Private Eyes

"... an in-depth investigation."

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The Characters.


Simon was a forty-something year old man, with no real qualifications except for an inquisitive mind and a personal boldness which verged on the foolhardy. He had set up his own business as a Private Investigator and ‘Security Consultant’, which had become quite well-established over several years, and certainly earned him a living, though perhaps not a ‘decent’ one.

It was listed as ‘Simon Richards Investigations‘, but his closest friends joked that it should be ‘Simon Dickhards Investigations’, because he was known for his impressive physical attributes. There were also endless numbers of sly comments made in the media about him ‘probing’ into the (extra-)marital affairs of his clients. He was the Private Investigator, who investigated Privates. The tabloid press loved his more high-profile cases involving celebrity figures, though they were in the minority.

He didn’t mind all these jokey plays on words, because it helped to create a sexy mythology around him which appealed to many potential clients, who he gathered mostly by ‘word of mouth’ recommendation. He didn’t have to spend a great deal on advertising or promotion of his business, needing just a few small ads in the local press.

In actual fact though, he was a conscientious and hard-working investigator, who did deliver results for his clients. Surprisingly, perhaps, he was also a man of integrity. Many of his cases never hit the headlines, but quietly resolved the problem he was presented with, and he rarely became personally involved with his female clients.

Sara and Mike.

Sara was in her late thirties, and through hard work and determination, had become a high-flying executive in a financial institution. She took no nonsense from anybody, and had very few close friends, but she had married Mike over ten years ago, before her work took complete hold of her. There was no ‘work/life balance’, it was all work.

Her marriage had been, or so it seemed, a ‘love match’ between her and Mike, after leaving University and gaining their working qualifications. He was an aspiring writer, but had had no further success following his very first published book, and it seemed that he had resigned himself to failure. His work/life balance was all life.

Sara had funded their house, from her enormous bonuses, and he was allowed to live his own comfortable life, while she worked her overlong hours. They had no children, and their sex life had diminished to a cursory fuck every now and then, and seemed to be more of a scheduled obligation than a pleasure, for both of them.

Sara had begun to take stock of her life as she approached forty, and felt she needed to become more selfish, in many ways. She had reached a position at work where she could now supervise and delegate more, while keeping a very high income stream. She had more leisure time available, but really had no idea what to do with that time, because she had no social life whatsoever.

She knew she needed to take more pleasure from life, but when she tried to initiate a more frequent and adventurous sex life with Mike, her efforts fell on stony ground. It seemed that he too had become bored with their intimate life, and he made no attempt to enliven their relationship in any way.

In this heightened state of awareness, Sara began to believe that Mike was unfaithful to her. When she returned from her frequent business trips, she became convinced that she could smell another woman on him, and even in her own marital bed, in the house she had funded.

She discovered mysterious expenses incurred by Mike, from their joint bank accounts, but was unable to bring herself to confront him, without clear evidence.

Her suspicions, and her resentment, grew into an obsessive desire to know, with certainty, whether their marriage was ‘over’ or not. It was in this setting that she consulted Simon, and asked him to investigate in full.

If she was imagining their marital problems, she would divert extra time and effort into reviving their relationship, and perhaps even suggest counselling help. If, on the other hand, Mike had taken unfair advantage of her, and had now irreconcilably discarded her in favour of another, she would harden her heart and simply throw him out of their (her) comfortable house.

She was averse to formal divorce, even if there was evidence of Mike’s adultery, because of the danger that he would claim a substantial share of her assets, and the high-profile publicity which might follow. That could damage her status at work, and could limit her future options. But she needed to know the truth.

The Consultation.

Sara consulted Simon, and laid out all this background for him, with a clear brief to investigate Mike’s potential unfaithfulness, and report to her with clear evidence.

He was impressed with her clarity of mind, and her genuine desire to rescue her marriage if she found her imagination had simply run away with her. On the other hand, he recognised her steely will to begin a new life without Mike if necessary.

He had no doubt that she would succeed in changing her life, if she chose to do so.

She was a very attractive woman, after all, tall and shapely, and with a cultivated and sophisticated dress-sense. Her style radiated from her when she entered the room, and her piercing gaze penetrated deeply on eye-contact; Simon thought she might have to tone that down just a bit, because it could be somewhat intimidating on first meeting! Her icy blue eyes seemed to look straight into your soul.

However, his role was to investigate her husband’s behaviour, not to provide relationship counselling advice to Sara!

He could certainly monitor Mike’s behaviour outside the home easily. The ‘old-school’ methods of physically following, observing and photographing the husband were largely redundant nowadays, though they still played a small role. In the main, now, it was more a question of the electronic surveillance of smartphones, computers and physical movement monitored by various tracking devices and GPS. Even drone cameras could be brought into play if necessary.

Inside the home, however, the only thing he could easily do was to monitor, and possibly photograph, any visitors coming and going in Sara’s absence, and the amount of time they spent there.

Given Sara’s concerns that Mike was unfaithful, even using their own bed, Simon suggested installing a secret network of surveillance cameras around the house, linked to his offices. The cameras themselves would be discreet- almost invisible- but he would have to place them in private areas such as their bedrooms, so Sara needed to understand that she would also be viewed and filmed, and accept that invasion of her own privacy.

It did not take her long to decide. She had already formed a very favourable view of Simon, and when he proposed this surveillance, to be honest, she felt a little quiver of excitement run through her body. She imagined Simon watching her in her own bedroom, with or without Mike, and wondered how he (and she) would feel. Perhaps there was a secret exhibitionist lurking under her professional executive appearance?

They agreed a time when Mike would be absent, on a visit to his parental home, and Sara showed Simon around the house. He had a plethora of tiny cameras, which he placed inside all entrances, and at least one in each and every room. When it came to the Master Bedroom, and the Guest Bedroom, they agreed on several cameras, taking in different views of the room.

Simon constantly checked with Sara that she was happy for herself to be viewed by these cameras, and each time he asked, she felt a little thrill run though her body. She was beginning to enjoy the thought more and more, and by the time Simon had linked all the cameras by Wi-Fi to his own computer, she was beginning to feel a little dampness between her legs. The anticipation of Simon secretly viewing her from afar, as well as her husband, was becoming arousing in the extreme.

She tried to suppress these thoughts until Simon left, but then they became more and more intrusive, as she moved around her own home alone that evening.

The Trial run.

As agreed in advance, Simon called Sara on her mobile that evening. He sat in front of a bank of screens in a side room of his office, with numerous views of Sara’s home.

He asked her to move around the house in an orderly way, starting at the entrance hall and moving to the downstairs lounge, the dining room and the kitchen. At each stage, he reassured her that the view was clear- the only rooms not covered downstairs were the bathroom and shower. Sara talked to Simon as she moved around the house, and he checked that audio was clearly recorded too.

Then he asked her to move upstairs, and was able to follow her progress up to the spare room she used as an office, and the similar room Mike used as his ‘office’ or writing-room. She went into the Guest bedroom, which Mike sometimes used if they had had a row, or if he came home drunk, and didn’t want to disturb her. She went into the Master Bedroom and stood at the foot of their King-size bed, looking directly into the hidden camera-lens. Again, the only rooms not covered were the two en-suite bathrooms and showers.

Simon verified that there was a good clear view from each and every camera, but emphasised to Sara that she must forget the presence of the cameras, so that she did not unintentionally draw Mike’s attention to them! She said that that was more easily said than done, but she had a couple of days to get used to the idea, before Mike returned from his trip to see his parents.

Simon said that he would obviously not be watching constantly, but all cameras would be recording day and night, and he would review each one regularly. If he saw anything of note, he could either review it with Sara at his office, or send video clips to her smartphone.

They agreed that he would contact her immediately if anything of significant interest did appear, and at the end of each week, would deliver a short report to her.

The First ‘live’ observations.

That first evening, Sara felt extremely self-conscious, but still rather aroused that Simon could and would see her every move. She tried to forget him, but…

She had found him a rather attractive man, if slightly older than her, and he was clearly very experienced in the ‘ways of the world’. His work had obviously led him to view every variety of sexual behaviour, and she thought he was probably unshockable, but she imagined he had a private life of his own too.

She knew he was not married, or formally partnered, but speculated to herself that he was probably sexually skilled, though not promiscuous. He had a good, firm body and she wondered idly about the parts of him she had not seen; she certainly liked his hands, with elegant long fingers, well-manicured, and had noted his firm, strong grip, when they shook hands. Most of all, though, she liked his polite, attentive manner and his intelligent, confident approach to resolving her concerns. His smile was reassuring and genuine.

As the evening wore on, she felt a stirring in her loins, as she watched a romantic film alone, and her hands began to roam over her own body. She told herself that she must stop, because Simon could be watching, but that thought only excited her more.

She became increasingly aroused, as she sat alone in front of the TV screen, and thought of Simon watching her. She reminded herself that he had told her to behave ‘normally’ and to forget the cameras entirely. She clearly could not do that yet, but to behave ‘normally’ in the absence of her husband, when she was so aroused- perhaps partly by the film- would mean that she had to relieve her tensions. She debated whether to retreat to the privacy of the bathroom to achieve that, or to behave ‘normally’ in her own bedroom.

In the end, she decided to relieve herself in her bedroom. This had become an increasingly common practice anyway, as her marital life had cooled, and she had accumulated all the necessary ‘tools’ of a modern woman, aware of her own needs.

She tried her best to forget the cameras, but realised that, far from inhibiting her, knowledge of their presence was exciting her all the more. She decided to indulge her repressed ‘exhibitionist’ tendencies, and enjoy herself to the full.

She retreated to the ‘safe space’ of her en-suite bathroom, and prepared herself. She groomed and preened her whole body for added confidence, and styled the long curls of black hair which reached down to the small of her back. She even applied make up, applying lipstick, eyeshadow and lashes, and even a touch of rouge to her cheeks.

She did not forget to neaten her dense, but well-defined, ‘landing-strip’ of black hair and her waxed pussy, which responded to all these preparations with enthusiasm.

Finally, she put on a thin silk gown which simultaneously flowed around her shapely body, and clung to its pronounced curves. Only when she was completely happy with her appearance in the mirrors did she emerge into the Master Bedroom.

She sat at the end of the bed, and gathered her aids around her- she thought it unlikely that she would need lube, because she was already so aroused, but it was on hand if required. She had a small, silver ‘bullet’ vibe, a larger bright pink vibe, and a black dildo laid out ready for use, but she had no clear plan of action; she had determined to let events follow their own natural course.

She had done this many, many times before, of course, but just knowing that she was observed (and by a handsome man) added an extra dimension of excitement. She didn’t really do anything out of the ordinary, but somehow it was all more intense than usual.

She opened her gown to reveal her naked body and laid back along the bed. Her hands fondled her ample breasts and easily teased her nipples to firmness. She played with her breasts with increasing fierceness, squeezing them hard, tugging and pinching her nipples, then pressing her breasts together to demonstrate her deep cleavage.

She knew Simon would be watching, at some time, even if not right now, and was determined to excite him too.

Her hands drifted down to her inner thighs and stroked the fine, soft skin from her knees up to her pussy, feeling the dampness as her hands got closer and closer to her swollen, pouting lips. When she finally touched herself, it was as though the wetness conducted an electric shock through her pussy to her hard throbbing clit, which had emerged without help. She threw her head back and groaned with pleasure as her pussy lips fluttered in anticipation of closer attention.

She wanted to look into the camera lens, into Simon’s eyes, but resisted doing so.

Sara took her bullet vibe and toyed gently around her pussy lips, playing it upwards to her prominent clit, and circling it slowly, while her hips began to rock and roll until she could bear it no longer.

She set the vibe aside and slowly inserted one finger deep into herself, while her thumb rolled the hard marble of her clit in the oils she was leaking everywhere. At that moment, she shuddered as she thought of Simon’s long fingers probing her, and briefly glanced up at the camera lens before remembering to avert her gaze.

She took hold of the larger vibe, and used the pointed head to spread her pussy lips wide, while her other hand continued to tease her clit back and forth, side to side, round and round. The sensations were exquisite, and she wanted to prolong them for ever, but all good things must come to an end, as they say.

Sara slowly pressed the buzzing vibe, inch by inch, into her gaping wet cunt, until it could reach no further and she was stretched wide by its girth. For a moment or two, she held it there, buzzing deep inside her, while she played with her clit, her head pressed hard back into the soft pillows, and her eyes firmly shut.

She soon recognised that the time had come to fulfil her needs, though.

The large vibe began to move slowly in and out of her, firmly and relentlessly, while she played her clit with increasing pressure and pace. The pace of the vibe steadily increased too, until she was thrusting it fully inside herself time and again, faster and faster. Her hips were rocking in synchrony with her thrusts, until she could wait no longer, and she was overwhelmed with a tumultuous, shaking orgasm.

She screamed and her entire body trembled with passion. She wrapped her arms around her knees and pressed them up against her breasts, her pussy lips still quivering around the buzzing vibe, which slipped slowly from the grip of her cunt, to fall to the bed.

As she slowly recovered, she could not resist looking directly into the camera lens again, and cheekily blew a kiss, before setting her sticky toys aside, covering herself with the quilt, and immediately falling fast asleep.

When she woke the next morning, she felt she should be embarrassed, but she was not. It had all been perfectly normal and natural, and if Simon had observed her, so be it. She cleared away the evidence of the night before, and showered herself thoroughly.

She called Simon, ostensibly to tell him that her husband was returning home that evening, and that the next day, she would be leaving on a short business trip. He should be alert to any illicit activity while she is away; he acknowledged that and said he would pay close attention in the coming days.

She was a little disappointed, in a way, that he made no mention of her ‘performance’ the previous evening, but on the other hand a little relieved that he did not. It was a strange mix of emotions she felt, but she told herself that either he was being discreet (which she assessed would be entirely in character), or he had not yet reviewed the latest footage. Either way, perhaps he would comment at some point, and she hoped he had not been shocked or offended, but she doubted that very much.

Mike returns.

When Mike returned from his trip to see his family, he seemed a little depressed. She knew that he genuinely had visited family, because she had heard so directly from his mother. Anyway, she understood that Simon had been able to track Mike’s smartphone, and could verify his journey.

She tried to comfort Mike against whatever bothered him, but he was withdrawn. She would have liked him to be impatient to fuck her after his trip, and before hers, and also because of her experience the previous night. It had been a wonderful experience, of its type, but she always knew that nothing compared with the feeling of a real hard cock fucking her.

The use of her vibe was always pleasurable, but of course, it was under her own control. That had the advantage that she could direct it to the right spots at the right times, but the disadvantage that nothing surprising or unpredictable could ever happen.

In the past, there had been moments when Mike (and indeed, previous lovers) had genuinely taken her by surprise in some way, and had delighted her more than ever. It was the unexpected, sometimes, that gave the greatest pleasure.

Anyway, Mike showed no interest that evening, and she really did not know why. She had prepared herself for an evening of ‘coming home’ sex, but clearly he was not going to deliver. Even when she cuddled and played with him, he did not react, and once again she wondered whether he had a medical problem which was inhibiting him.

She hadn’t mentioned that possibility to Simon, because she had become convinced that Mike had taken another lover and had lost interest in her after years of familiar, and somewhat unadventurous sex. If she was wrong, she would be able to understand and help patiently with any medical issues, to bring back the Mike she had once known. But if she was right, and she already had some anecdotal evidence, she was ready to call time on their relationship.

Only time, and Simon’s investigations, would now tell.

She gathered her suitcase and her wits, and gave Mike a kiss as she left- he offered only a chaste peck on the cheek, and a wave of the hand as she drove away. She shed a tear or two as she went, but swallowed hard and prepared herself for ‘business’ life again, leaving Simon to report later on his observations.

Mike is set free.

Simon observed that Mike was instantly happier when Sara left, and spent a considerable time sending texts. It was impossible to monitor or intercept those, but as the evening drew on, he made some voice calls, of which Simon could only hear Mike’s end of the conversation.

His voice was changed somehow. It took on a softer, lilting tone, and it was clear that he cared deeply for the person he was talking to. Simon paid extra attention when he heard what seemed to be arrangements for a tryst at the house that very evening. No sooner had Sara left the scene, than Mike was arranging a visit at her house, and presumably not a business meeting! The tone of voice was soft and romantic; a tone that Sara herself had not heard for a very long time.

Mike’s lover was apparently named Anna. Simon watched as she arrived at Sara’s house and was welcomed enthusiastically by Mike, his hands pulling her close to his body as they roamed over hers.

She was a very attractive woman, with shoulder-length blond hair, and was dressed smartly in very expensive clothes. Simon wondered briefly whether Mike’s taste in women was partly related to their bank balance, but of course he had no evidence for that.

Anna was shapely, but taller and more willowy than Sara, and seemed attracted to Mike, from the way she fondled and kissed him. It was clear that Simon would not have to wait very long before he had evidence of Mike’s adultery, which he could show to Sara when she returned.

He did not sit and watch every moment live, but would review the footage before he showed it to Sara, in case of any surprises. He had several camera angles to choose from, assuming they used the bed. He wanted to be fully prepared for Sara’s reaction.

Simon had seen these types of encounter many times before, of course, and knew the routine well. He watched Mike undress Anna quickly, feverishly, and push her back onto the bed in the Master bedroom; the bed he had shared with Sara the night before.

In the back of Simon’s mind, he also recalled Sara’s solo performance for him, the day before, on that same bed. He had watched that closely, though he said nothing to Sara about it, and to be honest, he had found it much more arousing than the routine scenario which unfolded in front of him, between Mike and Anna.

Mike had hurriedly undressed too, and pulled Anna towards him, holding her blonde head between his hands and pushing his cock into her open, willing mouth. After only a few minutes, he pushed her away, back onto the bed and rolled her over onto her belly.

Grasping her hips, he pulled her up onto her knees, and unceremoniously plunged his cock into her pussy from behind. After only a few minutes more, he shouted and collapsed over Anna’s back, his ass quivering as he pumped his cum into her.

He pulled out of her and threw himself down on the bed alongside her, as she collapsed face down on the bed. He seemed very pleased with himself, though Simon could not see much justification for that!

Anna appeared satisfied, though, and Simon assumed that this had been the sort of performance she expected. They cuddled together, and she smiled, but he thought there was a distinct lack of intensity, a lack of real passion, in their coupling. It seemed it had been a ‘routine’ performance for her too.

He wondered whether it had been the same, when Mike and Sara had had regular sex in the past; if so, he thought, Sara has not been missing much!

He did not dwell on the post-coital scene, but resolved to show Sara the full footage. She would probably be more shocked, upset and surprised than he had been, of course, but it was the clear, undeniable evidence she had asked for.

Simon texted her to say that he had something for her to watch at his offices when she returned, and simply confirmed that her suspicions had been justified. She replied that she would come round as soon as she got back from her short trip, because she wanted to see the evidence before she even had to talk to Mike again, and form her own strategy beforehand.

Simon did NOT expect what was to unfold when she saw the tape!

Sara views the evidence.

Sara arrived nervously at Simon’s offices, knowing that there was some evidence of her husband’s unfaithfulness, but not where, when or with whom. She trembled as she met Simon, and he had to comfort her with a reassuring hug, before he explained the situation.

Even before they began, he felt that he should acknowledge having watched her masturbate (for him?) before Mike returned home. He simply told her that he had viewed her on that first evening, and would be happy to delete the tape if she so wished.

Sara flushed a little with embarrassment and dropped her eyes, saying, “I’m sorry, Simon. I don’t really know what came over me; I’m sorry if it embarrassed you at all.”

Simon just chuckled, and said, “Of course not, Sara! I understood how frustrated you were feeling, and it was a perfectly natural thing to do. I found it much more arousing, to be honest, than many of the couplings I witness in this job!”

Secretly, Sara was pleased to hear that, but did not pursue the issue. It was enough to know that Simon had viewed her and had been aroused, but his comment did send a little shiver down her spine. It reassured her that she did still have sex appeal, even if not to her husband.

Simon set up the tape of her husband for her to view, and sat alongside her. He said that the female involved was called Anna, and when he paused the opening frames to show her, he was astonished by Sara’s reaction.

“Fucking hell!” she exclaimed. “That is an old friend of ours! I thought we’d lost touch with her, but obviously Mike hasn’t! I haven’t seen her for a couple of years now, but we were quite close friends; still close to Mike, it seems!”

Simon left the tape on pause, while he tried to calm Sara. He put his arm around her shoulder and she dropped her head against his, sobbing slightly. One of her hands rested on his thigh, as she looked up at him, and said, “How could they both do this to me, Simon? I assume they fucked?”

“They did,” said Simon. When he told her that they had fucked on the Marital bed, she let out a howl of anguish, and a stream of abuse directed at both Mike and Anna. He allowed time for her to calm, before asking if she wanted to view any more, or just accept his account as a witness.

Her fists were clenched and squeezed tightly between her thighs, while she shook with emotion. He hugged her close, and absorbed some of the tremors from her body. It took a little while longer for her to calm herself enough to say that she did want to witness the tape herself.

Simon got her a glass of water to sip, and sat alongside her again, before he pressed the ‘play’ button. He had chosen one camera angle only.

She sat quietly watching her husband take her old friend to their Master Bedroom, but muttered darkly to herself when he undressed her so unceremoniously, and pushed her back onto the bed.

“Typical!” she exclaimed, “that’s just typical of Mike! I bet he just wants her to suck him off now. He’s just there to satisfy himself, as always! I could almost pity Anna, if she weren’t such a slut!”

As she had predicted, Mike pushed his cock into Anna’s mouth, and Sara’s grip on Simon’s thigh tightened as she saw her husband quickly pull away and throw Anna onto the bed. When his hard cock came into view, she mocked him, and her hand almost subconsciously slid up Simon’s thigh. Simon had also become aroused now, and even more so, when Sara pressed her hand against his cock through his jeans, and stroked him up and down.

She wasn’t even looking at Simon or what her hand was doing to him, while she watched her husband prepare himself to fuck Anna. It seemed to be an unconscious action, and Simon did not comment, but nor did he push her away.

When Mike thrust himself into Anna from behind, Sara almost jumped to her feet, and in doing so, spilled her water glass over herself and Simon. She panicked and squealed loudly, while Simon stood and grabbed a nearby cloth to dry himself then offered it to Sara.

“God, I’m so sorry, Simon!” she said.

Most of the water had gone over Simon, and she absent-mindedly wiped the cloth over his crotch while she remained focused on the tape of her husband fucking Anna. That did not last long, as Simon already knew, and Sara mocked her husband again for the brevity of his performance.

Suddenly, she realised that she was rubbing Simon’s hard cock, as he stood in front of her, and she snatched her hand away, with profuse apologies. “I’m so sorry, Simon!” she repeated, “That was all just too much for me… I think it has fried my brains!”

Then she looked up into his eyes and said, “But it does seem that you are aroused too, Simon. Would it be possible for me to see you? I have not seen another man, not in the flesh anyway, ever since I married, and I have only known Mike sexually.”

Simon remained calm, despite everything, and said, “I don’t think we should do anything in the heat of the moment, Sara. You have been shocked by what you’ve seen, and we should take a pause, I think.”

Sara said, “ Simon, if we can’t do anything in ‘the heat of the moment’, then when can we? It seems very much the right moment to me, if you’re willing. Don’t worry- you are not ‘taking advantage of me’ in any way. I know very well what I am doing!”

Simon looked down into her hopeful face and her shining blue eyes, and nodded silently. Sara grinned and began to unbutton his bulging jeans, to open them wide.

She gasped (with shock? pleasure? Perhaps both?) when she saw the head of his cock above the waistband of his briefs, being forced into his navel by the tightness of the elastic. She carefully released that pressure, and lowered his briefs to reveal his hard cock in all its glory, pointing to the sky.

“Wow!” she said. “That is quite something, Simon! You’ve seen Mike, so you know that you are much bigger than I’m used to- not that I’ve been used to very much for quite a while. May I use you?”

He nodded silently again, and looked up to the ceiling with his hands behind him, to let Sara use him as she wished.

Remembering the tape of her husband with Anna, she opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around Simon’s swollen cock, but the head seemed to almost completely fill her mouth. She could not take him any further at first, but wrapped one hand around his thick shaft and stroked it gently, moving the soft flesh and pronounced veins up and down over the steely core beneath.

She had to disengage, to breathe deeply before she returned to the task. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter with every stroke of his cock, while he stood still and unmoving in front of her.

“I’m sorry, Simon,” she said, “but I just have to see you cum! You watched me in my bedroom, now I want to see you cum, in real life. Is that OK?”

Again, Simon could only nod and look to the ceiling, to prevent himself coming immediately. Playing in his mind was Sara’s bedroom performance on camera for him; in truth he had watched it several times, and it had aroused him each time, because she had clearly enjoyed it immensely.

Sara took Simon’s cock into her mouth again, and with some difficulty, she swirled her tongue around him, and sucked her cheeks inwards. She moved him gently, but not deeply, back and forth while one hand stroked his shaft more and more firmly. Her other hand cushioned his heavy balls and she marveled at the comparison with her husband’s meagre offering.

That hand slipped down now, to slide up her own thigh, to her soaking wet panties. She pressed the wet material between her pussy lips, and stroked herself back and forth in rhythm to her stroking of Simon’s cock. Her grip on his steel cock got harder and harder. Her hands moved faster and faster now, both up and down his cock and back and forth along her own slit, teasing her clit at each stroke.

She looked up at him and he looked down into her blue eyes now, accepting that he could delay no longer. She instantly understood that look in his eyes, and moved her hands even more furiously now.

Within a minute, Simon let out a deep roar and his body shook, as he came inside Sara’s mouth with such force that she gagged, and had to release a little of the creamy cum from her lips. It dribbled down her chin, as she desperately tried to swallow it all fast enough. There was certainly more than she could hold in her mouth, and it had to go one way or the other… or both.

As the pulses of cum subsided, she raised her smiling blue eyes, twinkling with pride, to look at Simon standing above her. “Thank you!” she said, “I needed that after seeing Mike and Anna together. I think we were so much better together than them, don’t you!”

Simon raised her to her feet, and held her close. “I think I understand how you’re feeling, Sara, but now we’ve released all that tension, we need to calmly review what to do about your problematic husband!”

Sara nodded and they agreed to meet the next day, at a local coffee shop, to agree the best strategy.

The next day.

In professional businesslike fashion, Sara arrived with a well-formed plan.

She had already banished Mike from her bed, to the Guest Room, having given him no explanations at all. She found it difficult even to speak to him, after what she had discovered, and saw no chance of any reconciliation between them.

Simon advised caution when it came to initiating any formal divorce proceedings, because though the evidence of adultery was clear, there was some chance that a judge (likely male!) would rule for an equal share of assets, even though she was the financial powerhouse behind the couple. In fact, they only had evidence of one single breach of trust so far.

He thought the best strategy longer-term was to banish Mike not only from her bedroom, but also from the house, which was after all hers. They could formally separate, and he would have to fend for himself financially.

There was no need to hurry, he thought. Clearly, she was never again going to allow Mike back into her bed.

Sara agreed. She had not shared her evidence with Mike yet, so he was in the dark, but he must suspect that she had discovered something she didn’t like. Sara also brought Anna into the thinking, and felt she wanted to confront her, but didn’t know what else to do. She would like to hear her point of view.

She intended to make contact with Anna, through her old address books and phone contacts, and explore how and why all this had come about. She wanted to know how long this had been going on, of course, and how frequently they had met.

At first, she thought, there would be no need even to reveal that she knew about her affair with Mike. She didn’t exactly want revenge (or did she?) but she did want a planned response to both of them, which would give her some satisfaction.

Speaking of satisfaction, she asked whether Simon would consider spending more private time with her; she had been very impressed with him- in so many ways- and wanted to know him better, on a personal level.

He had also enjoyed their collaboration, and was happy to continue on a more personal footing, until she had stabilised her life ahead. Whether that would be together or not remained to be seen, but they both thought that they would certainly remain good, close friends for the foreseeable future.

It seemed that the “investigation” was complete, but now some judgement calls had to be made.

Published 2 months ago

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