Porn Author Becomes a Cock Sucker for His Brazilian Neighbor

"Porn author discovers that his Brazilian neighbor reads porn and ends up becoming his cock sucker."

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I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.

My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my wife became menopausal, and lost all interest in sex of any kind. I looked at photos and video clips for a while, and then discovered that it’s even more titillating for me to read stories and immerse myself in the characters and their perversions. It didn’t take long to learn that I like the cuckold genre the best, and I always envision myself as the sexually submissive cuckold husbands in the stories. That was partially due to me having a small dick, which adds to my feelings of being sexually inferior to other, better-hung men.

As a corollary to the cuckold stories, I also became interested in bisexual and interracial stories, and was especially interested in reading about men of color with big cocks fucking other men’s wives. I imagined being a cock sucking cuckold to my wife and her lovers. I wanted so much to make that a reality, but there was no way that could happen with my wife’s lack of desire.

I briefly toyed with the idea of developing relationships with other women, since I did and still do like pussy most of all. But I decided that it was too risky to mess around with other women, since I didn’t want to destroy my marriage. So, I started thinking what it would be like to have sex with other men, and I still envisioned myself as the submissive cocksucker. Craigslist wasn’t available at that time, but Yahoo had numerous websites, covering almost any conceivable perversion, and I started reading the messages on several of the bisexual sites.

It was important to me to be careful about who I met with, to avoid the possibility of catching diseases or being exposed. I decided to focus on other mature, married men, who just aren’t getting enough sex at home. In my mind, that mitigated some of the risks, because we would all have a lot to lose. I finally found a man a little older than me and a newbie at bisexual encounters. After exchanging dozens of emails, we decided to meet. That was my first adult cock sucking experience, and I found that I really liked sucking cock and balls, and swallowing cum, and in general being sexually submissive to men with bigger cocks.

That was the beginning of my cock sucking experiences, and over the next fifteen years I sucked several men, while at the same time writing dozens of cuckold, bisexual, and interracial stories, with all those elements combined in many of my stories. I found that in real life it isn’t all that easy to find mature, married men who just want their cocks sucked, with no reciprocation, so many of my bisexual stories have plots where my character conceives situations where he is able to suck one or more cocks.

All the foregoing will help you understand the situation I experienced that is the basis for this story. My wife and I were living in Framingham, Massachusetts, at a time when I was in my early sixties, semi-retired, and working out of my home part-time as a manufacturers rep.

One of my fantasies had always been to experience a situation where I had a good friend and next-door neighbor, and I discover the he wants to have his cock sucked regularly. I know that would be a rare situation, especially if the men remained friends and nothing happened to spoil an otherwise good friendship. The old expression, ‘Don’t shit where you eat’ would apply here, because you wouldn’t want to make things tense in the neighborhood in case he got offended. The obvious problem would be how to find out about each other’s prurient desires in the first place, without one of the men taking too much risk.

Having thought about that for years, I posted a story on the Lush Stories site, entitled ‘Discovering My Neighbor Online’, where I developed what I though is a plausible storyline about how an encounter with a neighbor could happen. I really enjoyed writing it, but in my gut, I felt that nothing like that could happen, at least not to me. I found out otherwise.

We lived in a modest neighborhood in the Framingham area, next door to a young married couple in their early-twenties named Jason and Juliana. Given the difference in our ages, we had not really socialized with them, but we sometimes talked casually over the fence in our back yards. Juliana is very pretty, with long brown hair and light brown, almost gray eyes, that compliments her light-olive complexion. We learned that she is of mixed heritage, and it seemed like she got the best mix of genes from her Brazilian mother and Caucasian father.

Not too long after Jason and Juliana moved into the neighborhood, we learned that her grandfather, Gustavo, was moving in with them, and would be living in their finished walkout basement. His wife, Mariana, had died from complications from surgery, and he was devastated by her loss. Juliana convinced him to move in with them, so he wouldn’t be so lonely.

Gustavo, who prefers to be called Gus, and his wife immigrated to the United States in their late teens, becoming naturalized citizens years later. They settled in the Framingham area, which has a sizeable Brazilian-American population, and Juliana’s mother, Maria, was born there.

Gus is semi-retired like me, and we were both sixty-three years old at the time. He was running his financial consulting and tax preparation service out of the basement. Most of his clients are other Brazilian-Americans, and he built his practice, in part, due to being bilingual in English and Portuguese.

The first time I met Gus was at a party Juliana hosted for neighbors to meet him and welcome him to the neighborhood. He is very outgoing, personable, somewhat macho, and his endearing Portuguese accent makes him seem kind of mysterious. He’s about five feet and ten inches tall, weighs probably one hundred and seventy pounds, and his medium-olive skin tone and dark, wavy hair give him an overall fit and swarthy appearance, like he has a perpetual tan.

We hit it off right away, probably because his strong, gregarious personality complements my shy and more-subdued demeanor. It became apparent soon enough that our personality differences translated into him being the more-dominant one in our friendship, with me being more submissive, comparatively speaking.

I also worked out of my finished walkout basement, and since there is a gate in the fence between our backyards, we often visited one another on workdays and weekends. Our part-time jobs allowed us a lot of flexibility. It wasn’t unusual for some of his clients, many of whom are also friends, to show up during the day, to pick up or drop-off documents, or just to visit. That’s when I gained a real appreciation for the variety of ethnicities in Brazilian society.

A little online research revealed that Brazilian society is made up of a convergence of many origins, including, native Brazilians, black African, Portuguese colonizers, European, Arab, Orientals, as well as Paraguayans and Bolivians. That rich racial mix resulted in the diverse appearance of his clients, from black to white skinned, and all manner of skin colors and physical features in between.

The longer I was around Gus, his clients, and friends, and the friendlier they were to me, the more I thought about all the photos I’ve seen of a variety of men of color, many of which are on my Lush profile. There’s just something about that thick, brown or black cock meat, and those big, low-hanging balls that are so appealing.

I know there is probably a big difference in the soft-to-hard ratios of men of all ethnicities and individuals, but I am more attracted to the cocks that are long, thick and meaty on soft, even if they don’t grow much bigger on hard. There’s just something about a thick, soft cock dangling and swinging between a man’s legs, especially if it’s brown or black, and he has big, well-differentiated balls that hang down.

It’s obvious from many of the stories I’ve read, and even the ones I write, that many men have a fascination with huge cocks and big, low-hanging balls. I’m the same way, and they would be fun to look at, play with, and suck. But in reality, nice, thick, meaty cocks anywhere from six to eight inches long are much more enjoyable to suck, than those we see in pictures that are nine or more inches, especially if they have big balls.

One thing I wrote about in my ‘Discovering My Neighbor Online’ story and many others, is the difficulty in finding someone who wants his cock sucked, especially if it’s someone you know. It’s risky to make the first move, and the trick is to find a way for the men to kind of innocently discover the desires of the other, in a way that can be easily explained if the other person is not receptive. The same thing applied in my friendship with Gus.

My friendship with Gus and his friends was evolving in an interesting way. I don’t think they intended to, but because I’m sometimes quiet and shy around them, and they’re more aggressive and outgoing, I’m often teased and treated as the ‘weak brother’ in the group. I don’t mind that role, because I felt submissive to them anyway, just thinking about what I thought are their thick, brown cocks.

After hanging out with Gus for about three months, I was starting to seriously consider the factors that would make it less risky to approach him. We were good friends by then and saw each other almost every day. He and I had both loosened up a lot, telling dirty, sexual jokes every now and then, especially when we’re drinking. But best of all, he sometimes talks about his deceased wife, how active they had been sexually, and how horny he is sometimes. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to entice me or not, but I was on the alert to be receptive if an opportunity presented itself.

Gus’ basement home has a bedroom, bathroom, and family room; in addition to areas for storage, heating system and hot water heater. The family room also has a sizeable nook that juts out under a bay window, where he has his desk, files, and laptop computer. On many occasions when I go over to see Gus, he’s sitting at his desk working on the computer, and he always folds it closed when I walk into the room. I can’t help but be curious about what he might be trying to hide.

I was over visiting Gus one morning, on a day when we didn’t have much work to do, and he had closed his computer like he usually does when I walked in. We were watching a sports event on his family room television, and had both finished two beers, when we heard the doorbell ring.

He got up and said, “Juliana asked me to let the guy from the carpet company in to take measurements for new carpet upstairs. I should be back in about ten minutes, so just relax.”

I’m normally politer than to poke my nose into someone else’s business, but after having those two beers, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was curious what he had been looking at on his computer and was surprised when I opened it. It was on the homepage of the ASSTR porn website. I know that site has a wide variety of stories, in every genre you can think of, but I couldn’t tell which ones interested him, since he was on the homepage.

I then looked at his favorites and search history, and saw that he has numerous porn sites listed, but not Lush Stories. It was exciting to find that he must have been a frequent user of porn, especially since the list contained some sites that I know are popular with gay and bisexual men. That still didn’t identify what his orientation might be, as either having a dominant or submissive perspective, so I looked further.

Gus lives alone in the basement, so I figured that he doesn’t have to try to hide his porn files like I did at home. So, I opened his documents library and saw several folders labeled as stories. I opened a couple of the folders and scanned the titles of the stories that looked like they had been copied from various websites. I found that many of them are titles suggesting that they’re written from the bull’s perspective, of using other men and their wives for their pleasure. It seemed like his sexual tastes are in concert with his overall dominant demeanor.

I had looked at his websites and story titles for longer than I should have and decided that I needed close it up before Gus came back downstairs. I had just gotten out of his documents and was taking a last look at his favorites list, when I heard movement behind me.

Gus had quietly come back to the basement, and he sounded both angry and embarrassed when he asked, “What the fuck, Ed? You’re mighty fucking nosy, and it’s none of your business what I’m looking at on my computer. Shit, man, this is embarrassing for me.”

I pushed back from his desk and turned to face him as I said, “I’m so sorry, Gus. Shit, I didn’t mean to pry into your personal business, but my curiosity got the best of me. You don’t need to be embarrassed about this, though, because a lot of men look at porn.”

We sat back on the couch and he replied, “Yeah, I bet that you don’t look at this shit. I never surfed these porn sites when Mariana was still with me. Are you by any chance suggesting that you look at porn too?”

His anger seemed to have lessened after my comment, and I said, “I guess it’s a little embarrassing for me to tell you, but I also look at porn.”

Gus looked at me strangely and said, “You’ve got to be shitting me, Ed. If you don’t mind me saying so, Sarah is a pretty and well-built woman, especially for her age, and I’d be all over her if I thought I could get away with it. Why would you want to look at this porn shit when you have her?”

I looked at him and answered, “Yeah, thanks, Sarah is good to look at, but she lost interest in sex over ten years ago. So, I use the porn to satisfy myself, probably just like you’re doing.”

It looked like he was thinking hard, trying to figure out what I was into, because he asked, “Well, what types of stories and other stuff do you look at?”

I wasn’t quite ready to admit my submissive nature and wanted him to discover it. I kept it kind of vague and wanted to see if he had ever been to the Lush site, when I responded, “I look at a lot of different types of stories, and even pictures and video clips. Some of my favorite stories are on the Lush Stories site. Have you ever looked at that site?”

Gus replied, “No, I’ve never been to that one. What types of stories do they have there?”

I saw that as a chance to get him to unknowingly read some of my stories, and uncover for himself what I’m interested in. I responded, “They have all types of stories, but you can find some of my favorites if you go to the site and search for the author ‘edlangston’. He writes several types of stories, and many of them are a turn-on for me. You might want to check it out when you get a chance.”

Nothing much more was said about the porn after that, and we finished watching the game before I went home. I was hoping that Gus would go to the Lush site, and maybe have questions for me the next day.

I went back over to Gus’ the next day near noon, and he looked kind of tired and sleepy. He was just finishing a beer, and he handed me one and opened another for himself, and we sat on the couch to drink and talk.

It became clear why he was so tired when he said, “Fuck, man, I stayed up most of the night reading stories on the Lush site. And while that edlangston author writes many types of stories, he seems to focus mostly on cuckold and bisexual cock sucking stories. Even though he doesn’t always use his name as the main characters in his stories, he seems to write most of them from the first-person perspective, where he is either the cuckold husband or the cocksucker for his friends. He really seems like a horny fucker.”

He had to have read a quite a few of my stories to come to that conclusion, and I was impressed with the accuracy of his insights. I still wanted to keep it a little vague as I said, “Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. He seems to like taking a submissive role.”

Then Gus continued, “There are quite a few of the stories that have realistic storylines, and it’s easy to believe that they could have really happened. There’s one in particular, ‘Discovering My Neighbor Online’, that really got my attention. Now that’s the kind of neighbor I could use to take care of my needs.”

His orientation was then obvious, and his willingness to openly and enthusiastically admit to me that he would like to have a friend and neighbor taking care of his cock showed that he wasn’t shy about admitting it to me.

I knew that he was hoping for confirmation from me, one way or the other, about my proclivities when he said, “You mentioned yesterday that edlangston’s stories are your favorites. I think I know you well enough by now, from the way you interact with me and my friends, to at least guess why they’re your favorites. I don’t mind telling you that it’s easy for me to visualize myself as the dominant character in those stories, either fucking other men’s wives or feeding cocksuckers.”

He paused for a moment, and when I gave him no reaction he said, “Come on, Ed, I’ve exposed my appetites to you, so you should feel comfortable telling me how you see yourself in those stories, and why you like them so much.”

It was exciting that he had become the aggressor, hopefully trying to gauge my interest in sucking his cock. I reasoned that he might look down on me less later, if I let him think that he had to convince me to suck him.

I looked at him sheepishly and lied about my experience sucking cocks, when I answered, “Well okay, Gus, but this is embarrassing for me to admit. I started reading those stories many years ago, after Sarah stopped fucking me. I soon realized that I identify more with the cuckold husbands than I do the wives’ lovers, mainly because I’m not that well-endowed. From there it was only natural to read the bisexual stories. I’ll admit those stories have fueled my fantasies, but I have never acted on them.”

Gus was pensive for a few moments, before saying, “Hmm, that’s very interesting to me that you’ve never experimented with someone. We both know that many of those stories include black and brown characters, and the descriptions of their cocks and balls could be very stimulating to a cocksucker. Is that something that turns you on when you fantasize about this stuff? Because if that’s a fascination for you, along with everything else, then my friends and I could help you out with that.”

I could hardly believe that he was inviting me to suck them, but I still wanted to play a little hard to get. He was sitting on my right side on the couch, and I looked at him before responding in a way that let him know that I was on the fence about it. I said, “Damn, Gus, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, I don’t think I could ever do that. I mean, shit, I, I, uh, I’ve never done anything like that before, and I wouldn’t want to harm our friendship over something like that. Are you serious, or are you just trying to fuck with me?”

He turned towards me and put his left hand on my shoulder before answering, “Yes, Ed, I’m serious. This would be a good way for friends to help each other out. You can fulfill your fantasies, and I can get some relief. I could never return the favor, because being masculo (means manly or virile in English) is important in my culture, and I could never take an effeminate role. But since you’re a gringo, I wouldn’t look down on you if you wanted to suck my cock and balls, just like in that neighbor story I read. I don’t think it will harm our friendship. You should at least get a close look at my cock, to reinforce the vision of the brown cocks you’ve been fantasizing about.”

Gus really knew how to push my buttons, and the way he positioned himself as being more dominant because of his heritage, and almost excusing me for being a cocksucker because I’m a gringo, fed right in to my submissive desires. I wasn’t ready to admit that I was the author of the edlangston stories yet, but I was getting hungry for his cock.

I had never sucked a brown cock before, and I was hoping that it’s long and thick like those in my profile pictures. And since he mentioned the story, it made me think he might also want to do more; like sitting on my face or even feeding me his piss, things I had never done before.

It had been several years since I sucked a cock, and I was nervous about committing to suck my new friend, which would also likely lead to me sucking his friends. I know from experience that some men had disdain for me after I sucked their cocks, and didn’t treat me like an equal after that.

But I finally got up the courage to respond to his offer, saying, “Okay, Gus, you’ve got me curious now, and I guess I could at least take a look at your cock and balls. I can’t promise that I’ll suck you or even touch it, but I would like to see it.”

I had never seen Gus smile so broadly as he stood up in front of me and began to unfasten and lower his pants. He dropped his pants to the floor and kicked them off, and I was sitting there with his crotch only inches from my face. His cock and balls were making sizeable bulges in his tight, white underwear. I just sat there for a few seconds, but it seemed like minutes, admiring the thickness of his soft cock. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but I wanted to maintain the illusion that that was my first time having sex with a man.

I’m sure that Gus saw from the look on my face that I wanted to touch him, and he finally grew impatient and said, “Don’t be nervous or embarrassed, Ed, go ahead and touch it and pull down my underwear. I’ve never done anything with a man before either, so this is a first for both of us.”

He was still smiling down at me when I looked up and said something to help me savor my submissive yearnings, just as my characters do in my stories. I said, “Yeah, this might be a first for both of us, but I think I would be more compromised than you. As you said earlier, it wouldn’t be manly for you to do what I’m doing, and that must make me seem pathetic and weak to you.”

Gus reached over and patronizingly patted me on the shoulder, saying, “Come on, Ed, it’s not like that. I think you know the old saying, ‘different strokes for different folks’, and that’s true for us. We’re all different, and what turns me on won’t necessarily be the same for you. So, if we just happen to be a good match for satisfying one another’s desires, then that shouldn’t be a problem. Go ahead and feel it, and then pull down my underwear. I can hardly wait to see what you think of it, compared to those pictures.”

I had played hard to get long enough, and instead of first touching his covered cock, I decided to just pull his underwear down. I was immediately struck by the arousing aroma of his musky crotch, his thick, black pubic hair, and his genitals that are much darker than his overall skin color.

His soft, uncircumcised, brown cock is like so many of my pictures. It is about the thickness of a toilet paper tube, about five and a half inches in circumference, and hung down heavily about six inches. The foreskin was partially covering the crown of his big cock head, with some of his foreskin being bunched up under the head. It looked so thick and meaty hanging there, with thick veins bulging out on the surface. His overall manliness is enhanced by his egg-sized balls that were hanging down as far as his cock in his hairy, brown scrotum.

I continued staring at his magnificent genitals as he stepped a little closer, hinting at me to take his meat into my hand. Gus gave out and audible sigh as I reached in and gripped his cock with one hand and cupped his heavy testicles with the other. His cock is so heavy and meaty compared to my little dick, and I like feeling the weight of it, as well as his heavy testicles, in my hands.

His cock was growing in my hand, and when I began to stroke it, Gus started humping against the pressure of my fingers as he moaned, “Oh fuck, oh shit, yeah, that feels so fucking good. What do you think now, Ed? You didn’t seem to be all that hesitant to stroke me once you got a good look at my thick meat, so I don’t think it would be all that hard for you to lean in and give it a taste. Come on, Ed, be my neighborly cocksucker, just like in that story.”

Gus’ cock was fully hard at what looked like seven and a half inches, and even thicker than on soft. I admit that I like to look at and write about cocks that are eight, nine, or ten inches long, and even longer, but the fact is that seven and a half thick inches is a lot of cock. And it’s not that easy to suck a cock even the size of Gus’.

I’m not sure if I believe it, but I read a study that said the world average erect cock length is five and a half inches long, and the same article said that Brazilian men are larger than average, but still smaller than some men in Africa. But averages don’t do justice to the fact that there are many exceptions to the averages, and Gus’ big cock meat is sure evidence of that.

His cock was only a few inches from my mouth, and I looked up and teased him a little, saying, “I have to admit that this is one, fine piece of brown cock meat, and your balls are amazing. You wouldn’t really want to shove this dirty thing that you piss out of in your neighbor’s mouth, would you?”

He was so aroused at that point that he didn’t even answer me, except by putting both of his hands behind my head and pulling my mouth onto his precum-soaked cock head. I had to open wide to take in his cock head and an inch of his shaft, and I loved the taste and texture of his cock head and the rubbery foreskin. I started sucking and swirling my tongue around his meat. The sounds of my slurping and sucking on his cock were filling the room, as I took more and more into my mouth.

Sucking Gus’ thick brown cock was the fulfillment of years of fantasies about sucking men of color, and Gus was able to surmise from my noisy slurping and enthusiasm sucking him, that his was not my first cock to suck.

He was holding my head and thrusting his cock into my mouth and throat so hard that I was beginning to choke. I really felt even more subservient to him as I looked up at him, with my mouth full of his cock, as he smiled down at me, saying, “Holy fucking shit, Ed, you’re sucking me like a pro, and this can’t be your first cock. Mariana used to halfheartedly polish my knob when I insisted, but fuck, you’re really sucking me hard, and you seem to be enjoying it.”

I still had one hand cupping his balls, and I moved the other back on his ass, and pulled him into my mouth in sync with his thrusts. That let him know that I was really into sucking him.

He was starting to moan loudly, after I had been sucking him for about five minutes, and he suddenly pushed me back off his cock. He was panting as he said, “Whoa, let’s take a little break from that. I’m getting close, and I want to savor this experience before I shoot my first load. I’d like to take this to the bedroom, so we can be more comfortable, and so I can try some things from that story, things that Mariana would never do for me.”

Gus was totally naked after he took off his t-shirt and kicked his underwear off his feet, as we walked to his bedroom. I was impressed by how lean and in shape he is for a man our ages. He threw his pillows on the floor and positioned me sideways on the bed, on my back, and about a foot away from the headboard. Then he straddled me, with one knee on either side of my head, and facing my feet. He apparently placed me that way, so he could kneel over me, and hold onto the headboard to keep his balance.

His balls were already hanging heavily on my face, and he gripped them in his hand and pushed them to my mouth, which I already had open. I began sucking on his scrotum and taking his testicles into my mouth one at a time, and he squirmed over me, saying, “Fuck yeah, Ed, suck my balls, just like in the story. Mariana didn’t like sucking them, and she sure would have never let me pin her down like this.”

I loved the musky aroma and taste of his balls, and that feeling of being used by him and confined under his weight. In that position, his soft cock was resting on my throat, my nose was pressed against his bulging perineum, and his ass was right above my face. I had been sucking his balls for about five minutes, when it became clear that he intended to experience more from the story. Without giving me any warning, he slid forward a little until my mouth was on his perineum, and my nose and face were pressed into his ass.

Gus sat down harder on my face, and I reveled in that feeling of being held captive by him, and ‘forced’ to service his needs. He ass was musky and more aromatic than his groin, but not at all unpleasant. And I found out his real intentions when slid farther forward, while spreading his ass cheeks with his hands, until my face was pressed right into his ass crack.

I felt like I was being smothered under him, until I learned to twist my head to the side to take occasional breaths. And as he pressed down even harder, I knew what he wanted. I began to suck and lick up and down the crack of his muscular ass, which was thankfully clean, except for a slight metallic taste. And when my lips and tongue found his wrinkled asshole, he moaned and squirmed even more on my face. I began to suck, lick, and press my tongue into his hole, and he knew that I was really getting into it when I reached up and gripped his waist, and pulled him tighter on my face.

It seemed like he was sitting on my face for twenty minutes, with him sliding back and forth with me alternately sucking his ass and balls. He finally climbed off me, lay back on the bed, and looked over at me as he said, “Damn, Ed, you are one nasty fucking gringo, and it seems like you enjoyed living out that story. I have never felt anything so wonderful, and you can suck me like that any time. But right now, I need to drain my balls. You don’t mind eating a big load of Brazilian cum, do you?”

I smiled at him as I lay between his legs and took his soft cock into my mouth. I liked starting out sucking it that way, so I could feel it throb and expand in my mouth. Even though I had already sucked his cock, balls and ass, I think we both knew that taking his cum into my mouth and swallowing it would be the final evidence of my subservience to him.

His cock got hard quickly, and I looked up at him, as he smiled down at me, with my mouth full of his fuck meat, as I bobbed up and down and sucked his thick cock. I had been sucking him for only a few minutes when he wanted me to change positions. I turned around in the bed, in a modified, sideways, sixty-nine position. His cock was back in my mouth, but my lower body was angled away from him, since he had no interest in my cock. I soon found out why he wanted me situated that way.

I resumed sucking him, and he was soon moaning as I tasted a steady stream of precum. Then he slowly rolled me over onto my back, with him on top in the same angled position, and his cock still in my mouth. He began to hump and fuck my mouth, using it like a cunt, and his cock pressed into my throat. I fought off my gag reflex, and loved the feeling of being pinned under him, impaled repeatedly on his thick phallus.

It only took him another couple of minutes to cum, and I felt his cock pulse, throb and expand as he shot squirt after squirt of his slightly bitter semen and sperm into my mouth. I swallowed his load, and kept sucking for more, as his cock softened. He stayed on top of me for another five minutes, casually fucking his deflated cock meat into my mouth

Gus finally rolled off me, and we lay back on the bed, him recovering from his massive ejaculation, and me in the afterglow of an amazing cock sucking experience. I could tell from his demeanor, that the nature of our friendship was forever changed. I don’t think you can take a man’s cock, balls, ass, and cum into your mouth, without him looking down on you as being weak and subservient, especially when he didn’t return the favor. But that’s what I wanted, when I decided to suck my neighbor.

He was exhibiting his dominance when he said, “I want to try one more thing with you, Ed, and don’t want to risk messing up my bed covers in case you can’t handle it. I need to get rid of some of that beer I drank, so let’s go to my bathroom and see if you’re willing to take a little taste of my piss.”

That was a day of several firsts for me, and after sucking my first brown cock, and sucking ass for the first time, I was in a very submissive mood and excited to try drinking some of his piss.

Gus stood a little to the side of the toilet, and I got on my knees on the other side. That way I could take his cock into my mouth, and if I was nauseated from his piss, he could easily pull out and aim for the bowl. I learned a little about people drinking piss, when doing research for my ‘Discovering My Neighbor Online’ story, so I know that piss is basically sterile and harmless if taken directly from a healthy person with no urinary tract diseases. So, I was willing to try it, especially since I thought feeling a stream of piss shooting into my mouth might be a kind of surrogate for cum shooting in, which I really love, at least in my perverted mind.

As I knelt before him, with his cock in my mouth, waiting for him to piss, I realized that my previous comment about taking a man’s cum in my mouth being the ultimate debasement, might no longer be true. He had to be thinking even less of me, looking down at me smiling, as I was about to take his beer piss in my mouth. I wanted to try it, though, and I hoped that I would be able to handle it.

Gus seemed to be concentrating to get the flow started, and I knew that he was ready when he held my head firmly in his hands, apparently not wanting me to be able to pull away. I felt his cock flex, as his strong stream of piss started. I was pleasantly surprised that it tasted kind of bland: a little salty, with maybe a hint of the beer we had been drinking.

When Gus saw that I was sucking his soft cock and willingly swallowing his piss, he said, Fuck, Ed, now you really are a nasty cocksucker, but I love it. That’s it, keep swallowing, man, because my bladder is full. This is fucking amazing, watching you down there on your knees drinking my fucking piss.”

I couldn’t tell how much of his piss I swallowed, but it seemed like over a cup, as the strong stream continued. The stream subsided within a couple of minutes, and after a final little squirt, the flow stopped. I then realized that I had to piss, and said, “Whoa, that was certainly a new experience, and surprisingly, I really enjoyed it. But now I have to piss. I have a shy bladder, so could you give me a little privacy?”

Gus backed away from the toilet as I stood up and said, “No way, man. You told me earlier that you have a small dick, and I want to see what you’re talking about, especially since that probably contributes to you being a cocksucker. I want to see how small it is, to find out why you liked sucking mine so much. Get those pants and underwear off so I can get a good look.”

It was embarrassing for me to show him my little dick. But at the same time, that humiliation nourished my feelings of submissiveness to him. So, I unfastened and unzipped my pants, and then pushed them and my underwear to the floor. He looked down, smiling at my soft dick which is only about two inches long on soft, and said, “Damn, buddy, no wonder Sarah lost interest in having sex with you. You can’t satisfy a woman with that thing. She’d love my big cock.”

I know that my face was red as I responded, “Well, it does grow to twice that size on hard, but it’s still not much compared to your big cock.”

Gus smirked and said, “I’d like to see for myself how big it gets. I want you to keep your pants and undies off, so when you suck my cock again in a little while, I’ll be able to see it. I’m sure that it gets hard when you’re sucking my cock and balls.”

After I finished pissing, we went back out to get a couple of more beers, and to sit and talk on the couch. He was still naked, and I was naked from the waist down. I decided to confess to Gus and said, “I know this has been a good experience for you, and you can tell that I enjoyed being your cocksucker. I really wanted this to happen, and that’s why I told you about those stories on the Lush site, to get the conversation going.”

I waited for a moment, and when he didn’t reply, I continued, “I have to admit, Gus, that I am the author of those edlangston stories, and they reflect my deep-seated fantasies. I had hoped since the day we met that I would someday be able to suck your cock. It is so risky and difficult to make the first move, when trying to determine if someone has an interest in being sucked. And when I saw that porn on your computer, I knew I had a chance if I could just get you talking more about sex.”

Gus laughed and said, “I knew that there was something timid about you, and you never seem to come on strong when my friends are over. I can see how it would be risky to make the first move, but I sure wish you had approached me from the beginning. My friends and I will be happy to feed you all the cocks, balls, asses, cum and piss that you can handle, and it’s better that we live so close and will have a lot of opportunities to use you. I don’t know what makes you that way, but I’m happy to take advantage of it.”

Then I further admitted, “I think you could tell that I’ve sucked a few cocks before this, but I had never sucked a brown cock, or sucked a man’s ass, and I definitely hadn’t, before today, taken piss from a man. And although I think that I’m a normal man in most aspects of my life, for some reason I can’t explain, I really love giving sexual pleasure to men. I know that you are probably looking down at me for that, but I can’t help what my desires are.”

Gus put his hand behind my head, and pulled me down to suck his cock again, as he said, “Well, like I said earlier, it’s ‘different strokes for different folks’, and you shouldn’t care what anyone thinks about you, as long as you enjoy being a cocksucker. I won’t be ready to cum again for you for a little while, but in the meantime, you can enjoy my cock and balls.”

I moved to my knees in front of Gus, as he scooted his ass out to the edge of the couch seat, and put his legs on either side of me, with his feet up on the hassock in front of the couch. He leaned back with his eyes closed, and sipping on his beer, as I took my time and leisurely sucked his balls and cock. I then turned around, with my back to the couch between his legs, and lay my head back on the seat as he stood up momentarily, before sitting back down on my face. He pulled his ass cheeks apart again as I pressed my face in to find his sphincter, and I sucked his ass for what seemed like fifteen minutes.

We relaxed a little while after that, until Gus was ready to be sucked off again. He had me lay lengthways on the couch, with my head hanging partially over the arm rest on one end, and he fucked my mouth like a cunt, until he fed me another, yet smaller, load of his tasty Latino cum.

After getting dressed, and before I left for home, he said, “It’s going to be great having you as a neighbor, Ed. I’m horny all the time, and it will really be great having your mouth to use to get off in. And as much as you seemed to enjoy everything we did together, I think you’ll enjoy my friends too. They still have wives, but they aren’t getting much sex at home, and they’ll love using a gringo’s mouth like your. So, if you’re willing, this can be good for all of us.”

I smiled at him and said, “I think I’d like that, Gus. When do you think they’ll be over again?

He laughed and replied, “Well, I’ll give them a call tonight, and after they hear what you did for me today, I’m sure they’ll want to come over tomorrow. Paulo and Luiz are usually the horniest, and I’m sure they’ll make it, but Guilherme and Lucas might come over too. You’d better be sure about this, because they’ll want to be aggressive with you. Just plan on coming over mid-morning, and you’ll get all of the cock and cum you can handle.”

I was on cloud nine that night, thinking about I had done with Gus, and anticipating sucking his friends. Paulo is a big man, and overweight, but not obese. He’s about six feet and one inch tall, and I’m guessing that he weighs around two hundred and thirty-five pounds. His skin color is a very dark brown, and he looks a lot like an African-American, except for his straighter hair and more-Caucasian facial features. Luiz is more Gus’ size, with lighter skin.

When I walked in the door the next day, Gus, Paulo, and Luiz were sitting on the couch drinking beer and laughing. From the couple of comments I overheard, I knew that I was the subject of conversation. Gus was just finishing a sentence before he saw me come through the door, and he was saying, “I’m not kidding you guys. Ed was hungry as hell for my cock, balls, and ass, and I even pissed in his mouth. He’s one nasty and horny fucking gringo.”

Paulo was the first one to see me come in, and he said, “Ah, good, Ed, you’re here. Come on over and sit next to me. Gus was just telling us what you did for him yesterday, and I could sure use your talents right now. My wife would never do the things for me that you did for Gus. She’ll only rarely suck my cock, and she’s never swallowed. I think you’ll love my big, black cock and my big, fat ass to press your face into.”

Paulo started taking off his clothes before I even said anything, and before I knew it I was looking at his very thick, uncircumcised black cock, and a huge set of low-hanging balls. His cock is gnarly with thick veins on the surface and seven inches long on soft. He had a gamey, musky aroma that was intoxicating to me, and I didn’t hesitate to lean down and take his thick meat into my mouth.

I sucked him leaning over like that for a few minutes, and then swiveled around onto my knees in front of the couch, without ever taking his cock out of my mouth. Then I pulled his hairy legs over my shoulders as he scooted down farther, and I stroked his cock as I sucked his big, black balls.

Paulo was moaning as he said, “Gus was sure right about how much you like to suck balls, and I want to feed mine to you like he did. Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

We all went into Gus’ bedroom, and I positioned myself by the headboard as I had done with Gus. Paulo didn’t hesitate to straddle and squat on my face, and I sucked his huge, black balls while staring up at his hairy ass. Before long he moved forward as he said, “Fuck yeah, Ed, now munch on my big, sweaty ass for a while.”

He settled down on my face and I sucked and licked his big crack and asshole, until he pulled back and shoved his ten-inch cock into my waiting mouth. He fucked my mouth like a cunt until he pumped five large squirts of cum into my mouth, as I swallowed to get it all down.

Then Paulo laughed as he said, “Get ready to swallow, cocksucker. Gus told me how you like it wet, and I’ve got plenty of piss for you.”

He pissed in my mouth, right there on the bed, and I swallowed it all without spilling a drop. Then Luiz straddled my face, feeding me his balls and ass, until he finally fucked my face with his eight-inch cock, and fed me his cum.

We went back out to the family room after that, and I took turns between their legs, sucking each of their cocks and balls as Gus played porn on his big-screen TV. I took three loads of cum from each of the men in three hours that afternoon. That set the pattern for my relationship with Gus and his friends.

I continue to go over to Gus’ and suck his cock almost every day, and two days a week, on average, he has one or more of his friends over to be serviced. The most men I sucked in one day is five, and it was kind of hard to believe how horny those men were. They loved using my white, cunt mouth for their pleasure, and I hope that it will continue for many years to come.

Published 7 years ago

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