Pleasure In Punishment, Lessons Learned Part 2

"His surprise becomes her punishment"

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Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I see that I have about thirty minutes until the rehearsal.

“I have to get to the rehearsal but I would much rather hold you!”  I whisper as I wrap my arms around her and hug her into me even tighter.

“Do you mind if I shower off before I head back?”  she says as she stands up.

I look at her standing there.  My body is wanting to grab her and finish what was started, but my mind has other plans.  I break myself out of my short daydream and look at her eyes.

“Only if you let me wash your back,”  I say with a wink.

“Okay, I will get the shower started!”  she says over her shoulder as she goes to the bathroom.

I hear the shower curtain slide and the water start.  I get up and retrieve some shorts out of my drawer and pull them on.  I walk into the bathroom and see her tilting her head back into the water.

“Well, don’t you look like a mermaid?”  I say as I reach for a washcloth and soap.

She tilts her head down and her smile turns to a pout.  

“I thought you were going to wash my back?  Are you not joining me?”  she says as she begins to pull my arm towards her.

“No my dear, I will wash your back and then I need to go to the rehearsal.  Plus, I know I would be late if I got in there with you.  I would not want to leave, you know that.”

She giggles and turns her back towards me.  

“I saw what you gave me.  You put a hickey right next to my lips.  I didn’t know you were doing that when I felt you down there.  I like it.”

I smile.  “Only you and I know it is there.  No one else.  Our secret and my mark I give to you.”

I start on her shoulders and begin to caress her back as I spread the lathering soap down her legs.  As I begin to rise up her legs I make sure I give her butt a sharp spank.  Her flinch and sharp “oh” puts a smirk on my face because she did not expect it at all.

Standing up, I turn her to me.  “Would you like to come back here for the gig tonight?”  

As she steps back into the water I notice a look on her face.  Unable to interpret the look, I ask if she is okay.

“Oh I am fine, but, I will need to visit with my friend and will not be at your gig.”

I lean in and give her a kiss.  “Okay, please be careful and I will talk to you tomorrow morning!”

I look up during a short break in the rehearsal and see her standing at the doorway blowing me a kiss goodbye.  The feeling in my stomach after she blew me the kiss was not the cute little butterflies so many people say they get.  It was more like someone poured a gallon jug of Willy Wonka’s fizzy lifting drink down my throat.  I was feeling that I was shooting past cloud 9 and had no intention of stopping.  Well, until the band leader let me know we were starting the next tune.

Rehearsal over, I head back into the room and drop off my horn and check my computer for messages.  The only message is from her letting me know she made it safely and looked forward to our trip tomorrow.

After penning a reply, I shut down the computer and head to the front desk in order to inquire about getting a rental car.  I decided I was going to go get the provisions and other items for the trip and I wanted to get them before the gig tonight.

The show went very well.  A good crowd and a good group always make gigs a blast.  After a little bit of mingling and discussion about another show sometime in the near future, I excuse myself and head back to my room.  After I activate the lock with my card, I open the door and see a silhouette on the bed.  

She is there, dimly lit by candles on the nightstands.  She is laying on her side with the white sheet loosely draped over her.  I can see the edge of her rosy-colored areola peeking out from the sheet.  I close the door behind me.

“Welcome home, dear, I have been waiting for you,”  she says then giggles.  She turns her head and then her body as she follows my movements in the room.  Without a word I cross the room and open the closet.  I kneel down and extract a large bag from the back.

“Are you not happy that I greeted you like this,”  she asks with a hint of worry, almost fear in her voice?

Dressed in all black because of playing the gig, I am a shadow in the room because of the dim candlelight.

“I am very pleased that you have greeted me this way.  You have offered yourself to me and you should be rewarded.  However, you did break into my room, you have been a bad girl.  A bad girl should be punished.”

“But sir, the extra key was on the dresser and I just picked it up when I left because I wanted to surprise you and…”  She stopped instantly due to me snapping my black leather belt together.

“You have been a bad girl and need to be taught a lesson about asking for permission.  Turn over.”

“But Sir!”

Leaning over, I punctuate my words as they come out between a growl and a whisper, I reiterated my previous direction.  “Turn….Over!”

“Yes, Sir,” she says as she lays face down on the bed.  WHACK! The end of the belt with the holes decided that it would leave an exact representation of itself across her left cheek.  She flinched prior to impact because she could see me lower the belt.

“Oh, you were expecting that one huh?”  

I turn and reach into the large bag and pull out a long and wide, white, silky piece of fabric.  I fold it long ways and cover her eyes and cross it over the back of her head.  “I am not going to tie this, but, this will not move from your eyes.  Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl,”  


The flinch didn’t happen until after the belt gave its kiss.  A duplicate mark formed in a parallel stripe next to the first one.  Whack, Whack.  Two more made their home on her right cheek.  Slight whimpers and a few ohs were floating in the air after the punishment was executed.

“Bad girls need to be given a lesson don’t they?”

“Yes, Sir.”


”Oh, Sir!” 


Heavy breathing was the only sound in the air.  She was trying to control her breath but it came out in deep, breathy, full moans.

Taking my hands I cup both cheeks and kiss each mark.  Gentle pecks covered each one.  Moans of pleasure were emanating from her lips after each assault received a kiss.

Standing back up, I decided to survey my work.  Beautiful lines, where the belt landed after each caring swing, were appearing.  I decided to fold the belt over and snap it once again.  I see her tremble, a shudder goes through her entire body with an involuntary moan.  She lifted her head slightly and the cloth fell off of her eyes.

In the dim light, I could see her eyes slam shut when she saw me standing in front of her.  Opening her eyes again she could see me with the belt in my hand.  The belt once again wrapped in a way that I was using the buckle as a grip, as I swing it back and forth.  Her eyes widen and through a whimper, I hear, “I am sorry, Sir, I am sorry, I wasn’t trying to, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to disobey!”

“Put the cloth back to where I want it,”  I say in a very flat, yet expectant tone.    She does so without hesitation.  I see her tears begin to wet the cloth.  As I walk around to the other side of the bed I begin to wonder.  Is she truly repentant or was she trying to test me?  

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK!!  Each mark being applied in the opposite direction of the previous marks.

“Oh Sir, OH, I am sorry!”  

Whack, Whack!

She says nothing after the last two reminders.  Just a few quick breaths being drawn in and a slight sniffle.  I sit down in the chair next to the bed very quietly.  My breathing is deep and slow, controlled.  My lungs filling with the aroma of the candles and of her.  

The smell of her anticipation, yearning, and wanting.  She is learning, and she is a good girl.  After sitting and looking at her red striped bottom for ten minutes, I stand up.  I kneel on the bed and lean down to her right ear.  I kiss it once on the earlobe, move up, and kiss it again on the spot I bit earlier.  In the candlelight, I can see a little red mark so I decided that it needed refreshing so I gave it another nip.  She flinches but the cloth stays in place.  I kiss her temple, her cheek, then her neck.  

As I stand up, I take the cloth into my hands and instruct her to turn onto her back.  I walk across the room then reach into the bag and grab the next items of pleasure.  I turn to look at her as she is laying on her back looking at me.  Eyes and cheeks wet from her tears and a smile on her face that tells me that she trusts me to take her to the boundaries and beyond.

Published 4 years ago

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