Return to Puerto Banus Continued. Part 1

"Loving wife continues her exhibitionist behaviour."

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We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.

Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our exhibitionist foreplay and it always results in some wild sex. This particular vacation coincided with my most fertile time of the month which always leaves me in an almost continual state of arousal.

When we awoke the following morning, we decided not to plan the day but just amble around the town and see where it goes.

We both showered and dressed for the day. I tousled my hair, slipped on a g-string and a well-worn tee shirt. I knew the absence of a bra made would make my prominent nipples more noticeable and I loved the sensation of them against the thin material. I completed my outfit with a shabby pair of cut-off jeans which Dave loves me to wear because they display a good portion of my ass cheeks. Dave said I looked like a beach bum, a very sexy beach bum and joked about how much I loved men sneaking a look at my booty. I teased that I didn’t know what he was talking about, but yes, I do love it. I donned a pair of sunglasses, picked up my purse and we were good to go.

We knew there were some nice shops along the back road so we decided to head there first. I looked with envy at the mannequins in the designer shops, the clothes were to die for but so expensive. Further along, we came across a shop selling club wear at what seemed like more reasonable prices.

My eye was drawn to one of the mannequins in the window that was dressed in a sexy white leather mini dress with eye-catching diamante stones on the shoulder straps and a full-length two-way zip. The bodice was cut low to mid bust line where the zip started and the zipper had been adjusted down almost to the navel to show the slight swellings of the small breasted model. It was also left partially unzipped on the skirt. The mirrored wall in the window reflected the view from the back which showed the dress was scooped quite low in the back as well. It looked stunning and Dave wasted no time in encouraging me to try it on.

Entering the shop, we were greeted by a young lady who soon found one to suit my size from the stock room. Immediately, I felt the quality of the fine leather I loved it and couldn’t wait to try it on. The assistant escorted me to the changing cubicles where she untied the curtain and pulled it across the doorway

Standing in front of the long mirror, I could see that all my workouts at the gym had paid off and kept my body in good shape. Even after having two children, my tummy had returned to its pre-pregnancy days. I unzipped the diamante zipper to try it on. The feel of the fine, unlined leather was incredibly sexy. It fit like a glove.

My B-cup bust was larger than the mannequin’s and with the zipper pulled up, quite a substantial amount of my cleavage was pushed up and on display. The softness of the leather made my sensitive nipples harden almost immediately and their protrusions were easily detectable which I liked.

I played around with the zippers and could see some amazing potential for showing my boobs. It could also be zipped both up and down until the zippers met. When zipped to the maximum expanse of my breasts, the zip would not always stay in position and would slip down to reveal more and more of my cleavage, especially when my chest expanded as I breathed in. I knew Dave would be impressed and I hoped it would invite some voyeuristic interest.

I knew straightaway Dave would love me to have it and excitedly adjusted the zippers as they had been arranged on the mannequin and asked the assistant if she had some stilettoes I could try with it to compliment the outfit. Slipping on the pair she brought me, I then stepped out of the changing room to see his reaction. He loved it, especially seeing how much of my boobs were showing as I turned slowly around so that he could see it properly. He said I looked absolutely stunning and loved how the zippers could be adjusted. My emotions bubbled when he told me he would be thrilled to take me out wearing it.

Feeling turned on and wanting to tease my husband, I suggested we browse the racks to see if anything else would be of interest in this Aladdin’s Cave of sexy club-wear. I wandered round the shop to get the feel of the dress and constantly kept checking myself out in the mirrors fixed to the pillars

Then, typical of Dave, he handed me a sheer mesh top which he had found. The pale blue mesh was virtually see-through but for a four-inch strip of satin across the bust line, and he begged me to try it on. So, back to the changing cubicle and I tried it on. The strip of satin didn’t even conceal the lower curves of my breasts at all. In fact, my nipples were only just covered. The thought of promenading around in the evening with this top on and a short skirt really excited me and I knew Dave would definitely want me to wear this to a bar or club as well.

As I stepped out to show him, he was chatting to another guy whose wife was just browsing. Not knowing what the guys’ reaction might be, I brought my arm up to cover myself but soon relaxed when Dave asked the guy what he thought. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw how revealing it was. Dave even went on to tell him that he loved shopping with me especially when I tried on clothes that showed me off a little more and even told him I had one top where the sides of my boobs were exposed for whoever was sitting on either side of me…which really made me blush but I loved it.

I was spoilt for choice. [SK1] Given the cost of 300 euros for the dress and 125 euros for the top, it was a bit more than we had intended to spend. We decided to just go for the top and asked the assistant to put the dress aside as we wanted to think about it. The top was neatly packaged and we left the shop feeling very pleased with our purchase. But oh, how I loved that dress, and regretted being unable to afford it, too.

Browsing the gift shops along the street, Dave kept playfully cupping my bum cheeks. I could see my nipples were pressing prominently though my tee shirt in the reflections of the shop windows. I just loved watching people’s expressions through my dark glasses knowing they were ogling my jiggling tits as they walked towards us. We did a bit more window shopping and browsed some gift items, then ambled towards the marina.

Walking along the quay, we passed some boats that must have cost a fortune and wondered what it must be like to be able to afford those sort of things. We came across a couple that were for sale and speculated how much they would be selling for. Admiring one of these, we started chatting with a guy who said he was the deckhand. Dave remarked how lucky he was to have such an enviable job, but the guy said life aboard as a deckhand was not as glamorous as we might think.

With his eyes roaming over me as he kept the conversation going, he continued that these last two weeks, he had just been hanging around doing odd bits of routine maintenance. Also, his employer wanted him on hand to show any potential buyers around and said he’d be happy to give us a tour if we wanted a look. As we moved to walk away, Dave told him it was well out of our league and we had no intention of buying, but he invited us aboard to have a look anyway.

Obviously, Dave had noticed him brazenly focusing his eyes on my chest. After we had wandered on a few yards, Dave said he felt sure his invitation was based on how prominent my nipples were. Leaning in, he whispered, “It could be fun,” and suggested we return and take him up on his offer. I’ve got to say the guy was pretty hot. Probably in his early forties, he was in good shape, had a cheeky smile and a tanned weathered face that I found interested me.

We introduced ourselves and he told us his name was Greg. Ushering us on board and down the steps to a very spacious salon, he really went for the sales pitch, pointing out all the expensive fittings, telling us how much the owner had spent on the refurbishments. He pointed us towards the master cabin which he said was really worth a look. The cabin was awesome, fitted with gold fittings and a mirrored ceiling as well as a large TV screen. Then, as he continued the tour, he said he’d show us the crew quarters at the back of the boat, reiterating that crewing these boats was not as glamorous as it looked.

We followed him down a narrow passageway and were surprised to see how small the crew quarters were at the stern. He then turned to walk back and needed to squeeze past us. I felt a shiver of excitement as he squeezed past me, his chest purposely grazing against my boobs making my nipples stiffen against my tee shirt. Dave could see what he’d done and winked at me as if to say ‘I bet you enjoyed that.’

He then invited us to the top sundeck for a couple of beers which sounded very refreshing. We chatted about where we were from and were surprised to learn he was from Brecon, which was not far from our new house. I felt very comfortable in his presence.

The conversation eventually got around to talking about the resort and, of course, my second favourite thing: shopping and how expensive items in the shops were in the area. Dave joked that he had spent a fortune and mentioned that one shop we had visited had some very sexy clothing for sale. He also revealed I had just bought a sexy top and mentioned the dress I fancied. I joked that Dave was too stingy to buy it for me.

Describing the dress, the dialogue was getting quite flirty. Dave then justified himself by saying how sexy I looked in the top and how he couldn’t wait to see me in it again. Greg followed up, asking if it was really that provocative. Sort of knowing where the conversation was going, I pulled it out of the bag to show him. Dave quickly proposed I try it on to see what Greg thought about it and said he was sure he would want to see me in it. Greg was full of enthusiasm and suggested I could use the saloon below the deck to try it on if I wanted. The mere thought that I might get some admiring comments and arouse this guy sent the butterflies off as I pretended to reluctantly agree to their request.

Looking in the mirror in the saloon, I stripped off my tee shirt and gave my already hardened nipples a bit of a squeeze. The sensual feeling of the light mesh excited me as I pulled the top down over my breasts. I could tell that even with the slightest tug to the hemline at the back, my sensitive nipples would pop into view. I played with the top so that the light mesh just showed my lower curves and hoped it would stay that way, if only to tease them both for a while.

My adrenaline was pumping as I climbed back up the steps to the sundeck. Dave was smiling like the cat who just got the cream and Greg was all eyes. Dave whipped out his phone to take a shot. After several glamor-like shots, Dave suggested I pose with my hands holding the canopy frame above and I knew Greg was angling for something more as well. Given this opportunity to show off more, who was I to argue? Greg was fairly good-looking with an athletic body so I sort of fancied him and went ahead and posed in several positions with a sexy pout. Yes, as you can imagine, the top rose up to completely expose my jutting nipples for their pleasure and go towards satisfying my insatiable emotional needs. I felt so turned on watching their reactions. Memories of the previous night’s conversation were flitting through my mind as I posed provocatively for them. I wondered if Greg would be the one I would encourage some touching with in front of my loving husband. Greg then asked if he could possibly take some shots as well as it had really made his day and wanted something to remember it by.

Following the ‘photo shoot’ I returned to sit opposite Greg and sat with one foot on the seat with my knee raised and at right angles to my other leg, offering unobstructed views of my inner thighs. Although I was sitting in such a provocative way, Greg couldn’t actually see my pussy, but I could see his eyes openly drifting between my legs which stirred me immensely. We all knew how much excitement my exposure was causing. The mood was totally erotic and I felt a lot more confident, especially as Greg’s arousal was evident and he wasn’t taking any steps to conceal it.

A couple more beers and not having eaten had left us a bit woozy so we decided to move on to get some lunch. Greg offered to knock something up for us but we declined. As we got up to leave, Dave suggested Greg take a picture of us standing together on the fly bridge.

Standing behind me, Dave wasted no time lifting my top exposing both my complete breasts to him for the shot. Then Dave suggested he take a picture of me with Greg standing behind me as well. Greg eagerly moved to stand behind me and holding me close, did nothing to disguise his erection. I must admit I was enjoying his embrace, especially the feeling of his hard-on pressed into my back.

I desperately wanted his hands to cup and fondle my breasts and was not disappointed when I could feel his thumbs tentatively rub against the lower curves of my breasts leaving me breathless with the anticipation that he might. To reassure him that it would be okay, I placed my hands over his inviting them to touch me. I have had my tits felt up on many occasions but this felt completely different. Encouraging a virtual stranger to feel me up directly in front of my husband for his titillation was something else. As his hands began to softly knead my breasts, my knees almost buckled. I was really turned on, but still unsure as to how far to take my provocative behaviour, I laughed and said that that was enough and moved away.

We told Greg we really had to go and I picked up my tee shirt to change back. Dave said that I looked great in the mesh top and suggested I go as I was. Greg commented also that it would be fine, as many women wore skimpy clothes coming from the beach. It didn’t look quite right with my shorts, but hey, this was Banus and we were in a horny mood, so I agreed.

We said our goodbyes to Greg, who I was certain had expected a little more, and continued our stroll along the quayside. I began to be aware that as I walked, my jiggling breasts seemed to make the top rise and fall and I was totally conscious of how much I was showing. Occasionally, I needed to pull the front down so as not to embarrass anyone who may have been offended but happily allowed it to ride back up for Dave’s pleasure. It was then that I noticed we had attracted a voyeur!

The guy had been walking towards us and had obviously seen the lower curves of my breasts jiggling under my top. After the guy walked past us, he then changed direction to walk some way in front of us before turning back and slowly walking towards us. I pretended not to notice and thought. ‘Why not have some fun?’

Feeling quite mischievous, I raised my arm and pointed up to a nearby building, knowing it would expose my total breast though the fine mesh for his appreciation. Quickly looking back at him, I found his eyes were lecherously glued to my chest. This sent another quake through my already aroused body. When I caught his gaze, still feeling very mischievous, I cupped the underside of my boobs for him. I bet he didn’t see that coming. He smiled sheepishly and continued past us. Little did he realize; I was flashing him to please my husband and I hoped it gave him something to wank over later.

Passing a few cafés, we found a place with tables right on the edge of the marina wall and opted for one of these. Then we ordered a jug of sangria and some baguettes. Chatting about the morning’s activities, the many ‘what ifs’ really kept the pot stirred. Dave asked whether I would have taken things further with Greg as he had clearly showed interest. I replied that after he brushed his chest across my breasts, I felt sure he would be up for a bit of teasing. We recalled some of our previous situations when I had eyed other men and shown them the goods. Yes, there had been some mild touching and fondling. I was determined to keep Dave in the permanently aroused state I had inspired earlier, so teased that I often fantasised about other men while I masturbated.

We discussed the way we felt when Greg cupped my breasts for one photo, the fantasies we’d spoken of, how they had really sent me over the edge the previous night. Dave asked if I wanted them to be more than just fantasies and I admitted that I had given it quite a lot of thought as well. I laughed, saying I was sure Greg would have been up for it, given half the chance. I knew he’d been interested when I could see the outline of his cock harden while I posed holding the roof frame.

Dave wanted to know if I really would have fucked Greg had he made a move. I knew he was really excited at the thought of watching another man take me. In my mind, the answer was a definite yes, and so just blurted out. “Well, you encouraged me to try on my new top and flash my tits to him so yes, Dave, I would have fucked him. Why do you think I encouraged him to cup my boobs?” I wanted to see his reaction and added, “Can’t you see how hard my nipples are just thinking about it?” The conversation was really getting me going. The discussion returned to the dress and how hot Dave said I looked in it. He said he wanted me to have it and proposed we head back to the shop to buy it.

The walk back was so arousing. Dave loved the way the lower curves of my tits could be seen through the light blue mesh for anyone who wanted to see. By resting his hand on the small of my back he could control how much I was showing with the slightest tug. I loved it. Many didn’t notice or were simply too shy to acknowledge our antics, but the ones that did appreciate my exposure were rewarded with a knowing nod.

As we approached the shop in this advanced state of arousal, Dave suggested that I try the dress on again to make sure he would like it. As if I needed to! This time, the shop was fairly busy and I had to wait for a cubicle to try it on in, but the wait was excruciatingly arousing.

The effects of our earlier sangrias were making me feel very daring. I wanted to give both my husband and myself a bit of a thrill, so I purposely didn’t close the curtain fully. I would be almost naked and visible by mirror to him and anyone else in the busy shop who wanted to spy on me.

I stripped then wiggled the dress up around me and zipped it up. The dress fit perfectly and the dip to my cleavage seemed lower than I remembered. I loved how revealing it was. The possibilities for accidental exposure were enormous. This was one very sexy dress and I couldn’t wait to step out into the shop and give Dave a little twirl. I asked for his true opinion, posing one way then the other, then demonstrated how the zipper kept slipping down when I breathed in deeply, expanding my chest so my boobs spilled out. Really wanting to impress him, I slid the lower zip up to reveal my g-string to him and asked him if it would turn him on to see other men catch a glimpse of my crotch. He instantly decided to buy it for me. Secretly, I always knew he would.

I changed back to my new top and shorts as Dave paid for my new dress. The sales assistant commented that she had already bought one and jokingly hoped we didn’t end up in the same club at the same time.

My heart was thumping on our short walk back to the hotel. We were both in a heightened state of arousal. I didn’t bother to adjust my top, opting to just let it ride up or down as my tits bounced freely. My nipples became exposed seemingly as they pleased and Dave told me he could feel his pants were wet. His cock was oozing so much precum that he hoped it didn’t show.

Arriving back at the room, I led Dave out to the balcony to the loungers. I sat opposite him with my legs in the same position as the one that I had sat in front of Greg with. Then I pulled the ragged denim covering my crotch to one side, showing him my wet pussy and asked him if he thought I should have posed like that for Greg. He replied that he wished I had and asked what else I would have done. I spread my legs wide. Then saying “Perhaps…this,” I moved my finger to slowly caress the folds of my exposed vagina and provocatively asked him if he would have liked to watch me do this in front of Greg.

I asked Dave to take care of my pussy. While he teased me and licked me, I described a fantasy of Greg fucking me. What it would feel like to experience the sensation of his hard cock slipping inside me slowly until he brought me to the brink. Then, wanting to taste the copious amounts of precum coating his hardness, I returned the pleasure and knelt in front of him taking his throbbing cock between my lips. Mouthing him, I elaborated on how I would take Greg’s cock in my mouth. He came, almost too quickly, shooting hot streams of tasty cum over my face and into my waiting mouth. I had hoped he would have lasted longer but considering the build-up I had given him I wasn’t really surprised. I stripped off my clothes and moved back to the lounger. I desperately wanted Dave to take his time and pleasure me more. He lapped away at my pussy, knowing every special spot and when the tip of his tongue wiggled deep inside me, I came on the spot. It was like a thousand butterflies rushed through me at once to give me one of the longest climaxes ever.

After I had my breath back, I cleaned up and we decided to have a coffee on the balcony. We chilled, naked, for a couple of hours as we caught the last of the afternoon sun. Dave promised to make tonight the best night ever for me. Maybe another trip to the strip club or whatever took my fancy. As always, his provocative suggestions excited me and I looked forward to what I knew would be a truly erotically charged evening. I knew that whatever we got up to would end up with a sensational night of sex when we got back to our room.

Feeling the late afternoon sun on my naked body I flicked through the photos and videos we had taken over the last two days. I could not resist the urge to caress my vagina as I reflected on the stimulating experiences. I wondered, smiling, if anyone had seen us earlier and were still watching. God, I had been on such a high all day and still was. Then I dozed off recalling the memory of Greg feeling my tits on the boat and wondering what pleasures were in store for the rest of the day.

To be continued soon.

I hope you enjoyed reading my account of our holiday so far as much as I enjoyed recalling it for you and would love to read any comments you may wish to leave.

Take care and stay safe during this difficult period. Love Mandy x



Published 5 years ago

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