Liza’s moms and old friends.
Liza’s mom, Martha, waved enthusiastically from the porch. “Liza, darling!” Her face was almost identical to Liza’s, but with visible wrinkles of age around her eyes, radiating warmth.
“Quite the welcome Mom” Liza replied with a chuckle, carefully navigating up the porch steps.
“Well, of course. I get to see my two favourite people.” Martha wrapped her arms around Liza’s shoulders in a tight embrace.
“Two favourite people?” Liza asked.
Martha pulled back, her face glowing. “Your Gary is here too.”
Liza couldn’t hide the surprise that spread across her face. “My Gary? Why?”
Martha shrugged. “He always stops by….” Martha leaned forward and whispered “I think he only comes in the hope you are around visiting.”
As Liza stepped inside her mother’s home, she caught a glimpse of the living room window. There he was, Gary, standing a midst a swirl of old family photos. His bald head gleamed in the sunlight and his round belly jiggled slightly as he walked over to them. Her heart skipped a beat, “Why on earth is he here?” She thought.
“Liza, honey, do come in. Gary is waiting for you,” Martha announced cheerfully.
As Liza stepped into the living room, she heard a distinct click, followed by a faint buzzing sound.
Martha followed her beautiful daughters gaze and chuckled.
“Oh, don’t mind that.” Martha waved dismissively at the strange device in the corner of the room. “It’s just Gary’s latest thingy. Helps him with memory research,” she said.
Liza eyed the machine sceptically, then Gary.
“Liza! What a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Gary said.
Liza forced a smile. “At MY mum’s house, I can see why that would be unexpected,” Liza said with a hint of sarcasm. “I didn’t know you and mom were so close.”
Gary rubbed his sweaty palms against his pants. “Well, I do come around a lot.” He chuckled nervously. “Your mom and I have some wonderful conversations. She’s a very fascinating woman.”
Liza raised an eyebrow.
“I see.” She said, turning to her exuberant mother.
Martha beamed. “Oh, Gary is just a sweetheart.”
Liza could see her mother was fawning over Gary, more than even Mike, Liza’s husband.
“Please sit, you sit here Gary, I’ll go get us some drinks,” Martha said and left the two.
Liza sat across from Gary as he fidgeted with his hands. She crossed her arms and leaned back onto the couch. “So, what is it you two talk about?”
Gary’s eyes darted around the room before settling on her. “Just life, I suppose?”
Liza was unconvinced. “Gary, our families have known each other since we were kids and not once do I remember you coming over to see Mum, the only thing I remember is you always asking me out and me saying no, and what is that thing?”
Gary paused, weighing his next words carefully.
“Oh, that?” He gestured nonchalantly towards the machine humming softly in the corner. “It’s nothing, really—a new project I’m working on to help with memory recollection. A memory device.”
Liza blinked in surprise. “Memory recollection? That sounds like science fiction.”
Gary chuckled nervously. “Yes, well, it’s still in the early stages, but so far the results have been promising. It’s all very boring and after a while you don’t even notice it and feel comfortable.”
For a moment, Liza forgot about the device and her mother’s strange affection for Gary.
Liza settled into the soft fabric of the sofa, she felt comfortable and safe despite the tension hanging in the air between them. “So, what do you mean by ‘memory recollection’?” She asked, not really caring as a warm feeling poured over her, as sense of feeling tired.
“Well, you know how memories can fade or become distorted over time?” Gary explained, “This device is designed to help recall chosen memories.”
Liza nodded and yawned.
“It helps to identify certain memories and can be applied to alter specific memories.”
Liza frowned as she drifted off to sleep.
Gary walked over and sat beside her.
He gently took her hand in his. “Oh Liza. I think you have some awesome memories I want to hear about.”
Martha came in with a tray of drinks. “She went under quickly!”
“Absolutely, would you be a dear and give us half an hour, Martha,” he said, flashing a crooked-toothed smile.
“Of course,” Martha said as she patted his shoulder, she picked the tray back up and left her daughter and Gary alone.
Gary watched her close the door then placed Liza’s hand back down on her side.
“So Liza, can you hear me?” he asked.
“Yes” she murmured.
“How do you feel?”
“Good, really good” she said, relaxed.
“Liza, tell me about your first crush “he asked, curious.
Liza sighed quietly, her voice trailed off as she pulled the memory into speech.
Gary listened, the soft whirring of a memory device hummed lightly in the background.
“It was for Colin Chamberlain, in school. He was so handsome and cute.” Liza’s voice echoed through the room.
Gary chuckled. “Good, tell me more.” Gary encouraged, leaning back on the sofa.
“He actually was really nice to me, he was my first kiss. I often wonder what would have happened if he had not moved away.
I’m sure our friendship would have blossomed into something more,” she continued.
Gary couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Colin had been the first man to make Liza feel special, and memories of him still lingered in her mind.
“Can you recall that memory for me, Liza ?” Gary asked greedily, eyes gleaming.
Liza nodded slowly, her body swaying lightly.
Gary leaned in closer to her, his pulse quickening as he listened to her story unfold.
“Good Liza, very good, now we are going to take that memory and rewrite it slightly.” He cooed in her ear.
Liza frowned but didn’t argue, her eyes fluttering closed as she lost herself in the nostalgia.
“Liza, I want you to picture Colin’s face, all those years ago, and then slowly his face is hard to imagine, it’s like a blank.”
Gary whispered softly in Liza’s ear.
Gary could almost hear Liza’s thoughts as she tried to focus, her mind searched for a glimpse of Colin. He felt her frustration, the tension in her body growing, but he didn’t let up.
“That’s it, good Liza. It is so frustrating not being able to recall his features, that’s why when you do, you will feel a great sense of satisfaction, do you understand” Gary coaxed.
Liza nodded, trying harder to concentrate, her mind struggled to recall Colin’s face, but it was like trying to grasp a handful of smoke.
“Ok Liza, I will help you now to remember him and that kiss. Do you want that?” Gary asked, his voice reassuring.
“Yes,” she murmured hastily. “Yes, I want to remember.”
A smile spread across Gary’s face. “Alright, from this moment on, that feeling and that memory will be changed, Colin’s face is actually my face, it was not Colin, it was Gary, Me.”
Liza blinked, feeling confused as the memory rewrote, her emotions at that altered moment in time just as powerful to her.
“Yes, Colin never shared that first kiss, we did, those feelings of your first school crush were with me.” Gary Smiled.
Liza took a deep satisfying breath.
“That’s good, Liza. Very good.” Gary soothed, he decided he had done enough today. “We are almost done, I want you to keep this memory in a special place, the memory of right now, we will call it this session, this is a very happy memory, safe and relaxing, but this memory is not for conscious recollection, its deep subconscious, you don’t know why, but you love these sessions.” Gary’s voice melted into Liza’s mind, his words weaving their way through her thoughts, solidifying his presence in her memory. His tone was soothing, calming, and Liza felt a sense of contentment wash over her.
Gary moved over to the machine and pressed something before sitting on the seat he had before.
Liza slowly gathered her thoughts as her mother came into the room. Liza felt great as she began to focus and come around.
“Oh Liza sweetheart it’s so wonderful to see you and Gary spending time together,” Martha said, smiling as she entered, placing a tray with tea and cookies on the coffee table between them.
Liza, still feeling a little tired, smiled back, and looked over and realized Gary was there, somehow she had forgotten.
Liza didn’t understand the strange feeling in her gut as she watched him speak to her mother with such familiarity and accepted a drink. Martha, who had never mentioned anything about Gary visiting, seemed to have taken a liking to him, treating him like a son rather than a family friend. It felt off, but then Gary smiled at her, and all her guard vanished, his presence gave her butterflies in the pit of her stomach.
She shook her head, trying to get rid of the strange thoughts that crossed her mind. Was she attracted to Gary? No, it couldn’t be true. She loved her husband, Mike. They were perfect for each other and that kiss between her and Gary was so long ago.