We hadn’t been there for ages but we both remembered how dull and old fashioned everything was, and the only time we ever went out was to church!
Mum and Dad were going away with Dad’s work so there was no option or so Mum said. I argued and Nick argued but we got nowhere.
I’m Angie, I’m nearly eighteen, quite sporty and slim and I like to wear fashionable sexy clothes. Nick, my brother, is just a year older, he’s wiry and quite muscly, mostly because he cycles so much but he doesn’t care about how he dresses.
It was nearly three hours after we set off before we pulled up outside their house. It hadn’t changed at all since we’d been there last, a few years before. The same grey, drab house sitting on it’s own on a long ribbon road through the village that had just one shop.
Auntie Geraldine met us at the door. She looked like a strict school mistress, severe hair all tied back and she wore old fashioned glasses. She was quite tall and appeared rather stern. As Nick whispered to me later she was actually quite curvy in all the right places, it was just hidden well under ‘those clothes’ and an old kitchen apron.
The house was bigger than it seemed from the outside as we followed Auntie upstairs to our rooms. We were told to unpack and put everything away in the wardrobe and cupboards and then come down for afternoon tea and cakes. Afternoon tea and cakes!
As we came downstairs, Rebecca and Judy returned from a countryside walk. They looked so old fashioned, they came from another era.
As Mum and Dad got ready to leave Auntie G explained that she still spanked Judy and Rebecca on their bare bottoms if they misbehaved and said she expected to use the cane on our bottoms if it was needed. After a brief hesitation Dad agreed to this and despite our pleading looks Mum reluctantly agreed.
Mum and Dad left and Auntie G went into the kitchen to cook dinner. We tried to chat to Rebecca and Judy but they were so out of touch with pop music, films, fashion, singers, cars, anything. Whatever they spoke about they sounded as if they were in the 50’s.
Even though Rebecca was wearing such odd clothes that did nothing for her looks I could see that Nick fancied her. Judy was a little on the rounder side, not fat but she certainly had a fuller figure. She had mid brown, shortish hair and a pretty face. Rebecca on the other hand was a looker. Dark, long, straight hair which covered her shoulders, she had bright green eyes and a beautiful face. She had long legs, slim waist and hips but it was her bust that had drawn Nick’s eyes despite being wrapped in a thick grey cardigan.
I interrupted Nick’s reverie.
“What happens when you get punished?” I asked the girls.
Judy looked over to make sure the kitchen door was shut. “You are told what punishment you will get, how many strokes. Then you are told to get undressed to be caned.”
Nick was a little flushed, “Undressed? Is it always the cane?”
Rebecca answered, “Always the cane and always with nothing on,” then whispering she added, “when Mum’s friend’s son was caned we saw his willy.”
Nick gave me a look and said “What sort of things do you get punished for?”
Judy explained ”The sort of things that we are usually punished for are swearing, being rude, being disobedient, breaking things, being unkind to each other, fighting….” The list seemed endless.
Nick seemed to be growing uncomfortable; he kept glancing over at Rebecca and adjusting his trousers. “Do you get punished very often?”
Rebecca said “No, not often, usually only once or twice a week.”
Auntie G came through from the kitchen at that moment and we all looked down.
“You all seem very serious. What are you talking about?” she asked.
Rebecca just answered “Angie and Nick were asking about what would happen if they were to get punished.”
I hoped the floor would open up in front of me.
Auntie sat down facing us and put on a very serious look. “I hope none of you has to be punished but if you do it will hurt and you won’t want it to happen again. If I have to cane anyone it happens straight away in this room with everyone watching.”
With that she stood up. “I came to ask if you’d like a drink of squash and to suggest you go and play. I’ll be up to check your rooms when I’m finished here.”
After she’d gone I asked, “What did Auntie mean by ‘check our rooms’?”
Rebecca answered, “Oh, just to check the room is tidy and everything is away, neat and out of sight.”
Nick and I ran upstairs to sort our rooms.
We sat for a moment on the end of my bed. “I can’t believe how old fashioned and naive they are. Did you hear Rebecca talk about seeing a willy?” I said.
“I know, the whole place is stuck in a by-gone era.” Then he leaned closer, “I don’t know how you felt but I got quite excited thinking about the punishment thing in front of everyone.”
Before I could agree Rebecca and Judy came up and joined us and Nick went off to check his room.
Rebecca leaned over, “Judy just told me she’d like to see Nick being caned so she could see his willy!”
“I did not,” said Judy, “I, er, I said I’d like to see his body because he looks strong.”
It seemed a strange conversation but I told them how Nick had said he was excited at the thought of being punished in front of everyone.
We all laughed but I could tell everyone was getting aroused.
Then Judy whispered, “When Mum’s friend’s son was punished, his willy got bigger and she got very cross and spanked that too, so tell him not to let it grow stiff.”
After talking some more, Rebecca and Judy decided that they’d like to see Nick undressed and punished and wondered how we could make that happen?
I remembered the girlie magazine I’d seen as Nick was unpacking.
Rebecca said “Here’s an idea, if we could find it and put it in his room somewhere that Mum will find it, he’d get a spanking, no question.”
Judy whispered to Rebecca, “You get him downstairs and keep him distracted, Angie and I will find the magazine.”
We heard Rebecca tell Nick his room looked fine and we heard them go downstairs. Judy and I nipped into his room and soon found the magazine under his mattress. We put it half under his pillow leaving a voluptuous model’s backside partly visible.
Just then we heard Auntie is coming up the stairs with Rebecca and Nick following.
Judy and I joined them outside my room.
Auntie strode in and looked round before moving my case behind the door. “I don’t like a suitcase to be on view,” she said sternly, “but otherwise this is fine”.
With that she strode into Nick’s room and we followed like sheep.
Everything looked good, and then Nick spotted the magazine and looked round at us in horror.
Auntie picked it up between two fingers. “What on earth do you think you are doing, bringing such filth into my house?”
“Shit,” said Nick louder than he intended.
Judy said loudly, “You can’t say that, Mum doesn’t like swearing.”
And Nick mumbled something which sounded like, “Hard bloody luck!”
Auntie’s face was a picture, she looked so angry and Nick realised he might have gone a little too far.
Auntie mostly hissed, “I heard you swear as I picked up this magazine, but then you did it again. You are going to get the cane!”
“I’m sorry, Auntie, it just slipped out,” Nick mumbled, and I could tell he was regretting this now.
“All of you, downstairs now. Wait for me in the front room.”
We all traipsed down and waited. The girls could hardly contain themselves, and I realised they had probably never seen a boy Nick’s age with no clothes on. I had to admit that even though he was my brother, I was going to enjoy this.
Auntie came in with a swishy looking cane and placed a tall stool in the middle of the room. “Take off your clothes, Nick.”
He just stood there, his eyes flicking between us and the cane.
“Now!” ordered Auntie, “or you’ll get some more.”
One by one his clothes came off. Rebecca, Judy and I watched with baited breath.
When he’d taken off his trousers he stopped and we could see the bulge straining against the material of his underpants. He tried to explain to Auntie that taking his clothes off in front of her and us girls was making him… but seeing Auntie’s expression, he never finished his sentence.
Auntie just waited, tapping the cane across the stool. Nick suddenly threw caution to the wind and pulled off his pants, and we were rewarded with a thick hard-on springing out as the dropped them on the floor. Judy gave a little shriek.
“How dare you, in front of all of us,” she said, tapping his cock with the tip of the cane. “Don’t look, girls.”
Don’t look! Our eyes were on stalks. His penis was so thick and seemed very long and hard. It pointed upwards a bit and kept twitching as we stared at it.
“I tried to explain,” Nick said, trying to cover himself.
“You are a very naughty boy, Nick. Bend over now.”
Nick let go of his cock, which sprang up as he bent over the stool, then he gripped the stool legs either side.
Auntie made him spread his legs and we got a wonderful view of his balls and his cock, which was pressed up against the edge of the stool.
She stepped up beside him and raised the cane, swish, swish, swish, and three tramlines appeared across his taught cheeks. Auntie ran her hand along the marks checking her handiwork and we all held our breath as her fingers swept past his cock along the inside of his thighs.
The doorbell rang and Auntie instructed Nick to stand by the stool and wait for her to return.
Rebecca went over and stroked his bum before running her fingers along his cock, and we watched in awe.
A moment later, we heard voices, and Auntie and a young attractive woman came in to the room.
“Hello, Auntie Margaret,” chorused the girls.
“This is my friend Margaret. These are my old schoolfriend’s children, Angie and her very naughty brother Nick,” explained Auntie G.
Margaret heard little of this, judging from the way she was staring at Nick.
“I’ve invited Margaret to witness the remainder of the punishment,” she said. “Now bend over again, Nick.”
Again she instructed Nick to spread his legs and this time took hold of his erection and pushed it down so it strained against the edge of the stool.
Auntie moved in to position, swish, swish, and swish, one last harder stroke caught him just inside his thigh, and he cried out.
“You may rub your bottom now,” she said, putting down the weapon.
Nick stood up and rubbed his bum, but if anything, his erection was even harder, and it swung around as he rubbed.
“Waving that around in front of us will get you a second punishment. Fetch me the little strap, Judy.”
Judy returned with a short leather strap about an inch wide and handed it to her mother.
“Nick, stand up straight and put your hands on your head. I am going to give you six strokes on your willy for making it get stiff.”
Nick tried to explain, “It’s not my fault, you made me…”
But Auntie flicked the strap and caught the tip of his rigid member. “I will tell you when you may speak.”
Auntie stepped up to Nick and slid his foreskin back to fully expose the head, and we tried not to react. She didn’t seem to notice the three of us and her friend Margaret edging closer to watch or the smirk that Nick aimed at Rebecca. He was obviously enjoying being the centre of attention.
Judging from the looks on Rebecca and Judy’s faces, they were dying to touch his cock.
Thwack, thwack, she flicked the strap down across the head and we all admired Nick for not moving. Thwack, thwack, as the little strap hit the shaft of his impressive penis. Nick smiled at us as if he was enjoying it.
“Perhaps I’m not doing this hard enough,” said Auntie.
Thwack, thwack, two more stingers on the shaft and thwack, a real flick across the tip made him yell out.
“Rebecca, help me find Nick’s filthy magazine. Nick, stay where you are.”
Margaret moved in to examine Nick’s rigid member, making sure that the foreskin was pushed right back.Nick’s eye’s rolled and his knees gave slightly as she ran her fingers through the juices around the head.
Auntie and Rebecca came down with Nick’s magazine. “I think a few swats with this might take the smirk off your face.”
She rolled it up and flicked it across Nick’s hard cock which bounced with each stroke. After four or five swats of the magazine she stopped and examined her handiwork.
Nick’s eyes rolled again as he tried not to react.
“Go to your room. I’ll tell you when to come down.”
“Shall I put some cream on his bottom, like I do for Judy? said Rebecca.
“That’s very kind dear, thank you.” Auntie and Margaret went back into the kitchen. I began to wonder if Rebecca was as naive as I’d thought.
We all followed as Nick went up the stairs and his cock bounced with each step.
Rebecca brought the cream in and knelt down to apply it to his bum while Judy and I watched.
Without moving she told him to turn round. His cock was still rigid and level with her face. She began to apply the cream, making Nick groan.
Auntie appeared in the doorway and shooed me and Judy out. “This doesn’t need three carers. Just rub the cream in wherever there’s a red mark, Rebecca.” She went back downstairs, oblivious to the fun that Rebecca and Nick were having.
From outside the room, Judy and I could hear Nick groaning, and I heard Rebecca telling Nick she would return to apply some more cream at bedtime tonight….