Prof Davis Drives It Home

"He didn't expect this"

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“She’s exhausted,” Kyla said from the passenger seat of the rental car.

“Yeah,” I responded. “She’s out already. Poor thing. She was up all night. Every time that she drifted off, someone came in and woke her up to check on her. She’ll probably sleep all of the way home.”

“I feel so bad but it wasn’t really anyone’s fault,” Kyla explained. “It was just one of those things that happen, especially at our level.”

I guess it’s time to let you into our conversation.

I’m Professor Davis and I help with the cheer squad at the junior college where I teach. I don’t coach them; I’m more of the equipment manager. Recently, I’ve had to get involved with a bit more than just the equipment bags, though. These girls are college cheerleaders and they fully know what they’re doing. However, they can be very demanding. It all started with a spanking, and it just keeps getting more and more crazy each day.

Today I found myself driving Shawna home with Kyla as an escort. Shawna is a flyer on the college cheer squad. Last night at practice in preparation for today’s game, Shawna got hurt. One of the base girls lost her grip on Shawna’s left shoe as they were posting her up into the stunt. The girls holding her right shoe held firm so Shawna lost her balance when her left foot came free. This resulted in the base girls collapsing to the ground in a heap. Now this would usually give the flyer something softer than the track to land upon. In this case, however, tiny little Shawna became, well, literally a flyer.

Shawna was catapulted a good five to six feet backward, flailing her arms in the air. Her right arm landed weirdly and her forearm snapped in half. It was a disgusting sound to hear. Luckily for the observers around, the bone didn’t penetrate through the skin, but you could clearly see that it had broken.

The rest of the night was spent in the emergency room, where she was poked and prodded all night long. This morning it was determined as a better choice to just take her home for the required surgery. She was splinted and wrapped tight and we rented a car to drive back to town. The cheer coach would stay with the team and I would drive Shawna home. When it was suggested that Kyla go along, you should have seen the smile she sent my way. I was going to have to be careful.

So that brings us back to Kyla’s comment about Shawna being asleep in the back seat. I had just agreed that she was probably out for the trip.

Kyla was wearing her cheer warm-up suit. She leaned over and glanced back to check on Shawna, who was sprawled out across the back seat. Then she looked back at me and smiled.

“Blowjob, then?” she whispered with an evil grin.

“Shhh!” I reprimanded her, though I had to take my hand from the wheel to adjust my suddenly thickening cock in my shorts.

A soft snore came from the back of the car.

“See, she’s asleep!” Kyla whispered. “C’mon, I can see that you want it.”

I reached over and adjusted the rearview mirror to see Shawna. She looked like she was deep asleep. I squeezed my cock again but still shook my head in the negative. It just wasn’t worth it.

“Fine then,” Kyla said in a huff. “I’ll just take care of myself.”

This girl has no modesty whatsoever. In seconds she had her left leg out of her warmups and had slid her jacket and shirt up and over her breasts. She started tweaking and pinching her nipples lightly. My cock was now threatening to bust through the fabric of my athletic shorts.

In a short time, Kyla moved her right hand between her legs and started rubbing. She looked over at me and gave me a heavy-lidded smile. She slid her fingers inside of her pussy lips and went deep, sucking in her breath as she did so. She pulled her fingers out and showed me how wet they were. She reached over and rubbed her slick juice all around her left nipple. When she pulled it away it left a long string of her pussy juice in the air for a second.

“Eyes on the road,” she warned. I had to force myself back to focusing on driving, even though the roads were pretty deserted at this point.

Kyla rubbed and tweaked, pinched, and pulled for about fifteen minutes until she finally got serious. Soon she used her left hand on her throbbing clit and her right hand to pinch her right nipple.

She was softly moaning with an increased intensity. Finally, she growled, “Hurry…squeeze my titty! Now!”

I had completely forgotten our friend in the backseat as I awkwardly reached over with my right hand to squeeze her left nipple.

Kyla groaned, “That’s it. That’s it! Harder!” Then she came violently, shaking in her seat. Her thighs were spread wide as she could one second, and then she scooted downward and clamped them shut in the next. She leaned forward a bit and pressed her hand harder down on her clit and shook all over.

When she finally relaxed, she looked over at me with a lop-sided grin. Her top slid back down over her breasts as she leaned over toward me.

“Blowjob now?” she asked with a knowing smile.

“Hell, yeah!” I added.

I lifted my hips as Kyla reached over and slid my athletic shorts to my knees. In seconds, all I could see was her head bobbing up and down, but it’s what I felt that was the best feeling in the world. Kyla milked, licked, and sucked my cock into a rod of hot steel. I was so hard I thought I would burst.

I didn’t warn her because I was caught up in the moment. I just suddenly shot off. I shot my load into her mouth and throat and she held it in. I could actually feel her swallow since her neck was resting on my right thigh.

“Mmmm,” I moaned.

“Mmmm,” we heard coming from the back seat.

Kyla froze with my cock still in her hot little mouth.

“Kyla,” we heard Shawna say from the backseat. “Did he just cum in your mouth? That is so sexy.”

Kyla lifted her head from my cock and rose up. She looked at me as she settled back into her seat. She had to wipe her hand across her mouth to clean up my juice.

“Hey,” she said softly to Shawna after swallowing the rest of my cum, “you feeling better?”

“No!” Shawna said, frustrated. “I feel like crap. My arm is throbbing, and now because of you two, I’m horny!”

We both laughed nervously at that. Kyla said, “Shawna, ummm. About what just happened…”

“It’s a little too late for excuses now, don’t ya think?” Shawna asked. “Besides, I can smell your pussy from back here. Hell, the windows are starting to steam up!”

“Shawna,” I began. “Umm, this isn’t what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking I want some of that cock,” Shawna replied. “That’s what I’m thinking right now, Professor Davis. Have you guys fucked?”

“No, of course not!” I said quickly. “Shawna, listen, I could get into a lot of trouble here and…”

Shawna interrupted me, “Can we fuck too? Can we stop somewhere and do it really quickly?”

I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could see Shawna. Her eyes were wide open and she was splayed out all over the back seat. Her left hand was rubbing furiously between the legs of her cheer warm-ups. Her right arm was wrapped in thick bandages.

“Kyla,” Shawna moaned. “Make him do it…I really need it.”

Kyla leaned over and pulled Shawna’s hand away from where she was trying to push it down into her pants to touch herself.

“Shawna, just go back to sleep,” Kyla told her. “You’re zoned out wacky on the pain drugs.”

“I will sleep. I just need to cum first,” she mumbled. “You know how it is. Kyla, make him stop somewhere and fuck me.”

Kyla looked over at me and shrugged. “You might as well pull over and fuck her.”

She said that as plainly as if she was telling me to make a right turn.

“What?” I exclaimed.

“It’ll probably help her sleep,” she said in an almost motherly tone.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked in disbelief. “I can’t!”

Kyla shushed me. “Just pull over and I’ll drive for a while.”

“I’m getting naked!” Shawna called from the back seat. “You’d better hurry and pull over.”

Damn it.

Yes, pull over. Pull into a gas station. Get some coffee.

Put both girls in the back and just drive your ass home before you get pulled over, fired, and find yourself in the local paper.

Five minutes later, we pulled off about a hundred yards on a dirt road. I scrunched down as low as I could go in the backseat with Shawna’s tits bouncing in my face.

“Suck on them!” Shawna ordered me. She had both hands on my shoulders as she slowly slid herself down on my hard cock.

“Holy fuck!” She moaned as she settled herself down with my cock impaled inside of her.

I could faintly smell the antiseptic or whatever it was they put on her arm under the bandages as she balanced herself against me.

“I think we’re safe here for a bit,” Kyla said from the driver’s seat. “I’ll take off if someone’s coming.”

“No…need…” Shawna moaned as she rocked herself on my cock. “It will be me coming in a minute.”

Shawna was rocking on me like she was riding a horse. Each time she rocked backward, she rose up just enough for the base of my cock to rub hard against her clit. Each time she rocked forward, she sank down low again.

“How’s your arm?” I asked. “Are you hurting it?”

“What? My arm? No, unngh!” She moaned. “Doesn’t…hurt…at…all…”

She gave me a rapid-fire thrust back and forth and she froze up as she came. Her whole little body spasmed on top of mine as she had an intense orgasm. She collapsed against me and then slowly eased off of me, sliding over into the seat.

“Thanks,” she murmured. “I can sleep now.”

I sat there in amazement. My shorts were at my ankles and my cock was still hard and sticking straight up. It was still coated with Shawna’s juice.

Kyla turned and met my eyes. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded at her.

A few seconds later, she crawled over the backseat and was reaching down between us to guide my cock into her pussy.

The car smelled like a whorehouse on Saturday night.

Oh well.

It’s a rental.

Published 1 year ago

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