Rapunzel, The XXX Version

"When no prince survives the climb up the tower, a not-prince will have to do the job..."

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“Hi Dave.” Charmaine was on the phone.

“Hey, you,” I said, intrigued already. “Is something going on in Fairy Land again?”

“Yes, there is.” She didn’t hold back anymore. I’d done several ‘jobs’ for her over there already. “Do you know Rapunzel?”

I thought hard. Rapunzel. Girl with long hair, locked up in a tower by some witch. That was as far as my memory went. Charmaine told me that was enough.

“The thing is, the prince who’s supposed to get up to her and knock her up, isn’t showing.”

“Wait, what, did you say knock her up? As in get her pregnant?” I had to sit down now.


“You want me to go there and screw Rapunzel so she gets pregnant.”

“Yes. That and a few other bits.” Charmaine told me it wouldn’t be dangerous.

I asked if she’d be there, and she would be. Not actively, but for mental support and also to show me the way.

“The village where Rapunzel lived is hard to find, and getting to the tower is even harder,” she explained. “The witch is a powerful one, and we have to prepare you for that.”

“Sounds great, but not really.” That witch news made me reconsider for a moment.

“Don’t worry about the witch. She’ll be easy.”

“To a Fairy Queen perhaps, but I’m not a Fairy Queen. I’m just a Fairy Fucker.”

She laughed and told me to get out to the parking where we’d started running a few times. She’d wait there for me.


The little car was there when I arrived, and Charmaine told me we’d have to go to her Fairy area first, to pick up another fairy.

“Why do we need another fairy?” I asked.

“We may run into a few princes on the way, and she’ll keep them busy. Unless you feel like being fucked by then,” Charmaine said as she took my hand and dragged me towards the start of the running trail.

“Ehm. No thanks. I have my standards, and a royal cock up my ass isn’t one of them.” I was sure about that.

Even without running, we were soon at the entrance to her world.

“Remember, I’m Charna here,” she reminded me as we took off our clothes. “Oh, I like that.” She wrapped a hand around my cock and stepped through the bush, taking me with her.

We arrived in a garden. There were lots of flowers, a few fountains, a small pond in the middle of a lawn, and on that lawn were four fairies, one of them male. The most impressive about him was a two-foot cock, which one of the girl fairies held to keep it up.

“Don’t mind him,” Charmaine said to me. “It’s not really that big. He’s just showing off again.”

“He’s succeeding,” I admitted.

“Don’t fall for it. Sucking that is like sucking in air.” She turned to one of the girls and called her over. She was a lovely creature with swaying breasts, gauze wings, and a pussy that looked as if it had been cleanly shaven.

“Hey,” she said, running a hand through her curly, brown hair. “I’m Noory.”

“Hey, Noory,” I said. “I’m Dave.”

“I know,” said Noory. “You’re the princess fucker. And take that as a compliment. Most Fairy Land princesses are hard to satisfy.” Noory looked at my cock, as if to judge what it took to make a princess get off. “Nice.”

“That’s enough chit-chat,” Charmaine said. “We should be on our way. Unfortunately, we’ll have to wear clothes for a good stretch as we’ll meet people.”

Noory made a nasty sound. “I hate clothes.”

“I know,” said Charmaine. “It restricts access. Dave, take her and my hand. We’ll have to go by air.”

“By air?” That surprised me a bit, but I took their hands.

A few moments later, wings had unfolded from their backs, wings I had never seen before, and another few moments later, the two flew up, taking me with them.


The fairies flew fast. Forests and villages rushed by below, and a few times we saw castles or palaces in the distance. I wondered what fairy tales were happening there, but we didn’t stop to look.

“There it is,” Charmaine said, pointing at a village in the distance. “We’ll land close to it. Noory goes to get some clothes for us, and we’ll take it from there.”

As we waited for Noory, I wondered if there was time for a fuck, but Charmaine was sure Noory would come back soon, and she did. The clothes she’d ‘borrowed’ from a line didn’t fit perfectly but they would do.

We went into the village, not attracting much attention. Charmaine’s and Noory’s wings had vanished, we found something to eat in a tavern (somehow there was some local money in one of my coat pockets) and we asked around a bit about Rapunzel.

“Yeah, poor brat,” a half-drunk man said, talking into his beer. “She got nabbed. Stupid parents shouldn’t have gotten a house next to a witch.”

“Did they know it was a witch?” Charmaine asked.

“Nah, we all didn’t know, but still. Stupid move.” The man was able to point us to the right house but told us Rapunzel’s parents had left for a while. “Dunno what they’re doing, but not my business.”

The three of us went on, then, to find the house. It was just outside the village, and empty. We took residence there, lost our clothes, and entertained ourselves with a good round of sex, before making plans to find the tower where Rapunzel was being kept.

We decided to sleep first. The tower would wait.


The next morning we had a look at the neighboring house. The witch’s house. No one was there. From its garden, we found a trodden part that led into some woods, so we followed that.

As soon as we had passed through the forest, we stumbled over a man, lying on the ground. Charmaine knelt down and examined him.

“Prince. Dead,” she concluded soon. “Broken neck, probably from a fall.”

As we walked on, we wondered how someone with a broken neck had ended up here, unless he’d fallen from a tree.

The trail ended at a large, open area with, indeed, a tower.

“That’s your cue,” Charmaine said. “Another prince will be here soon. This kind of thing attracts them like pussy does a hard cock. Noory will deal with him.”

I walked up to the tower and looked around. No witch in sight. She could be watching, though. I had to trust Charmaine’s words now.

I called out, “Rapunzel? Are you up there?”

“What?” A young woman appeared in the open window, high over me. “Yes, I’m here. I’m always here because I can’t get out. Who are you?”

“Hi, I’m Dave. I’m going to get you out of there.”

“Are you sure? There was a prince the other day and he said the same. He tried climbing up and fell down again.”

I could hear her sigh all the way down where I was.

“And he wasn’t the first one.”

The tower did look hard to climb, but contrary to those princes, I had read her story.

“If I’m right, you have really long hair, don’t you?”

“I do. How do you know? I’ve never seen you or met you.”

I told her I guessed that, from the time she’d been kept in the tower. That seemed to make sense to her. “Can you tie that hair to something sturdy and hang down the rest? I could climb up that way.”

“Climb up? With my hair?” She pondered the idea. “That does sound sort of clever…”

Rapunzel got to work and lowered her hair. It kept coming. I wondered how she had space in her room for all that hair and herself, but the main thing was the story was right, and the hair was there.

“Okay, that’s far enough,” I announced, to which she said there was plenty more if I needed it. “No, this is enough. Now tie it up, up there, and let me know when you’re done.”

As she was looking for a good spot, I turned to look at Charmaine and Noory. There was a man with them. The prince Charmaine had mentioned. He was on the ground and Noory was riding him like a pro. Damn, that was hot to see, I almost wished I was him, but then Rapunzel announced she was done.

I tugged the massive amount of hair. She said nothing, so I started climbing. I’d never been good at that, but here I was invincible, it seemed, and a few minutes later I was in the room, with Rapunzel.

She looked at me in delight. “You made it! I can’t believe it! I’ll do anything to get out of here!”

Remembering the impregnation part of this, I said, “Let’s start by taking off our clothes then.”

“I’m not sure why that helps, but I said I’d do anything…”

She had a great body and an amazing ass. I sucked her nipples, to which she eagerly responded – as did my cock.

“You don’t know how often I squeezed them,” she said, between gasps. “And how often I have put my hands down there…”

I told her I had something better to put there. She was curious to find out what, and stared at my erect cock. She’d never seen one.

“Lie on your bed and spread your legs, Rapunzel,” I said. “I’ll make this happen.”

She lay down. Her pussy was covered in dark hair. I lay down between her legs and slowly put my cock inside her, just a little at first.

“What is this magic?” she asked. “Can it go further?”

I made it go further, and soon we were in a full fucking frenzy. Rapunzel bit my shoulder as I pounded into her, pushing her hips up to catch each thrust as much as possible. The feeling of her silken inside was driving me mad with lust and I wished I could go on with her forever, but at some point, I shot my load inside her.

She was still breathing hard when I went down on her, licking her swollen pussy and tormenting her clit. She had to have an orgasm too, before we left.

Rapunzel exploded with a scream, smashing her wet pussy into my face once before the convulsions happened. She got off so hard, it made my cock want to go in again and do it again.

It took her a while to become coherent again. “Can you do that once more?” was the first thing she asked.

“Later,” I promised. We first have to get out of here.” I looked for my ‘borrowed’ clothes. Noory had conveniently supplied a knife too, which I used to cut off Rapunzel’s hair, leaving enough for the spike it had been tied to. That way she could climb or slide down.

She was still shaking from the orgasmic aftermath when she put her clothes back on. Meanwhile, I leaned out the window and waved at Charmaine, who would catch Rapunzel and get her away from the tower.

I helped the girl out of the window and watched her go down. When she was on the ground, I looked for my clothes, but before I could put them on, the single, locked door in the room opened.

A woman with long, black hair came in. She wore a wide, black dress. This had to be the witch. It struck me she wasn’t an ugly one, like they’re always described in fairy tales. She looked as surprised as I did.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“I’m your surprise,” I said, unable to come up with anything better.

“Surprise? That you are,” the witch said, inspecting my body with her eyes. “Oh. Nice.” She pointed at my cock. “Do you have a bigger one too?”

“If you work your magic on it,” I said.

“Drat. I forgot my wand downstairs,” the witch said. “Other ideas?”

“You could give it a good lick,” I suggested, taking my chances.

“A lick? Does that work?” The witch, seemingly oblivious of Rapunzel’s absence, knelt down and put her face close to me. “Hmm.” She licked me. It felt good. My cock responded. She licked again, and again. “Oh…”

A moment later, my cock was in her mouth. Her tongue worked me hard as she sucked and moved her head back and forth. Her black hair swayed with her movement, and I noticed how she was grabbing her breasts.

“Take off that dress,” I suggested.

The witch did it, without letting go of my cock. Her breasts were tiny, the nipples dark and hard.

“Let me put my cock inside you,” I said.

“Inside me. Yes. That’s a good idea.” She got up, grabbed my cock, and walked to the bed, which was still wet from Rapunzel’s orgasm. She flopped down on it and raised her legs up high, offering me a view of her hairless pussy. I bent over and licked her hard and deep, crashing my tongue into her clit, making her shriek a few times. I pressed two, then three fingers inside her. She was soaking wet and her muscles clamped down on my fingers for a moment.

Yes, she was ready, so I got on top of her and shoved my cock in, deep and hard.

The witch gasped and put her legs around me. It made fucking her harder, but she gave me just enough space to move and pound her pussy. Maybe it was some of her residual magic, or just the heat of the moment, but my cock got larger than ever, filling up the witchy cunt.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she said, with each thrust I gave her. “Oh yes!” That last one was when she got off.

A sea of pussy juice flushed me out of her, soaked the bed, and even flowed onto the floor. It was incredible to witness, and it took me a few moments to realize she was so involved in her giant orgasm, it was my best chance to get out of here.

I grabbed my clothes, some of which were already wet from the flow still coming from the witch’s pussy, and threw them out the window. Charmaine and Noory would find them, provided Noory was done with the prince. Quickly I got out of the window and climbed down. As I reached the ground, the witch shrieked another time, but didn’t appear in the window.

“Good job,” Charmaine said, holding my clothes. “Let’s go.”

We ran off, Noory dragging Rapunzel along. The prince Noory’d kept occupied, was still out on the grass.

We didn’t stop running until we were in Rapunzel’s house. It was weird, arriving there naked except Charmaine, who still had her stuff on.

Rapunzel didn’t know how to thank us and offered to look after us forever. That was a long time, and we didn’t have that, but we accepted the offer to stay a few more days. During the nights, I was in her bed, making as sure as possible she’d be with child before we left.

“It’s done,” Charmaine said one morning. “She’ll have twins, even.”

Rapunzel was sad at the news of our leaving, but at that moment there was a knock on the door. It was a lost prince, looking for Rapunzel.

Charmaine, being the Fairy Queen, made some sparks happen between them, and so we had the option to leave without being remembered.

As the two fairies flew us back to their home, I wondered if the prince wouldn’t be able to get Rapunzel pregnant.

Charmaine didn’t know. “Best not to take changes.”

“Can Dave do me when we’re back?” Noory asked.

“Sure,” Charmaine said. “You and me.”

And I did.

Published 2 years ago

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