Position of Trust

"He tests the limits of his stepdaughter's control."

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I love laundry day. Sure, it’s an easy job, as far as housework goes, and I have the uncanny ability of making a few loads seem like I’ve cleaned the whole house. Although the smirk my wife gives me every time I declare the family’s clothes to be clean makes me think she might be onto me. But more than anything, it’s the perfect excuse to get my hands on my stepdaughter’s dirty panties.

Last Saturday began the same way as all the others of late. My wife, Liz, had taken our twelve year old daughter to her weekly netball game, yet again losing the battle with Natalie to take her across the Harbour to North Sydney on the ferry. I tried to reassure Liz that it was in fact the quickest way when she kissed me goodbye, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Your daughter,” she scowled in mock accusation as she stabbed her finger into my chest on the way out the door.

I smacked her ass playfully in reply, eliciting a giggle, and wished Natalie good luck with her game as I watched them walk out to the street.

Then I felt Julie’s shoulder push into my back, and her breast press against my arm as she sidled up beside me. “Good luck, kiddo! Knock ‘em dead,” Julie called after them from the doorway as they made their way down to the Balmain pier.

Julie gave me a quick smile, her deep blue eyes twinkling, and the smell of peanut butter on her breath. She touched my arm affectionately, then padded up the stairs. Her perfect heart-shaped ass rose before me, firmly clad in pink and purple striped pyjama bottoms. I shook myself free of the vision, locking the front door and returning to the kitchen to finish my breakfast.

The sound of running water and other assorted feminine beauty rituals wafted down from upstairs as I tidied up the dishes, and tried to keep my thoughts out of the gutter. Julie had blossomed into such a beautiful young woman, and it was driving me to distraction.

I turned to see that she had pulled up a stool and was watching me bustle around. Her head was tilted slightly, with her long, sandy blonde hair falling over her shoulder. I snorted a laugh at her t-shirt. It was the light grey one with a Storm Trooper holding a tissue, and the words, ‘I had friends on that Death Star’.

“You like it?” she smiled, sitting up and pushing out her ample chest.

My voice caught slightly, but I managed to croak out a response, before putting much more attention than was required into the coffee machine. “Do you want one?”

“No, thanks. I just brushed my teeth.” She wrinkled her nose at the thought, then tapped the book that lay face down on the bench. “I’m just going to read for a bit outside.”

“Oh, okay. What are you reading?”

Julie didn’t answer. Instead, she just grinned at me, sliding the book off the bench and holding it close across her stomach as she skipped out onto the patio.

“Okay then,” I said to myself, a little confused.

I savoured the taste of the coffee, and the anticipation of the prize that awaited me upstairs in Julie’s dirty clothes basket. When I had waited as long as I dared, I went upstairs to her bedroom.

I scooped up her scattered clothes from the carpet, where she had stepped out of them the night before. Kicking her shoes under the bed and flicking the lid off the hamper in the corner, I dropped in the bundle, then stretched for the plain white t-shirt just out of reach. Then I saw them, a pair of tiny lavender panties up against her bedside table.

Sitting on her bed, I bent down to pick them up. The softness of the satin instantly tingled my fingertips. I held them out in front of me, studying the cute little bow on the front of the waistband, and the frilly, lace embellishments down either side of the gusset. The ‘10’ on the tag, I’m ashamed to say, offered a much more seductive thrill than the size sixteen Liz had become in her mid-forties.

I exhaled slowly to try and calm my heartbeat. Then, turning them inside out, I held the crotch to my nose and mouth, and breathed in her scent. The hint of perfume combined with the earthy aroma of her sex brought me an indescribable relief.

I’m such a scoundrel , I silently confessed to myself, before deeply inhaling again.

I balled up her panties in my pocket and took the whole basket downstairs to the laundry. Sorting the load into lights and darks, I sniffed at each pair as I went, but none of the intoxicating delicates were quite as fresh as the lavenders I had in my pocket.

I got Julie’s lights on first, frowning as the old plumbing in our Balmain terrace hissed and shuddered with exertion to fill the washing machine. Then fishing her panties from my pocket, I took another long, comforting sniff. When I opened my eyes, I noticed Julie out through the window.

Illuminated by the sunlight, she was sitting on the far side of the table from the kitchen door, reading with her feet up on the chair beside her. But from my vantage point at the small laundry window, my view of Julie was unobstructed by outdoor furniture.

From that angle, I could see the cover of the novel. I chuckled to myself as I read the title, Fifty Shades of Grey. Her mother had been right into it herself, ploughing through all three books in record time. It had certainly sparked up our sex life, I remembered fondly.

This sexy little acorn apparently didn’t fall far from the tree.

With my forbidden secret safely back in my pocket, I watched her. She was engrossed in her book, turning the pages every minute or so with considerable urgency. I noticed her lick her lips and swallow, her lips shiny and coming to rest slightly parted. A pinkish hue too, began to spread across her cheeks and neck.

I focussed on the deepening rise and fall of her chest as she read, and I flushed with warmth as I caught sight of her nipples hardening beneath that Star Wars t-shirt. I began to grow hard myself, my cock straining against my jeans.

Julie pulled her sunglasses down her nose, then looked over the top of the rims into the kitchen. I stepped out of view as she swivelled her head back towards the laundry, and counted to ten before poking my head back around the window frame. Craning her head up to look at the windows above her, and obviously not seeing me, she pushed her glasses back up and sank back into her chair.

She rubbed her bottom lip with the tip of her index finger as she resumed reading, then began slowly tracing a path over her chin and down her throat. When her finger found her nipple, mine once again found the lavender satin. I breathed her in as she circled the proud point atop her breast, then pinched the engorged nub with a twist through her t-shirt. The sensation caused her to bite her bottom lip.

As Julie repeated the process with her other breast, I released my aching cock from my jeans and began to stroke. The slimy pre-cum already at the tip provided half the lubrication I needed. I licked my palm for the rest and began pumping my fist up and down my shaft.

Watching her tease her nipples while smelling her nubile musk, I was lost.

Her finger continued its journey down her stomach, no doubt an imaginary substitute for the riding crop I guessed she was reading about at that very moment. I held my breath as her fingers approached the hem of her t-shirt. My own hand was frozen in a tight grip around the head of my cock.

Time stood still as Julie, excruciatingly slowly, lifted her hand from her waist to turn the page. She turned her head to check again that I wasn’t watching her from the kitchen, and satisfied I wasn’t, she licked her lips once more before returning her right hand to its task.

“Oh my God,” I actually heard myself gasp in response to Julie’s fingers burrowing beneath the waistband of her pyjama bottoms.

The pink and purple striped fabric bulged across the back of her hand between her legs as she masturbated in the relative privacy of our backyard. I resumed my own strokes, keeping in time with the tiny, twitching motions inside Julie’s pyjamas. But I was quickly losing control.

Taking one last splendid whiff of her underwear, I wrapped the precious garment around my cock. The silky smooth sensation of Julie’s panties sliding up and down the full length of my hardness was too much.

I erupted in spurt after groaning spurt of thick cum into those lovely lavender panties. I actually had to brace myself against the vibrating washing machine to keep from buckling at the knees. Squeezing the swollen, sensitive head of my cock, I milked every last drop of semen into them.

Folding my cum into her underwear, I lifted the lid of the washing machine and threw them in with the rest of the load. I took a minute to slow my breathing as I zipped myself up and looked out through the window at Julie on the patio.

Her hand was a lot deeper inside her pyjamas, and the way the pink and purple stripes were moving, I could tell she was fingering herself. Julie threw her head back, biting her bottom lip. The delicious squirm of her whole body told me she was close.

It was then that the idea struck me. I smiled wickedly at the thought.

I strode out into the kitchen and threw open the sliding door to the patio. I was two steps outside before Julie noticed me, her soft moan of pleasure twisting into a shocked gasp.

I drifted around the table, keeping my eyes locked on the dark lenses of her sunglasses and delighting in the crimson flush of Julie’s cheeks. She subtly slipped her hand from her pyjama pants, masking the move by laying the book on her lap. It was all I could do to keep a straight face.

I lifted Julie’s feet from the chair and sat, placing them back down across my lap. Ratcheting up the tension by remaining silent, I revelled in the effort she was making to control her heavy breathing. I couldn’t help but smirk. The sunlight caught the sheen on her fingers, glinting slightly as she dried her slender digits discretely on the outside of her thigh.

“Good book?” I teased, knowing I had denied her the release she was so close to achieving.

Julie wet her lips before breathing an incredibly tortured, “Uh-huh.”

“Hmmm,” I smiled. I was far too pleased with myself.

We chatted a while in the garden, screened off from the neighbours by the lilly pilly hedges running down either fence line. I caressed her shins through her thin cotton pyjamas, gently kneading the firm flesh of her calves. Her embarrassment eventually faded, but I noticed when I started rubbing her feet, she blushed again. I petted her knee to let me up, and she lifted her feet. As I went inside, I caught Julie’s reflection in the sliding door. She was watching me walk away over the rim of her sunglasses, her brow furrowed in a bemused frown.

For the rest of the morning, I took great delight in making sure Julie never had an opportunity to finish what she started. Every few minutes or so, I would reappear, offering her a drink, striking up a conversation, or just lingering by the patio doors. I even interrupted her retreat to her bedroom to return her fresh laundry.

It wasn’t long before Liz and a victorious Natalie returned home for lunch, unwittingly joining me in Julie’s torment and giving us both a thorough play-by-play debriefing of the game. We all chipped in preparing lunch, and ate it together on the patio.

“Hey, I know,” I suggested enthusiastically as we cleared the plates. “Why don’t we all play some board games this afternoon? Let’s make a day of it. Have some real quality family time.”

Liz and Natalie were all for it, with Natalie rushing off to grab the games. Julie shot me a look that could have shattered glass, but she put on a tight smile for her mother and little sister.

Julie’s sexual frustration smouldered as we played Cluedo. I loved watching her fidget, and fight to control her concentration. But as the game progressed, Miss Scarlett regained her composure and got stuck in with Mrs White, Mrs Peacock and Colonel Mustard, eventually winning the game. It was me, in the library with the revolver.

But when we moved onto Monopoly, the morning’s mischief was little more than a memory. And in the innocent fun of playing board games with my family, I was overcome with the guilt of what I had done. I felt like I had betrayed Liz by taking a sexual interest in another woman. And the fact that it was her daughter, made it all the worse. To say nothing of the liberties I had taken with Julie, or at least her panties.

The board games rolled into dinner, before the four of us ended up in the media room for a Legally Blonde double bill. Liz snuggled up against me on the sofa, with Julie on her other side and Natalie on some cushions on the floor. We ploughed through the first one in relatively short order, and as we moved into the second, the regret of my earlier perversions waned. Julie and I were having a great time, quoting nearly every cheesy line together.

“How many times have you two watched this?” Liz huffed at us.

Julie and I exchanged a knowing look, then shrugged in unison with a smile. We shared a giggle, before quoting the next line together.

Liz woke up a snoring Natalie as the end credits of the sequel rolled, ushering her up to bed and asking if I was going to come up. Julie jumped in, announcing that she wanted to pull an all-nighter with a Paranormal Activity marathon, begging me to stay up with her.

“Don’t think you’re coming in to bed with us if you get scared, young lady,” Liz frowned in mock admonishment.

Julie assured her mother she would be all right, snuggling up to me on the couch.

“What about me?” I asked, feigning fear. “Can I come to bed with you if I get scared?”

“We’ll see,” Liz giggled as she kissed us goodnight, and closed us in the media room so as to not be disturbed by the sound of scary movies.

The thumping footsteps and old plumbing upstairs faded away as the movie got going.

I became very conscious of Julie’s body pressed up against mine, and the soft, vanilla scent of her hair. She held my left hand between hers on my lap, and my other arm was around her shoulders, gently stroking her upper arm.

As the creepy scenes of the movie played, I felt Julie snuggle in tighter. I squeezed her reassuringly and kissed the top of her head, which was now resting on my chest. It wasn’t the adrenalin thrill of horror movies that she loved, I knew. It was the comfort of feeling safe and protected against them.

Her soft breast squashed against my side, and her firm thigh rubbed against mine. I lost track of the movie, instead basking in every tactile sensation. Julie crossed her legs towards me, rubbing my shin slowly with her instep. And the hand sandwich on my lap crept almost imperceptibly closer to my aching hardness.

A thousand thoughts flooded my brain as I sat there with my nubile stepdaughter squirming against me. The suspense of the movie only added to the tension of my thundering heartbeat. I could hear Julie’s breathing against my chest, shallow and uneven. As time went on, it only got worse.

Gradually those thousand thoughts diminished to just one: fuck her!

Gritting my teeth, my own ragged breath signalled my desire. I was going to do it. I had to. I couldn’t take her rubbing herself against me anymore. She was teasing me. She had to be.

Fuck her! NOW!

I leapt off the couch and grabbed Julie by the hips. Her beautiful blue eyes were saucers as she gasped with surprise. I pulled her down onto the cushions on the floor her sister had been laying on earlier. Clawing my fingertips into the waistband of her pyjamas and panties, I pulled both down roughly over the soft flare of her curves and down her long, shapely legs.

Julie’s mouth hung open, frozen in shock. I snatched her panties out…

Published 12 years ago

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