Pornstar 2

"I talked to my ex about what happened fifteen years ago"

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After so many years of having this story in my head, I finally worked up the courage to share it here.

That, in a way, set me free.

I didn’t realize it, but somehow it haunted me.


All this time I had her on social media, but we didn’t interact at all. Until I dared to talk to her and sent her the story I had written. At first she was surprised. She couldn’t believe that I had published it for anyone to read. I was a bit afraid of what she would feel about it. But since her name doesn’t appear in the story, nor anyone else’s, she wasn’t too worried.

Later, in a follow-up chat, she told me that she really liked it and that it turned her on. My story, and also the memories it brought back to her. Although she didn’t remember it exactly the way I had written it.


She then told me that several years later, when we had been separated for a long time, she gathered the courage to write to the porn actor. She confessed to me that she had been obsessed with him for quite some time. She had the fantasy of getting fucked by him, as he had suggested at the party. And, according to her, it was the best cock she had ever sucked in her life.

She asked me for forgiveness, something she had never done before, but she needed me to understand that, as soon as she saw it, she knew she had to suck it. It was an opportunity she wasn’t sure she’d ever get again.

I understood, and I told her so. I had understood it even at that the time, despite how difficult it had been for me initially.

I told her I didn’t have any resentment about it, on the contrary.

She also realized, based on what I had written, that I wasn’t angry at all.

She also fantasized about getting fucked in front of me. She knew that I had enjoyed seeing her sucking his cock, but we had never talked about it openly. It was never brought to light.


We both realized how young we were at the time, and how we would have handled things differently now. I also acknowledged to her how open-minded she was, and how I had not yet reached her level back then. She agreed with me, made some jokes about it, and we laughed.


The thing is, the porn actor replied to her, and they chatted for a while. He was living in the U.S., and she was still in Argentina, although she later moved to Spain, where she lives now.

They didn’t meet up but they sent each other pictures and everything. She even considered flying to see him especially to fulfill that fantasy.

I told her she should have done it. She thinks the same too.


According to her, she hadn’t sucked his dick for ten or fifteen minutes, but much less. And that could be true; time is relative, and under the feelings I was in, it surely passed much slower than it actually did. For me, it felt like two hours. For her, it was just a little blowjob. Almost innocent. A little taste of the biggest dick she’d ever had, in a fun night at that house party.

She later told me that she had forgotten he had cum in her mouth. She remembered it reading the story and couldn’t believe she had forgotten that, though, of course, she had that night very much in mind. It had been one of the greatest, if not the most erotic experience of her life; mine too.

Besides, for years, that group of friends kept calling her ‘Pornstar’, so it wasn’t easy to shake it off.


Also, in the end, she confessed to me that she touched herself while reading it. More than once.

The story, and her own memory of that cock, of the porn actor, of that time of youth, and her own sexy body that she misses now. Of how she used to fuck back then. Of how we used to fuck together.

She googled him again and watched some of his movies, including a few old ones that she had never seen before.

She ended up thanking me for writing it and for sending it to her.


We remembered a lot of things and caught up.


She always had a nice body, but years later she started working out and got a boob job. Also got her lips filled. I had seen that in the pictures she had posted over the years.

So, eventually, she ended up kinda looking like a pornstar.

Then she had a kid, and since then she remembers with nostalgia those years of being single, young, and the crazy parties where a porn star might appear and show off his huge cock to her and her friends.

We had a good laugh about it.


She is now separated from her child’s father, and we agreed to meet when we are in the same city. Maybe we will both return to Buenos Aires at some point, at the same time.


I jerked off so many times remembering and picturing her sucking that porn actor’s cock. It was so goddamn hot.

Especially how everyone could tell she was really trying to please him and making him cum. As if she was alone with him. Like she didn’t care about being surrounded by her friends. Or by me. As if I didn’t exist. As she was so turned on that she forgot I was there. Or worse, knowing I was there watching.

I still haven’t asked her what was in her mind at that moment. According to her, she let herself go. She was drunk and turned on. Probably she was blinded by her excitement.

I believe it was a mix of everything; the alcohol, the environment, seeing that big hard cock, and having me there. Everything contributed to what eventually happened, like an explosive cocktail.

At the end, I’m glad it happened. I still jerk off thinking about that moment. And I’m sure many of those who were there witnessing it did too.


If I regret something, is not being open-minded enough at the time and let him fuck her. To watch it happen. Maybe even getting involved and running a train on her with that porn actor. She deserved that. She was so lascivious, at the peak of her sexuality.

I couldn’t match her level back then. I guess I was holding her back. I only reached that level, maybe, years later.


She said my presence there worked both ways. On one hand, I obviously held her back, and she would have let him fuck her. She said that if no boyfriend or guy had been there, it would have turned into an orgy with him against all the girls. They were all holding back.

But on the other hand, my being there added the spice to make that night so memorable.


She also said that since becoming a mother, her sex life and appetite had diminished. And since separating from the father of her child, she felt like a nun; almost no sex at all. So she really thanked me for sending her the story.


It was such a good talk. Many revelations.

A lot to take in.

Published 6 months ago

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