Eve continued on her path down the long graveled country lane. With just a small suitcase in hand and the clothes on her back, she was determined to get away from the miserable existence of her past life. Growing up was difficult, shuffled around and being seen as an ‘unwanted child’ to some, while a few tried to take advantage of her. But now she had turned eighteen, she could do what she wanted, go where she wanted. No adult to watch over her. No one to tell her what to do. This is what life was all about. Freedom to do as she pleases.
She’d been walking for what seemed like hours, only one sign of life passed her by in all that time as she hung out her thumb in the hope of a ride. It turned out to be a creepy old man driving a beaten up blue car, his eyes lit up at seeing this young innocent looking woman, only widening more when he saw the clothes she wore. A tight white tank top that shaped her ample chest, blue jean shorts that clung to her bum cheeks and showed off her long slender legs. Immediately she knew he was not the type of man to jump in a car with and quickly sent him on his way. He sped of with his tyres swirling up the gravel of dust that caused Eve to cough and splutter, accompanied with a quick ‘fuck you bitch’ in response for rejecting his seemingly sweet proposal of a ride, while Eve returned in kind by rewarding him the middle finger for his sweet words.
The dusk began to settle in overhead, captured by the odd sprinkle of twinkling star and light of a silvery full moon. As Eve walked on, the heavens soon began to open, just a little at first. A small pitter-patter of raindrops falling upon her half-naked body. Eve knew she must take cover before it got much worse. She slipped into the deep woods that surrounded each side of the road. Taking cover, waiting patiently underneath a tree as the rain began to stream down around her, Eve shivered at the cold that came with it. All she had in her suitcase was a few more garments, nothing suitable to keep her warm out of the pouring rain.
Eve quickly found herself crouched under a large oak tree that kept the rain from getting her more wet, shivering in the harsh cold of night that settled in. Her eyes stared out into the darkness that had enclosed around her position. She’d been through enough scrapes and found herself in seemingly more dangerous positions in her already young life, but despite all that, she started to question whether this was a wise thing to do. Maybe she’d have been better off accepting the ride from that creepy old guy. Hell, maybe she’d even have given him a blowjob or allowed him to fuck her if she knew the predicament she’d later find herself in. But, it was all too late as she settled in for the night. As time slowly passed, Eve found it more difficult to stay awake, finally the cold, along with her weary body forced her eyes closed.
An Owl’s call awoke Eve a while later, causing her to virtually jump in fright at the sound. The rain had finally ended, but the cold had grown harsher. Eve could feel goose bumps upon her skin. She stoked her arms to try and regain warmth inside her shivering remains, her lips quivered. She looked around before something caught her attention, a light beaming up ahead. Her eyes narrowed, staring deep into the darker depths of the woodland. ‘Could this be a vehicle broke down?’ she thought to herself. ‘Maybe they have somewhere warm to settle in for the night’
Eve picked up her suitcase, started to tread along the now muddy pathway that drew her deeper into the woods. The closer she got, the brighter the light became. Stepping out of a dark patch of growth, she soon found herself in a more clear opening as her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. Before Eve stood a large shaped aircraft of some kind. The moonlight glimmered across the metallic structure. Long, slender like a saucer shape in it’s design. Eve’s heart pounded beneath her bosom, anxiety began to grip over her. Was this a dream, or was she really awake?
“Hello!” beckoned from behind, in a soft tone of voice.
Eve swiveled around in a hurry, she found herself staring upon a tall, grey and slender looking alien. Huge black eyes that resembled that of a shark ready to devour it’s prey. A slight slit of a mouth, small barely noticeable ears upon each side of it’s head. It’s limbs were long, like pieces of match sticks glued to the body. Eve’s eyes widened in despair, her mouth opened wide as if to scream some horrific echo of noise that anyone within miles would surely hear. Instead, she just fainted to the ground in a heap, unconscious. The alien approached her position, stood over her and watched with vested interest of this strange being it had come across.
A while had passed before Eve’s eyes began to stir. Slowly opening, she quickly come to see her new surroundings. No longer was she out in the cold dark wet woods, she found herself in a large four walled room. No sign of a door or window. Sat upright, she rested upon a bed of some sorts against one wall. The room was warm, some form of heat that appeared to flow within, yet there was no sign of ventilation. Her clothes had been removed, she found a sheet, made of some form of soft silk like material, it seemed soft to the touch upon her bare skin. Eve wrapped the sheet around her naked body, bringing it back around front to remain tied upon her small, yet delicate frame of a young woman. She felt a sense of fear, it was tearing at her insides like a savage beast ripping her apart. ‘What had happened, where was she?’ she thought to herself.
Suddenly, a whoosh of a sound echoed from across the room as part of the wall appeared to slide into the rest. There, stood in the doorway was the creature, the tall grey alien that she found herself facing down in the woods. Eve’s instant reaction was to scream, before she heard it speak.
“Please, do not be afraid!” the Alien spoke, in language Eve could understand, while raising it’s palm to face her, to express more reassurance to it’s words.
“You … speak, like us?” Eve questioned, not only the Alien but herself. It stepped inside the room, the door whooshed closed behind it. Eve was trapped inside once more with no idea of how to escape.
“I speak language beknown to one such as yourself. I want to assure you, no harm shall come upon you from myself!” it replied.
Even though Eve heard these words, she still felt uncertain and a little unsafe. After all, it’s not every day you find yourself coming across an Alien, let alone actually have a slight conversation with one.
“Who .. are you?” Eve asked.
“My true name you would not comprehend, or be able to speak. I come from a planet far away, in search of someone to help me!” the alien spoke.
“Help you? How?” Eve enquired.
“My home world is nothing more but cinder and dust floating around in the vacuum of blackness you seem to refer to as, space! We were not a violent species, but alike your own world and kind, we too succumbed to wars and disease that spread quickly across our small planet!” it informed her. “I have been traveling for much time to seek out someone to help me. I am the last remaining of my kind. I seek to reward with only love and kindness upon those who seek the same!” it stated.
“But, you haven’t explained how someone like me can help?” Eve asked again.
“I seek someone to procreate and restart my kind with, one such compatible to my own creation. My craft sought out such species and brought me to your world. I do believe it was not mere coincidence that our paths did cross!” it said.
“Hold on a minute, and I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, if you got any, but you’re not exactly my type!” Eve quipped. “I mean, we look nothing alike for one thing, so I think your craft, or whatever this thing is, may have made a mistake!” Eve added.
“Oh, you feel uncomfortable by my appearance. Please forgive one such as myself. My craft searched for an identity of which you may be accustomed to from someone who is not from this world you live upon!” the Alien responded. “This is not my true form!” it added.
Eve put her hands up in response, “Hold on a minute. Am I gonna like this new form, or whatever you call yourselves?”
“Maybe you would be more accustomed to one such as yourself!” the Alien softly spoke, before the tall grey skinned Alien suddenly transformed before Eve’s eyes into that of a beautiful, yet very naked young woman.
Eve’s jaw dropped. Not only at what she just witnessed, but the beautiful body she saw before her. She wasn’t a lesbian by any form, but even still, looking upon this naked woman that now stood feet away from her, it caused a slight tingle between her thighs.
“No, wait!” Eve finally snapped out of it in response. “Look, whatever your name is. I’m not too keen on what you first appeared to me as, and while this …”, as Eve indicated the female body that stood before her, ” … may look incredibly hot. I don’t actually swing that way!” she said. Eve hum’d and hah’d for a moment, before she questioned the Alien, “So does this mean you can alter your appearance to whatever you want it to be?”
“I can. Then maybe …”, the Alien spoke as it transformed it’s appearance once more before her, “… this would be more satisfactory to your desires and needs?” it said as it changed into that of a naked man. Not just any guy though, but an extremely hot, slightly ripped with long blonde hair man. Hair on his chest, a mouth that just needed a pair of lips upon it, and as Eve’s eyes had quickly taken notice of, a large cock that swung between his thighs.
Eve gulped as she stared upon this amazing feast of a man that now stood before her. While the sight of a naked woman had appeared to stir her a little, the view of this naked man now before her began to make her womanhood purr and grow very wet with an instant reaction. Drool almost dribbled from between her open lips. Her eyes seemed transfixed upon not only the ripped abs, but the huge dong between his legs. She’d never seen one so big and hard before.
“Now that …”, Eve started saying as she pointed at first to his large erect penis, before waving her index finger up and down to indicate his full form, “… I could procreate with!” she finished stating.
“This body is to the conditions you would require to help me then?” the Alien asked.
“Well, I did have plans to go and make it big in the world. But hey, plans change!” Eve said, her eyes still fanning up and down his naked body while licking her lips at the dirty thoughts running through her mind. “Wait!” Eve quickly stopped and thought about, she looked at his face. “I hope you procreate the same way we do on this world, coz there’s certain things a girl will, and won’t do!” Eve checked with him.
“On my world, to procreate, we just hold hands and close our eyes. We enjoy the pleasure of our minds melding as one to create new life inside of our counterparts!” the Alien stated.
“Well, babe. You’re on my world, and here, we do things a lot different!” Eve said with a deep hunger and lust in her eyes and tone of voice. “I think you’re gonna enjoy our way much more!”
Eve untied the sheet that clung to her own naked body, it dropped to the floor around her ankles.
“Strange. It appears to have a mind of it’s own!” the Alien stated.
“Don’t worry, it’s natural babe!” Eve muttered.
She stepped forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips locked with his. What started as a sweet tender moment, soon expanded into a full on passionate embrace between two naked bodies. His reaction was instinct, wrapping his own arms around her back. Holding her close to his own naked body, feeling the curves of her ample breasts press upon his own chest, the scrapes of her hard erect nipples as they scratched him. He felt something inside. It was different than that of the procreation he knew from his own world. A warmth filled his insides, spreading through his body and making him feel certain emotions and feelings he’d never experienced before.
Eve pulled her lips away from his, despite him drawing towards her to continue this wonderful new experience. She ran her palms across his manly, slightly ripped chest. Across his abs and around his back before grasping a tight firm grip of his buttocks.
“Ooh!” he responded to her grasp. “That felt …” he started to say.
“Nice, I believe is the word you’re looking for!” Eve finished his sentence with. “And if you enjoyed that, you’re gonna love what’s coming next!” Eve said with a glint in her eyes, a slight purr of her lips.
Eve started to lower down, dropping to her knees where her eyes soon found themselves staring upon the huge erect cock that pointed directly at her face. It bounced around like a springboard, where the Alien looked down to see what Eve was up to. Eve licked her lips, making them nice and wet before she opened her mouth and with one swift take, took in several inches of his long hard cock. Her lips wrapped firmly around the shaft, filling her mouth whole by it’s thickness.
“Ooh … that is …!” he started to speak, before being taken back by the wonderful feel of receiving his first blowjob. He could feel his cock pulsate in her mouth.
Eve’s eyes stared up at him, before she drew her head back in retreat an inch or more, then forced his cock back inside once again. His head arched back in response, while releasing a sweet groan of pleasure at what he was receiving. Eve’s tongue worked it’s magic inside her mouth, swirling around the thick piece of meat while carefully caressing and flicking the tip upon the bulbous head. His mind was filled with all these new emotions and feelings, it felt like he was floating in space as his eyes closed and his mouth opened to release soft groans of ecstasy. Eve continued to suck and give him the most sensual, sweetest and loving blowjob she’d ever given to any guy. More so because she found herself turned on by his naked form of hot manliness.
After several minutes of putting him in a sense of perfect bliss by sucking his cock, she finally pulled him free and rose to stand before him once again. She stepped backwards, approaching the bed of where she found herself before she sat down upon the edge. Using her finger as a guide, she called him towards her position. He seemed drawn to her, as if he was in a trance captured by not only her beauty but charm. Soon standing before where she perched, one corner of her lips curled.
“Down on your knees and lick my pussy!” Eve said in a demanding, yet sensual tone as she parted her legs like the red seas, where a wave of beautiful oceanic nectar awaited him to dive inside.
He dropped to his knees before her, soon finding his face inches away from her blossoming womanhood. The musky scent caused it’s effect upon his nostrils as they began to flare. He stared upon the slightly glistening glow of her wet pussy lips. Leaning in, he used his wet tongue to wrap over her puffy pink lips. They trembled in response, quivering from his touch as he lapped at her warm wet hole. Trickles of her sweet nectar dripped onto his tongue, he took it into his mouth. Immediately, he noticed how sweet her honey was and a hunger grew inside him. He returned for more, lapping over and over across her pussy.
“Oooh yes … oh, keep licking my pussy babe!” Eve called out.
He lapped at her puffy lips, driving his tongue to slowly slide between them before her hand grasped a hold of the back of his head. With some slight force, she pushed his head towards her body. His tongue soon found it’s way to crawl between her lips and find itself in the deep, dark and very wet cave. Instinctively, he began to use his tongue to gather her nectar from within. It wrapped around every inch of the small open space, slithering and sliding up and down the silky feel of her inner walls.
“Oh my God … oh fuck yes!” Eve gasped out in response. Her hips bucked as she held his face against her body, squashing it tight upon the mound of her labia. Her hips swung, shook and swirled around against his face, coating his mouth, his chin with her wet nectar.
After a while of having her pussy eaten out, she grasped his long blonde hair and pulled him away. Staring into his eyes, they spoke of it’s deep hunger for more. She pushed him to one side as she rose up off the bed, re-positioning herself around so that she now faced him. She pushed him, where he fell back and crashed upon the bed. Eve grabbed his legs, raised and turned them so he quickly found himself laying lengthways upon the bed. She climbed on board, soon finding herself straddling over his waist, his cock just below the opening to her moist pussy.
Reaching beneath, she grasped a hold of his large cock and wiped the crowned head back and forth against her wet hole. Her nectar dribbled down, quickly coating his cock which still glistened slightly from her mouth being upon it minutes prior. Then, slowly but reassuringly, she lowered her body upon his. His cock plunged inside her wet hole. He felt how warm it was inside, as if wrapped in a blanket. Her inner walls clasped tight around the thick shaft, the bulbous head pushing through the slight pain she felt of having a huge and very thick cock push deeper inside than one had ever been before.
“Oooh!” Eve groaned as she felt it go deeper inside.
“Mmm!” he gasped at this amazing sensation of finding himself delving inside her naked body.
Soon sat upon his waist, she started to rock her hips. His cock swirled around inside her warm wet hole, she bucked her hips and twisted her body around upon his thick piece of meat. Her hands clasped down upon his naked hairy chest. Groans slipped from between her ruby lips, she enjoyed the pleasant experience of having his cock inside. She used her hands to help ride his cock, her body began to rise up and down. His cock dipped in and out of her wet hole, feeling the nectar as it trickled down his long thick shaft to his ball sack beneath. She picked up pace, rocking harder upon his cock that began to throb. Soon, the sound of her ass cheeks slapping upon his body echoed around the room. Her breasts jiggled as she bounced upon him. He reached up, grasping a hold of them in his hands and squeezed to feel the firm mounds upon her chest. Eve’s breathing grew harder, deeper with each plunge of his cock deeper inside.
She rode his cock for a good while, before she changed it up a little. Sliding off, she turned her body around and shuffled down to the end. She positioned herself on her hands and knees, while he stared at her two holes in front of where he lay behind. Rising up, he re-positioned himself behind her, grabbed his cock and placed it at her now gaping hole of her wet pussy. He pushed his way inside, his cock slowly stabbed inside her warm wet hole.
“Oh Shit!” Eve called out.
“Agh!” he moaned in response to entering her once more.
His hands grabbed her hips, holding on as his body began to rock back and forth. His cock stabbed and jabbed into her wet hole time and time again. He loved the feel it gave him, the sensation of his cock throbbing as her inner walls tried their best to keep a firm hold of it inside, yet failing miserably each time due to the slippery nectar it was coated in. Each thrust forward created the slap of a sound of his body as he slammed against her cheeks, causing them to bounce and twerk in response. He continued to fuck her doggie style for a while before he stopped and pulled free.
Eve turned over and laid upon her back. He moved over her, resting upon his elbows as he once more found his cock sliding inside her warm hole like a perfect fit. Resting upon her naked body, his hips bucked up and down as his cock slipped in and out of her tight wet hole. Her legs rose up, soon wrapping around his thighs and locking at her ankles to keep him in place. Caught in her web of sexual hunger and lust.
“Oh yes … fuck me babe!” Eve groaned to him.
Her hot breathe flowed up onto his face. She wrapped her arms up and around his shoulders, clutching him closer to her body. Both bodies began to rock in unison. The heat of their bodies combined, sweat dripped off each others naked skin. He picked up a faster pace, growing into a furor of his body slamming hard into hers. Faster. Harder. He knew he was growing close to something wonderful.
“Cum in me babe. Give me your seed!” Eve cried out, sensing how close he was. Both working hard to create a mixture of both their species DNA, combing together to create a new entity of life inside.
His back arched, his head flung up as his hips thrust down, his cock stabbed hard and deep into her warm wet hole. He released a loud groan “AGHHH!” in response, soon feeling a sudden rush and energy spread through his body. His mouth gasped, searching for an intake of air. A wave of his seed found it’s way into the large throbbing cock, it spewed out into the warm hole of her pussy. He could feel his cock swimming in the seed he had given her. The ceation of new life already beginning to form inside her womb.
He fell down upon her, she held him in her arms. Caressing his body, providing not only comfort, but a form of love upon this Alien that had reached out to her, all in the hope of helping his species survive. The two lay there for a while, holding one another as they looked into each other’s eyes. Love blossoming between these two different individuals, a new life created by the two coming together to bring hope in a world of uncertainty.
Time passed before the Alien offered to take Eve to a brand new world in his craft, untouched by any form of species, far away from the suffering and pain both had found in their lives and upon their own worlds. A new world full of rich colors and beauty, of land surrounded by deep vast oceans. As they settled in upon this new planet, the two created a home full of joy and wonders for them to raise their children, of which were born many – beginning with two sons of whom they named ‘Cain’ and ‘Abel’.
Eve, and her lover, who she had decided to name Adam, lived happily and raised their children upon this new world that they they decided to name …. Earth.