Sorcha was very good at what she did. Her technique had obviously been honed to perfection over years of working in the sex industry. She moved around the head of my penis with ease and alacrity and the sensations that she generated in me were totally new and eye wateringly erotic. Her hand and oral manipulations were soft and non-invasive and the pleasure that built within me was causing a maelstrom to build up inside my penis.
I knew that it would be a very short time before I blew my stack so I placed my hands on her head and halted her progress. She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled as my tongue flicked her extended clitoris before entering her vagina, causing a similar reaction as before as she cried out upon feeling its penetration. I let my tongue enter and withdraw a few times in quick succession and she adjusted her position to allow me have full access to her beautiful pink vulva.
Another, heavier, emission of musky fluid poured from her vagina and covered my face, the sensation forcing her to lift off and slide onto her back on the bed beside me. She paused on the bedcover for a few minutes, her breath coming in rasps. She quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom to retrieve a clean towel to prevent ‘spillage’ on the bed, Tapping it down and flattening it with her hands as she smiled ruefully.
“We can’t have the housekeeping department getting annoyed with us, Billy, can we?”
“That’d never do, Sorcha, but I’m sure they’ve seen worse.”
“I suppose that holding the title of being the most bombed out hotel in the world, there’s a lot of truth in that statement.”
“Speaking of explosives, are you ok?” I asked.
“Never better, Billy,” she said, “believe it or not, it’s very rare that I get to come once, let alone twice, in the company of a client.”
“I’m so happy that you could do that with me, Sorcha.”
“I can see that you are, Billy. You’re amazing,” she said in a low growl as she crawled towards me.
“You think so?”
“Oh, yes. You have a very educated tongue, lips and hands,” she almost whispered as she moved closer.
“You’re very kind.”
“You kissed me like a lover kisses his paramour,” she whispered, as she pushed me down flat on the bed.
“Kiss me again, Billy. Make me come again,” she whispered, as her lips and tongue overpowered me.
She moved to straddle my face, giving me access once again to her receptive vagina. I immediately placed my hands on her bum and lifted her very slightly so that my tongue had room to maneuver inside her. Her hips swayed in time to the movement of my tongue. They lifted slightly when my lips closed around her clitoris, trapping it gently, while the very tip of my tongue massaged it, slowly at first and then quicker as the pitch of her breath rose to a low growling, immediately before she clutched the headboard and cried out, as she rocked her hips across my mouth to encourage a third orgasm, accompanied by a further flood of vaginal ejaculatory fluid from her discerning vagina. She was breathless as she sat astride me, her hands holding on to the headboard and her thighs squeezing my head as the orgasmic tremors abated.
“I’m so sorry, Billy,” she said, and cuddled tightly into my body.
I took the opportunity to take a quick glance at my watch. It was 10:50. We had only ten minutes left of the hour.
“Forget the time, Billy,” she said, “you’re very unselfish.”
“I’m not really, Sorcha,” I said, “I’m having such a great experience.”
She took my erection in her hand.
“What a perfect cock,” she whispered, almost to herself, as she took it in her mouth again.
She took me deep and then slowly lifted off, forcing her lips to touch every scintilla of the surface of my shaft. She kissed along the underside of my shaft down to my scrotum where she sucked one of my testicles into her mouth, holding it there and stimulating it with her tongue. She then popped it out of her mouth and began to suck on the flesh of my groin that directly abutted the base of my shaft, causing me to have palpitations of electricity throughout my sensory system.
She simultaneously produced a condom from somewhere that I hadn’t noticed, ripped it open and placed it on the head of my penis before placing her lips over it and rolling it down my shaft with her mouth.
I felt her hand as it took my penis and held it while she slowly situated herself above me, my penis directly beneath the opening of her vagina. She lowered herself onto the rampant organ and began slow almost circular contortions of her hips designed to have my penis touch and feel every part of the inner surface of her vaginal walls. It was blowing my mind and I came to the point of orgasm very quickly as she encouraged the moment of ejaculation with softly whispered words of encouragement and support. As my body reacted violently to the release she held me in the cradle of her legs and vagina until I relaxed and settled down again, kissing me slowly as she disconnected and rolled off me.
“Better?” she asked me softly.
“Perfect,” I said, “thank you, that was fantastic.”
“I know I’m over time,” she said, “can I stay a while, just to come down?”
“Of course, Sorcha,” I said, “will I order up some coffee or tea?”
“Tea would be great.”
“Any food?”
“Brown or white?”
“Oh, why are you laughing?”
“I’m yanking your chain. I usually just say, ‘it’s all brown isn’t it?’”
She patted the bed after I hung up with Room Service.
“Come and talk to me, Billy,” she said, “tell me your story.”
“There’s not much to tell, I think your story is more interesting than mine.”
“Ok, what would you like to know?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with. I have no references,” I said, “tell me your ambitions, where you see yourself in the future.”
“That’s a big conversation,” she said, ”but it’s simple too.”
“How so?”
“I’d love to be where the top girls are.”
“They’ve worked themselves into an earning position that most of us will never reach.”
“Are these girls Irish or foreign?”
“The number one girl here is Irish. She works under the name, Amelie Elite.”
“Why is she number one?”
“She works two weeks per year, four days per week and one client per day.”
“She has a number of very rich clients and she sees nobody else. The talk is that she charges €20k per day plus expenses.”
“Does she not have rent etc. to pay out of that?”
“No, it’s all outcalls to the client’s hotel.”
“For a day?”
“What’s a day?”
“Eight hours. But it can turn into an overnight stay, so you can double or triple that easily.”
“Twenty grand! That’s a lot of money, Sorcha.”
“I know, but it’s just paper to these lads, Billy, and Amelie knows it too.”
I was fascinated.
“How old would this, Amelie, be? Have you met her?”
“I’ve never met her and I have no idea of her age, Billy, but she’d be in her forties at least. I was told that she’s got about two more years before she packs it in,” she said, “you can see these Eastern European and Brazilian girls starting to circle already.”
“In Ireland?”
“Yes,” she laughed, “there’s an Amelie Elite in every country. With a thousand more fighting to take her place.”
There was a knock at the door as the food was delivered. Sorcha ran into the bathroom as I opened the door, reappearing when I called her after the girl left. She devoured some toast and inhaled several cups of tea,
“I needed that, Billy, thanks,” she said.
“Me too,” I said, through a mouthful of toast covered with jam.
I looked at my watch. It was 12:40.
“Am I holding you up, Billy?”
“Not at all, Sorcha, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” I said, “I’m worried in case I’m holding you up.”
“I’m ok for a bit yet,” she said and took my hand, “can I get some more of your tongue?”
I smiled,
“Of course, you really did enjoy that, didn’t you?”
“You could charge by the hour for that, Billy, the women would be flocking to you.”
“I’d have to call myself Irish Billy.”
“Or Billy Eilish, the male version of Amelie.”
“Or even, did you see what I did there?”
“I did, but I ignored it,” she said, as she took my hand and pulled me into the bed.
She stayed with me for another hour and we chatted like old friends. The circumstances not withstanding, it was a wonderful interlude. She took a shower as I laid back on the bed. I was tired and amused somewhat that she was so comfortable as she moved around the room naked. She opened her bag and took out a pair of brief panties, pulling them on and squirming around until they felt comfortable to wear.
“What’s next today, Sorcha?” I asked.
“I have one client in an hour and that’s me finished up here, Billy. I go back to my real job in Dublin next week.”
“Oh, I thought you did this full time.”
“No, none of the Irish girls that I know do this full time. It’s a means to an end.”
“I was lucky to meet you so,” I said.
“You have my card if you ever feel the need, Billy, I only work by appointment when I’m not touring.”
“That’s what we call a period of calls, in-calls. We rent a base for a week, or sometimes two, and take clients on a pay per time period basis.”
“Does that be a busy time?”
“It can be if you let it. I don’t, I tend to be very selective and mostly see regulars,” she said, “the foreign girls tour constantly, that would break me.”
“So why me?” I asked.
“That’s easy, Billy. Your initial approach was courteous and respectful, your appointment fell at a convenient moment in my calendar and you were so cute in how you described yourself.”
She hunted around in her bag and pulled a bra out of it. She strapped it on and came to me, turning her back and lifting her hair above her head.
“Can you button me up please?”
I obliged.
She pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, patted her hands against her hips and checked herself in the mirror as I got out of bed and began to dress.
“What are your plans for the day, Billy?” she asked.
“I really should go and register at the show but I’m not in the humour,” I laughed, “after that I’ll just kick back and relax for the day. I might see who’s in the bar this evening, have a few drinks. I don’t really have a plan as such. All I can think about right now are your orgasmic reactions.”
“I’m sorry about that, Billy.”
“Don’t ever be sorry, you were fantastic,” I said, “it was such a pleasure for me. When do you leave for home?”
“We’re on the train tomorrow afternoon.”
“There’s two of us up from Dublin. Me and another girl, Irish Fantasy, a girl from Mayo. She’s great craic.”
“Where do you get the names from?”
“God knows, the local girls mostly use the word, ‘Irish’, in their names, it works.”
I laughed and shook my head. She packed up her stuff and gave me a hug and a lingering kiss.
“Don’t forget me, Billy,” she whispered, averted her eyes and turned to leave.
I followed along behind her and she stopped at the door.
“Where are you going?”
“I’ll walk you to the lift.”
“Oh. Thank you, kind sir,” she said and laughed.
As the lift opened she turned to look in my eyes.
“If you run into any hassle, give me a buzz,” I said.
“Thanks, Billy, I will,” she said with a smile, the lift arrived and she was gone.
I showered quickly, dressed and went over to the Ulster Hall to register for the Energy Show. I didn’t intend to stay long, just long enough to register, get my accreditation, visit the SEAI stand to inveigle a box of free pens from them and retire to my hotel room for the afternoon. While waiting to be processed, I was accosted from behind by a chap called Barry Allison. Barry was a fellow energy assessor / surveyor and worked predominantly on the south of the city.
“Billy! How the fuck are you doing?” he said, loudly.
“Ah, Jaysus, Barry. What’s the read?”
“I’m up for the day and I’m glad I bumped into you,” he said.
“Why so, Baz?”
“I’m looking for a bit of work.”
“Why? Are things bleak on the Southside?”
“A little bit, do you have anything stirring?”
“I do. Are you interested in north city work to start?”
“Yes, what are they?”
“I’ve just done a mix of about sixty old folks flats and apartments and I’ve been advised that there’s going to be an avalanche of them and houses soon.”
“What are they paying?”
“I’ll be paying you, Baz.”
“All the better, what’s the freight?”
“It’s a bit complicated but, essentially I’m paying €120 plus add-ons.”
“Tax and Fees?”
“When does the Golden Eagle shit?”
“Every Friday.”
“Did you drive up?”
“I did, why? Did you walk?”
“Still a smart arse. No, I came by rail.”
“Wise move.”
“Relatively speaking. Can I travel back with you this evening?
“I’m booked on two modules tomorrow, so I’m staying over.”
“That’s a shame, you could flesh it out for me on the drive down.”
“What time is your train?”
“I’m going to eat in the hotel this evening, why don’t you join me and we can discuss it.”
“What time?”
“Any time at all, what about 5:30? I’ll give you one of my chips.”
“I’ve always said that you’re the most generous person in the world, Bill.”
“Do you fancy it or what?” I said, impatiently.
“Yes, I’ll be there. Where are you staying?”
“The Europa.”
“Fancy. Great, I’ve a thing to do at 3:00.”
“That sounds interesting.”
“I can’t say too much, I’ll tell you later, it might be of interest to you.”
“Fine,” I said, as I saw a guy that I that didn’t really have much time for, heading in our direction with a lascivious smile on his face. Barry saw who I was looking at and sighed.
“Fucking Allan Clarke! What’s he doing up here?”
“Looking to annoy us, by the looks of things,” I said, “I mean what class of a cunt spells ‘Alan’ with two Ls?”
“Yeah, he’s a charmer alright, but I must be elsewhere, Billy.”
“Any fucking where that that prick isn’t.”
“Ok, I’ll see you later, then. Text me if you’re not coming.”
“Will do.”
And he left me alone to face the enormous arsehole that was Allan Clarke, who was heading inexorably in my direction.
“Ah, Billy boy,” he said, as magnanimously as he could carry off.
“Allan, how are ya? Have you learned to spell your name properly yet?”
“I spotted you walking through the hotel lobby today. You were shepherding a young lady in front of you,” he said, “is that your, Aoife? What is she doing up here?”
I had to think fast.
“Are you at The Europa?”
“No, but they do an amazing Eggs Benny for breakfast. I’m at the Hilton around the corner, tonight.”
I heard a lot of strange noises coming from my phone. We both looked confused at them. I pulled it out and checked the screen, it was a load of emails from Ritchie D and a couple of texts from Irish Rose. The noise must have been caused by both kinds of message arriving together, but I’m no expert on that. At least it gave me the opportunity to disconnect from Allan.
“Sorry, Allan. I have to go through these emails and texts. I’ll see you around.”
I looked at Sorcha’s texts first,
“Hi, Billy, sorry for annoying you. Did you notice if I left my envelope behind me today?”
I replied straight away.
“I’m heading back to the hotel now, I’ll take a look. I hope you didn’t lose it.”
“So do I, thanks Billy. I’ll wait for your reply.”
I immediately left the venue and went straight to my room. I looked everywhere and there was no sign of it. I was about to give up when I saw it sitting behind the wastebasket under the desk and the wall. It must have slid down there somehow. I texted her immediately.
“All good. It was on the floor behind the wastebasket.”
“Thank fuck. Can I come and collect it later?”
“Yes, I’ll be in in the restaurant at 5:00 or so, I’ll buy you a burger or something.”
“Thanks, Billy, you’re a legend. We’ll easily be there by then.”
I sat on the bed as I felt the weariness overcome me, so I laid on the cover and drifted off for a nap. Sorcha’s text telling me she was on her way woke me at 4:45. I had a quick wash of my face, changed into a polo shirt and chinos, picked up her envelope and my phone, and went downstairs. The restaurant wasn’t overly packed and I found a nice table away from the bar, inside the main doors. Sorcha arrived ten minutes later, accompanied by a slightly taller, very beautiful, blonde girl. Visions of pulchritude both. She saw me and hurried over with a huge smile on her face. I stood up and she hugged me.
“You’re a diamond, Billy,” she said, taking her envelope from me, “thank you so much.”
“You’re very welcome,” I said, “take a seat, can I get you a drink?”
She turned to her companion, who nodded her head.
“Billy this is Irish Fantasy, I told you about her this morning.”
I stuck out my hand to shake hers, but she brushed it away and came in for a hug.
“Lovely to meet you, Billy. This one hasn’t stopped praising you since she came back to the apartment today.”
“I have that effect on the ladies, Fantasy,” I said, and we all laughed.
“I’m Melody, Billy,” she said, “fuck that Fantasy shit.”
“Nice to meet you, Melody, now sit down before they throw us out.”
At that exact moment, Allan Clarke walked into the restaurant and immediately pasted that condescending smirk of his on to his face as he headed in our direction.
“Oh fuck,” I said.
“Billy?” Sorcha said.
“This guy heading our way is a bit of a fucking consequence, girls,” I said, “leave him to me.”
“We meet again, Billy,” he said, his voice dripping with fake charm and real malice, “and who are these visions of loveliness, are these your daughters or something?”
I looked at the girls in an ‘I told you he was a prick’ manner, but the girls were well able for him. Sorcha stepped forward and put her hand on my chest. She brought her lips to my cheek and then licked my lips. I have to say that it was as fucking erotic a moment as I’d ever had in my life.
“I can still taste myself on you, Billy,” she said quietly, but loud enough for Allan to hear.
“Can I have a taste too, Billy?” Melody said and didn’t wait for a reply.
She kissed my lips and then sucked the top one between her’s before letting her tongue run across my chin and along my lips.
“I can still taste you, Rose, but mine is fading,” she said, a disconsolate look on her face, “can we freshen it up, Billy. Please?”
I was trying to keep my erection from bursting through the zip on my chinos and all my brain could think of to say was,
“Oh, alright, but we need to eat something first.”
“You mean eat something else, don’t you, baby?” Sorcha said, trying to keep from laughing.
“But I’m first this time,” Melody said to Allan, “Rose soaked the towel the last time.”
My ribs were hurting when she said that.
Allan stood there with his mouth open for the entire exchange. He made a move to his left,
“Ehm, I, eh,” he stuttered, pointed his finger at the door, and ran through it as we three pissed ourselves laughing.
“You girls are so bad.”
“But you love us just the same, don’t you, Billy?”
“I do. You’re a right pair of cards. I’ve never seen him speechless.
“Oh we’ve dealt with worse than him, haven’t we, Sorcha?” Melody said.
They took a seat and I waved to the server to bring a few menus.
“Yes, but he was so easy,” Sorcha said, waving her menu like a fan.
“So, Billy, Sorcha’s been telling me about your superpower,” Melody said.
“Yes, we were talking about a suitable hooker name for you,” Sorcha said, “weren’t we, Irish Billy?”
“We were, it went from Irish Billy to Billie Eilish, as far as I can recall,” I said.
“I’ve got the perfect name for you,” Sorcha suddenly said, delight in her eyes.
“What is it?” Melody said excitedly.
“We could advertise you as Billie Eyelash – Off in the blink of an eye.”
“Ooooh,” Melody said. “I felt a strange tingle there just thinking about that.”
“He’s mine for now,” Sorcha said, “am I not, Billy?”
We all laughed again as the server came back. We ordered some food and had a good laugh while we ate. They were both mental and I had to admire their good humour and candidness. We were still there an hour later when Melody looked at her watch and said they had to leave.
“We’ve a duo to do,” she explained matter of factly.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“Take a guess, Billy.”
“Ok, sorry, I wasn’t thinking properly. Is that safe?”
“Not for the client,” Sorcha said, “some guys think they can take on two girls. They can’t. They can just about fuck one of us while the other one watches or sits on his face.”
“They don’t have your superpower though, Billy,” Melody said, “some of them attack it like they’re eating a chicken wing.”
“Would he not recover sufficiently for a second go around?”
“No, the hour is usually up by then, we’d fill in by kissing each other and feeling each other up.”
“Do you do many of these duos?” I asked.
“Not as much as we’d like. We did a triple a few months ago.”
“Really? How did that go?”
“He fucked me, she sat on his face and the other girl cupped his balls,” she said, “the client is always right.”
“Is the other girl Irish too?”
“Yes, from the inner city.”
“Does she work under a ‘Hooker Name‘ as you call it.”
“No, she hasn’t got one yet, she’s still in college and does duos with us sometimes,” Sorcha said, as though we were discussing the weather.
“Yeah, but she’ll need to buck up for when she’s on holiday from school,” Melody said, “she’ll have college fees to pay for then.”
They stood to leave and Sorcha came in for a hug.
“Thanks, again, Billy Eyelash,” she said, “you have my number, use it anytime. Please.”
She bent to pick up her bag as Melody came in for a hug too. She slipped me her card.
“I’d like to test out your superpower, Billy,” she said softly, “give me a bell if you’re up to it. I’m here until tomorrow.”
She was a stunner, there was no doubting that. I was enthused. I was also feeling my arousal strengthen.
“What are your rates?”
“Let’s call this one research. Text me after 9:00 if you’re up for it,” she almost whispered.
“I will, or you can just come on over,” I offered, “I’ll most likely be in here having a few drinks.”
The girls almost bumped into Barry Allison as he came through the door.
“Hey, Baz “ I said, “you’re late.”
“Yeah, sorry Bill,” he said, nervously looking around him, “I got a bit, ehm, waylaid.”
“I won’t ask,” I said with a laugh.
Barry was a good lad. Quiet, unassuming and dependable, his marriage had ended, forcing him to start again after a tricky divorce that was purely, since they had no children, all about the division of assets. He worked hard, but didn’t possess that hint of a killer instinct one needs to learn to be successful.
We ordered drinks and a sandwich for him as I’d already eaten. I decided to get the business out of the way first.
“So what do you reckon about working with us, Baz?” I asked, “are you up for it?”
“Yes, of course,” he said, as our drinks arrived, “but how do you see it working? Is there work for us both?”
“Yes, there is.”
“Is it for that NSK shower of thieving bastards?”
“Certainly not, Baz,” I said, pulling out my cell, “it’s all DCO housing to begin with.”
“How much work is there?”
I opened one of Ritchie D’s emails from that afternoon and handed it to him.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“It’s your lucky day, Barry,” I said, “a full survey job of 80 Senior Cits. flats on three sites in Drimnagh.”
“I thought you only worked the north city.”
“I do,” I said, “this is where you come in, do you fucking want them or not?”
“At €120 each?”
“But you said €120 earlier on?”
“I did, but it is €120 per survey, Baz,” I said, “each of these need two; a pre-works and post-works survey.”
“Hang on,” he said, doing some rapid mental arithmetic, “that’s €20k’s worth of work.”
“€19,200 to be exact, plus tax and fees.”
“Can I ask how much you’re getting for these?”
“€150 a pop. I have to process them and pay you three weeks before I get paid,” I said, “do you have a problem with that?”
“None whatsoever.”
“How big are these flats?” he asked.
“6m by 4m, Baz, I do them in six minutes each,” I explained, “if there’s a pre to be done. It takes more time to find the key on the ring than it does to do the post survey.”
“How so?”
“Because you just need to take pictures the second time,” I said.
“Fuck me, Billy,” he said, enthused, “so would I be an employee of yours?”
“No,” I said, “you’d be a subcontractor and I need a minimum of ten of these turned over every day.”
“Ten? Are you serious?”
“Baz, you’re a few years younger than me,” I said, “I averaged twenty per day last week.”
“Fuck off!”
“You can set your own schedule, of course,” I said, “but I need ten in my inbox every morning along with the invoice. If you send me twenty, I don’t mind, but if you send me nine, I’ll fucking fire you.”
“What about access?”
“Did you not read the fucking email? You’ll collect the keys at the Sundrive Depot and drop them back when you’re finished.”
“You have it all worked out,” he said, “what will you be doing while I’m doing these?”
I showed him one of the other emails.
“110 units in Raheny,” I said, “I told you, I have it on good authority that there’s about to be an avalanche of these.”
“It looks like it’s started.”
“Yes. So you’d better get your arse in gear tomorrow morning, Baz.”
“You pay out on Friday?”
“Yes, but only on emails with ten or more addresses on them.”
“Ok, count me in,” he said and we shook hands, “thanks for this, Bill, this is a Godsend.”
I patted his hand as it lay on the table,
“Don’t let me down, Baz.”
“I won’t.”
I forwarded the email to him, deleting Ritchie D’s contact information first.
“There you go, Baz,” I said, “you’re all set.”
The email dinged on his phone and he held it up to me. He was emotional.
“So tell me why you were late again?”
“I will, but one more thing on this,” he said, “what times can I work in these places?”
“You’ll have the keys, Baz, you can fucking sleep there if you want.”
“Right,” he said as he lifted his beer to his mouth.
“Are we done?” I asked.
“Yes, it’s grand, Billy,” he said, “thanks for this you’re getting me out of a hole.”
“Just don’t fuck it up, Baz,” I said, “so tell me why you were late.”
A waiter arrived with his food just as he was about to speak. He shut down quickly until we were alone. He took a bite out of his sandwich and a sip of his beer.
“Between the two of us, Billy, I visited with an escort.”
“Fuck off! No way, Barry,” I said.
“Yes, and I’m happy I did.”
“What brought this on?”
“I needed the company of a woman, Billy,” he said simply, “I’m not a Brad Pitt type, who can send a woman weak at the knees just by lighting up a smoke.”
“I wouldn’t ever judge anybody, Baz,” I said, “how did it go? Was this your first time?”
“Yes, I thought I’d give it a go while I was out of town,” he said, “it was fine. I had a bit of a failure to launch, at first, but the girl was brilliant and she helped me through it,” he said, “it was the nicest hour I’ve had in a long time.”
“Was it an Irish girl?” I asked.
“No, Czech,” he said, “she’s a bit of a looker and way out of my league, to be honest with you.”
“Well good for you, Barry,” I said, “would you do it again?”
“I would,” he said, “I’m thinking maybe a couple of times a month.”
“How does it compare with when you were married?”
“There’s no comparison whatsoever, Bill,” he said, “they’re called professionals for a reason.”
“True enough,” I said.
“You should give it a go, Billy.”
“Are you saying I’m no Brad Pitt?”
“No, I’m not one to judge,” he said, “do you not have ‘urges’ Billy?”
“Of course I do, but I just take a paracetamol.”
“I’m sorry, Baz,” I said, “I was being flippant.”
“It’s ok, Billy, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Yes you should, we’re friends after all,” I said, “just between us, though, I did the same today myself.”
He smiled and finished off his sandwich.
“You little fucker,” he grinned, “would you do it again?”
“I think I would.”
“We can compare notes.”
“Barry, we’ll never speak of this again.”
“Ok, good idea.”
He hurried off to catch his train and left me alone with my thoughts. I smiled to myself. I wasn’t such a freak after all. Good for him. I had some time to kill so I thought I’d get Allan Clarke out of my hair. I sought him out and found him just as he was picking up a beer in the hotel bar.
“Is there no bar at the Hilton?” I asked, as I snuck up behind him.
“Yes, but it’s a graveyard over there, Billy,” he said, “can I get you a drink?”
“No, thanks, I’ve had too much already.”
“Listen, I’m sorry for butting in earlier today. You looked annoyed.”
“I was irritated, Alan,” I said, “you can be a bit of a cunt sometimes and it pisses me off because it’s unnecessary.”
“I understand.”
“Those two girls did nothing on you, but you tried to make them feel uncomfortable. Why do you do that?”
“Well they certainly put me in my place, Bill,” he laughed, “I didn’t know where to look.”
“Rightly so, Allan,” I said, “but next time you decide to be a total arsehole, just think to yourself about how you’d like your daughter to be treated, and act accordingly.”
“I’ll keep my mouth shut in future.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” I said, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to be somewhere else.”
I took a stroll around the block, stopping by the Ulster Hall to chat with two of the chaps from the SEAI, who were hosting the event. It’s always useful to network when you get the chance to make it look like it’s not networking. The venue was about to close at 9:00 so I bade them farewell and wandered back towards the hotel. I bumped into Melody as she was heading in the same direction.
“We’ll have to stop meeting like this, Melody,” I said with a laugh.
“I was just thinking the same thing,” she said, “and then I remembered your superpower.”
“Are you serious about this?” I asked.
“Serious as a heart attack, Billy,” she said, “I’m treating this as a date with a kind gentleman.”
“That makes me happy, it’s a long time since I was on a date with a beautiful woman.”
“Well, let’s enjoy it,” she said, placing her arm through mine.
We walked into the hotel lobby and I asked if she wanted a drink. She refused and we went directly to my room. Her head was on a swivel when she walked in,
“This is fabulous, Billy, “is it a suite?”
“Yes, we get good deals if we book early enough.”
“A girl could get used to this,” she said, and placed her bag on the bed.
“Did you have a successful week up here, Melody?”
“Yes, it was rocking, thanks, Billy, but I need a shower. Would it be ok if I rinsed myself off? That’s not a euphemism by the way.”
I burst out laughing and she joined in.
“You’re a crazy woman, Melody,” I said, “go on in and do whatever you need to do.”
“Thanks,” she said, as she grabbed her bag and disappeared into the bathroom.
She came out about 30 minutes later, wearing just a white bath towel wrapped around her and tied off between her breasts. Her long blonde hair had been brushed and blow dried to perfection and she had retouched her makeup and lipstick. She was a stunning looking girl. She held her arms wide of her body.
“Will I do?” she asked.
“I’m stuck for words, Melody. You look sensational.”
“Awhh, Billy, thanks,” she said and walked towards me.
She reached out and took my belt buckle in her hand.
“Do I have to do everything?” she whispered.
“No, I can take care of that,” I said and undressed quickly.
She placed her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply and sensuously, feeling the effect she had on me as my erection made itself known.
“Hmm,” she growled, “this might be an interesting night,” before continuing the kiss and introducing our tongues to each other.
She stepped back a little and her towel dropped to the floor. She had beautiful natural breasts that were perfectly proportioned to her body. She was slimmer than she appeared while dressed, and her skin was unblemished, soft and smooth. Her kiss was reaching the height of erotic perfection and my head was beginning to spin as we felt the edge of the bed on the backs of our legs and fell gracefully upon the mattress cover, my hands beginning to explore her wondrous curves and hollows.
She rolled on her back and opened herself to me as my hands stroked her breasts and her stomach. She pulled my lips to hers as she opened her legs to allow my hand reach inside her inner thigh.
“That’s nice,” she breathed.
I slid my hand along her skin to the top of her inner thigh and her hips moved to facilitate contact with her vagina, I moved past and stroked the inside of her other thigh, causing a small moan of despair from her. Her lips were very active and her tongue worked non stop as it tangled with mine in a dance of exhaustive arousal. I slid my hand from her inner thigh underneath her and to her bum as she raised herself slightly to allow me access. It was soft and wonderfully smooth and I was so aroused that it took all of my strength not to ejaculate there and then.
“You have a magic touch, Billy. I could come right now.” she whispered, as I moved my head lower and kissed my way to her smoothly shaved mound.
“Of, fuck, that’s amazing,” she whispered, as I licked across the smooth surface before dipping between her legs and placing my tongue on the flesh to the side of her vulva.
She squirmed in pleasure as I sucked and licked around the periphery of her vulva, finally, when I heard an intoxicated groan, resting the tip of my tongue on the cleft of her mound, directly between the meeting place of her labia lips.
“Jesus, fuck,” she breathed at my touch.
The constant motion of her hips as they rose and fell gently on the bed caused my tongue to make contact with her inner lips and she hissed at my touch. She was soaking wet and her beautiful pink tissue shone as it glistened wonderfully. I massaged her entire vulva with a soft tongue, eliciting numerous unrecognisable sounds and words as I explored this beautiful woman’s most intimate parts. I allowed the tip to dip slightly inside her vaginal opening which caused a larger hip movement, as she tried to almost inhale me.
I brought the tip of my tongue to the underside of her clitoral hood,
“That’s it right there, Billy, keep it there please.”
What seemed like seconds but perhaps was many minutes later, she cried out and closed her legs, trapping my face between them. She held on tightly as I felt her body tense and her thighs tremble and I knew that she had reached her pinnacle when I smelled and felt the warmth and familiar odour upon her release of a sweet, viscous fluid.
Her body continued to convulse following her powerful climax until she eventually released me, allowing me to escape. She pulled me to her and held on tight. Her breath returning in gasps and her heart beating a mile a minute. Her eyes flickered open a short while later and she smiled. I kissed her, relief flooding through me that she was alright.
“Billy,” was all she said before she closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep. I looked at my watch, it was 10:22. I covered her with the bedcover and left her to rest. She looked almost angelic and a slight smile played on her lips as she slept. I switched off the bright lights, leaving a dimmer light on for guidance in the darkness, and crawled in beside her, the sounds she made still reverberating in my ears as the overpoweringly erotic smells of orgasm permeating the room. I laid on my back and relaxed, I was too excited for sleep but I was enthralled by the whole experience.
I dozed off for a short period, waking for no apparent reason except my overactive brain continuing to process everything. It occurred to me that I should charge my phone for morning so I slipped out of bed and rooted the phone out of my coat pocket. I found my charger by memory and plugged the chord into the bottom of it and was about to return to bed when she called out for me.
“Billy?” she said softly.
“I’m here, Melody,” I said, “I’m just plugging in my phone.”
“Come back to bed.”
I slid in beside her and she snuggled up to me.
“Are you ok?” I asked.
“I feel amazing,” she said, “I thought my head was going to explode.”
“I’m confused, Melody, surely you’d have a regular supply of orgasms,” I said, “given your job?”
“You must be joking, Billy,” she said, “I never come with a client.”
“Oh, is that a policy you have?”
“No, most of them don’t know how the female body works, I always tend to my own needs when I need to,” she said, pragmatically, “but orgasms with a partner are much more intense than rubbing one out on my own. In my line of work, how can I maintain a relationship with any guy?”
“I suppose I can empathise with that.”
She held me to her and I placed my arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on my chest.
“You’re a very generous lover, Billy,” she said, “you enjoy the act of cunnilingus, it takes time to do it right.”
“I do enjoy it, Melody. I love the whole intimacy and eroticism of it.”
“And you’re very, very, very good at it,” she said, “Sorcha was right, you could charge for that.”
“You’re both very kind,” I said as her hand glanced the side of my erect penis.
“Billy, what the fuck? Do you want me to sort that out for you?”
“Ehm, well, if you’d like to.”
She laughed loudly.
“You’re such a gentle man, honestly. Just lie back and let me take care of you for a bit,” she said and reached for my penis, “It’s a nice one, Billy, do you want oral or fucking?”
“Ehm, I’d love to be inside you, Melody, if you don’t mind,” I said, “I really like oral in the 69 position, but I’m not argumentative about it, I’ll take what I can get.”
Once again, a condom was produced from, what seemed like, thin air, it was opened and she slid it down over my penis with her mouth in an instant.
“Me on top or you?” she asked.
“I’ll go first, see how we get on.”
“Ok, but I want you to know upfront. I never come from intercourse, Billy,” she said, “so don’t be disappointed, it’s not your fault.”
“That’s a shame, Melody, I appreciate you telling me,” I said, “maybe you should be on top first.”
Then I laughed.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“I just heard what I said there,“ I said, “as if there’s going to be a second go around.”
She mounted me and slid my penis inside her vagina. She did a small rotation of her hips to aid a proper connection.
“How does that feel, Billy?”
“Blissful, Melody, you’re fantastic.”
She leaned down, placing her arms either side of my head, and kissed me deeply as she moved herself in slow, sensuous movements around my penis, slowly thrusting against me, lengthening her movements incrementally as I struggled in my efforts to stave off a quick climax. I held her hips to still her movements. She broke our kiss.
“You ok, Billy?” she asked softly.
“I don’t want to blow so quickly, Melody.”
“That’s quite alright, love, I’m enjoying this,” she said as she lowered herself to lie on my chest, my penis deep inside her warm vagina.
She resumed our kiss and there was a certain romance to the moment, a feeling that this wasn’t just another trick for her. I recalled the first time my wife had reached orgasm with me. It was a situation just like this, me trying not to blow my wad in ten seconds, her afraid that the lubricant on the surface of the condom would somehow turn to glue.
On that night I began using a gentle rocking motion, my penis using an infinitesimally short movement, to prevent the worry of adhesion. The constant motion stimulated her internally and she climaxed noisily. I began using that same motion inside Melody.
She lifted her head, trying to read my eyes in the dimness of the room,
“That’s nice, Billy,” she whispered, as she began to move her hips again.
“Let me, Melody,” I whispered in her ear.
She kissed me again and I joined her in a slow dance of our lips and tongues, my penis slowly moving inside her, each movement no more than an inch at a time. The pressure of an impending climax abated, as the intimacy and arousal of the moment increased. She replaced her previous up and down motion with one that swayed slightly from side to side.
Lying there cocooned in her embrace she lifted her head and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck. I sensed a confusion in her as her movements grew incrementally more active. I held onto her bum, holding it still until she took a deep breath and moaned suddenly.
“Oh fuck,” she breathed, “I have to go for it.”
“Do it, Melody.”
Her hips began a frantic orbit as she chased her elusive climax, I concentrated on remaining hard and still. A distant spectator, a father at the birth of a child. Using a motion that utilised my entire length I felt her breath increasingly deepening, unsolicited soft girlish sighs and moans indicating her path as she ground her vagina against me until she suddenly stopped, her head back, verbalising an inaudible stream of vocal emissions before a sudden explosion hit her.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck,” she growled, her voice shaking and her body contorting as she went over the top. Her hip movements became frantic and I began to thrust deeper inside her, as she fell off the cliff, my penis clamped tightly by her vaginal muscles. I was close and I waited for her to release my penis before turning her on her back and kissing her.
“Fuck me, Billy, fuck me please,” she almost begged me.
I rolled off her and lay, breathless, on my back beside her. She lay silently on her side next to me, her breath heavy, her hand gripping mine. A little girl seeking succour, a beautiful woman trying to understand what had just happened. No more than I.
As my breath returned I took her hand and kissed it. She was still shaking as it occurred to me that I had just climaxed quite strongly for the second time that day, all because of two amazing girls. I smiled at the memory, thanked Áine for the inspiration, and drifted off to sleep beside Melody.
My phone woke me at 7:55 as Melody slept soundly beside me. I checked the Caller ID, Baz. I ran my hand across my head.
“Where do I get those keys, Bill?”
“Baz, fuck off ringing this early,” I said, “read the fucking email.”
I hung up. The prick had ruined a nice peaceful sleep. Melody stirred and stretched, a wide smile on her face. She looked magnificent.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
“Good morning to you, stud.”
“Ah fuck off.”
She laughed.
“Come over here and give me a kiss.”
I kissed her and got back into bed.
“Sorry about that, it’s a guy who’s doing some work for me.”
She was just looking at me, a smile plastered on her face.
“What?” I said.
“Tell me.”
“Who are you, Billy?”
“I don’t understand the question.”
“My brain is fucked up. What did you do last night? How did you do that last night?”
“Ah. I see,”
“What? Tell me.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because then you won’t need me anymore”
“Billy, I have news for you, you’re going to have to fuck me at least once a week for the rest of your life.”
“What if you ever get married?”
“It’ll be in the agreement. Do you sign an agreement?”
“No, it’s for better or for worse.”
“I’ll just take the better,” she said, “fuck the worse.”
“I’m famished. Ravished and famished in one night.”
We laughed.
“What time is it?”
“What’s your schedule?”
“We’re on the 2:00 train.”
“That’s late.”
“Sorcha has a two hour in-call at 11:00.”
“Have you nothing on?”
She lifted the cover and looked under it.
“No, fancy a morning matinee?”
“You know what I mean.”
“And you know what I mean.”
“I don’t think I’ll bother, thanks.”
“You little fucker.”
I crept along the bed and kissed her,
“It may be little but it got you off last night, young lady.”
“Mmmm, it was such a fantastic thing, Billy, you rocked my fucking world. I still want to know how you did it.“
“It was simple really.”
“Ok, I’ll tell you what,” she said, “I’ll jump in the shower while you order some food and you can tell me over breakfast. Then you can show me.”
“Good plan, what do you fancy?”
“Your tongue inside me with a side order of more coming on your cock.”
“I mean food.”
“Jesus, you have a one track mind, Billy,” she said and fell about laughing, “surprise me.”
I ordered a pot of coffee and a pot of tea, just in case, an order of the ‘famous’ Eggs Benedict, an Ulster fry, toast and preserves. I made the bed after a fashion and tidied up what little mess there was in the room. I smiled as I picked Melody’s towel from the floor. I brought it over to the bathroom door when I heard the shower being shut off. I knocked on the door and asked if she needed the towel, her arm appeared through the gap when it opened and I smiled again. I thought that was curious. She arrived out of the bathroom a few minutes later with her body and her hair wrapped up in two towels. She was wielding a hair dryer in one hand.
“Do you need the bathroom while I dry my hair, Billy?”
“I do,” I said and ran inside, “I ordered some food to be sent up, in case you get a fright when they knock on the door.”
“I might just flash them,” she said with a laugh.
The food had arrived while I was in the shower, when I came out, Melody had set us up at a table in a small dining nook of the suite. She was adding the final touches as I walked over to her.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“You’ve got all the gear in the room, Billy,” she said, ‘it’d be a shame not to use it.”
I wasn’t sure about the Eggs Benedict but I was about the fantastic coffee that the hotel served. I quickly lifted the pot and indulged in the life restoring brew. Melody had seated herself opposite me and was lifting cloches to see what I’d ordered.
“What’s for who?” she asked.
“I just took a guess at what you might like. I like it all so I’m happy to let you choose.”
“I like Eggs Benny but there’s always too much of it,” she said.
“Eat what you want,” I said, “we won’t starve in any case.”
She smiled and lifted one half of the delicious looking Eggs Benedict onto her plate. She took a huge bite and forked it unceremoniously in to her luscious mouth. It was a pleasure to see. I speared a sausage, a rasher and a poached egg and tucked in. The food was delicious. She was explaining the legal position of her work and it seemed a little precarious, but she made it sound like water off a duck’s back.
“I don’t worry about it, Billy,” she said, waving her fork like a conductor’s baton, “I reckon I’ve got three years left at the game before I can pack it in for good.”
“What about Sorcha?” I asked, “is she the same?”
“Yes,” she said, “although I think she’d like to continue on a part time basis with a few select clients that she trusts.”
“Like Elite Amelia?”
“Amelie Elite,” she corrected me, “yes, it could be viewed that way. Amelie is just poxed lucky to be where she is today, though.”
“Oh,” I said, buttering some toast, “how so?”
“She has a full time job that pays well enough already,” she said, “her clients are loaded and she collects them through her day job.”
“What?” I asked, “how do you know this?”
“She fucking told me.”
“You know her?”
“Yes, I did an outcall for her once,” she said, in an offhand manner.
“How did you get that gig, Melody?”
“You sound in awe of her, Billy,” she said, “but she’s just like me and Sorcha, except she used her brains and her job to assemble a clientele that is rotten with money.”
“And this outcall, did you get a lot of money for it?”
“She paid me double my usual rate,” Melody said, ruefully, “but I’d say it was a lot less than she got.”
“Wow, she sounds like a bit of a shark.”
“The funny thing is, Billy, she’s really very nice.”
“And the client? What was he like?”
“He was a bit unsure to begin with,” she said, “until I got the girls out and let him play with them. I don’t know what he paid but he didn’t last long.”
“Sorcha says she’s due to retire soon.”
“Yes, she’s retiring when she’s in her forties, so she says.”
“Maybe she wants to settle down,” I said.
“Maybe, Billy,” she said, “I’ll ask her when I see her.”
“Do you see her much?”
“We talk on the phone about three times a year, or when she’s looking for a favour.”
“What kind of favour?”
“What kind of favour do you think?”
“Meeting one of her clients.”
“Yes, and none of them last more than twenty minutes,” she said, “after all, a girl has to have pride in her work.”
“Interesting,” I said.
“Next time I talk to her I’m going tell her the story of the amazing Billie Eyelash and his magic cock. Speaking of which, are you finished eating yet?”
“Do you mean the breakfast?”
“Billy Byrne, you filthy little fucker,” she said, “now lose that robe and get into bed.”
We stayed in bed until noon, when she showered, dressed and made herself ready for her return train ride to Dublin. She stopped at the door of the suite and hugged me.
“Thanks for everything, Billy, I’m serious about that once a week thing.”
“I’d love to see you again, Melody, just give me a call. Will I walk you to the lift?”
“You’re such a gentleman. I’ll call you next week, yeah?”
“Yeah, I look forward to it. Take care and mind yourself.”
“I will, I promise,” she said, and kissed me sweetly.
She opened the door, walked out and she was gone. I showered, dressed and changed the soaked bedding. I smiled and shook my head as I thought about heading over to the exhibition, then I thought, “fuck it,” and got back into bed and slept until evening.
Next morning it occurred to me, as I half snoozed under the covers, that I hadn’t even walked around the floor of the exhibition. This wasn’t a concern since I only ever used the show as a distraction to fill in a day or two with something different.
The novelty of the show’s first visit to Belfast notwithstanding, I wasn’t overly fussed about making an appearance and the thought of lounging in bed appealed to me immensely. I checked my watch. It was 10:15, if I got my skates on I could easily make the first session I had registered for at 11:00. I rose and ran the shower, dressed and wandered down to the dining room for a quick coffee and some pastries, eschewing the more formal offerings.
I made it in plenty of time and nodded at old and recent acquaintances as I made my way to the lecture space for a presentation on the effects of condensation in an uninsulated concrete structure. My years in the building game had actually given me lessons on the effects of condensation in an uninsulated structure but I went to the presentation in any case, hoping for an argument with the guy who was presenting it.
Unfortunately my head was distracted as the guy droned on and on interminably and I thought back to the previous fabulous day and night I had just experienced. I thought of the girls and hoped they’d reached home safely. In my heart, though, I knew they’d be fine. They were working in a dodgy industry full of sharks and opportunists and they knew how to handle themselves.
No doubt, they did take the occasional risk and could make their own choices, unlike the unfortunate girls who were subject to the abuses of unscrupulous people who engaged in nefarious criminal activities in the peripheral shadows surrounding the industry.
Sorcha and Melody had placed a face on these girls for me and I thanked my lucky stars that I had travelled the route I had to find them. I didn’t expect to see them again, despite the vocal insistences that they seemed adamant about. I just thought it was very kind of them to make an old man feel useful and relevant and they made me smile.
I’d had enough of the presenter as he prattled on inanely. Why they didn’t hire professional public speakers for events like this always eluded me. It’s not as though they hadn’t got the budget for it. I walked through the exit to a look of admonition from the SEAI person guarding it. I was going to say something ’supportive’, but my mood was good, so I let it pass.
I toured a few of the exhibitor stands and met some old acquaintances where we swapped war stories and cheered each other up. Allan Clarke waved me over but I just waved back and kept moving. I wasn’t in the humour for him.
I had accomplished what I had travelled up there for and half of my head had switched off. Maybe I should cut the trip short and return back home and back to work. It sounded like a reasonable idea in my head, many of the guys I’d have had a pint, or several, with had either not bothered making the trip or, returned home on the same train they came up on. I had almost decided to join them when a text alert sounded on my phone. It was from Sorcha.
“Hi Billy,
We arrived safely, thanks for caring. Melody slept most of the way home, you dog! I can’t believe you cheated on me with her (joking). She’s still trying to work out what you did. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, you can show me that move too.
We gave your number to a friend of ours, hope you don’t mind. Her name is Sophia, she’s from Spain. Lovely girl, touring Belfast. Check her profile on the site. She’s on her own up there until tomorrow and might enjoy the ‘company’ of Billie Eyelash.
Text or call me anytime, I’d love to hear from you. Either way, Melody will be in touch next week.
Thanks for everything, Billy
I replied quickly, thanking her and telling her I’d be happy to talk to Sophia, before putting the phone away. I looked around to ensure that nobody else had read my text and I left the venue to return to the hotel. Halfway across the road I received a WhatsApp message. It was a number I didn’t recognise.
“Hola Billie,
My name is Sophia Valliardo. Rose and Fantasy gave me your number. Would you like to meet later this evening for a drink? I’m available after 4:00 PM. They tell me I should use the word Superpower? You’ll know what that means. I hope to here from you in return,
Gracias, Billie,