Professor Susan Miller

"Professor Miller opens up a whole new world for Simon that goes well beyond the classroom."

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Simon barely made it.  He had been out for a run before class and had to pee.  Now.  Bad.  Simon is a freshman at Caledon College, a small liberal arts college in Minnesota.  The tall, awkward former high school band member just had to go to the bathroom even though it would make him late for English class.

Simon found the bathroom down a quiet hallway near the classroom.  As Caledon was one of the first colleges to transition to all gender-neutral bathrooms, this was formerly a small female bathroom.  The school had replaced one of the two stalls with a urinal next to the sink.  Simon ran up to the only stall in the bathroom.  He always used the stall because he would be mortified if anyone ever saw him standing at a urinal with his penis in his hand.  Unfortunately, it was in use so he had no choice but to use the urinal.  

He pulled his nylon running shorts down under his six-inch soft penis.  Not wearing any underwear, the top half of his ass was exposed when he pulled the front down so far.  Simon didn’t shave, and his short, curly pubes nicely surrounded his cock, and his balls were smooth and tight.  Being six feet three inches tall his cock had to be pointed downwards to hit the urinal.  And being a germaphobe, Simon always stands about eight inches back from the urinal to avoid touching it.  Even though he didn’t want anyone to see him, he was disgusted by the guys who lean in to the urinal and bury themselves in it.

Relief finally came as Simon’s pee stream started.  He put his hands on his hips as the waistband pulled under his balls supported his cock.  Just as he started to pee, the toilet flushed from the stall and Professor Susan Miller walked out. Simon was shocked as he heard Professor Miller greet him with a cheery, “Good Afternoon, Simon,” as she washed her hands at the sink right next to him.  “I guess we are both running a little late today.”

Susan Miller was not one of the relaxed hippie-type professors who taught “process” or thought-provoking discussion courses.  She dressed corporate.  Black high heeled shoes, grey business suit jacket with matching skirt, and a white silky blouse that left open the top three buttons revealing the slightest hint of her lacy bra.  A pearl necklace graced her neck and her brunette hair was pulled back into a ponytail.  Her lips were ruby red, as always.  At forty-two years old, she could have been a CEO instead of an English professor with a passion for correct grammar.

Simon swallowed and said, “Good afternoon, Professor,” as he made eye contact and gave a weak smile.  Without a modesty partition separating the two, Simon saw Professor Miller’s eyes move down to his penis.  With him standing back from the urinal and having his cock and balls fully pulled out from his shorts, he was on full display to Professor Miller.

But showing off was the last thing that Simon would ever do.  Simon had been a typical high school nerd.  Tall and boyishly handsome, he was still awkward and uncomfortable around girls.  He never had a real girlfriend and had never been naked with a girl.  He wasn’t even comfortable taking showers with the guys after PE class.

“I’m glad to see that you are comfortable with the gender-neutral bathrooms, Simon.  Not everyone is as relaxed as you,” she said.

Relaxed was a condition that was quickly changing.  Prof. Miller was taking her time thoroughly washing her hands.  She continued conversing with Simon, all the while staring at his penis.  All the attention made his six inches grow to a full eight and a half inches of hard cock right before her eyes.  As his cock hardened, his stream narrowed and slowed, but continued, as he still had not emptied his bladder.

“Simon, I hope you don’t mind me saying, and this may be inappropriate, but you have an exquisite penis.  Some girl, or maybe even an older woman, would be very lucky to have you,” she whispered in his ear.  Being an English professor, she was always using big words like “exquisite.”  With that, she dried her hands and came up behind him.  Professor Miller reached out and slipped her hand around his thick cock and gently teased it.  She leaned in and gently bit his right earlobe and then swirled her tongue into the grooves of his ears.  Simon could feel her warm breath on his neck.  He gasped and arched back. 

Prof. Miller grazed her hand along the length of Simon’s cock.  She gently squeezed his balls with her left hand and ran her well-manicured ruby red fingernails that matched her lipstick along the length of his penis with the right hand.  She used her forefinger to swirl around the head of his penis passing her finger through his pee stream.  Simon felt the drops of his warm urine on her hands as she stroked him faster and faster. 

Simon turned his head as Prof. Miller’s lips met his.  She was the first person to teach him to kiss passionately.  He had never had anyone’s tongue in his mouth and now she showed him how it’s done.  Simon turned to face her and got a few last drops of pee on her skirt.  Prof. Miller pushed his shorts down to the ground and pulled his t-shirt over his head. 

For the first time, Simon took his hands off his hips and conjured up enough courage to unbutton two more buttons on her blouse.  Prof. Miller pulled his face into her warm breasts.  He was suddenly brave enough to push her bra up to expose her tits to him.  Prof. Miller forced his mouth on each nipple.  “Lick them, honey.  Lick and suck them,” she whispered.

“What if someone comes in, professor?” Simon asked, looking in her eyes for the first time since she first started staring at his cock. 

“Don’t worry.  People rarely use this bathroom.  And if they do, let’s give them something to really talk about.”

With that, Prof. Miller pushed her skirt to the ground.  These were the first pair of sexy women’s panties that Simon ever saw.  On a real woman!  He slowly dropped to his knees to get a close look.  He could see a wet spot forming through the red lacy material.  He ran his finger across the top of the low cut panties and could see small traces of pubic hair.  Simon ran his fingers along the edges of the panties following the material from her hips down to her thigh where the panties formed a V and barely covered her pussy.  Simon didn’t know if she was ticklish or sensitive there, but she gasped and arched back every time his fingers ran along the edges of her pussy.  He continued tracing his fingers along the outline of her panties until he finished back where he started at her pubic hair. 

Now with both hands, he gently pulled her panties down just enough to reveal her carefully trimmed landing strip.  Prof. Miller’s wet spot was growing as Simon could feel the heat released from underneath the panties.  He breathed in the sweet aroma of his professor’s juices.  Simon leaned in and rubbed his forehead across the pubic hair.

Although Simon never had this experience before, he instinctively knew what to do.  He pulled her panties all the way down and took a long look at his first pussy.  There it lies. 

Glistening, dripping wet, and hot. 

Inviting him to explore. 

To learn. 

To taste. 

To devour. 

To open a new world for him, just as college should do.

He tenderly touched the sides of Professor Miller’s vagina.  Prof. Miller bit her lower lip and breathed heavily.  Simon placed his fingers on top of her opening and with just the slightest pressure his fingers easily slid inside her.  Simon was fascinated with his exploration of the most personal and intimate part of his professor’s nude body.  He pulled his fingers out and looked at the wetness.  He took a slight taste of his finger.  He liked it.  Prof. Miller looked down to see him thoroughly clean his fingers with his tongue.  She smiled as she saw her student learning so quickly and so well.

Simon was in a trance as he took another deep breath and breathed in her sexiness.  Simon looked up at Prof. Miller’s face.  She smiled and nodded.  Simon took his cue and stuck his tongue out as far as it would go.  He started at the bottom of her vagina and licked upwards to the top.   He returned to the center and inserted his tongue into her pussy just as easily as his finger went in.  He stuck his tongue in as far as it would go and tickled her lips.  Simon opened his mouth and latched onto her entire vagina licking and sucking furiously.

With her back against the wall, Prof.

Miller gasped and barely audibly said, “My God, Simon honey, you are amazing.  Don’t stop, baby, keep going.”

Simon didn’t even hear her.  He was so engrossed with pleasuring his professor and eating her out like few men ever have.  Here he was, at 19 and a virgin, learning about the ultimate pleasures of life from his English professor in a bathroom.

Prof. Miller collapsed, as her knees could no longer support her body weight.  Simon helped her to the floor and spread her legs and continued eating out his professor.  “I want you in me, Simon.  I want your cock in me now,” was all she could get out.

This was new territory for Simon, but pure animal instinct took over and he pulled off his remaining clothes.  His rock hard eight and a half inch cock was rubbing up against Prof. Miller’s vagina.  She was so wet that his thick cock easily slipped in giving him his first feeling of a woman’s body enveloping his penis.  He slid in as his body fell onto hers.  Simon straightened out his arms to pull himself off Prof. Miller as he naturally found a rhythm of pulling his cock out of her pussy, pushing in just enough to hide the head of his cock, and pulling out again.  Every third time of teasing her pussy like this he would then lunge down and force the full length of his cock into her.  Prof. Miller moaned and gave small cries of joy with each full thrust.

Simon maintained eye contact with Prof. Miller as he continued the frantic rhythmic motion of his pelvis.  His ass would rise high in the air and then settle down on top of her sweaty body.  Simon was falling in love with his professor.  He brought his cock down into her and then lie on top of her.  He brought his arms up and under her back to hold her as he brought his lips to hers and they kissed.  Simon kissed her lips, then her checks, her forehead, and returned to her lips.  His face was smudged with her ruby red lipstick as their tongues played together.  He gently gyrated his cock side to side while inside her.

Prof. Miller pushed Simon up and said, “Dear, I want your cock in my mouth.”  Simon pulled out of his professor’s pussy and formed a sixty-nine in order to eat her out as she took his cock in her mouth. 

Prof. Miller enjoyed the taste of her pussy as she took the full length of his still hard cock in her mouth.  Simon’s mouth was wide open as he massaged her pussy and licked her feverishly.  His young ass rising and falling as he fucked her face.  His fresh mound of wet pubic hair tickled her face as she masterfully sucked every inch of his cock down her throat.

Professor Miller could sense that Simon’s body was tensing up.  Though he didn’t slow down at all, his body was getting ready to shoot all his youthful energy down her throat and fill her mouth.

Simon began panting and breathing hard as he extended his arms and gave four last thrusts in her mouth.  Then three.  And two.  And finally, with one last thrust, he filled his professor’s mouth with a week’s worth of hot, virile, semen.  He lost count but it must have been four or five waves of cum entering her mouth as she deftly swallowed everything he gave her.

After the last shot, Simon collapsed on his professor and buried his face in her pussy and breathed in her lovely scent.  He rubbed his face in her thin pubes covered with her pussy juices.  When he regained his strength, he got up off his professor and turned around to lie next to her on the floor.

She kissed him, and he could taste the faint saltiness that he left behind in her mouth.  He reached over and pulled her body close to his.  They held each other tightly, looking silently into each other’s eyes.  She smiled and whispered, “You are beautiful Simon.”  For the first time since Prof. Miller saw him at the urinal, he flashed his boyish grin and was embarrassed by the compliment.  He just looked down at her breasts.

“Please come to my house for dinner tonight, Simon.  I think you and my husband will enjoy meeting each other.”

* * * * * * * * *

Promptly at 7:00 p.m., Simon rang the doorbell of the beautiful house with carefully manicured landscaping.  The name on the door said, “Dr. and Dr. Miller.”   Susan opened the door, invited Simon into the expansive foyer and greeted him with a warm hug.  Professor Miller seemed different.  She wasn’t all business now, and she certainly wasn’t dressed as formally now.  She was barefoot and wearing short denim shorts and a loose fitting Grateful Dead t-shirt.

“Honey, grab some wine and go out in the back while I finish dinner.  My husband Richard is out back waiting for you.  He’s looking forward to meeting you,” she smiled.

Simon poured some Sauvignon Blanc and headed to the back.  Through the door was a secluded paradise.  The backyard was filled with carefully designed landscaping, flowers, shrubs, vegetable gardens, and a hot tub next to the patio.  Simon looked at the hot tub and saw Richard in the tub.

“Simon!  How wonderful to meet you!” Richard flashed a broad smile as he emerged, completely nude, from the hot tub and extended his hand.  Simon was taken aback and awkwardly took Richard’s hand trying only to make direct eye contact.

“Here, please sit down,” as Richard pulled two lawn chairs facing each other.  Richard draped a towel over his chair and sat down on the towel with his strong muscular legs spread wide open.  Richard had been a high school and college swimmer and at thirty-three years old, still had the body of an Olympic swimmer.  Richard maintained the swimmer’s custom of shaving his body hair.  He had just a few wisps of pubic hair above his thick, uncircumcised penis.  Including the foreskin, Richard’ penis was a good five inches soft.  He still had the look of the tanned California beach boy even though he has been in the Midwest for six years.

Simon strained to maintain eye contact.  But every time Richard diverted his eyes to take a sip of his wine, Simon stole glances at Richard’s physique.

“It’s okay to look,” Richard said matter-of-factly, embarrassing Simon as he got caught red-handed.

“No, no I wasn’t…” Simon tried to explain.

“Stop.  Relax Simon.  We’re all friends here and we will soon be even better friends.  Go ahead and look.  I’m proud of my body and have worked hard at it,” Richard tried to reassure him.

Simon could only giggle a little and smile nervously.  “Thanks, Dr. Miller.”

“Please, it’s Richard.  You aren’t one of my students.  We’re friends,” Richard smiled. 

“Do you also teach at the college?” Simon asked?

“Yes, I’m an assistant professor of landscape architecture in the Business school.”

“And he is up for promotion to be a tenured associate professor this year,” Susan suddenly interrupted as she appeared with more wine.  “Isn’t my husband a beautiful man, Simon?”

“Well yeah.  I guess he.  Uh.”

“Simon don’t be foolish,” Susan admonished.  “It’s wonderful for men to admire other men’s bodies.  We are all just human beings.  Besides, this house is a safe place to explore and discover.  After all, that is what the college experience is all about,” she grinned as she returned to the kitchen.

“Simon, dinner is almost ready.  Why don’t you get comfortable and undress.  I’ll be right out with the food,” Susan said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Richard smiled.  “Susan likes her men young and naked.”

Simon took the not-so-subtle hint and started to unbutton his shirt.  Richard’s gaze followed every one of Simon’s movements.  As Simon pulled his shirt off his chest, Richard gave an approving smile.

“I, uh, don’t work out much.  Never have,” Simon admitted.

“Simon don’t underestimate your beauty.  Susan obviously saw something in you, and she was right,” Richard reassured him.

Simon kicked off his flip-flops and unbuttoned his jeans.  Richard’s eyes were glued to his hands.  Simon unzipped his pants and slipped them off his legs.  He stood straight up facing Richard in his baby blue briefs.  The attention—even from another man—was causing a bulge in his underwear.

“You’re very attractive Simon,” Richard said.

Blushing, Simon said, “Thanks,” as he grabbed his waistband and lowered his shorts.  He stood up straight and looked at Richard. 

Susan suddenly appeared on the patio with a bowl of steaming pasta.  She looked at her pair of nude men and smiled at her husband. 

Susan patted Simon’s ass and gave him a kiss.

“Bon appetit!”

Simon’s education was just beginning.



Published 7 years ago

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