It wasn’t the teens Sandeep had inspired that had made her two terms teaching at Central Academy a nightmare; it was the staff. From her lecherous headteacher to her unreasonable head of department, everyone had made her feel unwelcome and excluded from the moment she had arrived at the school. Only one colleague, Ruksana, had accepted Sandeep, mainly because, as another young Asian woman, she had received the same racist and misogynistic treatment in her equally short tenure at the school, and both had since become close friends.
Now, with the last day of the autumn term upon them, the Christmas holidays at hand, and their resignations long since submitted, Sandeep and Ruksana looked forward to leaving the school for good at the end of the school day.
But both had decided that they wouldn’t go quietly.
They had been invited to the whole-staff end-of-term Christmas drinks gathering in the staffroom after the children went home, presumably to receive token gifts and insincere plaudits, but neither intended to attend. Instead, they planned to meet secretly in the reprographics room to exact their revenge on their erstwhile tormentors.
As Sandeep tentatively peeked through the glass-panelled fire door, checking that no other staff members were inside, she was pleased to see that Ruksana was already alone in the room. “Shit, we’d better be quick,” Sandeep said, as she quickly entered the room, checking she had done so unseen.
“No, fuck them,” Ruksana replied. “What are they going to do? Sack us? Let’s have a glass of wine, take our time, and get this right. Switch off the light.” She produced a bottle and two large plastic cups stolen from the water cooler.
The wine had been cooling in Ruksana’s freezing car all day and was deliciously refreshing. “Are you sure you still want to go through with it?” Sandeep asked as she quickly finished her first cup of wine.
“Fuck, yeah! If these twats think we’re just going to gather up our belongings and fuck off quietly, they’ve got another thing coming,” Ruksana replied, pouring the rest of the wine into Sandeep’s cup.
Having quickly downed the wine, both women equally quickly downed their panties and tights. “You go first,” Ruksana said excitedly. “It was your idea, after all.”
Sandeep grinned. The wine had quietened any residual doubts, and as she approached the photocopier, she intended to make her parting shot one the staff would never forget. Having grabbed a chair to climb up on the machine, Sandeep sat on the glass, pulled her arse cheeks wide, and pressed the button.
“That’s fucking epic!” Ruksana said as she pulled the resulting picture from the tray. “You can almost see what you had for lunch! Do your fanny, now.” Another bright flash brought a photocopy of a smooth, waxed pussy sliding into the tray in delicious A3.
“Your turn,” Sandeep said as she climbed down from the machine.
As Ruksana took her place and a series of bright flashes illuminated the room, Sandeep wrote on the picture of her arsehole in a thick dark pen. “You can stick your school up your…” The picture completed the sentence for her. Then, taking the picture of her cunt, she annotated it similarly. “The headteacher is a dirty…”
“C’mon, I need you to come for a few joint shots,” Ruksana said, shuffling to the side to allow Sandeep to join her on the glass. She stabbed a few different buttons. “This will ensure we both fit into the picture.” Another few flashes from the machine brought further explicit images into the tray, this time of both women.
“Pass me the pen,” Ruksana said as they both climbed down. “You’re all a bunch of…,” she wrote above the image on their pussies. Ruksana then inscribed, “The staff are a load of…,” above the photo of the women’s arses.
“One last pic,” Sandeep said, unhooking her bra under the thick winter jumper she was wearing. After pulling up her bra and jumper, she pressed her breasts against the glass and pressed the button before refastening her bra. As she wrote, “Fuck off, you total…,” on the picture of her tits, Ruksana wrote, “The governors don’t know their… from their elbows,” on a picture of their twin arses.
“I think our work here is done,” Sandeep said as the women pulled up their tights and gathered the pictures and their belongings together. “Are we still going to put them where we agreed?”
“Damn fucking right, we are!”
As the women left the building and ran into the dark December night, they gave each other a high five before dashing to Ruksana’s car and turning from the school car park onto the high street. The traffic was tail-to-tail, and as the women crawled past the school, they could see a crowd had already gathered to admire their handiwork.
Beautifully backlit, every detail of the photographs was clearly visible from the street outside, and passers-by were laughing and pointing at the images firmly glued to the windows. “By the time the twats realise what’s going on, and find a spare key to my classroom, it’ll be all over social media,” Ruksana said, as she pointed towards two Sixth-Formers, photographing the images delightedly.
“I expect we’ll get struck off for this,” Sandeep replied, bringing a more sombre note to proceedings.
“I don’t think so,” Ruksana replied. “I made sure rumours were circulating of a Sixth Form Christmas prank weeks ago. Don’t you remember the email we received last week?”
“They’re still going to suspect we’re behind it, even if they can’t prove it,” Sandeep replied.
“I hope they do! Otherwise, what was the point? But suspicion and proof are two very different things. Are they going to do bum prints of the photocopier? I don’t think so.”
As the women drove on, leaving the gathering crowd behind them, they knew they would enjoy Christmas, whatever happened.