Rachael’s Trip to Jamaica. Chap. 2.

"Rachael meets up with Arley again and they witness a wife cheating on the beach."

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Rachel’s description of her time on the neighbouring beach had been quite graphic.  It was a couple of days later before I got her alone again.  This time she was very coy about what had happened during her last two days in Jamaica.  She spent the first half hour trying to convince me how what had happened was a one-off, and that she intended never to let it happen again.  I guessed she had time to think and was embarrassed by how much she had already admitted to me. 

It took my best interrogating skills that day and over the following week to get some idea of what had happened on the last two days of her holiday.  So the story from here on is based on what little I gleaned from her, much conjecture, and some embellishment with my dirty imagination.

Rachael came from a staunch catholic family, with two older sisters, and an older and a younger brother.  Her eldest sister was a nun, sister two, was a teacher.  All of the family went to church every Sunday, she did not think she had missed a day until she left for England.  And even in London, she had only missed church on a few Sundays.

As for sex, she had been a virgin until the night before she departed for England.  And it was only her being very drunk at her farewell party that had led to her lack of resistance that night.  She could not remember much about that first time but knew it had not come near her expectations.

And in London, she thought the sex with her boyfriend had been special at times. But it did not even come close to the highs she had felt in Jamaica.  Her London boyfriend had only managed to make her climax a dozen times in the year and a half they had dated.  She did masturbate, but seldom, as she felt dirty when she did it, having had it hammered into her, that she would go to hell if she touched herself.

She explained that when she woke the morning after her trip to the neighbouring bay, her mind had been in a mess.  The conflicting emotions had her aflame with desire one minute, and then she was thinking about the disgust her family and friends would feel if they ever got a hint of what she had let happen.

Rachel told me that after breakfast, she went down to the beach to get a bit more sun and read her book.  But she was restless, nervous energy making it impossible to lie still for long, so she went for a walk.  It was on the walk that she finally decided she was not going to meet up with Arley.  She decided she would go and book a tour somewhere so that, if Arley made a scene, she would not be around to see it.

She walked down to the front desk and asked about day trips.  The desk girl handed her some brochures, and in the first she opened them, she saw a photo of some local guys in a culture group.  The photo instantly brought back memories of the day before.  And when the desk girl piped up that there was only one more tour for the day leaving at 1:00 pm, she realised she would have to front up and meet with Arley.

She handed the brochures back to the girl and went to her room to get herself ready.   Looking at the time, she saw she had a couple of hours to kill.  So she showered, massaged some nice-smelling body cream over herself, and then checked herself in the mirror.  Not bad at all, she thought. But then took stock of her hairy bush and decided to give herself a good trim. 

She searched out the packet of razors she kept for doing her legs and also a pair of small nail scissors.  Her boyfriend had pushed her to shave down there, but she had always declined, worried about what people would think of her if they saw her at the gym, etc., with a shaved vagina.  

As she perched over the hand basin and took to her bush with the scissors, she attempted to validate her actions.  She told herself that no one would judge her here and that her pubes would be grown back in a couple of weeks anyway.  As she trimmed, she decided to shave it all off except for a little speed stripe just above her slit. Then got back into the shower and shaved clean. 

Stretching her labia and manipulating her fanny to get rid of every hair was extremely erotic.  And when she dried off and stood in front of the mirror again, she saw that she needed to wipe between her legs, as a creamy white discharge was seeping from her slit.

She was fucking horny but resisted the urge to masturbate and, after a quick wipe, set about deciding what she should wear.  She decided on her flowing cotton skirt that sexily wrapped itself around her legs and buttocks.  She had worn this on the plane but had it washed since.  With this, she chose a white blouse that she seldom wore on its own, as it showed a lot of her cleavage.  Then she searched out her best white bra and panties set, a little anxious at the thought she was unlikely to see her panties again.  But at the same time, her face flushed red at that exciting prospect.

Checking the time, she saw she had an hour before Arley would arrive.  So throwing her bikini and a couple of resort beach towels into her beach bag, she headed for the bar. She ordered a double rum and coke; she was nervous and needed some dutch courage.  

At the bar, some older guy approached her, his lecherous gaze running over her body set her into a spate of giggles.  The ludicrousness of this had set her off, when you wanted a man, there were none to be found, and when you didn’t, they just popped out of the woodwork.

The barman saved her, he handed her a note saying that Arley was outside waiting for her.  Downing the drink way too fast, she walked out to the front gate to find Arley sitting there on his beat-up motorbike.  He took her beach bag and held it between his knees while motioning her to climb on behind him.

Pulling the long skirt above her knees, she flung her leg over the seat. Arley turned and winked at her with a wicked grin on his face.  He told her to get herself comfortable.  This seemed to be a silly comment until, hitting the seat, she found her already squishy pussy, placed on top of a sizeable bulge in the seat.

With a squeal of alarm, she asked, “What is that?”

“A piece of rubber tube,” he grinned back at her. “Wait till I get the revs up; it should get you off.”

Then before she could complain, he dropped the bike into gear, revved the shit out of it and took off.  The trip to his hut was exhilarating.  He drove too fast, weaving in and out of the traffic.  The danger and the vibrations between her legs had her squirming around on the seat bump and thrusting her thighs hard against his bum.

When they arrived at his hut, Rachael couldn’t get off the bike and into the hut quickly enough.  She wanted that huge cock of his with some urgency; that bloody bulge on the seat had done the job.  Once through the door, she took in the fact they were on their own and was not sure if she was relieved or disappointed that Tyrone and Bob were not there.

She turned and flung her arms around Arley’s neck and ground her hips onto his leg to let him know how urgently she wanted him.  But he pulled back, saying he was not allowed to touch her today, as his boss had had words with him.

“Fuck your boss, I’m horny.  If you don’t want me, I’ll have to go down the beach and find someone else,” she replied, turning towards the bed.  

Climbing slowly onto the bed, she seductively waved her backside in his direction and was relieved when she felt his nervous hand touch her butt.  She shivered and stopped moving, allowing his hand to stroke and caress her.  She knew she had him when his hand slid between her legs and pressed against the crotch of her panties.  She writhed her butt around again, getting worked up, knowing he would be feeling how wet she was.  His finger traced the length of her slit; the soft but reinforced fabric of her panties deadened but didn’t entirely stop her from the sensation of his touch.

She looked over her shoulder, watching him strip, and bit her lip to stop him from hearing her longing gasp as his now hardening cock popped free of his shorts.  She still did not comprehend how she had managed to accommodate all of him the day before.

She stayed on all fours, arching her back and bracing herself as he climbed over her.  He had no time for four-play; pulling her panties to the side, he thrust himself deep inside her, and she was astonished to find there was little resistance nor any pain.

When his teeth started nipping on her ears and neck, and his fingers found her nipples and tweaked them hard, she pushed hard back onto him, behaving like a dirty little slut.  Arousal growing fast, she wanted all of him, roughly and quick.  Her orgasm was building, and she knew it would rival those she had had the day before.  

Dropping a hand down to her newly shaved cunt, his fingers trailed over her bare mound and peeled back the folds covering her clit.  He took the little nub between his finger and thumb and frigged it like he would a penis.

Rachael tried to get her legs wider apart, a hard hunger had her hips hammering back against his every thrust, driving her towards a massive climax.  She supported herself on one hand and reached down with the other to grasp his shaft so as to experience the feel of it slipping in and out of her drenched cunt.

Then as her orgasm came upon her, he pushed a finger into her arse.  She had to release the hold of his cock and support herself on both hands again, her body started shaking badly.  

Yelling, “Hard, harder,” she pressed herself back against his thrusts, screaming out swear words that she had never uttered before.

Rachael rolled onto her back, waiting for what seemed like an eternity before her orgasm subsided enough to be able to speak. 

“Who is your boss? And why does he not want you to make love to me?” she gasped.

“His name is Adam.  You met him yesterday; he carried your lunch down with you to your towel.  I think he has something planned for you.  You are to meet him and his wife for dinner tonight.”

She looked at him, not quite understanding.

“You know what I do, don’t you?”

“I have no idea, I don’t remember you telling me anything about yourself.”

“I’m an escort. Aden arranges for me to meet up with women and show them a good time,” Arley said, looking a bit apprehensive about telling her this.

Suddenly, The whole day flooded into perspective, the waiter telling her about the beach, the good-looking Jamaicans hanging around the beach bar, their comments, everything fell into place.

“Am I expected to pay you then?  I feel like I’ve been taken advantage of.” 

“No!  It’s not like that.  You were never part of any plan, not with me anyway.  You are nothing like the women I escort.”

She slumped back on the bed, thinking what a fool she had been and how dirty it made her feel.

Arley put his arms around her and held her tight, “Please don’t feel terrible; I think of you as my girlfriend and only want to make you happy.”

She lay in his arms, thinking.  And slowly reasoned that all that had happened was pretty exciting and that she would be leaving the day after next, never to return or see any of them again.

“Tell me about your job. Everything I want to try and understand,” she asked him.

He explained that many older women came to Jamaica to experience sex with a black man.  They were usually widows, mostly between forty and sixty.  There were younger women sometimes, but the youngest he had ever been with was thirty-eight, and she was still married.  I asked him what was the eldest he had.  

“In her seventies, I think,” he replied.

“What do they pay you?”

“I never get paid by the women; Aden handles all that side of things.”

Then he went on to tell her that they paid US$ 200.00 for a day.  But there were many extras, and some would hire an escort for more than one day.  I enquired about the extras, and he told me they did videos, and photographs, even took them to bars and clubs, and all that was extra.

Rachael was instantly alarmed at this, “So that is why you were taking photos of me yesterday?”

“No!  They were for me, no one else will ever see them. But I can give you copies if you want. The film is with our photography guy, he handles it all in-house so that the photos do not go astray.”

She asked why there were no other ladies on the beach the day before.  He explained that it was very erratic when they had clients.  That a very busy day might have three clients, or they may go a couple of weeks and not have anyone.  But he said; usually, he got one or two per week.  He explained that Andy has six permanent guys and other men and women that he could call on.

“Women,” Rachael exclaimed.  “Why would you need women?”

“Now and again, the ladies request a threesome. Usually, it is with guys, but sometimes they ask for it to be a couple.  And I have known a husband and wife to book with Andy, and they wanted a partner each.  But that has not happened much.”

She asked him how he got into this line of work and what his credentials were.  As if she didn’t already guess!  He explained that all the guys had to be presentable, over six feet, well endowed, and it helped if they spoke another language.  He said he spoke very good French, as his mother had been French.  But he said not all the six guys employed at present spoke a second language, which was not a problem, as 90% of the women they looked after were American.

“Do any of the guys have a client today?”

“We call them Rides or Tricks.  And yes, Razor has an American lady this afternoon.”


“He keeps his hair short and shaves a part down the left side with a cutthroat razor that he waves about from time to time.”

“Can we go down to the beach and watch?  I’d like to see what a woman that pays for sex looks like.”

“Sure!” Arley replied.  Then went on to tell her that she may be lucky as he thought Micheal, their photography guy, might be down at the beach filming.  They had been trying out a new service; selling videos to their clients.  Rachael asked how much that cost.

“I’m not sure, but quite expensive, I think.  Andy has bought Michael a new video-8 camcorder thing, and the clients get to take a tape home.  Do you want one?”

She spluttered out a “No,” shocked at the thought of being filmed.

They got dressed, Rachael minus her knickers, of course.  Arley commandeered these and put them under his pillow.  They walked down to the beach bar, where Arley asked if she wanted a drink.  He motioned to her to go sit with the three escorts that were by the window.

The guys slid aside and offered her a chair between them.  They openly checked her out, hungry looks on their faces, as her skirt and blouse were clinging to the contours of her body, making no secret that she did not have any panties on.  In more normal situations, Rachael would have been annoyed at this leary attention.  But here in a tropical bar, with three hunky guys she knew would be hung like stallions, their looks actually had her juices flowing again.

Checking them out, she noted that none had a razor-trimmed parting in their hair and asked them where Razor was.  They told her that he had gone to pick up his ride and should be back in under an hour.  Then Chris (the other two were Cassius and Marcus) pointed out the window at a couple talking with a buff guy on the beach. 

“That’s Frank, but we call him Horse.  The couple with him are asking about buying some Jolly Green.” Chris explained.

She got quite a shock, it was Stephanie and Marty, the couple who had joined her at dinner the night before.

Just then, Arley arrived with a lime and lemon drink for her, and she explained to him that she needed to hide, as she knew the couple out talking to Frank.

“They treated me like I was soiled when they heard I had been to this beach,” she explained.

Arley asked the guys what was going on.  They said they thought the woman wanted some action but had gotten her husband over here on the premiss that he buy them some pot for the rest of their holiday.

Arley asked why they thought she was after some action.  Chris replied that Pete over at the resort had told Andy he may have a client for them, as a woman at the resort had been showing a lot of interest in what happened at the beach.

The way they talked, Rachael realised that Pete was a room boy at the resort.  They said that Andy had disclosed all this to them a couple of hours before.  He said Pete had told him the woman only talked to him about the beach when her husband was not there.  He didn’t think the husband had heard anything about what could happen at the beach, but the wife was very aware, evidently having been given all the gossip from a friend that had visited.

Pete had explained the costs involved, which she had balked at.  She had argued with Pete about having to pay for the last couple of days.  “Then yesterday she asked Pete about buying Marijuana,” explained Chris.  “So we figure this has to be her and her husband.”

Rachael realised then that Arley must be Andy’s right-hand man as he took command.

“Cassius, you go and get your bike.  Drive the husband over to Bobby’s in Rollington Town, let him try out some different mixes and get him well stoned.  It should take you over thirty minutes each way, but ride slow and extend that out as much as you can.  That should give Horse a couple of hours alone with her.”

Then Arley asked if Michael had the camcorder set up today, and receiving confirmation that he did, he hustled Rachael out the back door.  He turned right and walked Rachael down to the end of the beach, they followed a track into the dunes, where a beat-up van was parked.  Arley banged on the side door, which was opened by a young, thin guy wearing glasses.  Rachael didn’t need to be told that this was Michael, the photography guy; he looked just as she had envisioned him, with long hair and a bit nerdy looking.

They climbed in, and the guys had to stoop a little, but Rachael found she could stand up straight.   Both rear windows had been removed, and a canvas blind was drawn up, allowing the large camcorder on a tripod to be aimed out to the beach.  The tripod was set well back from the window, and she saw that the van was mostly obscured from the beach by the last dune.  She guessed that from the beach, one would only see a foot or so off the roofline.  You would have to look very carefully to pick out that you were being filmed.

Rachael immediately asked Michael if he had been here filming the day before.  He replied without hesitation, “No. There were no customers yesterday.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see Arley lifting some binoculars to his eyes.  Looking down the beach, he spoke,  “Good, Cassius has arrived; he’s talking with the couple.  Here take a look.” And he handed Rachael the binoculars.  She took them from him and explained that the couple’s names were Stephanie and Marty.

Pointing the binoculars down to their right, she could see Stephanie indicating that Marty should go with Cassius.  Marty was resisting, clearly not wanting to leave his wife.  It was quite easy to read their lips, and she noted the wife telling him to go, that she would be safe here sunbathing and reading her book.  Reluctantly, the husband walked off, glancing back every few steps, obviously not too keen on leaving her, especially with a big black Jamaican at her side.  Rachael kept watching until they disappeared behind the beach bar; then, as she turned her attention back to Horse and Stephanie, she heard a motorbike roar away down the road.

As they walked down the beach towards them, Stephanie was glancing around nervously, surveying if anyone was taking any notice of her.  They all ducked down when she glanced up into the dunes, but Rachael doubted that Steph would have noticed them anyway, being still well to the right of their position.

Horse made to stop Stephanie in front of where the van was, but looking around and checking her surroundings again, she kept going another fifteen metres and dropped her towel and bag by a low tide wall.

Not that good for filming, Rachael thought, as Michael tried to shift the camera to face left, but standing tall, she had a good view of them both over the dune.

“Some people!” Rachael muttered. “That bitch looked down her nose at me last night.  Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, she was that pure.  Now, look at her.”

That said, Rachael felt incredibly excited by the prospect of seeing this stuck-up wife being seduced and lifted the binoculars again to see if she could read their lips.

Horse’s first move was to offer Stephanie a joint; she tentatively took a small drag, then coughed, sputtered and tried to hand it back.  He just told her to take her time and have another puff.  But clearly, she was not used to smoking, and after another drag on it, she handed it back to him.

Horse took a quick toke, then offered to rub suntan on her.  She accepted and rolled over onto her stomach.  Horse started on her legs, up to her lower back, then when he got to her Bikini top, he unclipped the clasp.  Rachael reacted by sitting up and clasping the top to her chest, “Don’t undo that here; someone will see,”

“No one will give a damn.  There are plenty of topless women on the beach,” replied Horse.

Rachael read her lips as she asked Horse how long her husband would be.  She couldn’t see Horse’s reply, but the way Stephanie lay down again told Rachael that Stephanie was reassured by his reply.

The horse continued rubbing suntan over Stephanie’s back and, when finished, rolled her over and started on her front. When he lifted her arms to take her top fully off, she again put up a feeble fight to stop her from being exposed.  But Horse pulled her bikini top off and rubbed cream onto her large, well-formed tits.  The woman kept glancing nervously down the beach but finally seemed to accept that no one was paying them any interest and visibly slumped back, letting Horse have his way.

She must have been getting aroused, as when Horse started massaging around the top of her legs, her body showed all the signs.  Her legs opened, and her butt clenched.  There was another bout of resistance when he slid a hand down the front of her bikini bottom.  But again, Horse was firm with her, and her resistance ceased as he worked his long fingers between her legs.

She sat up then and asked for another drag on the joint. Horse lit it again and watched as she struggled to inhale and hold the smoke in. 

Horse pushed Stephanie back onto her towel, and once he had her hips moving in unison with his thrusting fingers, he stopped.  Sitting up, he released the biggest cock Rachael had ever seen.  She looked to Arley in shock, “She’ll never take all of that,” she stammered.

Michael replied, “It’s a beauty, isn’t it? We measured it one day, it’s close to nine inches.  Longer than any of the other guys and just as thick.”

They watched as the wife started arguing with Horse.  But when he tucked his monster away and moved to stand up, she reached for her purse and handed him a bundle of cash.

Horse sat down again, money zipped up in the back pocket of his shorts and resumed his massage.  Stephanie was still unhappy, though, and Rachael could read her lips.  Stephanie was arguing for Horse to take her to his home as she would not have sex with him on the beach.  Again, it was hard to read Horse’s reply as he was side-on and almost had his back to the van.  But he just kept stroking between her legs, and when he started pushing her bikini bottoms down her legs, she didn’t resist and lifted her hips to help him.

Arley spoke up, “Razor has arrived with Beverly.  I remember her now.  She was hot and had three of the boys in her bed the final night.”

Rachael turned to her right and refocused the binoculars.  The lady with Razor was a petite, attractive lady who looked in her fifties.  She was wearing a white top and a long pail blue skirt.  It was a bit like the skirt she was wearing, it clung to the woman’s trim figure.

Again Rachael looked to Arley, a quizzical look on her face.  He read her reaction accurately, “They are not all unattractive old biddies. Some of them are very presentable.  Beverly spent three days here last year.  She’s a bit of a stunner and back for a week this time; I’m told she has a few new fantasies she has paid Andy for.”

Razor stopped the lady right in front of where we were parked in the van.  She briefly looked up at us, then pulled her top over her head, revealing a pail blue bra.  She sat down on her towel, facing us.  Razor flopped beside her and pulled out a bottle of suntan from her beach bag.

“She knows we are here,” I blurted out.

Michael answered, “Yes, she’s only my third paying customer.  I’m going to her hotel tonight and film her with Razor and Marcus.” 

This blew Rachael away, she could not believe that the woman could calmly expose herself to strangers, knowing she was being filmed.

Rachael’s mood was starting to change, she felt the familiar tingling pulse of pleasure building, the anticipation of what she may witness was turning her on.  She looked back to see what was happening with Horse and Stephanie.  Horse partly blocked her vision, but she could see enough to know that Stephanie now seemed unconcerned about anything around her.  She played with her nipples as Horse worked between her spread legs.

She had to move aside to let Arley push in beside her.  He had picked up a camera with a telephoto lens and was snapping photos of both couples.

Some movement brought her attention back to Razor and Beverly. Lifting her bum off the towel, Razor removed her skirt and panties in one movement.  Then he set too with the sun cream; his hands went to Beverly’s ankles and started a slow, sensual trip up her leg.  Beverly lay back and opened her legs, revealing her glistening open cunt, her erect clitoris proudly poking out of its sheath.

Rachael found herself getting very short of breath.  She shuddered.  She had seen a porno movie in London, but this was different.  She wondered if she looked wet and open like that when she was stroked and excited.

Rachael reached back, pulled Arley behind her, and rubbed her butt against his bulge.  She did not care a dam about Michael standing right beside her hip.  She did glance around at him, though and was happy to see he was concentrating on his new camcorder, zooming in and out and adjusting other buttons on the side.

She had to bite her lip when Arley lifted her long skirt onto her back and inserted two fingers.  She looked back to Horse and Stephanie and saw that he was now moving around to mount her.  Steph was holding his enormous cock in both hands, with a look of awe on her face.

Rachael did not know where to look. All that was happening was so unbelievable.  She saw that Razor was now massaging sun cream into Beverly’s breasts.  His large black hands were starkly in contrast with Beverly’s pale skin.

Rachael whipped her head back to watch Horse.  He was kneeling between Stephanie’s legs, pushing his shaft against what Rachael imagined was a very sloppy fanny.  Stephanie still had a hold of him with one hand and was trying to slow him down.  Reading her body language, it was obvious she was complaining that she would never be able to take all of him.

As Rachael watched Horse push in past Stephanie’s resisting labia, and saw her expression change to a delirious look, almost rapture.  Rachael knew just how Stephanie was feeling.  She had felt it the previous day.

All the self-doubts and self-incriminations cast aside. The good-girl things that had been hammered into her from a very early age. Things a good girl did, but more importantly, things a good girl never did.  Searching for the orgasm that she had always fantasised about, the one she had read about in elicit books no one knew she had ever read.  The orgasm that none of the two men she had previously slept with had ever come close to giving her.  And today, at this moment, she knew she was going to experience it.  All the physical touches with this taboo man, his unbelievable size, and his attitude to her made her want to submit herself to him totally.  She was in a lust bubble, and all outside the bubble, people, husbands, and friends, ceased to exist.

Rachael watched as Horse slowly pushed deeper and deeper; he entered Stephanie more easily than Arley had with her the day before.  He was in no hurry, though; when he was over half embedded, he stopped and knelt still, letting Stephanie work her hips to take in the rest of him.

With a glance to check on Razor, she saw that he was still massaging between barbara’s legs, so she returned all her attention back to Stephanie and Horse. 

Stephanie still had a hand between her legs; the other she used to reach up and draw Horse down so she could kiss him.  This surprised Rachael, it seemed a far more unfaithful act than the sex itself, and she was kissing him with real passion.  

That seemed to fire Arley up.  With a groan, he removed his fingers and slid his cock up and down Rachael’s inflamed slit.  She bent, arched her butt out and reaching behind her, she directed him into her sex.  She wanted to keep watching Stephanie and Horse, but now bent over, she found herself looking at the panel in the van door. She stood up tall so she could watch out the window again.  She had expected this position to be uncomfortable but found Arley’s cock was hitting on her G-spot and invoking new exciting feelings.  

She saw that Razor had his head down between Beverly’s legs, obviously going to perform cunnilingus.  But he had his head to one side and had started a slow circular massage of Beverly’s clit; she was moaning and moving her head from side to side.  One of her hands was trying to pull his head onto her sex, her other hand was moving from one nipple to the other, pulling and pinching them.  

Rachael realised that Razor was leaving Beverly exposed to the camera.  She fought the urge to look away, she felt her face blushing deep red in embarrassment.  But she could not drag her eyes away; what with Arley stroking deep behind her and the happenings out on the beach, she knew she was going to climax way too quickly.

Rachael felt a hand reach onto her chest and play with her breasts, it had to be Michael, as Arley had both his hands on her hips, pulling her onto him as he rammed himself home.  The elicit feelings Michael’s touch invoked, plus the thought of having two men playing with her, just brought her climax even closer.

She growled at Michael, “Undo the buttons. I want you to play with my tits.” 

And when he had her exposed and leaned around her to take a nipple in his mouth, she almost came.  But Arley beat her to it.  With a hard thrust, she felt him release.  Her disappointment that he had not waited for her brought forth a low moan of dismay, she was so close.

Her disappointment was momentary; Michael moved around behind her, taking Arley’s place.  She had a troubling thought that this was not right; she doubted that he was even eighteen.  But her hand reached down between her legs seemingly of its own accord, and she guided him into her incredibly needy cunt.

Michael felt nowhere near as large as Arley, but he did feel quite long.  She felt his hand gliding up her back; he gripped her hair tight, pushed her down and roughly tugged her onto his groin.  He entered her in one stroke, and she was right about the length; he touched a tender spot deep inside her.  He moved his free hand onto her breast and brushed his thumb over her sensitive nipples.  Then set to, fucking her hard and fast, with all the energy of youth.

She squeezed her thighs together, trying to elicit more friction, her hips thrusting back against his every lunge.  She desperately needed him, all of him, everything.  And his frenzied youthful fucking did the trick, she climaxed hard.

As her orgasm started to wane, she felt Michael move to withdraw.  She swung her hand back and grabbed his thigh, holding him hard against her.  He understood, and pushed back in, then held himself still as the tremors wracking her body subsided.

She let him go, now fulfilled but feeling hot and super sensitive everywhere.  She knew she had made a mess of him, her copious vaginal discharge starting to run down her legs.  And she had a moment’s panic as he took hold of her skirt that was bunched up on her back.  She had thought he was going to wipe himself with it, but he gently lowered it back in place, covering her naked butt.

Rachael slumped to her knees, then turned and sat on the plywood floor. Her back against the rear door, she sucked raspy gasps of air into her lungs, mulling over the fact that her two orgasms had her absolutely knackered.

Finally, she got back to her feet and looked to see what was happening out on the beach.  She saw that Stephanie and Horse had finished fucking and were lying close together talking.  ‘Bugger,’ she thought.  She wished she had seen Stephanie’s orgasm.  She saw that Razor was still caressing Beverly but now felt little interest in continuing to watch.

“I need some air.  It’s really hot in here.” And she opened the side door of the van and slumped outside and sat on the van’s step.

Michael opened a cooler bin and brought her an ice-cold bottle of water.  As he handed it to her, he whispered sorry in her ear.  She turned her head, looked in his eyes and told him it was all right, she had wanted him, and that he had given her a most wonderful orgasm.

He replied that it was the best he had ever had, then returned to his camera and took over from Arley.

Rachael must have sat there for ten minutes, relaxing in the shade, when Cassius came striding up from the road.  He shoved past her and leaned into the back of the van, “We’re back, and her husband is yelling blue murder back at the bar.”

“How come you are back so soon?” Arley asked.

“He wouldn’t try any of the Ganga.  Just bought the cheapest dope Bobby had, then insisted I take him back to his wife.  Kept going on that he should not have left his wife alone.  I couldn’t delay him any longer.”

“Where is he now?” Arley again spoke up.

“He’s in the bar, making all sorts of threats.  We had a look on the beach for his wife, but he couldn’t see her.  I knew where they were, I could see Horse and her down the end.  They were mostly obscured behind Razor and his ride.  The husband suspects she has gone to Frank’s house.  Says he will kill that bastard if he touched his wife.  I told him I would go and find them, then I rushed straight down here.”

Arley thought for a second, then, “Go back and tell him his wife is perfectly okay and that she’s sunbathing down the end of the beach.  Escort him down the beach to see her.  Say what you like, but calm him down.  I’ll get a warning to Horse that he is back.”

As Cassius headed off to the bar, Arley took Rachael’s arm and walked her along the dunes with him until they were above where Stephanie and Horse were lying.  He caught Horse’s eye, crossed his arms above his head, and then sat down against an old fence post, pulling Rachael beside him.

Horse got the message straight away, stood and pulled on his shorts.  But he didn’t seem to warn Stephanie,  and she complained at him putting on his shorts, saying she wanted him again.  He nodded ‘soon’ to her, then pulled the spare towel over her, saying she needed to keep covered from the sun.

Arley and Rachael were well obscured from the beach behind the dune grass and had to lift themselves to see down towards the bar.  Soon they saw a very irate Marty walk out with Cassius, who had a hand on Marty’s shoulder, calming him and pointing down to where Stephanie was lying.

It wasn’t until Marty sat beside her that Stephanie realised he had returned.  She panicked and pulled the beach towel further up under her chin.  Mortified, she started making excuses, but Marty was happy to see she was OK.  He must have thought she was wearing her bikini under the towel and reached forward to comfort her by holding the hand she had clasped over her breast.

His, taking hold of her hand, dislodged the towel and exposed her naked breast.  He stopped still, trying to reason how her breast happened to be exposed in front of him.  Horse just leaned in and cupped the exposed globe, one finger flicking the very erect nipple from side to side.

Marty opened his mouth to exclaim something, but Horse got in first, “Your wife has beautiful puppies.  She’d like you to massage the other one.”

He took Marty’s extended hand and, flicking the towel away, placed it on her left breast.  Marty seemed to take in his surroundings then, realising in an instant that his wife had been doing more than just sunbathing.  He glanced around and took in that he was sitting between two very large Jamaicans that must each weigh thirty or more pounds more than him. He sat there stunned, unsure as to what he should do.

Stephanie tried to sit up and grab for her beach bag, obviously about to run.  But Horse just held her down with the hand on her breast and placed his other hand on her thigh.

“Marty, why don’t you give your wife a nice kiss and tell her everything is all right?  She is far from finished here.  Look!” And he pulled the towel from her body, moved his hand up between her legs and spread her sperm-drenched cunt for Marty to see all the signs of his wife’s indiscretion.

A very confused Marty shook his head, then obeyed, leaning in to kiss Steph.  She turned his head away, telling him she was sorry.  She looked back, said sorry again, and then asked him to forgive her and to take her back to the resort.

Horse spoke up, “She doesn’t want to go yet, Marty.  She has paid for an afternoon of sex, which has just started.  She’s gotten nowhere near her monies worth.”

Marty took a minute to process this. Then turned to her and asked, “You paid him?” Stephanie turned away, looking incredibly uncomfortable. Waking up at this revelation, a new look washed across Marty’s face.

Seeing the look on Marty’s face, Stephanie tried to explain, but Marty cut her short.  He was really angry and replied, “Well, we had better get your monies worth then, hadn’t we.” And shoved his hand down between her legs to feel her betrayal for himself.

He held his fingers up, surveying that they were coated in a thick coating of her mucous.  Then he thrust them into Stephanie’s mouth.  She snapped her head away, but Marty gripped her head and turned it to him, “Clean them, you slut.  All these years of pretending you were pure and perfect, never letting me do half the things I asked for, and now you let this bastard do what he wants with you.  You can clean your mess from my fingers, then I’m going to do you in the arse.”

As Stephanie worked reluctantly on Marty’s fingers, he used his other hand to unzip and release his prick.  He wasn’t built like the Jamaican boy’s, but he was larger than Rachael had seen before.  Cassius and Horse moved on either side of Stephanie.

Cassius took a hold of Stephanie’s tits. Horse took her legs and held them apart for Marty. He didn’t hesitate; pulling his fingers from Stephanie’s mouth, he moved down between her legs.  Didn’t even bother pulling his shorts off, just lowered himself onto her, pushed in hard, and started fucking her angrily.

Stephanie lay still, stiff as a board, dazed by the events of the last ten minutes.  Then she tentatively wrapped her arms around her husband, drew him to her and tried to kiss him.  But Marty was having none of her; turning his head away, he angrily told her, “Don’t try and worm your way around me.  Take this like the slut you are.”

Marty only lasted a few minutes, and Stephanie didn’t show any pleasure in their coupling.  She clamped her legs together as he withdrew and tried to roll away, snatching at the towel to cover herself.  But Horse moved quickly alongside her, held her close and talked quietly in her ear.

Whatever he said to her calmed her, and a look of abject resignation took hold on her face.  “Good girl,” he said, pulling a joint from his bum bag.  Cassius leaned over, took the joint from him and lit it up.  He handed it to Stephanie, who sat up and took a tentative puff; she coughed and then forced herself to inhale again.  She handed it to Marty, who took a couple of puffs himself, then handing it back to Cassius, Marty offered his now semi-hard cock in front of Stephanie’s face.

“Clean it. Suck it hard again, I’ve not finished by any stretch.”  And grabbing her hair, he pushed himself up against her lips.  Stephanie seeming a little dazed just opened her mouth, took it in, and worked her tongue around his shaft.

From up on the dune, Rachael looked on in amazed anticipation as the two Jamaicans decided who would take her first.  Arley and Rachael were close enough to hear most of what they were saying.  And they heard Horse tell Cassius to go first, as he had already stretched her poontang.

When Stephanie felt his cock pressing against her sex, she whipped her head away from Marty’s cock to see who it was.  She tried to close her legs and push Cassius away.  But it was a futile gesture, with a determined guy of Cassius’s size already kneeling between them.  Marty had also turned, and his face registered surprise when he saw the size of Cassius’s prick.  He moved around a piece so that he had a better view, then, pulling Stephanie’s head to him, ordered her to keep sucking.

As Cassius slowly pushed himself past her swollen lips, Stephanie let out a muffled moan, her hips took up a fluid movement that was in perfect synchronisation with each of his thrusts.  Horse moved over and knelt to Stephanie’s left; he found her large tits and began kneading.  She let out an even loader moan as her hardening nipples sent waves of pleasure through her body.

Stephanie again tried to pull her mouth away from Marty, glancing nervously down the beach.  Oh God, she thought, I’m getting fucked in public, in broad daylight, and with more than one man.  But she had little chance of stopping now, and contrary to everything she had ever been, she found the thought of strangers watching incredibly arousing.

Marty again pulled her head back to his cock, and she was alarmed to find that he was almost fully hard again.  Marty motioned to Cassius that he was ready for more and to hurry up.  Cassius nodded to ascent, slowly withdrew, and rolled onto his side.

Marty pushed Steph’s head away and rolled her over, face down on the towel.  “Okay slut, I’m going to use you for something I have wanted for years. I’m going to fuck you in your arse.”

He hauled her hips up, so she was on her knees, then lined himself up with her puckered bud.  But as he applied pressure, Stephanie lurched abruptly away, crying out, “That hurts. Don’t do that, it’s dirty!”

Horse put his hand to Marty’s chest and held him back, “Calm down, Marty.  I know you’re angry, but think about what you are doing.”

He looked Marty in the eyes, “She only did what millions of other women have fantasies about.  And now you have the eager wife that most men dream about.  She’s a slut and will do anything you want now, but you must treat her like the woman you love.”

Marty tried to push Horse out of the way.  But Horse just held him and talked to him some more.  Slowly Marty calmed, his shoulders slumped, and his demeanour changed.  He fought with his inner conflicts, and when Horse saw that he had calmed enough, he reached behind him and took a small bottle from his bumbag.  Telling Marty to hold out his hands, he poured some oil onto them and told him to oil himself up.  He poured a good measure of the oil down the crack of Stephanie’s arse, thrust his middle finger through it, and deeply in past her tight sphincter.

With a sharp intake of air, Stephanie thrust her hips back against Horse’s finger.  Then whimpered softly as he worked his finger deeper.  He used the fingers on his other hand to massage her perineum, which had Stephane’s arse jerking and writhing in anticipation.

Marty, now oiled up, moved to enter her again, but Horse told him to wait as he attempted to insert another of his long fingers.  With a little gasp of pain, Stephanie pulled away from Horses’ probing pair of fingers.  He calmly whispered in her ear, “Relax and push back on me.  It’s going to feel incredible.”

She slumped down, and soon he was working both fingers into her now very willing rear.  Horse looked over to Cassius, “Think she’s okay for a DP?”

Cassius nodded, moved close to Stephanie’s side, and rolled her on top of him.  He spoke calmly to Stephanie, “Sit up and impale yourself on my big black cock.  You want it, don’t you?”

Stephanie did not hesitate; she was up and reaching for him in a flash.  Then lowering herself, she worked her hips around until she had him fully engulfed.  Marty had softened in the interlude but watching Horse working his fingers in her butt and seeing Cassius’s big cock entering her, he had quickly hardened again.  He motioned Horse out of the way and fed his slippery prick back into her arse.

Stephanie’s hips stopped working Cassius’s tool as she struggled with the sharp burst of pain.  But she had been well prepared, and as both men started fucking her, she pushed herself back against them.  These new sensations of being double penetrated soon had her bucking her hips back and forth with renewed vigour.

The pleasure suddenly overcame her, crying out in agitated bliss, her body and mind reacting to the amoral pleasure this forbidden act produced.  Much sooner than expected, her body was wracked by urgent tremors, and she exploded in an orgasm that had her gasping for breath.

Stephanie’s orgasm brought Cassius off as well, and he struggled to get out from under her.  But Marty just kept ploughing on, making the best of the opportunity.  Horse took a hold of his shoulder and told him to stop for a second, he wanted to take Cassius’s place.

Marty pulled out and knelt beside Stephanie as Horse slipped his shorts off and manoeuvred himself under her.  It was Marty’s turn to catch his breath as he had his first good look at Horse’s cock.

“Fuck man, will she be able to take that?” Marty asked.

Smiling, Horse nodded his head, and with no encouragement at all, Stephanie lifted herself and lined Horse’s mighty pole up with her open, sloppy cunt.  She had to hold it and manoeuvre her hips to get the head of it past her initial barrier and then slowly lifted herself up and down, taking in a little more each time she pressed down on him.

It only took her about seven plunges before she had all of Horse’s Massive cock fully embedded. She sat down on Horse and reached behind for Marty’s cock. Helping him line it up, she then lay down on Horse.

“Take it slowly, please?” she asked him, “It hurts, but I do want you.”

Now calm and calculating, Marty took his time as he slowly worked himself back into her arse.  Stephanie lay still; there was nowhere near the room for both cocks, now that she had Horse deep inside her. There was some pain, but forcing herself to relax, it became bearable, then pleasant enough for her to start fucking herself back against them.  She leaned forward and kissed Horse with a passion that brought a groan of pleasure from Horse.

It was obvious to Rachael and Arley that Stephanie had another climax building.  Rachael nudged Arley, “I think we should leave.  I’ve seen as much as I can take.”

Arley stood, “Good idea.  You need to rest, then get ready for your dinner with Andy tonight.”

He told Rachael to wait for a second and took three strides down the dune to say something to Cassius.

Cassius nodded assent, then continued feeding his sloppy cock into Stephanie’s mouth.  She did glance up at the intruder, though, but dismissed him and resumed cleaning Cassius’s cock.

As Rachael and Arley walked away, they heard Stephanie muffled cry that she was coming again.

They walked back to Arley’s hut; Rachael asked if he would come with her to dinner with Andy.  Also, what was it all about?

“I don’t know what it’s about, and no, I’m not invited,” Arley replied. “Andy has been acting a bit funny for a week or more.  He’s worried about something but won’t tell me what.”

“Will he try to sleep with me?”

“No, it’s not that.  He doesn’t play around these days.  Besides Naila, his partner will be there also.  They are picking you up at 7:30.”

Once back at his hut, Rachael expected him to throw her on the bed.  But to her disappointment, he directed her behind a curtain, where she found a rudimentary bathroom.  After cleaning the mess between her legs, he bundled her out the door onto the back of his bike and drove her over to the resort.

The trip back was not that comfortable.  Arley hadn’t removed the piece of rubber tube from the seat, and even though she tried to sit to one side, it rubbed against bits of her that were very sensitive.

They arrived outside the resort at 3:30 pm.  He kissed her and asked if she could meet him the next morning.

“I’d like that, but see what happens tonight.  Can I get a message to you?”

“I’ll wait here from 10;00 am; if something has changed, just send a message out to me.”

Rachael headed to her room, had a long, satisfying shower, and then tumbled into her bed for a much-needed nap.  It had been an incredible but tiring day.

Published 2 years ago

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