“Do you know where Carl is?”
“Yes, he’s with Jon?”
“I know he’s with Jon, but where?” That’s an odd question, I thought, but I finished making her coffee.
“Hope that’s how you like it? They are in Munich.”
She looked at me as if she knew something I didn’t.
“Amy, what is it?” She was thinking, I didn’t know what and there was a part of me that didn’t want to hear her answer.
“Have you spoken to Carl, like yesterday, or today?” No, I hadn’t. It wasn’t like we checked up on each other and, anyway, he would be home this evening.
“No, I haven’t. I was out last night. Amy, what is it?” She sipped her coffee and put it down, still thinking. “For fucks sake, Amy, what’s happened?”
She didn’t say anything but reached into her bag and, after clicking on her phone for a few seconds, placed it on the worktop in front of me. It was the “Find my” app.
“There’s my phone, showing here.” Yes, I could see that. “And there is Jon’s phone, now, at this moment.” Oh, I see. “That is the West End. London,” she added as if I needed telling.
“I didn’t think they were flying back until this evening.”
“That’s what I thought.” She picked up her phone and a few seconds later put it back in front of me. “This is a screenshot from yesterday evening.” I didn’t want to look, but I knew I must. “And this,” she said, flicking the screen, “was mid-night.” Fucking hell!
By the time Amy had left, I was feeling nauseous. She had given me the full rundown. Apparently, she had suspected something wasn’t right and this was the third time she had tracked his phone when he said he was away, each time with Carl. And, to confirm matters, the air tag she had put in his suitcase had confirmed matters.
My first stop was the office. His passport wasn’t there. Good, I thought, but then realised there was no second stop and I realised that was it, he could have been on the fucking moon, for all I knew. But I kept telling myself, this did not mean Carl didn’t go.
It was a long afternoon. I checked the airport and the flight from Munich was on time and I rang him, only to be told the phone was turned off. Fair enough, I thought. My alarm went to tell me the plane had landed so I waiting ten or so minutes and rang him.
“Hi, darling.”
“Oh, hi, my love, just wondering what time you’ll be home.” I could hear the bustle of people and it sounded like he was walking.
“As long as the train is running on time, about an hour, perhaps a little longer.”
I had already tried the App. It wasn’t showing his phone. I wasn’t sure why.
“How long will you be gone?”
“Just the night. We are out with clients in the evening, not sure where. Not exactly looking forward to it, if I’m honest.” His bag was already packed and I watched as he set the alarm on his phone, before strolling into the bathroom.
Amy had shown me what to do. I was shaking as I opened the screen and quickly changed the settings in the app, and by the time he slipped into bed, I was reading my book, he being non-the-wiser.
“Are you meeting Jon at the airport?” He looked surprised by the question.
“No, we are on the same train.”
We made love that night, as we always do when he goes away. It was lovely, as it always was, nothing very different, and when he orgasmed, he held me tight until he finally rolled off me. I felt like I always did, happy and content, and I slipped out of bed and into the en-suite.
I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong but I was feeling guilty. I had no reason not to trust him, other than for one thing. When I’d asked him about his trip to Munich, he had told me all about it and, without any prompting he had confirmed Jon had been with him.
As I brushed my hair I took a better look at Sarah. Though I say so myself, I was in good shape for a thirty-something-year-old mother. I had never carried much weight and childbirth had been kind to me, it helping that I was still in my teens when we had our first and only child.
And now? Well, I ran nearly every day and hit the gym, and I was pleased to get the odd lingering glance from some of the guys. Yes, it was nice to be looked at, to catch a man following my bottom as I ran past.
I didn’t sleep well and was up to see him leave, and he grabbed me at the door and gave me a long deep kiss, his hands gripping my bottom.
“I should be home Friday early afternoon,” he had said and repeated the flight time for me. “Meet me at the station and we can have a drink on the way home.”
It wasn’t busy at the gym and when I got home, I had a small breakfast and a coffee. Come on, Sarah, I thought, check the phone, but I didn’t want to. This is silly, Sarah, you have no reason to check on him.
I don’t know exactly how long I just sat there, but my coffee went cold so I made another and then when upstairs to shower and change.
I was drying my hair when I got her message.
“So where is he?”
“On the flight.”
“You know that for certain?”
“No, I think so.”
I waited a few minutes for her to reply but there was silence, and I realised I was shaking. For fucks sake, Sarah, I thought, just check the fucking app. So, I did. And I wish I hadn’t. Fuck!
“It’s just here, mate.”
The taxi driver pulled over and we scrabbled out, and a few minutes later we were at our table, enjoying a drink and two lovely girls who had joined us almost immediately. They knew us and very soon they were chatting with our guests who were more than happy for a scantily dressed twenty-year-old girl to chat to, to flirt with and it wasn’t long before they had gone off for a private dance.
“I fucking love this place,” Jon said, taking a sip of his over-priced gin and tonic. And, so did I. We had been members here for a couple of years and it was the perfect place to entertain our male customers. And female, for that matter; we had brought several of them here, and they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It had to be the right customer but, to date, we haven’t got it wrong yet. And business was booming. Fuck, it was booming.
Several hours later, we waved goodbye to our guests, and we grabbed a cab to head back towards our hotel.
“They seemed to enjoy that.” They most certainly had and so had we. Whilst our guests enjoyed the company of several of the girls, all of which were fucking gorgeous, Jon and I had been spoilt by two of our regular girls. As members, and members who had a corporate account with the club, we were popular. Of course, I would like to say it was due to our good looks and sparkling personalities, but neither of us was stupid.
“Are we going to The Arch?” Jon was smiling, knowing damn well what I would say.
“Might as well! I mean it’s still quite early and we don’t have to rush off anyway in the morning.”
“Too right,” he said and he turned to speak to the driver. “Hey, mate, can you take us to Swallow Street? It’s just off Piccadilly.”
We had been recommended The Arch Club by one of the girls at the Sabrina’s. It was not cheap, but after one evening there we had applied for membership and, well as they would say, the rest was history. That was nearly three years ago and, if anything, the place had got better and better.
It was busy, but numbers were restricted and being members we were soon at our favourite table, sipping our drinks and half an hour later, the beautiful Anna had my rock-hard cock in her mouth, whilst the equally stunning and incredibly horny Mia, lowered her smoothly shaven pussy onto my face.
I felt sick. Amy had just shown me everything she had found out. She had been busy, well, her and the private detective she had hired. Fucking hell, I felt sick. And the trouble was I knew she was telling the truth.
That night I had followed the tracker, and it was easy enough to identify the club. The other place didn’t show on the map, but Amy knew what it was, and it had all been confirmed by the detective.
“What did he say when he got home?”
“Nothing.” And that made it worse if it could get worse, that is. “I met him off the train and we had a drink and..” I tailed off, not wanting to tell her the rest.
“We came home and made love.” And it had been lovely.
“You didn’t say anything then?”
No, I hadn’t. I had intended to ask him straight out, but I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to know the truth, it was as simple as that and even if the bastard was cheating, I knew I still loved him. But, now hearing in more detail, my blood was running.
“Have you had it out with Jon?”
She looked up from her laptop, a sheepish look across her face. “No, I haven’t. Not yet. I’ve got some things to sort out first. But I intend to exact revenge.”
“A dish best served cold?”
“Exactly! So don’t say anything, yet.”
I tried to forget the app. A few weeks later he was off again, with Jon. Berlin he said, a very important deal. I had no reason to believe it was not a very important deal, just not in Berlin, but I was pleased when I saw that the phone was back at a hotel, the hotel I assumed they had booked, by 10 pm.
“They got a takeaway.” Amy had her laptop in front of her, and she spun it around to show me the menu. Fucking hell! As I scrolled down the menu, my stomach turned. Which one? Or was it two? “It was an overnight booking.”
I clicked on one of the images. Fucking hell. And then another. Fuck!
“What’s CIM, and OWO?”
“Look them up,” she said, looking up briefly from her phone. I carried on reading down the list of “services”; Party+, Spanking giving, Strap on Play, the list went on. I clicked back to the menu. Shit, are these girls real!
“Amy, stupid question, but these girls?”
“What about them?”
“They are gorgeous! Are these photos really them?” She got up and walked around the island and sat down next to me. She scrolled down and clicked on a random young lady.
“There, that’s a selfie of this one.” Fuck, she was lovely.
By the time she left, we had managed to laugh about our predicament, just a little. She was making plans, she had said, and I had agreed to stay quiet, for now. But I wasn’t just going to await my fate.
“So, I’ll be home about 6 pm.”
He had watched me dress and I had made sure he saw it all. My hold-ups were new and when I slipped on my panties, I saw his reflection in the mirror, his eyes looking at my bottom as I pulled on my black skirt. A quick check in the mirror and I was pleased and, as I finished buttoning up my blouse, he was still watching me.
When I told him I was going back to work, he expressed surprise. Why he had asked, it wasn’t as if we needed the money, which was true. It was only three days a week, back at the estate agents where I used to work. It will keep me occupied, I had said, and they were very busy.
He was waiting for me when I got in. “How did it go?” he asked and handed me a glass of wine.
“It was great, I really enjoyed that,” I said, taking a sip. And I had. It was lovely to see a few old faces and the new staff were young, lively and very friendly, and Pete, the owner, had not been joking when they said they were busy. I had been given an area and I already had half a dozen enquiries and three new properties to view as prospective sellers. And there was something else.
I first noticed it when I was walking to the office. Did he take a second look at me? I’m sure he had. And later, as I was updating the window, a young man stopped and smiled directly at me. I had smiled back and carried on, and I could see him look me up and down. As I turned, he smiled again before walking slowly away, glancing back over his shoulder.
“Do you like it?”
“Sarah, you look lovely!” There was more than a hint of surprise in his voice but I didn’t care. I did look fucking lovely. “What made you do that?”
“It’s only a haircut,” and I gave my head a little shake.
“You look, um, you look, younger.”
“Thank you!”
I had had my first payday, and it had included my first bonus, just for a couple of rentals, which I had not been expecting. So, I had treated myself. A lovely new haircut, a facial and, well, as I said, I spoiled myself.
I’d never had a wax and, if I was being honest, it had never crossed my mind, until I had seen those girls. It wasn’t the full treatment, just a close tidy. Oh my, oh my! As soon as I had got home, I had rushed upstairs and, there, in front of the bathroom mirror I had masturbated, using my vibrator around my smooth lips and circling my clitoris, until I had orgasmed hard. Fuck, I needed that.
He was quieter than usual that night, and even though we made love, and he came deep inside me, there was something on his mind. When he left for the airport, he asked me what plans I had whilst he was away. You are asking me?! The fucking hypocritic, I could have hit him, but I held my council. I had promised Amy.
It was the following day when I got the message that it hit home.
“Be home about 5 pm. Will you be home or out again?” What the fuck does he mean by that?! He doesn’t like it, does he?! When I had first told him I was having a drink after work with a few colleagues, he had gone quiet.
I checked his phone on the App. He was in London, a pub, near Paddington. Bastard, I thought, and I looked at the flight times from Munich. Cancelled! Oh, bloody hell, I wonder what he will say now, or will he have even checked?
We did not make love that night. I said I was tired. So was he, the meetings having dragged on and on. Apparently, they only just made their flight. Cunt!
“Amy, I can’t go on like this. I’m going to confront him.” She was pouring me a coffee and I could see she was concerned.
“Sarah, please not yet. Let me show you this.” Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
As she went through the “evidence”, my blood began to boil and by the time she had finished, I was seething. The fucking, lying, cheating, two-faced, cunt! And I hate that word, but it fitted him perfectly.
“So, you can see why I need a little more time?”
“Where did you get this?”
“The accountant had no choice. I’m a Director, and so are you, so he had to show me.”
“But why hadn’t he shown us this before?”
“Because they told him not to!” Bastards! “So, all those expenses which we would think are the flights and travel, are for their whores!” It was thousands and thousands of pounds!
“What are you going to do, Amy?”
“I’m going to take him for every fucking penny he’s got! My solicitor says this is fraud.”
“Sarah, you are going for a drink after work, aren’t you?” I liked Danni. She was very typical of the youngsters in the office, lively and fun. And yes, I was going for a drink, and I was looking forward to it. The end-of-month figures had been announced and everyone would be celebrating. “Pete has said he’s in the chair, well, for the first few.”
We shut the office at 6 pm and we were soon popping the Prosecco, the boys on the latest fashionable designer beer. It was fun, everyone in a good mood and I enjoyed the company of younger ones, and even though I got collared by Pete for a short while, I didn’t mind his attention.
I was at the bar when he said “hi” and I jumped, just a little.
“You are the lovely girl in the window?” I laughed and he smiled.
“Girl? I wish!” I said, before adding, “Just advertising my wares!” and he laughed. Oh my, he was lovely. I had seen him a few times and he had always smiled at me and now, standing next to him, I could take a better look.
It was his friend who broke the spell, he had interrupted our conversation to find out where the drinks were, and I realised I had been staring at him, probably a little more than I should have.
“This is Ben,” he said, “he’s always thirsty.”
“Oh, hi Ben, I’m Sarah.” I then realised I hadn’t told him my name.
“Sarah. I’m Charlie,” he said and I found myself looking into his lovely blue eyes again.
They both worked at the marketing company at the top of the High Street and were both absolutely charming, and even though Charlie was most definitely the handsome one, Ben was very cute and when they eventually rejoined their colleagues, I wandered back to our group, very pleased with myself.
“I see you’ve met Charlie and his friend,” said Danni. She was smiling. “Cute, aren’t they?”
“You know them?”
“Not up close and personal,” she said, “but I would!” and I knew exactly what she meant by that.
It was very busy but over the next hour or so, I would glance over towards them and first, Ben spotted me and smiled, and a little later Charlie did the same, and I felt myself tingle. Don’t be fucking silly Sarah, I thought to myself and, as I turned away, I saw him.
He was leaning against a pillar, a half-drunk pint in his hand, looking directly at me.
“Enjoying yourself?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
“Carl, what’s the matter? Anyway, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be in Munich, or was it Berlin? Or was it Timbuktu?”
“Yeah, well, I decided not to go.”
“Why do you think? Thought I’d see what your drink nights are like.”
I could not believe how calm I was, after all, I was not in the wrong here. Neither of us were shouting, in fact, we were just like anyone else in there, just a conversation between two people.
“Carl, I am having a couple of drinks with my work colleagues. What’s wrong with that?”
“Oh yeah, and who were those two lads?”
“Their names are Ben and Charlie, and they just happened to say hello, that was all.”
His expression changed. “I’m not stupid, you were all smiles, little flick of the hair.”
I took a deep breath. Enough was enough, sorry Amy, I thought. I took a little sip of my drink and then leaned a bit closer to him, close enough he could hear clearly, close enough that I didn’t need to shout.
“And I am not stupid either. How was your last trip to Munich? Or the one before to Berlin? Or all the others?”
“And how are the girls at Sabrina’s? Or the prostitutes at The Arch Club?” I stared at him, loathing written across my face.
“Sarah, I don’t know what you are on about…”
“Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking dare! I have been following your phone. I know. For fuck’s sake, your flight from Munich three weeks ago was fucking cancelled! What did you do, walk back!?” His face was bright red, his eyes were flicking around. Just for a second, I thought I had gone too far but I needed to finish what he had started. I leaned towards him again.
“Now, you can fuck off home and wait for me there. Or would you prefer me to let everyone in here know what a lying cheating two-faced bastard you really are?” And without waiting for a reply, I turned and walked slowly back to my friends.
Oh, fuck, I am in trouble. I’d never seen her like that, in all respects. For a start, I could not remember the last time I saw her looking so lovely, her face bright and alive, and dressed in her office suit, showing off her lovely fit figure, her legs looking smooth and shapely. Oh yes, I was jealous alright. And I had never seen her so angry, if angry was the word. Seething, furious, I don’t know what, but I knew I was in trouble.
I felt terrible, all sorts of scenarios rushing through my head. “I know,” she had said. Oh fuck. Perhaps a one-off I could get away with, but what I had been doing was not a one-off.
When I got in, I headed straight to bed. Lizzy, our beautiful sixteen-year-old daughter was watching the telly and shouted to me as I climbed the stairs.
“You alright Dad?”
“Yeah, yeah, think I’ve got a bit of a sick bug.”
“Mum’s out with her work lot,” she said, and then added, “She’s loving her job.” Yes, she was. I wasn’t lying when I said a sick bug. I had never felt anything like it, my mouth was dry and I was sure I was going to throw up. But it wasn’t a bug.
I decided to sleep in the spare room. I was sure she would not want me near her and I did not want to hear what she was going to say. Fuck, she knows. Fuck!
“Morning, Mum.”
“Good morning, Sweetpea,” and we kissed. “I need a tea,” I said, reaching for a mug. Here goes, I thought. “Where’s your father?”
“He left for work about an hour ago.” I was about to ask her how she would know that, given she is not the earliest riser before she continued, “He didn’t feel very well, hasn’t slept, so he’s gone in early.”
“Oh, I see.” I stirred the tea bag and went to the fridge to get some milk.
“Mum, have you and Dad had an argument?”
“Um, yes, did he say something?”
“No, but he seemed very unhappy.” Too fucking right, he would be unhappy, I thought to myself. “Are you OK, Mum?” Yes, I was. I was worried yes, uncertain about the future, yes. But I was OK, in fact, better than OK. I felt wonderful, I felt content, I felt like a woman.
I hadn’t planned it. I was about to leave. The youngsters were heading elsewhere and I was worried, after all, it’s not every day you confront your husband about his extra-marital activities.
“On your own?” It was Ben and he was soon joined by Charlie. Oh yes, these two were a double-act, and I would guess, a very successful one at that. They were charming and even though I kept telling myself they were just having a bit of a flirt with an older woman, I was flattered.
By now, it was very busy, and I found myself pressed between them, and now and again, people pushing behind me had me pressing into them. It was lovely fun, and I found myself laughing with them, enjoying the warmth, and when I felt a hand on my hip, and then my bottom, I smiled and when another joined it, I found myself growing in confidence. Good God, I thought, these two lovely gorgeous young men actually fancied me.
So, when Ben leaned close to me, speaking into my ear, I allowed my cheek to brush his and, as he withdrew, I kissed him. Fuck! Wow! I don’t know how long we kissed, perhaps no more than a few seconds, but it was enough to send shivers of excitement through me and I felt him press himself against me. Fuck, it was unmistakeable, he had a hard-on.
And then it was Charlie’s turn. The same thing, the kiss was so horny, his hand squeezing my bottom, and again, I felt the hardness of his cock against my hip. Good God, Sarah, this was the first time I had kissed someone like that, other than my husband. And the first time I had felt an erect cock against me, other than my husband’s. And there were two of them!
I had never felt so nervous as this, ever. Even when Carl and I had first fucked, I had not felt like this, that being more of a fumble in the dark. I was sure this was not going to be a fumble.
No one suggested we leave together, no one suggested we would go back to their place. It just seemed to happen. Unlike me, the two lads seemed very much at ease and, as easy as you like, Charlie put his arm around me and kissed me, and I responded, my heart thumping in my chest and when Ben took my glass and he too began to kiss me, the butterflies began to fly. Holy Moly, Sarah!
I took it in turn to kiss them, and they took it in turns to unbutton my blouse, to remove my skirt, and to unclip my bra. And then to slide down my panties, and slide their fingers into my pussy, and suck my nipples. It was Charlie who eased me onto the sofa and, after working his way down my body, his tongue began to explore and tease my pussy.
Oh, it was wonderful. Ben was standing next to me and, as soon as he started to undress, I reached for him, my hands exploring his body, so when he removed his jeans, I grabbed his pants and, after a brief struggle to get them over his erection, I released his young cock. Oh my, oh my!
Another first! I have always liked giving oral to Carl, but this was another level altogether. For a start, it was so much bigger, thicker and rock-hard, and he was completely shaved. I gorged myself on it, taking as much as I could into my mouth, and then running my lips and tongue around and around the glands, my fingers exploring his testicles and bottom.
It was with Ben’s cock deep in my mouth, and Charlie’s tongue lapping my pussy that I had my first incredible orgasm. And what an orgasm it was! Usually, that would be that, but as soon as it began to recede, I pulled Charlie up to me and soon he too was naked, and another lovely rock-hard cock was in my mouth.
I did things in the next couple of hours I could never have dreamed of. The list of firsts got longer and longer, and even when I thought that surely they were exhausted, I found myself being ravished again, their young cocks responding to my every touch. And even when I had finally managed to get dressed, Charlie seduced me again, undressing me against the wall, and began to fuck me again, standing against the wall, and I ended up impaled on his cock, my arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist, his cock taking the rest of my weight.
“I must go, I must go,” I said, quite breathlessly, Ben still kissing my neck.
“Taxi is here.” Charlie was looking out of the window and they both walked me to the door.
“Thank you, Charlie,” I said and kissed him. Oh, he was lovely.
“My pleasure,” he said smiling and kissed me again before adding, “Sarah, you are wonderful.” I smiled and then turned to his friend.
“Ben, thank you,” and he too kissed me, softly, passionately.
“Sarah, if you are ever in need of some company, you know where I am,” he said.
“Where we are, you mean!” added Charlie.
I didn’t want to go. I could have happily stayed there all night, and all the next day, even longer, but in the taxi, reality hit me. I was not looking forward to the morning.
“So, Amy, I had to tell him I knew.” She didn’t seem too worried, more intrigued.
“What did he say?” I explained what had happened next and there was no doubt her interest was raised.
“What about when you got home?” and again I explained. “So, you haven’t seen him since.”
“No. I think it will all come to a head when he gets home this evening. Has Jon said anything?”
“Well, no. He is supposed to be in Berlin, or fuck-knows-where, the lying cheating bastard.”
“I’m sorry, Amy.”
“Sarah, it’s fine. I am ready now,” and she reached into her handbag and handed me a flob. “And this is everything you will need. You wait ‘til you see this. If this doesn’t make you want to kill the slimy little cunt, nothing will!”
It was just as I was about to leave that she asked me. “So, who were these two lovely guys? You should try to catch them again, you never know you might get lucky.”
An hour later, I finally managed to leave. I had tried to play it all down, but she gradually managed to get me to tell her more, and more, almost always followed by “You lucky cow!”
Carl beat me home. Lizzy was doing something on her phone, but smiled before nodding towards the kitchen, a sort of warning that he was there. Here goes, I thought.
A minute or so later, I reappeared from the kitchen, Carl just behind me.
“Lizzy, me and your Dad are going for an end-of-week drink together. We won’t be long,” and she smiled. I glanced back towards her as Carl got his jacket and she blew me a kiss.
I found a seat and waited for Carl to return from the bar with the drinks.
“Thanks,” I said, and took a good gulp, trying to stay calm. He didn’t say anything, but he took a sip and slowly put his pint down, his eyes fixed on the drink in front of him.
“I thought it was best we had this conversation in public.” I was not going to explain why. All I knew was it would less likely turn into a shouting match, and I did not want Lizzy to hear what was about to be said.
“Did you speak to Jon today?”
“Yes,” he said nodding, but not looking up.
“What do you think?” Oh, I could imagine the panic.
“Carl, there is absolutely no point in discussing what has happened. There is nothing you can say to justify what you have been doing. Nothing. You cannot deny or defend what you have done.”
“Sarah, it’s not what you think, well not all of it..” but I didn’t let him finish.
“We have photos. We have videos. We have copies of all the receipts. And, by the way, your little prick of an accountant was sacked today for gross misconduct.”
He didn’t look up. “What now?”
“You mean, what about us, now?”
“If it wasn’t for Lizzy, I would divorce you tomorrow. We will be getting a divorce, but not yet, unless you want one now, that is?”
“Thought you’d want one now, so you can go out fucking kids every night.” There was distinct anger in his voice.
“You fucking hypocrite,” I hissed and I leaned towards him. “Do you want to know what I did last night? Well, do you?” I said, my voice still quiet but now firm. “I’ll tell you what I did last night, and then you can tell me what you did on your last trip, or the trip before that, or the other two dozen or more of your so-called business trips.”
He kept his head down, both hands gripping the glass in front of him. I finished my drink and without saying a word, I got up and walked to the bar and ordered. As I waited, I looked over at him, his head now in his hands. Fuck him, I thought, I could fucking kill him.
I didn’t say anything but just put his drink next to the one he was gripping tightly and calmly took a sip of mine.
“I do like this cider,” I said, without any hint of the fury burning inside me.
“I think this is the only place I know that serves it,” he said, looking up.
“I can’t remember ever coming in here?” I said, looking around.
“I sometimes meet Ali here, it’s his local.”
He finished his first pint and took the fresh one and instinctively raised it, just as he would do to acknowledge someone who had bought the pint. And I did likewise and we looked at each other.