“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this meeting. As you know our company is preparing to launch a new cologne in our men’s fragrances line. This cologne has been exhaustively studied by our R&D department and by our staff of scientists and chemists.
“But before we put it on the market, I wanted to discuss it with you our board of directors. Each of you has a good deal invested with our company, so I felt you should be in on the decisions made here.
“Since this is to be a fragrance used by men and enjoyed by women, I also brought in one of our secretaries, Miss Ramirez, to give us a woman’s viewpoint.
“Miss Ramirez, this is the board of directors of our company – Mr. Thompson, Mr, Reynolds, Mr. Peters. There are two others but they couldn’t make this meeting for personal reasons.”
All three of the members shook hands with Miss Ramirez respectfully, then took their seats again.
“Before you, you see four identical bottles all with plain black labels. No markings or other distinguishing features on them. In one of these bottles is a lesser-known men’s cologne from a competitor’s line.
“One has a mixture of a men’s cologne and a women’s perfume. One is just colored water with some bath oil in it for scent, and one has our subject cologne.
“No one in this room, myself included, knows which is which – they were all bottled and labeled by an outside company with no ties to us. So this is absolutely as random a blind test as we can do.
“Now with all of you watching, we will let Miss Ramirez see what she thinks of all four of our ‘scents’. Miss Ramirez, Lydia, the floor is yours.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wilcox,” Lydia said, politely. She picked up the first bottle and opened the top. She took a little sniff and turned her head away quickly. “Eww! This smells terrible!” she said handing it back to him.
Then she picked up the second one and she opened the top to it. She took a more careful sniff, paused, and took another. “This one doesn’t smell too bad,” she said. She placed it back on the tray as a possibility.
She picked up the third bottle and opened it. With a single sniff. “This is the water and bath oil – I recognize it because it’s the same bath oil I use!”
Then she picked up the last bottle and opened it. “Now this one I like! Mmm… it smells wonderful… so masculine…” She placed it in front of her.
“All right, now that Miss Ramirez has made her selection, let’s see what we have found out!” Mr. Wilcox said. He peeled away the label on the first bottle, the one she said smelled terrible. It turned out to be the mixture of men’s cologne and women’s perfume.
Then he picked up the second bottle and peeled its label off. This one was filled with the competitor’s scent. He took the label of the third bottle and sure enough, it was the water and bath oils. Finally, he took the label off the bottle that Lydia had chosen and it was, in fact, their scent.
“Well, I guess this proves it – Miss Ramirez picked our scent out of the four samples!” Mr. Wilcox said, “Now let’s discuss how we are going to market this new addition to our product line.”
Lydia, uninterested and oblivious to the business discussions around her, reached for the bottle of cologne they were about to launch. She looked at it again. The liquid inside was a pleasant golden color and a little oily looking.
That’s probably because it’s a cologne, she thought.
She opened the bottle and squeezed a bit onto her fingers. It felt slippery, not watery like she had thought it would be. She smelled it again and smiled. She really did like the smell of this new cologne.
As she was putting the cap back on the bottle, she accidentally spilled a little on the table. “Oh, my goodness! Oh, Mr. Wilcox, I am so sorry! Oh, I will get this cleaned up right away!” she said and she rushed across the hall to the bathroom to get some paper towels.
Oh, I hope this doesn’t stain the table! she thought. She raced back into the conference room, but by now the smell of the cologne was all over the room. She began wiping up the spill when the strangest thing happened.
Lydia started feeling rather warm. “Oh my, it is getting hot in here!” she said and she removed her jacket. A few seconds later she removed her blouse as well to the amazement of the men in the room!
“Oh, I am sooo hot! Oh, I feel odd… I feel… God, I am so horny right now! I want to fuck someone!” she said, loud enough the whole room heard her.
Mr. Wilcox was the closest (and most good-looking) man in the room and Lydia turned to him.
“Fuck me, Tony! Fuck me now! I need you!” she said. She took off her bra and exposed her ample 36DD tits.
“MISS RAMIREZ!” he said, shocked at her behavior.
Tony Wilcox knew Lydia as a quiet, almost demure woman who was always professional in her appearance and conduct. Not this sexual wildcat who was now half undressed in the conference room asking – no, telling him to fuck her!
In addition, he had never heard her call him by his first name since she started with the company. She was always very respectful, answering only when spoken to and then only with a Mr. Wilcox or Sir. Never with his first name. It sounded strange coming from her – even without the sexual demand behind it!
Ignoring the wide-eyed stares and gaping mouths of the men in the room, Lydia began playing with her tits as she continued to beg Tony to fuck her.
“C’mon Tony, fuck me! I know you want to… I’ve seen how you look at me! Now fuck me! Lay me on the table and fuck my brains out!” she said.
She stepped up to him and put her arms around his neck and began kissing him. On the mouth… on the neck… She began to take off his tie even as he struggled to keep his clothes on.
Tony, wanting to save her from further embarrassing herself, stepped in front of the half-naked woman to shield her from the other men’s ogling eyes. He quickly ushered the other board members out of the room to their dismay.
“Mr. Wilcox, I don’t know what’s wrong!” Lydia said in a panic. Part of her was still there, but she was fighting the animal urges the cologne was bringing out in her. “I can’t help it! Oh, I’m so embarrassed… but… Oh God, I need you, Tony! I need you to fuck me, please!”
Lydia pushed Tony back down in his seat and she straddled him, sitting down on his lap facing him. She leaned forward shoving her huge tits in his face rubbing her hard aching nipples across his mouth.
“Lick them, Tony! Please, baby, lick my big hard nipples! She did have unusually large nipples, he noticed. Hard and firm and standing tall from their areola bases.
Lydia Ramirez was a very beautiful woman – that was why Tony chose her for this meeting… he figured a hottie like her would help convince the board to go ahead with this project if his “experiment” was a success. But he never in his wildest dreams anticipated this kind of result!
Still, they were alone now in the conference room. And neither of them were married or attached in any way. And he WAS the CEO of the company after all. He could explain away her unusual reaction as an unanticipated reaction to the cologne.
In fact, they could put a warning label on the bottle, “May cause unusual sexual aggression in women” – that would be quite a sales gimmick to boot!
So with what he was about to do justified in his mind, he helped her up off his lap and went to the door to lock it so they wouldn’t be disturbed.
Then he picked up the bottle of cologne and took off the top. Pouring a bit in his hands, he moved up behind Lydia and rubbed the cologne into her tits from behind, giving her another “dose” of the scent as well as massaging her large sensitive tits and turning her on even more.
By now the second exposure to the scent and his hands on her had completely clouded her mind. Lydia, the humble, conservative woman was gone now, replaced with this sexual dynamo who was only interested in her own carnal lusts.
Not that Tony minded so much. You see, he had always been interested in Lydia since he hired her two years ago. But being the CEO of the company, it wouldn’t look proper if he pursued his interests in her.
After all, she was just a secretary and a fairly new one at that. He didn’t want any hint of impropriety or watercooler rumors about how he hired her for her looks or that she “slept her way to the top”.
However, this new turn of events and her reaction to the cologne opened the door for him. And he didn’t become the head of such a large and diverse company as this one by missing out on opportunities – and this was an especially pleasing one!
Lydia closed her eyes, laying her head back on his shoulder as his hands worked their magic on her firm, full tits. Lydia’s tits and, especially her nipples, were super sensitive hotspots for her arousal.
And Tony was giving them the full treatment! He pulled her tighter to him and Lydia closed her legs tightly together as her pussy begins to pulsate and her panties start becoming damp.
“Oh God, yes Tony! Oh, I love your hands on my tits! Play with my nipples! Pinch them, pull on them. Oh, that’s what I like! My nipples are soo sensitive! I can almost cum just by a guy playing with them!” Lydia moaned. She rubbed her ass up and down his cock bulge, getting him more worked up as well.
Tony pushed Lydia forward, bending her over the edge of the conference table so her large tits just grazed the tabletop.
He had picked the spot right where she had spilled the cologne that started all this. It still reeked of the stuff which, combined with what he had massaged into her tits, kept her in a constant state of arousal.
He pushed himself up against her, letting her feel his bulge as he pressed up against her ass. Lydia wriggled her ass playfully as he continued to massage and fondle her tits.
“Fuck, that cologne is making me so fucking horny! I need you to fuck me, Tony, I really need a hard cock in me. I don’t care if it’s my ass or my pussy, just pick a hole and plug it, please! Fuck me right now!”
Tony didn’t need any further coaxing. He pulled Lydia upright and taking her by the arm he pulled her around to the other side of the conference table where there was more room.
There he pushed her to her knees and Lydia looked up at him with a broad smile. She knew exactly what he wanted and she was only too pleased to give it to him.
She started massaging the large bulge in his pants. She leaned forward, licking the bulge he created in his pants and letting him know he was in for a treat!
But Lydia couldn’t wait any longer – she needed to see what would very soon be buried deep in one of her hungry holes! She still wasn’t sure which one he would choose, but that didn’t matter to her, so long as he fucked her hard and thoroughly!
She raised up on her knees and unbuckled his pants, pulling them down where they fell to the floor. She got a better look at what he had to offer when she saw the bulge he created in his boxers.
“Oooh, Mr. Wilcox!” she said, smiling up at him.
She pulled down his boxers, eager to lay her eyes on whatever was causing such an enormous deformation in his shorts. As she pulled the flimsy garment down, she met Tony’s impressive eight-inch cock face to face!
Lydia’s eyes grew wide at the size of his hard, fat cock. “Oh my God, Mr. Wilcox!” she exclaimed. She bit her lower lip playfully as her hand stroked slowly around the base of his shaft. Lydia held the cock for a moment, examining it and admiring the size and hardness of the velvety steel shaft.
He moaned softly as she began stroking him. She loved the feel of him slowly thickening and growing in her hand, the increasing size and hardness of his cock gave her confidence and encouragement. But it was not enough… she wanted to taste him.
She smiled playfully up at him for a moment, her hand still wrapped around his base, before giving the head of his penis a light kiss and gentle flick with her tongue, then looking up again to gauge his reaction.
He watched her closely as she knelt there between his legs. Smiling as her lips hovered near his throbbing eager cock then as she kissed the tip, flicking her tongue out.
Tony tensed and closed his eyes for a moment in pleasure. He moaned softly and opened his eyes, looking down at her with passion as a hand reached out and brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek.
She began licking his cock, starting at the very base just above his nutsack and giving a long, slow lick up the underside of his cock like she was licking a popsicle.
“Mmm… I love sucking cock! And yours is especially nice and fat!” she said. Then Lydia went to work.
She licked around the mushroom cap and when she felt it was sufficiently lubricated, she touched the head to her lips again and slowly spread them as she brought just the tip of his cock into her mouth, and slowly drew it out again.
She repeated this several times, taking more of him in her mouth each time, and using her hand to grip and stroke the base.
Lydia slowly parted her lips, pushing him in further and wrapping her soft full lips around his cock. She worked, trying to take all of his monster cock in. She stroked the base with her hand as she started to take him inch by inch into her mouth, deeper and deeper until he reached the back of her throat.
Suddenly she gagged a bit and backed off when the tip of his cock touched her gag reflex at the back of her throat. But as incredibly horny as she was, she didn’t mind.
She took him back down, this time more prepared when he got to the same spot. Her mouth started getting used to the thick meaty cock and she started sucking more passionately and intensely.
She slid further down his rigid cock and when she reached the point where her lips met the top of her fist as it sat curled around his shaft, she drew him out again and pushed his cock up against his abdomen.
She moved down to lick and suck his nutsack and take each of his heavy cum-laden balls into her mouth one at a time and caress them with her tongue. Tony moaned louder when he felt his balls cradled in her hot mouth and Lydia smiled to herself, knowing she was giving him so much pleasure.
Mr. Wilcox was not a man prone to expressions of emotion. He wasn’t mean or cold-hearted, he had just learned to keep his emotions in check – as a businessman, outward expressions of emotion can be detrimental when making big financial deals. He had developed quite a “poker face” and she’d had a hard time figuring out if he was pleased with her performance or not.
But now in the situation, they found themselves in, his “poker face” was not holding up. Lydia, too, was showing a side of her personality rarely seen by anyone at the office.
That damned cologne, coupled with his moans, and the feeling of his cock in her mouth had broken down her shy, introverted manner and let the woman in her out!
Once both of his balls had been devotedly and thoroughly loved on by her mouth, she moved still lower and licked his perineum under his sack.
This was one of the things Tony really loved to have done to him. And she found that out when he groaned and pushed her head deeper into his crotch.
She licked and laved on the sensitive area until she was satisfied he had gotten the most pleasure from it then licked her way back up his shaft again, tracing along the sensitive bottom side with her tongue from base to tip, and then lowered her mouth onto him again.
He groaned aloud again as she put her mouth on him and he closed his eyes as he felt her take him deeper in her mouth. Then he looked down at her and watched her work, seeing his cock disappear then reappear from those soft lips as she watched him for his reaction.
As she bobbed up and down of his cock, Tony took her head in his hands, guiding her in the speed and depth he needed to get to where he wanted to be. Lydia moaned when he first put his hands on her head, but she followed his guidance perfectly timing her movements to match what he wanted.
Lydia’s work on his cock was starting to make Tony’s legs weak and he had to lean against the conference table with his hands behind him. This allowed Lydia to set the pace and with his cock wet with her saliva and hard as a steel pipe, she picked up her pace a bit.
As she sucked him, she reached between his spread legs and stroked his balls lightly. After a minute or two, as his cock got even harder, she felt herself growing wet and she removed her hand from his balls and slid it down into her own panties.
Tony moaned again as Lydia sucked harder and her head bobbed up and down faster. She began using a twisting motion to her hand once his cock had been thoroughly lubricated with her saliva.
This added a whole new level to his pleasure and drove his lust even higher. He looked down at this wonder of sexual delight and saw that she was now fingering herself, wrapped in her own carnal lust even as she pleased his.
Somehow in Tony’s lust fogged mind, he knew that he wasn’t going to last long at this pace and that he wanted more from this woman than just a blowjob, as delightful as this one was. So he reached down to her bobbing head and grabbed a handful of her long brown hair and pulled her off him.
Lydia looked up a bit puzzled and waiting for him to say something but instead, he took her by her upper arms and pulled her to her feet.
Grabbing her dominantly by the throat, he pulled her into a powerful, possessive kiss. Lydia moaned and parted her lips as his tongue pushed its way into her mouth, invading her as if giving her a preview of the main invasion still to come.
She returned his kiss, excited by his taking control and whimpering her pleasure as she felt his grip on her neck.
Tony was beside himself with desire for this new sexual Lydia, and it was difficult to keep from being any more aggressive with her. He didn’t want to hurt her, but his judgment was clouded by the lust he had for her. He wanted to dominate her; he wanted to own her and make her his.
Tony broke the kiss, leaving Lydia panting, and spun her around to face the conference table. He pushed her forward, bending her over the table and pushing her face down on it like before.
But unlike then this time, he knelt down behind her. He grabbed the back of her skirt and unzipped it, pulling it down to puddle around her ankles as she moaned at the idea her boss was disrobing her.
He didn’t miss a beat and roughly grabbed her soaked, wispy black panties and began pulling them over her hips and up her long, lean legs until she was free of the sodden garment.
Tony put both his hands on her bare ass and kneaded the soft creamy flesh as Lydia moaned and squirmed.
“Oh God, Tony! I love your hands on me! Oh fuck me… please, fuck me, Tony! I need to feel that big, thick, beautiful cock inside me!”
And he wanted to – with every fiber of his being he wanted to shove his cock deep into her hot pussy or her tight puckered asshole.
But before he did that, he had one more stop to make.
As Lydia lay on the conference table, her tits mashed flat on the hardwood top and her bare ass staring Tony right in the face, he spread her legs wide and then pulled her asscheeks apart to reveal her juicy pink interior and her crinkled brown star.
“OHHH, FUUCCKK!” Lydia cried out as Tony shoved his face into the crack of her ass and his tongue plunged deep into her wet, pink hole.
Although he couldn’t see it, Lydia’s face was a perfect mask of surprise and lust. Her eyes were as wide as saucers, her mouth open in a wide “O” shape, and she was clawing at the table as he began eating her out from behind. But he had her pinned against the table and she had no way to escape his tormenting tongue.
Tony feasted on her as best he could but he couldn’t seem to get enough of her sweet juices.
“Turn around,” he said, and he gave her ass a playful smack.
Lydia gasped and turned around. Tony stood up and hefted her up on the conference table. He gently pushed her back and raised her legs straight up in the air.
She immediately spread her legs, placing one on either side of him and giving him an unobstructed view of her now naked body and her slick shaved pussy.
“Now this is more like it! Your pussy looks good enough to eat!”
“Oooh, yes! Eat my pussy! Eat my little ripe peach and lick up all the sweet juices I give you!”
Tony didn’t need a second invitation and he pulled up one of the conference chairs and sat down to his banquet.
“OHH! Fuck yes, Toneee!” Lydia loved being eaten out and Tony had an appetite for pussy. He appreciated the fact that Lydia was shaved, although he would never have guessed it from what he knew of her until today.
As his tongue stabbed at her wet, juicy hole, Lydia went crazy, writhing and twisting on the conference table clawing at it to try to find something to hang on to and rolling her hips towards his hungry mouth.
Her hands moved to the back of his head, pushing him harder onto her happy pussy and wanting his tongue deeper in her, licking every crack and crevice to get at the sweet drops of woman honey.
Tony licked and lapped at her pussy making sure he ran his tongue over her clit from time to time. He knew that toying with the sensitive bud would add immensely to her pleasure.
He was absolutely right too, as each time his rough tongue grazed over the tender button, Lydia let out a cry of pure pleasure and grabbed a handful of Tony’s hair to hang on to.
But he didn’t restrict his work on her to just her pussy. He moved down to lick below her pussy and even down to her asshole. Lydia really loved being rimmed and was more than happy to hold her legs up around her head to offer him plenty of access to her asshole.
“Oh God, Tony! Oh, yes, eat my asshole! Eat my dirty slutty asshole! Ohh, fuck that’s it! Right there! Ohh, right there!”
Tony licked her crinkled little asshole occasionally poking into it a bit with the tip of his tongue. She was in heaven and moaned and squirmed more with every lap of his tongue.
After he’d given her ass a proper tonguing, he moved back up to her pussy and licked up the liquid she had produced in her excitement.
As Tony’s wriggling tongue explored her pussy again, Lydia’s back naturally arched, thrusting her breasts up and her hips towards him. Her thighs spread apart, further offering herself willingly to his devouring. His near-manic desire fed the fire of her own lusts, and she began to whimper and whine to show her impatience at having to wait so long to have him inside her.