”

“Can’t do this weekend, sorry.”

“Next Wednesday, after work. Sarah, I’m much better than he is!”

“OK, I’ll meet you in the Duke, 6 pm. X.”

“Can’t fucking wait! XXX.”


Blimey, if I needed a reminder that things could be worse, I had only to think of Jon. Fucking hell. What’s the saying, hell has no fury like a woman scorned? Well, Amy was making sure Jon was in hell. He was not taking it well.

“Do you know what she’s done now? No? I’ll fucking tell you what that bitch has done now, shall I?” and I listened as he gave me the latest tale of woe. Fuck, and all I could think about was it would be my turn, sooner or later.

It had been a strange month or so. Of course, things were difficult but we were going about our daily routines, acting like any other married couple, except that behind closed doors, behind closed curtains, we were as separated as any divorced couple.

“No, Jon, I am not going to Sabrina’s or anywhere like that.”

“Come on, mate, she knows now, and she’s divorcing you anyway.”

No, I was adamant. I knew it did not make a difference now; it was too late for that. I knew I had been a complete twat, or as Sarah had said, a cheating lying two-faced cunt. I felt ashamed, she had not deserved that.

As for Sarah, well, I knew she was hurting but she took it and the family home was warm and welcoming. She continued to be the perfect mother to Lizzy and a perfect wife to me, other than behind the closed curtains. And I missed her.

She kept herself busy, always doing something, and though she didn’t deliberately avoid me, we didn’t see much of each other. When we did find ourselves together, just us, we chatted and even laughed and I found myself happy, and I found myself watching her, just going about everyday things. Fuck, she looked lovely.

She has always had a lovely fit body and I found myself watching her gorgeous bottom as she walked about the house, and on the few occasions I was in when she got back from the gym, it was very difficult not to stare. But I kept my distance.

“Shit, I’m going to be late,” she said, running out of her bedroom and grabbing her top from a hanger, and then back into the room, the door closing behind her. Fuck! She was wearing just her underwear, and I realised my cock had instantly stirred. Wow! It was a matching set of bra and panties, in sheer black, with black stockings and suspenders and I waited a few minutes until she reappeared, a lovely black sequinned dress and heels, completing the outfit.

“I’m off now. Not sure what time I’ll be back,” she shouted, clearly aimed at Lizzy who I heard shout back. And she was off. Fuck!


When Tom asked me out to dinner, I initially hesitated. “I want you to meet a possible new client,” he said and then added, “And to say thank you.” I had shifted three properties for him, and we had now taken three more of his onto the books, and I already had two prospective purchasers lined up.

I had met Tom before, a few years ago, although he had not remembered me, and it was fair to say, he had a bit of a reputation as a lady’s man; handsome, confident and perhaps a bit too full of himself.

When I arrived, he was waiting. He looked as usual smart best, immaculately dressed and I couldn’t help but think he would wear out mirrors. Not a hair out of place, this beard cut to the perfect length, almost a shadow but just that perfect bit more. Yes, he was very handsome, and he knew it.

And then his friend arrived. Fuck me! Now, I am not the jealous type, but fuck me! I saw him look up and smile and when I turned to follow his gaze, I almost gasped. I am not sure what I had been expecting, but it was definitely not what I watched walk towards us, and what several other people watched walk past them.

“Sarah, please let me introduce you, this is Sabby.” She held out her hand and I took it, “And, Sabby, this is the remarkable Sarah.” Fuck me!

I am not normally word-shy. I usually find it easy to talk to anyone, it is a requirement of the job, but initially, I was speechless. Fortunately, neither Tom, nor Sabby, had any such issue, and I found myself listening to them, and simply answering their polite questions.

She was simply stunningly beautiful. I would guess she would have been in her late twenties, possibly early thirties, but whatever it was, it didn’t matter to this girl. Her skin was immaculate, and now, sat just a few feet from her, I could see she was wearing just a tiny amount of make-up, her hair simply brushed back, and held by what I think was a diamond and gold clip, which matched her necklace and earrings. Cap all that with the most gorgeous blue eyes and a body to die for, yes, I was, as Alison Moyet would say, weak in the presence of beauty.

We talked business for a short while, Tom being very complimentary about me.

“So, Tom tells me you could find me what I am looking for?”

“And what are you looking for?”

I found it hard to concentrate as she explained, my eyes struggling not to stare, but she gave me the details and it was clear she was excited to share this with us both. And it was most definitely exciting. Wow!

Eventually, she stopped. “Do you think you can do that?”

“I need to ask you the all-important question. What is the budget?” I said.

“Ah, yes. But before I tell you that, do you think you could find me what I want?”

As she had been describing the place she was seeking, I had been thinking.

“Sabby, there are places like you have described, although I would say nowhere has everything.” She was still smiling, which I took as a good sign. “But many have scope to become what you want.”

We talked a little more, and she seemed pleased.

“Right then, I must go, I have a date,” she said standing. “Thank you for letting me gate-crashing your dinner.” She kissed Tom goodbye and I was pleased when she kissed me as well. “Sarah, I will call you next week, we can have lunch and we can agree on your fee,” and with that, she was off, and I found myself watching her gorgeous bottom walk away.

“I thought you two would get along,” Tom said, as we ordered dinner, but he could tell something was worrying me. “I know what you are thinking?”

“Do you?”

“Yes, I do. You are thinking, how does a young lady of twenty-eight years old, afford a place like that?” He was right, I was!

Over dinner, he happily explained who she was, and how she had become what she was today and my admiration for her took on another level. I realised I had heard of her, but only in the financials, not the tabloids.

“Are you, or have you and her, um, been lovers?” He laughed, just a little, and shook his head.

“No, not lovers. Sabby doesn’t do lovers. We have fuck..,” he hesitated, “sorry, we have had sex, but that’s all.” He saw my reaction. “Worried about the competition?”

“No,” I replied honestly, “You haven’t fucked me.” I was about to add the obvious, but he beat me to it.

“Yet?” The tone in the word, was notable, and pleasing, and I changed the subject, the question unanswered.

He was charming and witty and I found myself telling him all sorts about me, just briefly mentioning my current martial position.

“Oh, that must be difficult,” but I explained that it wasn’t, we were as happy as we could be, given the circumstances.

“Do you date?”

“No, just the odd dinner with clients,” and he laughed. That wasn’t strictly true, although you couldn’t call last week a date.

I had bumped into Ben in the sandwich shop, and he had suggested a quick drink after work. It was a quick drink, but I am pleased to say it was not a quick fuck. My god, I don’t know what came over me (other than him).

From the moment he opened the door to the flat he was on me and, to be honest, he could have done anything he wanted with me, and when I was riding him as hard and as deep as I could do, I had orgasmed, a massive deep long orgasm which had me squealing and quivering in delight. The reflection in the full-length mirror had added to the thrill.

I was lucky to get out of there in one piece. To be wanted like that had never happened to me. It was wonderful and even thinking about it today sends little pulses through my pussy.

Now, a week later, here I was with Tom, and even though I was not exactly experienced at this sort of thing, I was certain he fancied me. And why shouldn’t he, I said to myself, just checking my make-up in the beautiful bathroom.

The rest of his apartment was equally stunning, looking out across the Downs, a very typical modern man’s place, with little if any female touches. I mean, why would a man need a cushion, or a throw, or a bunch of flowers?

He was looking out of the full-length windows, car lights flickering in the distance, cars heading out onto the Downs.

“I wonder where they are all going?” I said, and he laughed a little.

“Well known for it, apparently,” he said, laughing again.

“Well known for what?” I said, and this time he roared.

“Sarah, please tell me you are joking?” he said, his hands on my shoulders, looking down at me, his eyes sparkling.

“Oh, I see,” I said, slightly embarrassed, “Do they just do it in their cars?”

“They all watch and several join in. Apparently!” he added, again, and I laughed.

His eyes were fixed on mine and mine on his and as he leant towards me, I raised my head towards him, and we kissed.

When I felt his hand on the back of my dress, I was so excited and just the sound of the zip sent even more thrills rushing through me, so when he slipped it off my shoulders, I felt the cold air on my nearly naked body, my pussy tingled.

My bra soon followed my dress to the floor and when he pushed me back against the glass, knelt in front of me and slowly pulled down my panties, I quickly hooked a leg over his shoulder, so when his tongue began to explore my pussy, I knew my first orgasm would not be long in arriving.

Oh, fucking hell, it was just wonderful. The cool of the glass on my back and bottom, the warmth of his mouth against my pussy and just the sheer thrill of being wanted by this lovely man made my pulse soar and when I thought my orgasm was going to hit me, it didn’t. Instead, the sensations just grew stronger and deeper and I found myself caressing his head, working my pussy against his tongue, watching him work it around my clitoris and then dipping it deep into me, his fingers exploring me. And when I thought it could not get better, it hit me, like a run-away train. Oh my god, it was wonderful.

Once it had receded, I helped him remove his clothes and I returned the favour, taking his very impressive cock into my mouth, licking and sucking his testicles. I thought he was going to come, and perhaps he was close, but he withdrew and helped me to stand, turned me around and pressed me up against the window.

Holy fuck, it suddenly dawned on me. There I was, stark naked, other than my stockings and heels, pressed against a full-length window, lights on and looking out into the darkness. Fuck, and I was about to turn and run for cover when I felt his cock press against my pussy. Oh my god!

As he entered me, I let out a loan soft moan and, as he began to thrust his cock in and out, I allowed myself to bend at the hips, my hands, face and breasts pressed against the cold glass. And he fucked me there, in plain view of anyone out there, and I fucking loved it!

When I got home some lights were on. I put down my bag and wandered into the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and then into the living room. He was sitting watching the television.

“Are you still up?” I asked, then took a sip of water and returned to the kitchen.

“Did you have a nice time?” he said. I could not sense anything else in his voice other than it was just a question.

“Yes, thank you.” I waited a second or two before adding, “Why?”

“Oh, sorry, I was trying to..” he paused. “I don’t mean anything, you know nasty.” He stopped and he dropped his head. “Sorry, goodnight,” he said and he walked away.

“Carl,” but he carried on walking, “Carl! Stop!” He did, and he slowly turned to look at me. “Come here,” I said, and when he didn’t move, I pointed to the floor just in front of me, “Here!”

When he was standing where I had pointed, he looked up. “I’m sorry. I promise I was not prying. You can do what you want to. I was just being..”

“Carl, stop.” I looked at him closely, probably more closely than I had looked at him for years. “I had a lovely time, thank you.” I gave me a little smile. “We went to that new restaurant near the Downs,” and I briefly described the place and the menu. “You should try it,” I said.

“Would you like dinner with me there sometime?” he said, “You know, if you have nothing else to do, you know, just a nice meal.”

“Carl, why don’t you ask someone else, you know, have a date?” He shook his head.

“No, I don’t want to do that.” I took a deep breath.

“Carl, I am not going on a date with you.”

“No, I don’t mean a date. Just dinner. We can talk, there are lots of things we do need to talk about.” I was not sure what to say.

“Carl, I am never going to fuck you, ever again, you need to understand that.” He looked surprised, not about what I said, more the way I said it.

“I know.”

“I am not suggesting you go back to your old ways, definitely not.”

“No, I promise, I will never, ever do that again, I promise.”

“Good. I mean you should find a girlfriend. You can’t wank the rest of your life away,” and as soon as I said it, I chuckled, not nastily, and I was pleased he chuckled too.

“Watching you run around in your underwear doesn’t help!” he said, and we both laughed. “You did look lovely, by the way.”

I smiled, “Thank you.” I was looking at him closely again. He was still standing exactly where I had pointed. “When did you last cum?”


“When did you last cum?”

“Fucking hell, months ago. Ever since, well, you know when.”

“Bloody hell, that must be a record for you!” He nodded and I could tell he wanted to say something. “What is it?”

“No, nothing.”

“Come on, ask me.”

“No, it’s none of my business.”

“Carl, you can ask me.”

It was his turn to take a deep breath. “And you?”

“You mean, when did I last cum?” He nodded, his head slightly bowed. “About an hour ago.”


Just being close to her was making me hard. She was leaning against the worktop, a glass of water in her hand, and she was just looking at me, thinking. I kept my head down, not daring to look her in the face, I did not want to see the hatred I had seen too often over the last month.

She was in her black heels, her stockinged legs looking soft and smooth and the image of her being fucked whilst still wearing them flashed through my head. The hem of her dress was mid-thigh and I recalled last weekend when she had returned from her run, wearing her high-cut shorts which showed her thighs, nearly up to her hips.

“So, you like my choice of underwear?” I nodded. “Carl, you are not a fucking dog, please answer me properly. I said, do you like my choice of underwear?”


“Just, yes?”

“I thought you looked lovely.”

I was standing in front of her, and she put her glass down on the side next to her. Then, she slowly took the hem of her dress and pulled it up until the tops of her stockings were showing.

“They are nice, aren’t they?” I kept my head down. “Carl, look at them. Do you like them?” Oh god! Her thighs looked wonderful, the skin looked smooth and soft, the lacy stocking top had a beautiful contrast with her skin, and the suspender finished the view perfectly. I gulped.

“They are lovely,” I said, eyes fixed on her flesh.

“I think the suspenders give them something extra, don’t you?” She turned slightly to the side and lifted the hem higher, and my eyes followed it up, the suspender stretching up her thigh, over her hip to the belt. “Do you like the belt?”

I started to nod, but quickly added “Yes, very lovely, very lovely,” and it dawned on me that she was not wearing her panties. Fucking hell!

She didn’t say anything for what seemed ages but was probably only a few seconds, my eyes just fixed on her soft smooth skin.

“My panties match but I didn’t bother to put them back on,” she said, her fingers running down the front belt and she adjusted the clasp. My heart was thumping, and my stomach was turning, the strangest of all feelings. My cock was already throbbing as she turned to face me again, and she lifted the hem higher, to show the other leg, and her naked pussy.

Oh my god! I was transfixed. She had never been hairy, her pubic hairs light and soft.

“Do you like how my pussy looks? I’ve had a full shave, just kept a small strip, look,” and I watched as she ran her fingers down the small line of hair and then over the hood of her clitoris, and then down her pussy, slightly spreading her legs.

“Oh, that feels so tender,” she said, almost sighing and I watched, open-mouthed, as she slipped a finger between her lips and then slowly withdrew it and slid it up, her lips spreading, and running it over her clitoris.

“Sarah, you look wonderful,” and I instinctively reached forward.

“No! Don’t you dare touch me!” I stopped immediately and withdrew my hand.

“Sorry, sorry.”

“You are not to touch me, do you understand?”

I nodded. “Sorry, I understand, Sorry.” I took a step backwards, expecting her to leave, but she stayed where she was, her fingers still playing with her pussy, her eyes firmly on me.

I stood there transfixed as she slid her finger gently into her silky pussy again and then slowly circled her clit and she shuddered. “Oh, that is nice, I’m soaking,” she said, her eyes closing slightly. “Is your cock hard?”

I hesitated slightly before answering. “Good, I should hope so.” She was looking at me closely, perhaps thinking. “Let me see it.”

I hesitated. Was she going to ridicule me, laugh at me? She was waiting and, as I didn’t move, she shrugged her shoulders and reached for the hem of the dress. I quickly reached for my belt and undid it, unzipped my jeans and pulled them down and then, slowly, I pulled down my pants and realised my hard cock.

“You are hard, aren’t you?”


She was still gently playing with her pussy, looking at my cock, and she reached forward. Oh, god! As soon as her fingers touched me, I shuddered and, as she ran her fingers down its length and up again to my helmet, it jerked. She gave a little giggle, and then slowly took hold of my helmet in her hand and squeezed, not hard but enough to make me shudder again.

“Is that nice?” she asked.


“Come closer,” she said and she pulled me towards her, closer to her than I had been to her since that day, and she began to slowly stroke my cock, twisting her wrist as she did do, my cock just inches from her pussy.

Fuck, it was wonderful but also agony. I knew I could not touch her, but I could feel the warmth of her body, her scent just adding to the pain, and when she pressed my cock against her naked thigh, it was almost too much. I realised I was breathing hard and I tried to relax.

“Do you want to know about my evening?” I did not reply, my stomach was turning, but my cock was throbbing. “Don’t you want me to tell you?” she said, her voice soft and sexy, “How he undressed me, in the window?” I gulped and then shuddered as her fingers wrapped themselves around my glands, her wrist twisting.

“And when he licked my pussy, my leg over his shoulder, his fingers deep in me,” and she pressed my cock against her hip again and then slipped my cock under her suspender and released her grip. The feeling was wonderful and I naturally began to thrust my hips.

“Keep your hands behind your back,” she said, firmly. I did as I was told and continued my thrusting and I watched as she dipped her fingers deep into her pussy, working them around. When she removed them, they were dripping with juices and, as her soaking, slippery fingers gripped my cock again, her fingers sliding around my glands, the feeling was simply incredible.

I let out a deep low groan and started to thrust harder, her silky hand allowing my cock to slide against her skin I kept thrusting, her hand gripping my cock harder and harder, the sensations becoming deeper and deeper.

“Are you going to cum?” I nodded, and even though I tried to say something, I just grunted, “Tell me, tell me!”

“Yes, oh fuck,” and just as I thought I was going to explode, she let go. Oh god, no!

My instinct was to grab my cock and, as I moved, she was ready.

“Don’t you fucking dare move!” Her voice was strong, confident, and assertive. “Don’t you dare!” I froze.

The agony, the pain, whatever it was, is difficult to describe. My cock was throbbing, aching, and twitching and I felt some cum dribble out, simply increasing the sensation against her skin. What she did next I will never forget.

She had been looking at my face but now looked down at my cock, still under her suspender, and she took hold of the suspender on either side of my helmet and adjusted herself slightly, so the belt was over my glands and she pressed down hard.

“Oh, fucking hell!” I tried to thrust my hips forward but she was pressing so hard on the strap, it would not move and when I attempted to pull away, she pressed harder. “Oh, fucking hell, Sarah, please!”

I stayed like that for what seemed an age. She didn’t say a word, but eventually she slowly began to release the pressure until she finally let go of the strap. The feeling was incredible and I shuddered, just the feeling of her silky thigh sending the most intense sensations through me, and it was too much; my cock erupted, my cum flying out over her pussy, over her stockings, and over the window.

I stayed there for as long as I dared, and then slowly, and reluctantly I stepped back, my cock slipping out from her suspender and off her soft, silky thigh. She didn’t say a word; she just straightened up and, with the hem of her dress still around her waist, she picked up her glass and walked away, down the hall towards her bedroom, her beautiful bottom wiggling delightfully. And I heard the door shut behind her.

Published 4 weeks ago

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