Summer had brought with it joy for the entire family. Allie was born. She was the first child of Sheena and Tim, ten years into their marriage. Her older cousin, Reg, was a teenager at the time and living his own life. It wasn’t until two years later, when he went to stay for a few weeks at his aunt and uncle’s house, that he finally met Allie.
Reg spent a lot of time with his baby cousin and basically became her babysitter. He played with her, fed her and unfortunately, had to punish her when she was bad. He did everything except change her diapers. That he just couldn’t handle. But they loved each other. She even cried and threw a fit when he had to leave.
Reg hoped that this was the start of a close lifelong relationship, maybe becoming like brother and sister. However, life happened. Allie grew up and became very socially active. She had tons of friends and extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, Reg had problems to deal with and in two decades, maybe saw her only twice.
A few recent pictures of Allie popped up and made their way to him from a recent family gathering, one of the rare ones she ever attended. She was hot. Very hot. Reg instantly forgot about that little girl he took care of so many years ago and was now enamored with this incredibly sexy young woman.
Assuming there was no chance anything would come of it, but still feeling he’d be remiss if he didn’t take the chance, he reached out to her on social media. This is where it all changed.
Reg started by following her primary account. Soon after, he received a private message from her. The message contained a joke and a link to an old picture of him. But the link was broken. It lead to nothing. He replied to Allie and waited. He continued to wait longer and longer. No response. He felt snubbed and ignored. Everything now started coming at him at once.
Reg was feeling the full weight of her neglect at this point. She didn’t contact him at all in twenty years, she very rarely showed up to family gatherings, she didn’t follow him back on social media and the one time she contacted him; it was to laugh at an old picture of his and not respond to any follow-up. After what they shared when she was a baby, this is how she treated him. In his mind, their bond was broken. She just grew up to be a selfish, privileged bitch.
His newfound hatred for his cousin began to consume him. Reg needed to vent this rage, but there was no way he thought, until the notion of masturbating to her came to mind. That would be something offensive. If she knew, she would be disgusted, it’d ruin her day. She would feel bad and have plenty of negative emotions. And if she didn’t find out, he would have this dirty secret on her. So, he did it. The hate combined with the attraction for her made for a fantastic orgasm. It would only prove to be the beginning.
Reg began saving Allie’s pics from all over the web for his jerk off sessions, which would be frequent. In fact, he had never masturbated to any non-celebrity this much in his life. With each climax, it felt twice as satisfying; the physical enjoyment, plus the feeling of getting back at her. He even went so far as to print out her picture and give her a cum facial.
Allie, meanwhile, had moved out of her parent’s home. However, half her things were still at home. This gave Reg some nasty ideas. He asked to stay over for a week at his aunt’s and, as expected, she happily welcomed him again. Had she known what he had in mind, she wouldn’t have been so eager.
While staying over on the very first night, Reg noticed Allie’s sports drink in the fridge. When everyone went to sleep, he took it out of the fridge, undid the large-mouth lid and dipped his penis, dunking it into her drink so many times that it was almost as if he was having sex with it. Though he didn’t cum, he certainly left enough precum mixed in there.
The next afternoon, Allie came for a visit. Sure enough, she went for a sip from her sports bottle. Reg watched in deviant delight as his cum trickled into her. It brought him immense satisfaction to know she had just drunk his semen. He wanted to go even further with his naughtiness. This event only excited him and brought forth more machinations.
He went to sleep that night, thinking and thinking about what he could do. It finally came to him. This plot was going to go too far, but he couldn’t fight it. He wanted to do it right away, but decided to put it off ’til the afternoon.
The following day, he put his plan into action. With everyone downstairs on the main level, he went upstairs to Allie’s room and took a pair of her panties. He slithered his way into the upstairs bathroom and locked the door behind him. He pulled down his pants, sat on the toilet, and wrapped his cock in his cousin’s underwear. It felt so good stroking his dick and feeling the pressure on his glans while looking at pictures on his phone of his sexy cousin. He came hard, almost so much that he got scared that someone had heard him. Luckily, no one did.
Now, the other part of his plan. He lightly wiped his cum off of the panties, but not completely and without washing them. He sneaked back into her room and placed it back into her drawer. Reg immediately after, went down and joined the rest of the family. He sat in the den with a smile on his face, knowing that the next time his cousin wore that pair of panties, his essence would be all over her pussy. That was enough to keep him going for a while. He soon returned home.
Years went by. Not much changed. Reg still wanted to fuck his cousin and continued to masturbate to her, even making fake nudes of her with AI programs to satisfy himself. But beyond all of this, he was actually a very nice guy at heart and wouldn’t have been so hurt and lashed out so despicably had he not cared so much about her in the first place. Upon this epiphany, he understood he had to make amends with Allie. Whatever she did, maybe they could move forward together.
Reg knew one get-together that she would be at and made sure to attend. There, he confronted her. She told him that the private message that essentially started all this was spam and the link was supposed to open a virus. Reg was floored. All this hate, all the things he had done, all the wasted time, was all because of a misunderstanding. He felt extra stupid because he considered himself web-savvy and was disappointed with himself for falling for something so elementary. He told her about all the disdain he had had for her and how sorry he was for all of it.
She forgave him, but told him it would be hard to repair the damage. She didn’t know about all the sexual things, but he acted very badly to her for years and she didn’t understand why until now. So, he invited her to come spend a night at his place and get reacquainted some day. He wanted to start over. However, things took an odd turn here.
Allie seemingly mistook his request and responded with, “I have a boyfriend.”
What?? She must’ve thought he was asking her on a date? But if so, why didn’t she reply with revulsion instead? It was her cousin asking her, after all. This wasn’t lost on Reg. She obviously didn’t care about their familial relation and probably would’ve otherwise accepted if she was single. This was all extremely confusing. But he went ahead and clarified things and she accepted.
Reg accidentally tested her again, by saying, “Yeah, maybe we can Flicks n’ Chill or whatever you call it.”
Allie laughed and responded, “You know what that means, right?”
Reg, honestly having no clue it wasn’t literal, uttered, “What?”
She informed him, “It means have sex.”
Reg nervously said, “Well, that’d be good too,” but after realizing what he just said, continued, “No! Just kidding lol! Oh my God, everything is about sex with you kids these days! Yeesh!”
They laughed it off and had a date promised for the future. Reg immediately began to plan it.
He planned the night; what to watch, what to do, what to drink, what password to use, so she didn’t accidentally stumble upon his folder with hundreds of her pics…and when.
He still couldn’t get rid of that nagging doubt, though. Why did she say she had a boyfriend instead of something like, ‘ew we’re cousins!’? Was there seriously a chance?
It actually wouldn’t be the first time. Reg had slept with two other cousins in his life already. A first and a second.
In his teen years, his first cousin Shal was trying to hook him up with her friend. He asked her how she described him. When she repeated what she had told her friend, one term stood out; “sweet lookin’.” When he heard Shal call him that, he started to flirt with her, and she reciprocated. She kept fighting it because they were first cousins, but one day, the perfect opportunity presented itself.
Shal and Reg ran into each other in the mall one day. She had been having problems with her parents and was on her own, so Reg invited her back to stay with him for a few days. When they got home and in his room, he locked the door and made his move. Or at least he tried. Shal was a typical teen girl and was on the phone practically from the moment they got back.
Reg decided he needed to make a move or lose the chance. So, while Shal was busy on the phone, he made himself erect, pulled down his pants and started dancing provocatively with his penis poking from behind his oversized t-shirt.
Shal saw this and had an ‘OMG’ moment as she turned away, giggling into the phone. Reg waited until she turned for another look and popped it out right in front of her face. Shal got more embarrassed, but seeing how big and hard it was for her, she got flustered and kept looking back at it. Reg then took her hand in his and gripped his cock, jerking it slightly.
Shal finally gave in. She told her friend she had to go and that she’d call her back later, hung up, giggled a bit more, then settled in and started sucking her cousin’s dick. She then pushed him onto his bed, slid down her pants, mounted him and rode him bareback. Reg came inside her.
Because neither had used protection, they were worried about her being pregnant. Luckily, things eventually turned out negative. But while they were at his house, they didn’t have sex again in the remaining days of her stay. They did fool around and get touchy here and there, but because they were worried about conception and because Reg also had a serious girlfriend at the time, they just let things cool off.
The other incident was a second cousin, Amy, who Reg had met at another cousin’s wedding. His male cousins had lied to him about her liking him, but that prophecy ended up fulfilling itself. For after the reception, back at the house, they both hooked up. Reg and Amy lay drunk on the bed, trying to get some action going, but with wedding guests continuing to come in and out of the room, they couldn’t get a moment. So, they sneaked into the bathroom and locked the door. They made out and had sex on the toilet cover.
Reg also nearly hooked up with another second cousin, Mona, but that never made it past flirting.
Regardless, with this knowledge, he wondered if something was going around the gene pool in the cousins. Maybe he had a chance with Allie after all, thus.
Months later, the day came. Allie arrived and conversed with her aunt and uncle before she and Reg decided what to order. They decided on Japanese.
Throughout the night, Reg and Allie got along so well. It was as if there had never been a rift between them. They laughed and told so many stories that they barely got to watch anything on TV. It was as perfect as it could’ve been.
Reg didn’t want to spoil it by making a move on her anymore. But she was so sexy it was killing him. He decided it was for the better to just to lie on the couch and watch TV and let her go to sleep.
Surprisingly, she came over and lay down on top of him. Her ass was right on his crotch. He got so worried if he could control himself and not get hard. He remained calm and focused on the TV. Everytime Allie laughed though, it put pressure on him. Then he caught a glimpse down her top. That did it. His member began to bulge against her.
She felt it. But thankfully, she was too tipsy to take it seriously and just joked about what she felt. Reg played it off as if it wasn’t because of her citing that perhaps he was just tired.
Allie then turned her face back to Reg’s. Buzzed, aroused and with a glint in her eye, she bit her lip, grabbed his hair and began to make out with him.
Reg was overjoyed. He opened his eyes briefly to make sure this was real, then closed them upon confirmation and got lost in the moment. Inside his head, he was bouncing off the walls with elation. This was actually happening.
He then, as if instinctually, slid his hand down the front of her jeans and fondled her very wet clitoris. Reg was hearing her moan, feeling her writhe, smelling her perfume and tasting her lips. He then grabbed her breast with his other hand.
He then dared to take it further still. He shimmied his pants and underwear down to take his cock out, unzipped and slid hers down a bit as well, and worked his penis around and into her pussy. She cried out in pleasure as he entered her. They both started grinding against each other while continuing to kiss.
Grinding harder, the friction too intense, they both almost couldn’t stand it any longer, but kept going and going. Reg now sucking on a breast after yanking up her shirt and bra. The vibrations from Allie’s moans serving only to make his grinds turn into sharp thrusts. His demands that she cum turning her on more and more until he declared he was about to lose it. They both then made the final push and shared an unbelievable, almost earthshaking orgasm together as he pumped several loads into her while she nearly ripped his hair out from the intensity.
Taking a few moments to try and recover, they both fell asleep peacefully. Fortunately, thanks partially to the TV noise, their climax didn’t wake anyone up.
The next morning, they woke up together. Neither regretted what happened. But she was firm that it couldn’t happen again. Their family was too close to let something like this ruin it and she, as reiterated, had a boyfriend.
Still, they had both never had experienced anything like that and after breakfast, reminisced about it. On the porch, while smoking weed, they lamented how they could never experience that again. It was a perfect night. But it was over and back to the status quo. Allie’s boyfriend came to pick her up, and that was the end of it.
Reg still was still tormented by the things he had done when he hated her, and knew he could never tell her, but things worked out in the end. He got to fuck the girl he wanted to most, and he mended fences with his cousin. It was time to move on and take the lessons he learned to serve him in the future; to not ever again jump to conclusions, judge people and give in to hatred. To try to see the good in people, especially family.
Written by PrinceJupiter