She is bursting at the seams to be released
I go about my day almost robot-like
Doing, doing, doing, but never really feeling
A shell of what I used to be, half the woman that I was
Please hurry, find me soon.
I see my life like I am living above my body
I watch all around me….waiting for your arrival
I plaster on my face of contentment and again go about my day
As you linger there in the back of my mind – a faceless savior to this pain
I know not what you look like, nor how our story will start
But I wait, patiently. You will come one day, I am sure
I wait and I wait….will it be today?
Will you come into my world and make me feel alive once again?
My entire existence is a sham. My life is written by a bitter source
Please come to me soon and make something in my world real
I eat, but do not taste
I laugh, but only to satisfy others
I get out of bed in the morning, for that’s what people do
My soul is weak and my spirit is empty
I am tired of merely existing
Come and walk alongside me
So I may listen to your heart beat
Make the sun rise in my soul
And a smile genuine