I need to get laid, just cum and cum.
Nothing has turned out as I planned;
Slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.
I need a new beginning, a fresh new start;
Something to ease my restless heart.
What I need is right underneath my nose;
But it is never enough to cure my woes.
Only fills this emptiness for a little while;
I need to be wanted for me, not just my style.
So many say that they want to be mine;
I thought he was perfect for me, such a find.
Searching for that oasis to quench my thirst;
The one I wanted the most ended up being the worst.
I wonder where this hunger has come from;
Seeking relief is just making me numb.
Now I have far too much time on my hands;
I am dry like a desert, a huge barren span.
Time to regroup and choose a new path;
Nothing is adding up when I do the math.
Raked with conflict, love and hate;
If you truly want this, don’t make me wait.
Stripped to the bone, I need the truth;
Before it slips away, what is left of my youth.
They say everything happens for a reason;
Maybe change will come with a brand new season.
Floating through this life I have lost my direction;
I need something on which to bestow my affection.
Everything is in limbo, nothing is clear;
Except for that craving to have him near.
It never leaves me no matter what I try;
A curious dilemma that makes me wonder why?
All this down time is making me think;
How he treated me really just stinks.
Made me feel like I have my head buried up my butt;
Actually caring for someone who only wants to be a slut.
Trying to believe the things I am told;
The same old lines have gotten seriously old.
Yet that craving always just intensifies;
Prompted by promises that are empty lies.
Only fleeting moments of tranquil bliss;
Then spend my time thinking about who I miss.
Frustration so overwhelming eating me up inside;
I need the satisfaction I have been denied.
There is only one thing that I can believe;
That from this hunger there will be no reprieve.