Quickie In A Haunted Mansion

"Cute Costumes, Dirty Deeds…"

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Halloween night at the famous Winchester House.

A mansion with hundreds of rooms, stairwells leading to nowhere, nooks, and crannies that haven’t been used in decades. Rooms that change size as one moves through them, and trap doors waiting around every turn.

It’s a perfect setting for a haunted house tour. A young couple waits at giant metal gates to venture inside.

The man caresses his lover’s hand in his own. He is dressed in all black, even a dark handkerchief obscuring his face below his eyes. He’s a stealthy ninja. The woman is dressed as a black cat, with ears on her head, cute whiskers and a black dot painted on her nose. Her black leotard, fluffy tutu, and black lace stockings round out her outfit.

“You look so fucking sexy. This is the best costume ever.”

She smiles, shaking her hips and tutu towards him while baring her teeth and letting out a high-pitched feline growl.

The gates open to reveal a hooded figure beckoning the couple forward. They head inside the mansion.

The antiquated doorway entrance narrows into a tiny room. The group piles into the small space. Hopefully the first of many.

The couple takes a look at their companions on this creepy tour. In front of them were a mom and dad, holding their two young toddlers’ hands, behind them, another couple. Both are dressed as bananas. Bright and yellow against the dark backdrop of smoke and aged wooden walls. They don’t blend in at all. Whatever plans to jump out from the crevices of these darkened hallways is going to target those bananas without hesitation.

The hooded specter warns the group of the terrors that lie ahead. It pulls a hanging rope to reveal a hidden staircase that leads under the floorboards. The toddlers start whimpering as their parents encourage them down into the depths of the earth. Ninja takes Black Cat’s hands into his own, as they oblige the darkness beckoning to them. The bananas follow suit, and quickly disappear as well.

Screams in the distance abound. Hard to tell if they belong to others on the tour, or the ghouls and creatures popping out from nowhere left and right. The toddlers lose their shit almost immediately. The bats, falling from above, start things off. A mutant brandishing a chainsaw makes Black Cat jump into Ninja’s arms. Ninja jumps a fair bit as well.

In the darkness of the mansion, the dark-clothes couple’s hands wander freely. Fearful grasps turn into sensual caresses effortlessly. The blacked-out costumes make it clear that no one can notice what’s happening right in front of them and behind them. One second, it’s crazed zombies sneaking up. The next, it’s Black Cat’s hand fluttering across the front of Ninja’s pants.

When the creepy girl from the film The Ring appears on the other side of a room, disappears into strobing light, then reappears just inches away, the bananas completely lose their shit. They are a bright beacon of color that the haunters of the house notice too easily. They fall behind the rest of the group quickly, too afraid to move.

The family at the front makes it to the Reckoning Room, a space totally devoid of light, not even a strobing or candlelight aura to help guide the way. A voice blasting from somewhere above tells of a vengeful spirit eager to feast on children who don’t reach the light in time. A small flame from a lantern appears at the far end of what looks to be a tight hallway.

The toddlers at the front of the group race away from their parents, pushing ahead through the house. The parents chase after them, into the narrow hallway.

Ninja and Black Cat haven’t moved. Moments earlier, his hands had found their way to the curvy ass cheeks, sitting just under the fluffy tutu. While his lips and teeth pulled and nibbled on her neck. She moaned softly, a sound drowned out by the bellowing voice coming from above. As the parent’s voices move away towards their frightened progeny, Ninja’s lips move to his partner’s ear.

“Let’s stay here a moment. You’ve got me so turned on.”

She obliges by reaching her hand behind her low back, massaging his cock. His hands move to her breasts, kneading them through the tight leotard and feeling her nipples harden from his touch.

A scream from not too far behind them startles the two out of their embrace. They laugh and race forward across the Reckoning Room. The candle remains lit at the end of the cramped hallway. Black Cat reaches it first, realizing it dead ends in a winding staircase. She takes a couple of steps up, pausing to carefully peak around the corner above her.

“I want you. RIGHT now.”

She turns to see his hands reaching for her juicy ass, perched just above his eye view. She swats his hand away and shoots him the evil eye. But there’s something playful and mischievous behind it as well. And he definitely notices. He can just make it out in the candle’s faint lighting.

“You don’t know what that ass does to me.”

She giggles and shakes it again. With one leg on a higher step than the other, the cheeks bounce magically.

“Just watching it move makes me hard. Look, see?”

She sees his hands grasping at his swelling cock through his shorts.

She takes another couple of steps up before she answers.

“You’re crazy. People are right near us!” She points at the lit lantern, just behind them in the hallway.

His fingers trace the lace stockings up her thigh, lightly squeezing the flesh where her hips meet her butt.

“We’ve got time. The bananas haven’t even reached the room behind us yet.”

“How do you know?”

Suddenly, the candlelight goes out. Pitch black falls all around the stairwell and its little hallway.

“That’s how.”

Black Cat feels her cheeks spread and a wet tongue push in between them. Her pussy tingles at the unexpected warmth and pressure. Her hands grasp the railing on both sides of her, bracing her form against the weakness overtaking her lower half.

She melts into the tongue’s movements, pressing her weight back against it.

His free hands massage her ass cheeks while helping to hold her up. She shudders there perched on his face, moans fading into the footsteps and floorboard creaks and scream sounds moving through the tiny stairwell’s tunnel.

Ninja’s face pulls away for the briefest of moments.

“I want to make you cum with my mouth. Right here, right now. I can’t wait.”

He buries himself again. Black Cat lifts one of her legs up, resting her heel on the top of the railing at waist level. This opens herself more to his lips, which nibble and gently pulls on her labia, sucking her clit in repeatedly.

The bellowing voice from above the Reckoning Room captures their attention once again. Their eyes can just make out two large yellow shapes on the other side of the room. It’s the bananas. The candlelight above comes on, and the bananas move quickly toward the stairwell.

Swift hands pull Black Cat down the stairs and into a tight space in the corner of the stairwell entrance. She feels her bodice press tightly against the wall behind her, as her lover envelops her, obscuring her from view. The bananas burst from the narrow hallway, and shoot up the stairs in haste. They move so quickly that they don’t notice their tour mates holding breaths just below them.

Black Cat feels her man’s lips meet hers, as his hands grip hip her hips tightly. Then he moves away abruptly towards the bottom stair.

She smiles and moves to follow him. “My ninja.”

He takes her hands and places them on the railing that runs along the outside of the winding staircase. Then he pushes her lower back down, making an L-shape of her, hinged at the hips.

The candlelight above disappears once again.

Black Cat feels wet fingers rubbing her waiting pussy, soaking them even more than they already are. It’s barely a moment before two fingers plunge inside of her. She gasps as she feels them press and rub along her g-spot, and the warm pad of his thumb caresses her clit in circles.

He finger fucks her there, as she uses her grip on the railing to lean back into his hand movements. When she feels his tongue lap up her wetness and press into her asshole, she loses herself in her own little world. Her vision blurs against the growing sensation building throughout her.

Not that she could see anything in this pitch-black, anyway.

She’s close to cumming when he pulls out of her slowly. Strong hands turn her around to face him, as he drops to his knees.

“Cum on my tongue.”

She pulls him to her and fucks his face with roughness and heavy pace.

Usually, she’d take her time with this, to enjoy the view and the buildup. But she hears footsteps and more screaming teenagers. And his eyes look so eager for her to drip her juices into his mouth. She won’t keep him waiting.

Ninja’s hands squeeze her hips as she moves in rhythm above him. Black Cat can feel how soaked the ninja costume’s fabric is from her juices. The inability to see anything heightens every sensation. It only takes a few more seconds before she’s sent over the edge.

Hands grip the railing so tightly that it might buckle. Black Cat shudders, Ninja’s tongue and lips so warm and soft as they cup her pussy and let her ride her orgasm out. He slowly stands up, steadying her as he does. Ninja wraps his arms around her waist, practically lifting her into him. Wild, wet kisses meet her mouth.

She tastes herself all over him as they make out.

The sound of another group approaching behind them comes into earshot.

The voice above the Reckoning Room starts its speech over for a new group of victims. The lantern light appears above.

Ninja abruptly moves to the stairwell, grasping Black Cat’s hand in his. He takes a few steps up, before looking back at her and smiling. Then darts upward. She chases after him, laughing.

Both figures wind the corner and merge into the mansion’s darkness.

Published 2 years ago

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