I so love pornography,
it is very good for me;
all those cocks and cunts and tits,
all those very naughty bits.
I so love pornography,
it is bloody good for me.
Fuck those prudes and brainless dudes
who’d censure me for being rude.
They’re afraid of bodies bare?
Scared of bums and pubic hair?
Dislike pleasure when it’s shared?
Semen flying through the air?
What’s wrong with pornography:
easier than ABC; a DVD in your machine,
then take your shirt off and your jeans,
watch and play until you cum
then cum again for extra fun!
Don’t listen to those who hate sex;
hate bigotry and income tax,
hate politicians and food bills,
but buy yourself…some porno films!!

"Harmless fun"
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