She knows not that I even exist
I watch her daily, waiting
Hoping, she may notice me
I am but a regular guy
Few would know that I exist
I watch the crowd, waiting
Hoping, others may notice me
I stroll the street looking for love
Those I see know not that I am here
I watch intently, waiting
Hoping, love will notice me
I stare into the a face of a`dream
She now knows now that I exist
She is watching me, waiting
Finally, she has noticed me
I have changed from a regular guy
Many now see me and now know I exist
They watch me, waiting
Hoping I will notice them
I stroll the streets again looking for love
Everyone I see knows that I am am here
They look intently, waiting
Hoping, I will find love
I look back once more
I see the face of my dream
We look at each other intently, waiting
Hoping, our love will be eternal