Written words, a whisper to the wind
Reaches my heart, like a spoken word
Touches my soul and my heart melts.
Written in the sands, etched in my mind,
That made the hair on my hot skin rose.
Message flows freely like tears in my eyes.
Words that touches my wondering mind,
Paradise that can only be found in dreams
Of love and ecstasy, our fantasy as lovers.
Thunder and lightening, the music playing,
Black clouds on a stormy days our blanket
For an evening of lovers blissful dream.
My imagination runs wild with your words,
Doodling again to remember the feeling to
Help me through this nights of chaos.
How happy you made me feel in your own
Perverted ways of sharing life with me.
North to south, our own special place.
How far we are, makes no difference,
Even time can’t protest, how we want to
Be together in this lonely hell on earth
Now …
The only thing I want is a smile on your eyes
That travels through your lips to your heart.
Making our nightmares full of happy smiles.