Re-uploading my Reina the Warlock stories previously uploaded under the user name Liethra as I’m resuming work on the series!
A shadow dove into the bushes, ducking into the darkness as she panted heavily. She had almost messed up seriously this time. Her name was Reina, follower of the Dark Path, caller of the shadow forces. And tonight was not her best night.
A simple burglary into a mansion that was supposed to be almost deserted had almost gotten botched. Guards were everywhere. Swollen and half-drunk, but still a major problem. Now she was cornered, and they were suspecting that someone was skulking around. She had to figure something out, and soon.
A quick look around offered little refuge. Only high walls, with no doors or hatches. But there was, however, a window that was open and a thick weave of ivy that rose up to and beyond it. She considered it for a moment. Her clothing was simple, with thick trousers and dark leather body armour. A simple belt with pouches for reagents. No cloak, but a dark hood that covered all of her face but for a few locks of brown hair and piercing, green eyes set under thin but sharp eyebrows. It would be a tricky climb, but she could probably make it. Suddenly she could hear voices approaching somewhere in the dark. Time was of the essence. Nowhere to go but up. She grabbed onto the vines, quick and silent as a cat, and started making her way upwards.
Sure enough, not long after she had started her ascent the voices grew louder and footsteps approached. She saw them well despite the darkness, but they were unlikely to be able to see her. Still, she waited until they had passed — having to listen to a short yet astoundingly asinine conversation about the merits of harlots compared wives — before carefully continuing up to the window. Branches and vines caught on her clothes, but she managed to get up without too much damage to her pride. Peeking inside, she saw only darkness. A small, sparsely decorated room with little else but a bed, a table and a meagre bookshelf. It would do well. With a small grunt of effort she heaved herself inside, and took stock of her situation.
She knew the rough layout of the mansion. This room couldn’t be too far away from her target: the wizard’s safe room that kept the book she was hunting. But all the extra guards meant that something was afoot. She would need help. Collecting her mind for a moment, she gathered energy and started whispering the incantation of summoning. The true names of her bondmate. And then the Daemon appeared with a dark flourish and a fell gust of wind, as if she had risen through the floor. Given birth by the darkness. This time she appeared almost a head taller than Reina. Her body was strong and muscular, with four arms and clad only in a ragged but ornately decorated cloth around her waist. Her purple-reddish skin glistened in the dark, making her plump breasts and curving muscles all the more alluring. Thick and elaborately curved horns together with dark red hair framed a face that spoke of both incredible violence and insatiable lust. Her name was Beleeza, Lieutenant of the House of Flesh.
“Hell’s mercy,” the Daemon sighed as she looked around. “What manner of hovel are we in this time?”
“No hovel at all, actually,” Reina whispered as she removed her hood. She shook her head, making her locks dance and fall into place again. “A wizard’s mansion, in fact. I’ll need your help getting to some of his secrets,” she said, assertive, though with a familiarity most might consider strange towards such a being.
“Ooh, wizarding secrets…lovely…” Beleeza smirked in that sardonic way of hers. Then her eyes suddenly fell for a moment. Then the smirk turned into a broad, mischievous smile. She took a deliberate step towards Reina. “My-my, haven’t you forgotten something, little acolyte?” Her voice was searing hot, and just vaguely threatening.
“What do you mean”- Reina instinctively reached for her warding talisman that she kept around her neck. But it wasn’t there. “Oh no,” she whimpered as she realised it must have gotten caught on some branch, or gotten torn loose.
“Oh, yes,” Beleeza said in turn, pushing Reina up against the door. “You caught me in such a mood… But don’t worry, little one. I will help. But I think I will have my reward first.” The Daemon’s voice was little more than a lustful growl, but her body spoke far louder.
“But we”- Reina tried, but Beleeza shut her up by pulling her close and kissing her deeply.
Two strong hands held Reina’s arms behind her back and two others started fondling her behind. Eagerly. Hungrily. Beleeza’s lips were hot and tasted like metal and fire. A sharp, snakelike tongue filled Reina’s mouth, tasting her and savouring her softness. She could hear muffled voices outside in the hallway, somewhere far too close for comfort. They could be found out at any moment. But Beleeza did not care in the slightest. Her hands reached inside Reina’s trousers, clawing and grabbing at the soft flesh that now revealed itself to her. She let out a deep, beastly moan as she savoured the young warlock’s supple body that awaited her pleasure. Their lips parted, leaving Reina panting. But Bezeela was quick to turn her around, pushing Reina face up against the door to the corridor.
“I summoned you, Daemon,” the Warlock hissed, trying to assert herself. “I order you”- she let out a surprised yelp when Beleeza pinched her behind.
“Well, then you should have been more careful with your trinket, shouldn’t you?” Beleeza teased, pressing her body up against Reina’s, making the door creak.
“Please, they can hear us,” Reina whispered, now pleadingly. But Beleeza held her tightly and she felt how her trousers were undone and fell unceremoniously to the floor. Cold night air caressed her skin and made her shiver. But only from the cold, she told herself.
“Then you must be hush-hush quiet, pet,” Beleeza whispered back, biting Reina’s supple neck as her hands started caressing the inside of the girl’s thighs. Teasing, slow strokes that made the young warlock tremble despite her nervousness. “I know all your body’s little secrets…”
A finger traced its way up Reina’s inner thigh and up between her legs. When Beleeza touched upon that most sensitive place, even just on top of her breeches, Reina couldn’t help letting out a small whimper of pleasure. Despite the danger, she found her body responding to Beleeza’s touch with great eagerness. A small fire was slowly being stoked.
“You and I are bonded in flesh, after all…” Beleeza had loosened Reina’s armour and was now reaching inside her shirt. Sharp nails dragged along soft skin, making Reina tremble and twitch. When they reached her breast she had to suffocate a small moan, biting her lip to keep quiet as fingers started playing with her nipples. Something stiff was pressing against her behind. Growing harder.
“Mmmm, see pet?” Beleeza whispered in Reina’s ear, lips brushing against her skin.
Reina cursed that the Daemon knew her body so intimately. Every little sensation around her ear and neck made sparks of pleasure light up inside her. With every moment, her mind was becoming more and more blunt. Drunken desire mixed with fear.
“If they find us, they… They”- Reina could barely manage to speak.
Not only because Beleeza’s touch made it hard to focus as the Daemon continued stroking between her legs. But because the mere thought of getting caught made her heart pound all the heavier. Only this door separated them from being found out. Who knew how many guards were patrolling the halls. Servants. Guests. So many people that could come in at any moment. So many that could hear her sounds if they managed to pass by at just the right time. She couldn’t understand why, but the mere thought made her delirious with lust. Here she was, exposed and vulnerable. At the mercy of a Daemon and anyone that could find them out.
“They could do all sorts of things to such a pretty little burglar,” Beleeza filled in with glee.
Finally, she undid Reina’s breeches, and dropped them to the floor. Fingers burning with supernatural heat stroked naked skin, teasing and tempting. For a moment Reina felt like there was far more than just four hands on her. There was one holding her arms behind her back, one caressing and playing with her breasts, one fondling her naked behind, and so many hands stroking and teasing the inside of her thighs and just below her stomach.
“Mmm, what luck to be bonded to such a pretty little thing,” Beleeza sighed with pleasure. “So responsive…so eager.”
A hand slid down between Reina’s legs, pressing against her crotch. Only now did she realise how wet and aching she really was. The hand enveloped her, palm pressing against her wetness, making Reina gasp for air as she tried not to moan. But when a dark heat started spreading from that hand, she had to bite down on her lip not to scream out loud. It was a heat borne of the Abyss, and it stoked her fire into an inferno.
Beleeza let out a small moan in appreciation. “Oh how you tremble…how you shiver and drip.”
“P-please,” Reina whimpered, almost completely at the mercy of the fire between her legs. “I-I can’t…”
“Oh, I’m sure you can, pet…”
Beleeza’s fingers started stroking and massaging, gently sliding into Reina’s wetness. Teasing. Stoking the fire more and more. Reina could barely keep quiet anymore as Beleeza slowly worked her into a complete delirium of pleasure. Fingers, slick with her own wetness, slid deep inside, almost making her cry out. Suddenly, a hand was placed over her mouth, suffocating her sounds.
“Shhh, pet…don’t want them to find us before we’ve had some fun do we?” Beleeza whispered, gently biting Reina’s ear. She withdrew her fingers, and again Reina could feel something hard and hot pressing against her behind. Rubbing slowly against her wetness. Teasing. Threatening. Demanding. “Oh little warlock,” Beleeza sighed, “It is a rare treat that someone still manages to get my blood so hot.”
She aimed her cock between Reina’s legs, still merely brushing teasingly against her wetness. It was hard as obsidian and impossibly warm. Like a piece of iron straight from the fire. Had she not taken it before, Reina would have been convinced that it would scorch her dead. Even now, as it rubbed against her most sensitive, there was a slight tinge of fear. But no part of her could resist anymore.
“Now hush,” Beleeza whispered, her breath damp with desire.
Reina braced herself for what was coming, trembling with anticipation. She felt the swollen, hot head pressing against her wetness for but a brief second. Then, without resistance it pushed inside her, millimetre by aching millimetre. Beleeza grunted with pleasure as she claimed Reina, filling the girl up with her thick, hot cock. Reina could only let out a deep, delirious moan, suffocated by Beleeza’s hand. If someone had been outside they would have surely heard it.
The Daemon pushed inside Reina with a slow and deliberate patience, enjoying every little moment. But finally she was completely inside, her cock filling Reina’s pussy completely. Savouring the sensation for a moment, Beleeza pressed Reina against the door, making it creak and groan. Looking down, seeing herself buried inside the girl so deep that there was nothing left visible of her own cock, she sighed with satisfaction. Then she grabbed Reina’s hair, mouth and arms, and let her last hand find its place between the girl’s legs. Slowly caressing that most sensitive spot.
“How lovely you look right now, little one…” Beleeza’s grip tightened and her muscles tensed. Then she began moving.
With slow, determined thrusts she started fucking the young warlock. Savouring the way her wetness tightened around her, and the way Reina shivered and moaned every time the thick cock pushed its way deep inside her. It twitched with pleasure, throbbing and eager. Reina could barely take the torture, feeling herself filled up with that searing heat as fingers rubbed at her most pleasurable place. And little by little Beleeza gave in to her own pleasure. Every thrust became harder and more determined. Pushed Reina up against the door all the more forcefully. Made their bodies thud against each other, hot skin against hot skin. Reina’s eyes rolled back in her head as she tried to hold on under the waves of relentless pleasure. The feeling of that hard, hot cock deep inside her was slowly driving her mad. Her entire body was on fire, as if it was melting from all the sensations, unable to take it all in. She could feel it throbbing and pulsating. Every little move echoing through her body, vibrating with pleasure. Some small part of her mind still tried to listen in case someone would pass by outside, but all she could hear was Beleeza’s beastly grunts and groans of pleasure. Those groans were becoming deeper and deeper, and the Daemon’s hands were tightening their grip. The door creaked with every thrust as Beleeza fucked her with more and more reckless abandon. Reina was getting so very close to her own edge, so desperately near her own climax. Every muscle ached and trembled, straining to keep up. Suddenly, Beleeza let out a deep, unearthly groan and thrust her cock as deep inside as she could. Reina cried out as liquid fire pumped deep inside her, thick spurts of the Daemon’s cum filling her up. The cock throbbed like possessed as it emptied itself in her, as if it would never stop. And yet, despite the deranged pleasure, she was just a hair’s breadth away from her own release. So close, but yet so desperately far away.
Beleeza leaned in close, her entire body smouldering hot against Reina’s. “Ahhh…a good start, yes, pet?” she whispered, drunk with desire.
She started moving her hips again. Slowly. Teasingly. She sensed how very close Reina was. So close her mind was threatening to break. Whimpering and gasping, the young Warlock could only take it as the Daemon fucked her at a pace that bordered on the torturous. Feeling as the still hard cock slid in and out of her trembling, aching pussy, now slick with the Daemon’s cum. Suddenly she could hear voices outside the door, approaching through the corridor. She tried to alert Beleeza, but could only manage muffled sounds.
“Shhh, pet…I hear them,” Beleeza said with glee. But she did not stop her torture.
As the voices came closer, the Daemon kept moving, thrusting inside Reina at a maddeningly slow pace. Slowly. Quietly. Woozy from pleasure, Reina tried to listen to the voices outside as they came closer. All of a sudden they stopped right by the door. Her heart raced, sure that they would be caught now.
“So close now,” Beleeza whispered in her ear. “Do you think they can hear you being taken and used, just on the other side of the door?” she threatened, not halting her thrusts for even a second.
Reina’s mind was a whirlwind, deep fear and searing lust mixing together as she was getting dangerously close to climaxing. Every thrust forced her closer to the edge, and if she tipped over… That would be it. But then, by some divine blessing, the voices continued down the hallway, slowly disappearing until all was quiet again.
“Seems we got lucky, pet,” Beleeza sighed, though Reina couldn’t tell if it was with disappointment or relief. Then suddenly, she found herself picked up off the floor and carried away. Before she could get her bearings, she found herself laid down on a table, moonlight shining in over her. It didn’t take Beleeza long to relieve her of what little clothing remained, and then she was but naked prey splayed out before the Daemon. Beleeza towered above her like a dark Goddess. A powerful Goddess. A demanding Goddess. Her cock, hard and black as obsidian, hung heavy against Reina’s crotch.
“Spread yourself for me,” the Daemon demanded, words hot and harsh.
Reina obeyed without hesitation. She spread her legs. Offered herself to her Goddess. And the Goddess was quick to receive her offering. Beleeza’s cock thrust deep inside again, still slick with cum and Reina’s wetness. Reina strained not to cry out as she was filled up once more, holding on to the table as the Daemon took her as her own.
“Oh pet,” Beleeza groaned, “Now you shall get your reward…”
And as she fucked Reina, the Daemon chanted a low incantation, her eyes growing dark, and the very air around her crackling with fell power. A strange fire washed over Reina, and her body was seized by raging powers that made every thrust and throb resonate throughout her entire being. She was filled, not just between her legs, but in her entire body by sensations beyond anything she could handle. The Daemon fucked her with unearthly power, her hot cock feeling impossibly big inside Reina, who felt like she was losing her mind. And as uncountable hands started touching and stroking her all over, she not only reached her peak but was catapulted over it, into a deep abyss of ecstasy. When she came, her body erupted, every fibre singing out in glorious chorus as she was filled with starlight and sparks. But as she descended from the peak, another one took its place and once more she was wracked with spasms of pleasure. She could barely hear when Beleeza grunted deeply, but she could certainly feel when once more the Daemon pumped her searing hot cum deep inside her, never stopping her thrusts. Peak after peak rocked Reina’s young body, until she was nothing more than a shivering wreck, filled to the brim by the Daemon, whose pulsating cock was slowly coming to rest inside her. She ached, she burned, she whimpered. But she radiated with uncountable pleasures.
The Goddess withdrew, looking down in satisfaction at her work.”Mmm…such a glorious little thing you are,” she purred. “I dare say you have earned my help this time.”
Reina struggled to regain her breath, still shivering and trembling. “I will…I will need a minute or two,” she whispered as she caressed her own body, sticky with the Daemon’s hot pleasure.
“Take what time you need,” Beleeza said with a smirk. “Time has no meaning to me. Once you have rejoined the living we can deal with your thievery.” Then, a mischievous look flashed over her face. “I can not promise that I will not fuck you again on the wizard’s desk, however,” she added with a broad smile.
Reina didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.