The year was nineteen-seventy-one. I was at the local college studying for a diploma in advanced engineering. One lunchtime, a girl of about my age sat at my table. Quite by chance, we both had ordered the same meal.
She was no beauty. She had brown mousy hair and wore glasses. She averted her gaze. She was clearly not going to talk. Accidentally on purpose, I knocked over my glass of orange juice and most of it landed on her.
Needless to say, she was not happy. I gushed out my apologies and offered to pay the cleaning bill for her skirt. We were talking, well, I think we were. I saw her again on the same day as we left college. Surprisingly, she was quite civil towards me and mumbled something like her skirt had dried out quite well. I liked the word ‘skirt.’
She began to sit with me most lunchtimes and we were soon chatting in a normal sort of way. I was eighteen and she was seventeen. It only took her two weeks to introduce herself. Her name was Caroline. I was a brash bold sort of person and in those days. The usual thing to do was ask a girl if she would like to go to the cinema.
The classic film Gone With The Wind was on at the Odean. To my surprise, she readily accepted my invitation. We sat in the back row, munching popcorn and sipping a fizzy drink each. I do not remember very much about the film, my mind was on other things. I walked her home after the film had ended and she gave me a light peck on my left cheek. Things were really looking up.
One Friday in early January, Caroline never came to college. I really did miss seeing her at lunchtime. On my way home through Cherry Tree Park, I needed the public facilities. It was a dimly lit, rather smelly old place. There was no one around, so I slipped inside and occupied the first cubicle. I had never been into such a place.
As my eyes became accustomed to the light, I started to read the scribble on the walls. Also, there were several rather explicit drawings. I was fascinated by what I saw and for some unexplained reason, I felt pleasantly aroused. I became aware of someone in the next cubicle. Suddenly a screwed up piece of toilet paper came over the dividing wall and landed on my cock. That small event made me stiffen even more.
Scrawled in pencil on the piece of paper was written, “I want to look at you.” I was fully aware that the many holes of various sizes in the wall had been blocked up, mainly by newspaper. A minute or so later, another message arrived. It read, “Don’t worry, it’s very safe here.” I was still sitting down.
Foolishly, I sent a reply. “I am a schoolboy of just sixteen,” I wrote. This clearly pleased the unknown person. I had no idea about certain things in public toilets. The notes kept coming over and each was rather explicit. I have to be honest and admit that I rather liked being told what to do. I was in need and maybe an opportunity had presented itself.
I obeyed most fully my instructions. My college clothes ended up in a heap beside the toilet. At the same time, the heavens opened and the sound of the heavy rain on the old tin roof was almost deafening. One by one I unblocked the holes thus allowing the eyes to see parts of me but not the parts he really wanted to see. I was now in control and I was going to make him wait.
My cock had never been so stiff. I enjoyed being naked in that cubicle knowing that I was being looked at. I unblocked several more holes allowing the stranger to see my bare arse. He pushed a finger through a hole. What was he hoping to do? My heartbeat quickened and my resistance level dropped to almost zero. With trembling fingers, I unblocked the biggest hole and shoved my cock through it.
What followed was the most wonderful experience of my life. He was clearly highly skilled. He stroked my length whilst running his tongue over my knob. He was once again very much in charge. From under the cubicle door, a hand appeared and it made its way swiftly to my rather tight balls.
I was on fire and wanted more much more. He dropped his warm soft toothless mouth right down my length I could feel my knob in the back of his throat. I was getting close very close. His skilful sucking tipped me over the edge and I spurted a heavy stream of milky spunk into his most willing mouth. He had not failed me. I left my little place of paradise and headed off home in the pouring rain.
Time moved on and Caroline and I married in nineteen seventy-four. We had one son whom we called Graham. We were both on our career ladders and life was good. Graham was a bright boy and very often had his nose in a book. He attended grammar school and was lucky to get a place at Cambridge University. He was studying Law and Economics.
We had not been married very long, about three years when Caroline told me something most interesting. When she was seventeen, she was made head girl at her school. During the winter of the same year, she would dress as a man and take up residence in the public toilets in Cherry Tree Park. She always arrived just after dark.
She went into great detail. As soon as the adjacent cubicle became occupied, she would unblock the biggest hole in the wall and chuck a note over the top with instructions? There were rather basic. They read, “If you want to bum me, shove your cock through the hole.” Needless to say, she got a big response.
With her trousers and knickers around her ankles, she would guild the cocks into her arsehole and allow them to bum her. I doubt very much if any of those fortunate gentlemen ever knew that they were bumming a schoolgirl.
During his holidays from university, Graham would always come home. He was due on Friday afternoon just after lunch. Caroline took the day off work. It was high summer and the air con at my office had developed a fault and was just not working. We all left early, at about 3 pm I think. When I arrived home Graham’s car was parked outside.
When I entered the house there was silence, I poured myself a glass of port and sat down in my reclining chair. Something was not right because my wife’s car was in the driveway. I was puzzled as to their whereabouts. I decided to have a stroll around the garden. As I approached the garden shed I could not believe what I saw through the rather dirty window
Caroline was over the old wooden table with her dress pulled high over her tits, Her knickers were nowhere to be seen and Graham was giving her a good hard shagging from behind. Her tits swung and bounced with each thrust from his big stiff cock. I left the garden and walked the short distance to my local pub. I sat there in total disbelief at what I had just seen
I arranged to get home at the usual time. Graham’s car had gone. Everything in the house was normal. Caroline was in the kitchen preparing our evening meal. We exchanged small talk as in how was my day. I never mentioned about the aircon problem.
That night in bed I reflected on the day’s events. I did wonder just how long certain things had been going on. I was never going to talk to my wife about it because I knew that she would allow what I want, when I want, no matter what. Bumming her is high on my list of priorities…