Rachel Transforms Into … With A Little Help

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Rachel sat sobbing on her front stoop. She couldn’t believe that her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was him that wanted to try new things. It was not her idea. What was she supposed to do?

Rachel thought about her life and what led up to this point. She thought about when she was sixteen years old and going on her first real date. She thought about when she was eighteen years old and having sex for the first time. She thought about the boys and the things they wanted to do with her. She thought about how uncomfortable she was with the whole sex with boy’s thing. She wondered if there was something different about her. She wondered if she could like girls instead.

Her latest boyfriend had just broken up with her after she had sex with his best friend while he watched, because he said he wanted that. Now he says he couldn’t believe she actually did it. Only a slut would do that. She was no slut. She was adventurous and loving and kind and did what her boyfriend wanted because it would make him happy. Or so he said.

She sobbed even harder now just thinking about it again. Her life was not going the way she had planned it at all when she was young. She would graduate high school and go to a great college in California to be a Veterinarian. She would marry some great guy she would meet there and settle down to have a few kids after they turned thirty. They would have a Veterinarian Clinic in the hills outside Sacramento. Their kids would go to a prestigious school and graduate top of their class. She would drive nice cars and have servants to help with everything. They would take nice family vacations all around the world.

The reality of her life was quite different.

The reality was more like a boring story where even the daily soaps on TV were better. She knew this because she watched them every day. She was hooked on Days of Our Lives. She watched in-between going to school and work. She was home for just enough time to get a shower, grab a bite to eat and watch her soap before heading to work as a waitress. Being a waitress was an interesting career choice since she really didn’t like people all that much and was extremely shy. She went there everyday and paused at the door taking a deep breath, and making herself smile before walking in. She thought of it like putting on a mask and becoming a different person. It was the only way she could get through the day and all the people.

She didn’t make much money as a waitress, but it paid the bills. She really didn’t have that many bills, since her apartment was tiny, and she didn’t have a car. She walked or took the bus anywhere she needed to go. Walking was a benefit to her because it kept her in shape. Not that she needed a lot of help with that. She was short and petite with long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes. She kind of looked like a grown-up version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

She was waitressing when she met her latest boyfriend. He came in with a bunch of his friends. She knew him from the local college that she attended in the mornings. She had seen him in the hallways a few times but never spoke to him. She was even more shy around good-looking guys. She had no idea what to say. So, she took a breath and put on her mask of a smile and played waitress to him and his friends. She took their order and left the table.

She went back to working the restaurant and all her patrons. She had several tables that night, so no real time to talk to him even though she wanted to. She would glance over at his table and he would always be looking right at her. He would always smile when he saw her looking. She thought that he had a great smile and seemed nice enough.

Him and his friends decided to leave and asked for the check. She said meet me at the register and I will check you out. She blushed and looked away when she realized what she had said. He must have thought it was funny because he was chuckling when he got there. He told her about a party going on this weekend and asked if she wanted to go. She agreed to meet him there.

She was really excited and couldn’t wait for the weekend. She was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the week. Finally, the night of the party was here. She dressed to impress and headed there. She found him in the back room with his same group of friends. They all introduced themselves. Then they went on to party. The party lasted to the wee hours of the morning and she finally decided she needed to get home.

He walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight. She invited him in. Must have been all the liquor that loosened her up to the idea. Needless to say, they had sex and he snuck out right afterwards. She thought to herself that the sex was, okay. It wasn’t mind-blowing or anything. Not that she would know what that was like. She never had mind-blowing sex with any of the guys she had been with.

For the next several months, this is how her life would go. They dated every chance they got between school and their jobs. They would have okay sex. They would hang out with his friends since she really didn’t have any of her own. Too shy even to make new girl friends. Kind of boring even with a new boyfriend. Then one night he asked her to have sex with his best friend. Claiming it would spice things up. She believed him.

Now she sat sobbing and wondering why she did that. Sitting there sobbing that hard made it difficult for her to notice anything going on around her. She had her face buried in her hands and tears running down her arms. She never noticed that someone was talking to her.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and heard someone say something to her. She couldn’t make it out through her sobbing. She looked up and tried to focus through her tear-filled eyes. She saw a girl standing there talking to her and leaning down. She was very pretty in a blurry eyed sort of way.

“Hey are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help you? Do you live here? Are you locked out or something?” she was asking.

“I. I. I. I am ok,” Rachel blubbered back.

“You don’t seem ok,” she said as she stood up and put her hand on Rachael’s shoulder.

“It’s ok, I live here. My boyfriend just broke up with me. I just didn’t want to go inside yet,” Rachel said trying to get her sobbing under control.

“Come on, come to my place and we can talk about it. You don’t have to go back in your apartment alone right now. I understand, I have been there myself,” she said helping Rachel up, “My name is Chrissy. I live upstairs. I don’t remember seeing you around before.”

“I live right over there,” pointing to the bottom apartment. “I don’t socialize much. I try to keep to myself and I am in school or working most of the time,” Rachel said through just a slight cry now.

They walked up the stairs and down the hallway. The activity seemed to help Rachel get her crying under control. She was down to a few sniffles by the time they got to Chrissy’s door. She couldn’t believe she had sat out there sobbing like that for everyone to see. It was not like her at all. She really was too shy for public displays of emotion. Now she was suddenly going to go inside a stranger’s apartment. She must have been more upset than she thought to be this far out of character.

She asked to use the bathroom after stepping inside the apartment. She sat on the toilet and tried to stop her crying. She looked in the mirror and thought she looked like hell. She splashed water on her face and tried to fix her hair. She put some makeup on and breathed out a long sigh to help regain her composure.

Chrissy was sitting on the couch with a glass of wine and was pouring one for her too. She thanked her and sat down at the other end. She thought after a minute that she had never introduced herself.

“I am so sorry. My name is Rachel. Thank you again for the wine and letting me come here. I just couldn’t face the apartment alone right now,” she said.

“It’s ok. Like I said, I have been there myself,” Chrissy replied.

They both sat there for several minutes drinking their wine and not saying anything at all. Then Rachel opened up about her life. They talked for hours. Well mostly Rachel talked, and Chrissy listened. Chrissy didn’t seem to mind. She sat quietly taking it all in. She would offer the occasional head nod or shake, but mostly just sat there. This went on until Rachel realized it was really late.

“I should get going. I have bored you enough for one night,” Rachel said as she started to get up and fell back down to the couch a little woozy.

“You don’t need to go anywhere. You can crash on the couch tonight. I will get you some pillows and blankets. Wait here,” Chrissy said motioning for her to stay. She was back in a minute with blankets and pillows.

Rachel wasn’t used to someone being this nice to her. She didn’t know how to react. She was still feeling the effects of the wine and probably needed to sleep it off. She was tired. All the stress and the wine seemed to hit her at once. They said goodnight and Rachel was out like a light in seconds.

Rachel woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. She also woke to a splitting headache and her whole body felt like shit. The wine and the stress from yesterday had taken its toll on her. She tried moving to sit up, but it wasn’t happening yet. She moved around to see better and caught a glimpse of Chrissy in the kitchen. She was busy making breakfast and humming to herself.

Rachel groaned a little as she finally was able to sit up. She put her head in her hands and sat there trying to get the pounding to stop. Peeking through her fingers, she saw three empty bottles of wine on the side table. Guess they drank more than she thought. She never did do well drinking wine.

Chrissy came over with a cup of coffee. “I didn’t know how you took it, so its black. There is cream and sugar in the kitchen if you want it. I am making breakfast. Are you hungry?”

Rachel thanked her and shook her head yes to breakfast. They ate together on the couch. She enjoyed the company while eating since she usually eats alone. Even when she had her boyfriend, he was never there for breakfast. Rachel couldn’t believe how nice Chrissy has been to her. She really needed that right now.

“Are you feeling better today?” Chrissy asked. “You were in pretty bad shape yesterday. I haven’t seen someone so sad in a long time,” she continued.

“I am feeling better emotionally. Thank you. But, as for physically. I feel like shit,” Rachel said, “Did we really drink three bottles of wine last night?”

“Well let’s just say, you drank most of that. I had maybe a half of a bottle. But its ok. You needed to let loose and get it all out. You really had a lot on your mind and your boyfriend did a number on you,” Chrissy replied.

“Oh god. I am so sorry. I don’t usually do that. I am not very good with talking to people and I am very shy most of the time. I feel so bad for putting you through all of that. I hope I didn’t say anything to offend you and don’t worry about the wine, I will replace it. I promise,” Rachel said anxiously.

“Don’t worry about it. You didn’t offend me at all. I enjoyed listening to you. You are a fascinating person. You have so much inside you that you are so afraid to let out. You should really try writing. It would help bring your inner side to the surface,” Chrissy said caringly, “Oh and don’t worry about the wine. I hardly ever drink it. I just keep it around for guests.”

“Wow. You sounded just like a doctor for a minute. Now you have me worried about what all I said,” Rachel replied.

“Well. As a matter of fact. I am a doctor. I am a psychologist. I specialize in relationships. I help people to make their relationship better,” Chrissy said, “But don’t worry, I was off the clock. No charge,” she finished smiling.

“Oh boy. I promise I have never done anything like that before,” Rachel said. “What do you mean writing?” she asked.

“Its an exercise we use to help people get their feelings or thoughts out,” Chrissy answered.

“You mean like a journal or diary?” Rachel asked.

“No, not exactly. Its more like role playing with yourself. It’s a little hard to explain in technical terms, but the basics is you write stories about yourself in different fantasies. Like you are going to space to save the planet or you are a cowgirl on a herding trail bringing cattle to market, or it can be of a sexual nature. Whatever you want it to be. The point is to write from deep inside and let your true self come out. It takes time to really reach deep inside. But usually it helps you find out what you really like and dislike. Some people find out they are meant to be in a different job. Some find out they are supposed to be a writer by trade. Some find out they are supposed to be gay or even straight if they are gay. You never know what is inside until you look for it. Given everything you were saying last night, you have a lot going on deep inside. You have a lot of conflicting emotions about different things. Your family, your friends or lack of, your sexuality and which direction you should go with it. Let’s just say, you would benefit from writing about all of it. You don’t have to write novels, just short stories about a small piece of yourself. You said last night you wear many masks. I believe that. I believe you wear more than you realize. Writing can be a mask for you as well. Only this one will help you get rid of the other ones you don’t need. Writing will help you not be shy, because you can write whatever you want, and no one will know it is you except you. You can be anyone you want to be. Then after a while you will notice that the outer you is starting to become like the inner you. You will get rid of the masks you don’t need and have only a couple that are important to your wellbeing. You will be emotionally healthier and happier,” Chrissy stated clinically.

“I don’t know if I can do that. I have never been good at getting my emotions out. Yesterday was a first for me. I just lost it. I don’t know that I could write about those things. It would hurt too much. And sexual fantasies would be a no go. I could never write about that,” Rachel responded.

“You would be surprised at what you can do. You told me a lot about your sexual thoughts last night. You seem to keep them bottled up. You should let them out. Maybe you could have a glass of wine to help you loosen up and then write what’s on your mind. Seemed to help last night,” Chrissy said smiling. “What are you doing the rest of the day?” Chrissy asked.

“Nothing. I am off today,” Rachel replied, “Why?”

“You go get changed and meet me back here. We are going to have a girl’s day and go shopping. Maybe even hair and nails done as well. I think you need a new look,” Chrissy said.

They spent the rest of the day shopping and having their hair and nails done. Chrissy insisted on paying for everything. She also insisted that Rachel choose clothes she always wanted to wear but was too afraid to buy. The last stop was at an office supply store to get pens and notebooks.

Rachel couldn’t believe how much fun she had. She also couldn’t believe she agreed to cut her long blonde hair so short. She looked like a completely different person with short hair. Back at Chrissy’s apartment she tried on most of the outfits and modeled them for her. With the hair and nails and now the clothes she did feel like a different person.

Chrissy was overjoyed with the transformation. She knew it was the first step in bringing out the real Rachel. All that was left now was for her to start writing from deep inside. She handed Rachel the notebooks and pens explaining once again how to write whatever was inside. She needed to find her true self.

“How can I ever repay you for all of this?” Rachel asked.

“Oh, don’t worry. You will. I will be repaid by reading your stories and one day saying, I knew her when. You just go and find the real you. Let her out and you will be surprised how much happier you will be,” Chrissy said smiling and slightly chuckling to herself.

Rachel agreed to start writing, even though she didn’t know what yet. She walked over and hugged Chrissy and thanked her for everything. She really felt like she had made a great friend. She wanted to cry but held it in. She didn’t want to start crying again and ruin all the makeup she had just gotten applied today. She broke the hug and asked if Chrissy could help her get all this stuff to her apartment. Chrissy agreed.

After helping move all the stuff, Chrissy said she had to leave because she had a lot to do to get ready for work next week. When she left, Rachel went to her room and stood in front of the full-length mirror admiring the new look. She just couldn’t get over how different she looked and how great it made her feel. She stood there twirling around like a little school girl playing dress up. She was smiling really big the whole time. She never smiled like that. It was a new Rachel for sure.

Rachel grabbed a notebook and pen and decided to write about her day. She didn’t know where to start but figured it wouldn’t matter anyway. She wrote about the headache and the coffee and going shopping with Chrissy. She wrote about how she felt getting her hair all cut off and how great it looked afterwards. She wrote about the clothes that she couldn’t believe she bought and was enjoying wearing. She wrote about making a new friend in Chrissy. Before she knew it, she had filled a page. She thought to herself, maybe this won’t be that hard.

She didn’t see Chrissy the rest of the week because of their schedules. On Saturday, she decided to knock on her door and see if she was home. She was. Chrissy invited her in and they talked about their week and work and general small talk. Then Rachel brought out the notebook. She had been writing in it all week about her job, customers, her school and classes. Anything she could think of. She asked Chrissy if she would like to read it and let her know what she thought. Chrissy agreed.

They decided to go out to dinner later that night and Rachel left the notebook with her. It was going to be a few hours, so Rachel headed home and went through all her new clothes trying to decide what to wear. That took forever she thought. She settled on a blue jean mini skirt and white dress shirt. She grabbed a pair of knee high black leather lace up boots and lace stockings. She decided to wear her silver bracelets and silver hoop earrings. It was almost time for her to go and she was getting more nervous. She didn’t know what Chrissy would think of her outfit or her writings.

“These are really great pages. You have a gift for words. I really felt like I was with you all week. I know so much more about your days now. You need to keep doing this,” Chrissy said over dinner. “How did you feel when you were writing about these things?” Chrissy asked her.

“It felt weird at first, like I was invading their life’s or something. But then it felt good to get it out. I was much more relaxed afterwards,” Rachel replied.

“Good. A little while longer and you will be ready for the deeper stuff,” Chrissy said, “Just keep writing like this for another week or so and then we can try something different.”

“That sounds scary. But you are the doctor,” Rachel said laughing out loud.

They finished dinner and headed back to Chrissy’s. They continued talking about everything until they agreed it was getting late. Rachel headed home and picked up her notebook to write about the day. She seemed to have a lot to say. She filled several pages. Most of it about Chrissy and what a great friend she is turning out to be.

Saturday rolled around again, and Rachel was excited to see Chrissy. She was up early and bounced out of bed. She threw on some clothes, grabbed her notebook and ran up the stairs to her apartment. Chrissy answered the door kind of groggily, dressed in her night clothes still. Rachel apologized for waking her up. She also couldn’t help but notice what she was wearing. Chrissy had on an almost see through teddy top and panties, covered barely by a robe. The robe was open enough for Rachel to see everything. She thought that she was gorgeous and had an amazing body. She never noticed it before because Chrissy was always dressed so professionally.

Chrissy let her in. Rachel apologized again. Rachel told her to sit down and she would make her some breakfast and coffee. Rachel was full of energy this morning. She went in the kitchen and was cooking in no time. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee were on the menu. She handed her a cup of coffee and continued cooking. Breakfast was served in a few minutes. They sat at the table to eat.

The whole time they were eating, she was admiring Chrissy’s body through the robe. She couldn’t believe she was thinking like this. She had never really noticed a woman like this. She had never really been excited to see a woman half naked before. It was very confusing to her.

They finished eating and headed to the couch to talk. Sitting there, she had a perfect view of Chrissy’s body through her teddy. It really didn’t cover much at all. Her robe kept opening and she finally gave up trying to keep it closed. They talked about their week again and decided to go to the beach. It was a great day out and they both could use some sun therapy. They decided to go in a couple of hours since it was still early. Chrissy asked if she had been writing anymore this week. Rachel said yes and handed her the notebook. Then left to go get ready.

They got to the beach around noon. It was surprisingly empty for such a nice day. They laid out a blanket and set there stuff down. Chrissy took off her shorts and t-shirt revealing a very skimpy bikini. Rachel couldn’t help staring and felt like she was about to start drooling. Chrissy was even more beautiful in this. It was really starting to excite her to be just close to Chrissy and admire her beauty. She thought, maybe she really does like women after all.

Rachel was still staring when she realized she was talking to her. She snapped out of it and apologized asking what she said.

Chrissy smiled and replied, “I was saying that I read your writing from this week. It improved a great deal. You have gotten better at bringing your emotions into them. I also wanted to say thank you for all the kind words you said about me. But I really don’t deserve them. I enjoy being your friend and hope we can keep growing it to new levels.”

“I think you are ready to take the next step in your writing and when we get back today, I have a surprise for you,” Chrissy announced.

“A surprise!” Rachel exclaimed. “What is it? What is the surprise? Is it a good thing? Am I going to like it? Do I have to do something weird?” Rachel asked excitedly.

“You will see,” Chrissy said as she stretched out on the blanket.

“You are such a tease. Now I am going to be anxious all day. I hate not knowing,” Rachel said smiling.

They stayed at the beach for several hours sunning themselves and playing in the water. They had packed a cooler with some food and drinks. They both enjoyed themselves immensely. They hated to leave but it was getting late and they were starting to burn a little. They packed up and headed to the apartments.

Rachel headed to her place to shower and change. Chrissy said she would be down later with her surprise.

When Chrissy arrived, Rachel was beside herself with excitement. She was like a little kid on Christmas. She couldn’t wait to see her surprise.

“What’s the surprise? What’s the surprise?” she asked excitedly.

“Calm down, calm down,” Chrissy said, “Show me where you like to write.”

They walked into Rachels bedroom and she pointed to her bed. Chrissy looked around and smiled at the décor.

“Okay. I told you that you were ready to take the writing to a new level. Well I have something that will help you find your deep-down person and bring her to the top. I need you to trust me though,” Chrissy said. “Do you trust me?” she asked.

Rachel shook her head yes and stood there waiting.

“Ok, then I need you to strip down to your underwear and close your eyes,” Chrissy told her.

Rachel stood there for a moment and then stripped down. She trusted Chrissy completely. Chrissy had her raise her arms up straight. She felt something silky slip down her arms and over her body. It was form fitting. Then she was instructed to step forward and slip on the shoes. She did as she was told. Next, she felt something being slid over her head and onto her face. She knew it was some sort of mask. She really wanted to open her eyes but didn’t. Chrissy adjusted her clothing a little and stepped in front of her.

“I want you to open your eyes and look at me. I then want you to open your mind to something new. This is going to help you write from way down deep inside. You will enjoy it once you get used to it and someday you won’t need it anymore,” Chrissy said.

Rachel opened her eyes and Chrissy moved out of the way. She saw herself in the mirror and was in awe. She was beautiful. She almost didn’t recognize herself.

“I want you to think of a fictional character that you feel matches your look right now. But don’t tell me what it is. I want you to sit down and write a story. Not just any story, but a sexual one as if you are that character. Write it from her point of view. It can be anything you want. Gay, straight, rough, loving or whatever is inside you that she would tell. I want you to become her. Then bring it to me later to read,” Chrissy instructed.

Chrissy left, and Rachel stared at herself for a minute or so. Then it popped into her head. She knew who she was now. She sat down and wrote a ten-page story. It took her hours to write the whole thing. She wanted it to be perfect and kept rewriting parts of it. She wrote about a lesbian encounter and hoped she got it right. She got very excited sexually writing it, and really wanted Chrissy to read it.

She knew it was too late tonight to bring it to her, so it will have to wait till morning. She tried to sleep but couldn’t. The story kept running around in her head and made her horny as hell. She gave in and masturbated herself to several orgasms. This was also something new for her.

Morning came, and Rachel bounced up the stairs and was at her apartment in a flash. Chrissy answered and let her in. They had coffee and Rachel was bursting to tell her about the story. She couldn’t wait anymore and handed her the notebook. She sat there smiling and said, “Read it, read it.”

Chrissy started reading. She made faces when she hit certain sections. She was getting flushed in the face in other parts. She was squirming around and having trouble sitting still. Rachel could tell it was having an effect on her.

Chrissy finished reading and set the story down. She sat there for a minute regaining her composure before speaking.

“That was very good. You captured your character unbelievably well,” Chrissy stated. “Have you ever been with a lesbian?” Chrissy asked.

“No. But I want you to be my first. I am so attracted to you. I have never felt like this for another woman in my life,” Rachel said.

“I am flattered and would love to be your first. I am attracted to you as well. Just so you know, I am a lesbian. When I said to you that I have been there before I meant with a girl. I have always been attracted to women and have had a few girlfriends,” Chrissy said, “Come with me.” 

They went into her bedroom and closed the door. Chrissy gently began kissing Rachel on the forehead and worked down her face to her lips. She caressed her hair and ran her hands down her back. Holding her around the waist, she gave Rachel a deep passionate kiss gently licking her tongue against her lips. The heat was rising between them and they slowly removed each other’s clothes letting them fall to the floor.

Never breaking their kiss, they made their way to the bed and laid down. Wrapping their arms and legs around each other and caressing each other’s bodies, they explored every private part. Chrissy’s hands found Rachels breasts and massaged them gently allowing the nipples to fall between her fingers. Gently closing them around the nipples and giving a slight tug. She kissed one then the other while tugging them up and releasing them back down. This was something completely new to Rachel. No-one had ever done that before.

Working her way down across her ribcage and stomach with tender butterfly kisses, Chrissy was enjoying herself. She hadn’t let go of Rachels breasts yet and continued the massaging and tugging. Rachel was breathing hard and beginning to moan softly. This only added to her enjoyment. Reaching the bottom of her stomach, Chrissy could smell the sweet smell of excitement coming from Rachels crotch.

She closed in on her crotch and released her breasts in order to use her hands. She pushed gently on Rachels legs and they opened like a clam shell, beautifully and slowly revealing the pearl inside. Chrissy moved gingerly around to her thigh and kissed her way down to her knee. Then worked her way up the other leg to her crotch again. This time kissing softly above her lips and working down the now open slit. She carefully avoided touching her clit and continued around it, driving Rachel even closer to a climax. Chrissy licked and kissed her lips softly and deliberately and finally stuck her tongue in her hole.

Rachel was holding Chrissy’s head between her legs now and trying to guide her with no luck. Chrissy knew what she wanted and avoided it as long as she could. She licked up and down the slit and tongued her hole over and over, but never touched her clit. She was working Rachel up to a mind-blowing orgasm like she had always wanted. She continued the torture of her slit and now entered a finger and then a second into her hole. She worked the fingers in and out in a slow methodical rhythm while licking and tonguing her hole at the same time.

Rachel was bucking to Chrissy’s rhythm now and trying to pull her head up to her clit. But Chrissy wasn’t ready yet. She inserted a third finger in her vagina and then worked her thumb into her asshole. She again kept the rhythm going and even picked the pace up slightly with all her fingers. Rachel was pulling at her hair now and moaning extremely loud. She was breathing so hard and beginning to sweat. Rachel couldn’t believe how great this felt and how much she wanted Chrissy’s mouth on her clit. No-one has ever been this good before.

Chrissy knew that Rachel was on the edge. She knew it would take very little to push her over. She guessed it was time now. Chrissy worked her way up the slit until she was right above Rachels clit. She blew on it gently and flicked the end of her tongue at it. She did this for a minute or two. Then she clamped her lips around it and sucked it in her mouth. Rachel bucked up hard at this and screamed. Chrissy sucked gently on it and rolled it around in her mouth with her tongue. She kept this up for only a few seconds before Rachel couldn’t hold on anymore.

Rachel clamped down on Chrissy’s head with her legs and arched her back high off the bed. She let go with an orgasm unlike any she ever had in her lifetime. She bucked and thrashed around the end of the bed holding Chrissy’s head in her legs the whole time.

She finally calmed down a few minutes later.

“Oh my god, that was fantastic,” Rachel exclaimed!

“Was it as mind-blowing as you thought it would be?” Chrissy asked.

“Oh my god, yes! Thank you so much,” Rachel exclaimed!

“That was almost like your story,” Chrissy said.

“Yes, it was. I never thought a fantasy could become reality like that,” Rachel said.

“So, mentioning your story. You never told me what fictional character you became for it. What name did you choose for yourself? Who are you going to be from now on when you are writing?” Chrissy asked.

“From now on I will be known as Sprite,” Rachel stated, “I am Rachel, I am Sprite, I am Spritecus! Hear me Roar!”


Published 7 years ago

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