Queen Of Seduction

"Queen Ankhesentiti receives a visitor from a far off land - and makes him feel welcome!"

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Queen Ankhesentiti lay in her chambers one day, bored and wondering what she would do with her day. She got up off her luxurious bed and walked out onto the rooftop terrace overlooking her palace courtyard.

She stood on the terrace, leaning on the stone railing as she looked out at the land she ruled. It was a fine land, rich with resources and wealth. She was quite content and her people were happy with her as their ruler. Queen Ankhesentiti was a fair and just ruler, benevolent to her people, and she was very well loved.

Unfortunately, the life of a queen did have its pitfalls. As the supreme ruler of the land, she found her own needs as a woman often had to be put aside. After all, she was the queen, ordained to rule the empire by the gods themselves – what mortal man could hope to charm their way into her bed? Ankhesentiti had wealth, power, and influence beyond measure, but she lacked companionship and true intimate love.

She sighed and turned to return to her chambers. The life of an Egyptian queen wasn’t as exciting as one might hope. Most of the actual governing was done by her vizier (somewhat equal today to the Secretary of State in America or the Prime Minister in England). After that, the ruling was broken down into the chieftans of the various clans that lived in the land.

Ankhesentiti’s title was more of an honorary one… she was the head of the government and did have the final say on what went on there, but she also had to take under advisement the suggestions of her other government officials if she wanted to remain in power. Unfortunately, being the ruler of such a vast and wealthy empire was not the safest job – there was always someone looking to overthrow the government to put themselves in power instead!

Suddenly one of Ankhesentiti’s handmaidens appeared in the doorway to her chamber. Ankhesentiti’s handmaidens were the only people allowed to enter the private chambers of the queen uninvited. Even the palace eunuchs were not allowed into the inner sanctum of the Queen’s bedchambers. They were allowed into the living quarters of the queen to cook and clean and such, but the bedchambers were strictly forbidden to everyone but the queen’s ten handmaidens. These handmaidens, all individually picked out by the queen herself, were all virginal and pure, none of them had ever known a man.

“My queen,” the woman said, kneeling and bowing respectfully. Ankhesentiti turned to see who had addressed her. “Rise Naira, what is it?” she asked, summoning the young woman to her side.

“My queen, there is a visitor in the royal council room who wishes to see you,” Naira said, excitedly.

“Who might it be, Naira?” the queen asked.

“Just come and see… please my queen!” Naira said, nearly beside herself with excitement.

What could have Naira so excited and worked up? Ankhesentiti thought to herself. Whatever it was, it must be important. Naira was usually one of her more calm and level-headed handmaidens. 

“Then let us go and see what could cause my otherwise sensible handmaiden to be in such an unbalanced state!” she said, smiling.

The two women left the bedchambers and walked through the living quarters then down the hallway to the council room. This council room is where most of the more important governmental discussions and decisions were made. But it is also where diplomatic and personal meetings of the queen took place as well.

As Ankhesentiti and Naira entered the council room, Ankhesentiti saw that the room was empty. She turned to Naira puzzled. “What is this, Naira? What is this all about?” the queen asked.

“My queen, we are concerned that you spend so much time alone. It is not good that you are so lonely. It is also not good that you do not enjoy… the pleasures of men. We, as your handmaidens, do not know men, but we have each other and we can enjoy our own pleasure. But you, my queen, do not have either. So with your permission, we have brought you a gift!” she said, waving her hand to the other side of the room.

Right on cue, a second handmaiden came into the council room. But she wasn’t alone. Following behind her was someone else – a man, chained and wearing a mask, following quietly behind the handmaiden.

“What is this, Rayen?” Ankhesentiti asked.

“My queen, we have brought you a gift… for your pleasure,” she said, bowing but remaining standing.

Ankhesentiti looked at the girls going from one to the other. Then she looked at the masked man. He was shirtless wearing what appeared to be peasant pants and no sandals. 

“What is going on here? You both know that as queen, I cannot be with a common peasant man! Such an act would defile me and corrupt the very nobility of which I am part of!” she said, trying not to be angry at her handmaidens.

The two girls giggled together. “Forgive us for our prank, my queen. This is Prince Farouk, a prince from another kingdom many days travel from here. He was passing through our lands when we found him. As a prince and without a partner of his own, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy a little pleasure.

“We don’t expect it to be a lasting commitment, Prince Farouk is just passing through, but it isn’t often there is a man in this land that you can enjoy this way. And the Prince has been very kind and understanding about the whole matter,” Rayen explained.

“I see,” Ankhesentiti said, picking up the chain and pulling the masked man closer. She placed her hand on the masked prince’s crotch, feeling an admirable and quite interesting bulge there.

“Leave us,” the queen said to the girls, who bowed and then turned, giggling amongst themselves, as they left the two alone in the room. Ankhesentiti then turned to the prince and pulled him closer. 

She looked over the man at the end of the chain. He was tall and very well built, with a powerful chest, and strong muscular arms. Ankhesentiti started to see the possibilities here and she felt a dampness beginning to appear in her nether region.

“Let’s take that mask off, it looks terribly uncomfortable,” she said. Ankhesentiti reached up and slowly removed the mask from his face, wondering what this prince from a far off land would look like. 

As the mask came down, Ankhesentiti was pleasantly surprised – Prince Farouk was a very handsome man!

Oh my! This prince might be just what I needed today! This could be fun, and since he is just passing through, there won’t be any trouble later! she thought to herself.

She could feel the tingling in her pussy and it was obvious from her cupless bejeweled bra that her nipples were hard and eager to be sucked. The gold powder she wore around her nipples and areola drew his attention to them (as it was designed to do) and he smiled – seems he wasn’t the only one getting hard here!

As part of her jewelry and lavish adornment, Ankhesentiti wore jewel-encrusted fake “claws” that she could slide on and off her fingertips. Using one of the claws on her index finger she put it under his chin and gently pulled his face closer to hers. Then she moved the claw up to play with his bottom lip and hold it as she licked his mouth playfully.

Up to now, he had not touched Ankhesentiti out of respect for her position as queen of this land he was in. He was a visitor in a foreign land far from home and he was in the palace alone – he knew that the queen must have palace guards everywhere so he had to be respectful and courteous.

However, with her first play made and her intentions clear, he decided it was time to show this queen how they did things back home!

Ankhesentiti’s two thoughtful handmaidens had brought in several large pillows and ornate rugs and blankets, all of which made for a very comfortable and sizeable bed.  The Prince took advantage of the comfortable accommodations to push the queen down onto the pillows and lay her on her back. He knelt down next to the queen and looked down at the beautiful ruler.

Queen Ankhesentiti was indeed very beautiful – from her long brown hair, lovely blue eyes and full sensuous lips, to her ornately adorned 5’5″ frame and alluring 34-24-34 measurements, she was indeed the queen of seduction and she knew how to use her body to its best advantage. She raised her arms up over her head, placing her hands back to back in a signal that she was allowing him to do as he wished with her.

The Prince reached to her sides and unclasped the gold fitting to her long white skirt. It wasn’t really a skirt in the modern sense; it was floor length, but it was split all the way up both sides to the thin gold-embellished waistbelt that the Prince now unfastened. Once he had removed the skirt, the Queen was left in her cupless bra with its gold chains draped down her flat stomach, and the white panties that lay under her skirt. 

Prince Farouk leaned over the beautiful queen and lowered his mouth slowly to hers. He paused for a moment only a couple inches from hers and waited. When he heard a soft moan and felt her hot breath he continued down and brushed his lips very lightly across hers. She put her hands on his broad shoulders, lightly raking him with the claws as she put one long lean leg around behind his. When he felt her rubbing her legs on the back of his, he deepened his kiss, devouring her sweet lips like he had been starving for them.

Queen Ankhesentiti responded to his urgent kiss with one of her own, as she parted her lips she found his tongue waiting to come in and play with hers. Ankhesentiti took his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it like it was a tiny cock, letting him know her plans for him at the same time.

She gasped when the Prince finally broke their kiss. She hadn’t expected such a powerful and desperate kiss and it took her breath away for a second. “Oh, my prince! I haven’t been kissed like that in such a long time!” she moaned when her breath returned.

He moved his kisses to her neck and then down to her shoulder right in the notch where her shoulder meets with her neck. Ankhesentiti moaned again and moved her head away exposing her neck to his hot mouth. Prince Farouk kissed her neck then moved to her collarbone and finally to the notch at the top of her breastbone. From there he kissed his way down the front of her chest until he reached the top of her luscious 34DD breasts.

Ankhesentiti’s moans told him that she wanted more… that she wanted him to continue doing what he was doing. Which was fine with him – he was more than willing to give her as much as she wanted. Ankhesentiti put her hands under her breasts, holding them up and offering them to his hungry mouth. Farouk put his hot mouth over one gold powdered nipple, licking and sucking the stiffly swollen bud and causing her moans to increase in volume and desire.

“Yes! Oh my prince, yes! Lick my nipples! Suckle on me mighty prince!” she moaned as she arched her back with pleasure. Her moans and squirming were driving him to greater heights and he wanted to bring this beautiful sexy goddess with him. He moved a bit more to her side so he could slide his hand down her writhing body to the place where kings are born.

Under any other circumstances, he would be taking his life in his hands making such advances on the queen. But Ankhesentiti was as lust-crazed and impassioned as he was by now, and she made no indication that he had broken any protocols or crossed the line in any way.

Ankhesentiti and Farouk were not royalty at this point – they had set all the formalities, ceremony, and restrictions of their aristocratic status aside. Right now they were just a man and a woman inflamed with lust and hungry for one another.

When Farouk’s hand cupped her mound, Ankhesentiti gasped and her hand went instantly to cover his, pressing him into her harder and wanting him to go inside her. He began to rub her crotch through her linen panties. Ankhesentiti spread her legs wide allowing him complete access to her, thoroughly enjoying what his hand was doing to her. She reached up to cup her breasts and play with her nipples as he provided her with pleasures she hadn’t known in some time.

Farouk himself had been deprived of pleasures of the flesh as his travels to different kingdoms and land had kept him on the move lately. He was busy trying to expand his trade routes and build new ones and had not had the opportunity to indulge for a long time. But the queen was proving a delightful distraction to his seemingly endless travels. She was beautiful, desirable and every bit as famished as he was.

Ankhesentiti could take no more teasing. Suddenly, she moved away from Farouk and as he watched with great interest, she removed her panties – the last remaining covering she had left. She crawled, cat-like, back to him and up between his legs.

Reaching up his sides, she pulled down his trousers, cooing appreciably as his hard cock came into view. She leaned down and took him in her mouth, sucking and licking on him like she hadn’t eaten in days. 

“Oh, my queen…” he moaned as he felt her wrap her soft lips around him. Her tongue played over the underside of his cock as she used her claws to gently rake down his chest and down the insides of his thighs. She bobbed her head up and down as he guided her, his hands wrapped in her soft brown hair, and moaned encouragements to her.

After a few delicious moments, she popped him out of her mouth and laying his cock up against his stomach she licked and sucked his cum-heavy balls into her mouth one at a time to suck and lick on them. Then she moved down to lick his perineum and rim his asshole. 

This was something that Farouk had never experienced before. Rimming, and for that matter blowjobs themselves, were considered very taboo and not something a woman would do – much less a queen! But Farouk wasn’t arguing with her. If she didn’t mind it, he certainly didn’t either! Perhaps this was acceptable in her kingdom… whatever the case it felt glorious!

But Farouk was nothing if not gentlemanly and he believed in giving back as good as he got. So as Ankhesentiti sucked and slobbered on his hard cock, he pulled her lower body around until she straddled his head in a ’69’ position. He looked up at the pretty pink slit and parted the lips with his fingers. He breathed in her warm inviting scent and then pulled her hips down so he could begin feasting on the succulent fruit of his beautiful, sexy host.

“OH MY PRINCE!!” she gasped as his tongue licked her swollen lips and then plunged deep into her warm wetness. The squirming, wriggling invader began searching every nook and crevice for the sweet honey it knew was there someplace. She could feel his tongue burrowing into her and her hips sank down onto his face to drive it deeper into her.

He licked and sucked as her juices began to drip from her. He didn’t want any of her delicious syrup to go to waste so he licked and lapped furiously – which in turn only made her more excited and she produced still more for him.

Then in an experimental moment, he decided to try his hand at rimming this woman’s ass. He moved his tongue from her drooling slit to lick her perineum and then her asshole as she had done to him. He found the taste of her ass to be quite pleasant actually, which was a surprise to him. He rather liked the earthy musky taste and there was little doubt that the recipient of his tongue’s attention enjoyed it as well.

“Ohhhh… by the goddess Hathor… that feels wonderful, my sweet prince!” she moaned, pulling her mouth off his cock temporarily. She pushed her ass to him wanting his tongue to explore her further.  She wolfed his cock back down with renewed vigor determined to give her lover the most pleasure she could. The moans coming from them both filled the room and made quite a cacophony when mixed with the slurping and sucking sounds they were making with their voracious appetites.

It was time for Prince Farouk to take the lead. His cock was as hard as the limestone the palace was built from and it ached for release. Farouk pushed the queen off his cock and rolled them both over putting him on top now. He spun around to a regular missionary position and moved between her spread legs. She reached down between her legs and used her fingers to spread her lips for him. He used the head of his to rub and circle the opening until her whimpers and pleas convinced him to stop teasing her. He lined himself up and then slowly – deliciously slowly – started to enter her inner sanctum.

“OHHH PRIIINNNCE!!” she screamed out her utter joy. She arched her back, throwing her arms out to her sides and bending nearly double in pure ecstasy. Farouk pushed deeper into her opening her long-neglected womb wider than it had been in a very long time.

Ankhesentiti was a sexual creature and was not opposed to using her fingers or a handy hairbrush handle to gain a little relief. She had even used a cucumber a time or two when she needed something more substantial. But there was nothing like a man’s cock to satisfy her and the Prince’s was just the ticket for her now.

He pushed deeper and deeper until he was in as far as he could go. Queen Ankhesentiti was no virgin but she felt like one as he spread her wide and thrust deep into her. When he felt his balls slap her ass he knew he was fully inside her and he began the slow withdrawal.

Ankhesentiti whimpered, not wanting the empty feeling to return but his kiss told her he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. He pulled back until he had completely exited her and as she held him with her arms around his neck he pushed back into her, a little faster this time. 

Ankhesentiti gasped turning it to a moan as she felt her tunnel expanding again. He repeated this out then in routine three or four more times, each time a little faster until he was moving in and out at a regular rate and speed. Ankhesentiti liked this technique – feeling herself opened up anew each time was thrilling and the stretching his cock did to her was wonderful.

But playtime was over now and he began fucking his beautiful queen in earnest. He picked up speed and rhythm as he started to fuck her like he was mad at her. 

Ankhesentiti cried and moaned, groaned and whimpered as he pounded away at her. He was going to make sure that this beautiful sexy queen of this land knew who had made her feel so good. He was looking forward to his return trip already and wanted to make sure she would be too. He plowed her fertile field as she wrapped her legs around his waist, just trying to hold on as the palace walls began spinning and crumbling around her.

Farouk grunted with every thrust sounding more like a wild animal than a prince as his powerful thrusts drove home. His royal blood was boiling as was the cum in his balls as he took his pleasure out in this woman.

But the lack of any recent sexual activity took it’s toll on both of them and far sooner than either would have liked, they both felt the stirrings of their mutual releases. Queen Ankhesentiti was the first one to voice her upcoming climax.

“Prince! Oh by the goddess Hathor!” she cried out just as her dam burst and she spewed her juices forth covering his cock and spilling out onto both of them before running down between her legs to stain the pillow bed under them. Feeling her walls collapse and the rush of warm liquid made him crest as well and he shot his load of scalding hot cum into her, mixing his fluids with hers to make a milky running white concoction that covered them both.  

Ankhesentiti clung tightly to him as the throes of her orgasm worked through her. She didn’t even care that she couldn’t breathe-  she just didn’t want him to leave at that moment. But he wasn’t about to… even if he could have. His legs were far too wobbly and the room was moving too much for him to risk walking anywhere for a bit. They clung to one another until they came back to their reality and then he rolled off her to lay by her side a while longer. 

Ankhesentiti crawled over closer and laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart slow down to normal levels. She kissed his sweat covered chest and licked at his nipple know how he loved that. She reached down to scoop up the last few drops of his cum to taste him.

“Yummy!” she said. “I know you are passing through my kingdom, but where to, my prince?”

“I am traveling to a land still many days away in hopes that I might expand my countries trade routes with other kingdoms. If I am successful, it will mean much wealth to my country as well as theirs. And if I can make trade agreements with others, it will mean that I will be traveling back and forth regularly to keep an eye on things,” he said.

“So you will coming through my kingdom often then?” she asked propping herself up to look at his face.

“It is quite possible yes,” he said.

“Mmm, I like that idea!” she said kissing his chest again and playing with his now limp cock.

“Yes, your kingdom is about halfway between our two kingdoms and so it will be a good place to rest and refresh ourselves on our travels back and forth,” he said.

“Well my ‘kingdom’ is open to you anytime you want to be ‘refreshed’, my sweet prince,” she said, the obvious sexual reference making her blush.

“I’m happy to hear that my queen, as I would like to visit your kingdom often!” he said, kissing her softly.

“Just promise me that upon your return, you will stop and see me,” she said.

Prince Farouk took her in his arms holding her tightly and kissing her passionately, “As you desire, my Queen” he said softly.

Published 7 years ago

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