It’s Friday afternoon. That means the stock markets are closing today and only opening again on Monday morning. I have two more hours of analyzing the charts in front of me, and then I’m off to a well-deserved weekend.
When I start thinking about it, I haven’t made any plans for tonight yet. I’ll probably take it easy, have a good dinner and watch a movie or something chill. Working inside during this hot summer weather is just draining me. I’ve got nothing planned with friends, so I’ll just take it as it comes.
My parents are spending the weekend with friends. Some festivities. That’s good for me. It’s only Sarah and me for the weekend. She went out drinking, so there are virtually no disruptions for me. Just me, a cold beer, and a movie. I chose a straightforward comedy. It’s unusual for me, but, today, I really don’t want to use any more of my brain. Simply zone out and relax.
It’s a surprisingly good movie. I watched it almost to the end when I hear the door getting unlocked. I look at my watch. It’s 10:54 pm. I hear some indistinct chatter and laughter. For a brief second, I panic because I imagine Sarah bringing a guy home. How would I react? Would I try to play it cool or try to give him a hard time? During these thoughts, I become aware that the other person is a girl and I slowly relax. The girls are speaking quite loudly and I can hear them giggle. Are they drunk? Sarah probably went out to a bar drinking with her friends and now she came back to possibly continue here? I don’t know.
I suddenly become aware that they will probably enter the living room soon to say hello before they go up to Sarah’s bedroom. I lift myself up a little from my lying position to sit straighter on the sofa, but still trying to look relaxed, quickly fixing my hair with one hand. Sarah has some hot girlfriends. I don’t want to look worse than necessary.
I hear the giggling intensify and Sarah is walking into the living room. She greets me quite loudly and cheerfully, “Hey Ry, what’s up.”
I hate when she calls me “Ry” and even more so when other people are around. I don’t answer immediately, but notice her friend standing a bit behind her. The first thing I notice is that I have never seen her before and that she is a bit chubby. The lights in the living room are out, but, since they have turned on the lights in the hall, I can see that she has blonde, shoulder-length hair and a soft face. They both step a little further into the room, but the friend stays halfway behind my sister.
“I’m watching a comedy. It’s quite good,” I pause. “You guys been drinking?”
“A bit,” Sarah answers with a smirk looking at her friend. I notice that her friend appears to be quite shy in the way she moves, looking down at the floor a bit when Sarah makes eye contact with her.
“I haven’t seen Laura in ages. She used to be my best friend in junior high. We had a lot of catching up to do.”
“Hi, Laura,” I say smiling at her intently.
“Hi,” she lets out a soft whisper in response while looking at me. There is something about this girl that attracts me, but I don’t quite know what it is.
Sarah tells me that they were planning to drink a glass of wine and watch some TV, but now they found me here. Hmm, she probably hopes for me to offer to continue watching my movie upstairs on my laptop or something, leaving the living room for them.
Our main sofa is being repaired under warranty for a malfunctioning spring, so there’s only a small two-seater left in the living room for people to sit on. The problem is that it has only space for two people to sit comfortably. Usually, my mom and dad watch TV, here, mostly while Sarah and I are entertaining ourselves in our rooms.
I contemplate the situation for a second in my head. Should I back down and give up the sofa for them? That would be the “nice” thing to do. But it doesn’t feel right to me. I was here first, and they can find something else to do.
“I’m doing a movie night,” I tell Sarah.
“Come on, we want to catch up; can’t you do that upstairs?” Sarah replies with a little too much eagerness and emotions.
“I don’t have a TV in my room, but I don’t mind if you guys stay,” I reply.
“There’s not enough space for all of us to fit,” Sarah protests.
Laura takes a small step back towards the hall. Maybe she is indicating to Sarah that she would rather go upstairs because this discussion is making her uncomfortable. But it doesn’t seem like Sarah seems or wants to notice this.
She just stands there for a few seconds and then leaves the room with Laura following her. Seems like they are going to go upstairs after all. But then Sarah turns off the lights in the hall and reenters the room with a glass of wine and a blanket in her hand. Laura is also holding a glass of wine. Sarah puts hers down on the small table in front of the couch and sits down next to me. We are completely occupying the sofa almost touching each other. Laura just stands there awkwardly.
“Sit down, Laura,” Sarah demands. Sarah tries to make some space for her on the sofa.
Sneaky bitch, I think to myself. She tries to drive me away by intruding into my space. I won’t back down that easily. I’ll teach her a lesson.
Laura looks extremely uncomfortable now.
“There’s not much space,” she replies in a low shy voice looking first at Sarah and then briefly at me. After a brief moment and no reply from Sarah who is looking at me, I answer.
“It’s okay. I’ll make some.”
I look at Sarah, and she seems to be a little shocked at my response. She probably didn’t anticipate that. I move as far to the side of the sofa as I can, but it’s quite hopeless; there’s just not enough space for three people to fit in.
To my surprise, Sarah doesn’t get up, and Laura cautiously moves between me and Sarah, with both of us squeezing to the side of the sofa so she can somehow fit in between us. Her thighs are strongly pressing against mine while she is trying to find a comfortable position. I have to shift a bit so my ass is towards the side of the sofa and my body is more open towards her. Laura is turned slightly towards my sister. She is probably too embarrassed to face me. I can feel her thick ass pressing on my thigh.
Luckily, it is quite dark in the room. The only illuminating light is coming from the TV. In a moment of genius, I manage to somehow lean over to the floor to pick up the blanket Sarah had dropped to hand it to her. She takes it and pulls it over herself and Laura while also covering me towards where Laura is touching me. This all makes it a little less awkward for Laura, I suppose. At least nobody can see how Laura and I are touching now.
I stay in position and look at the screen. The credits of the movie are rolling. I missed the ending. But, fuck it, I have other things to think about now.
“Let’s look for a movie to watch on Netflix,” Sarah says with determination in her voice.
I don’t try to push my luck to start an argument with her on which movie to watch next. I hand her the remote control while saying “You guys can pick, just no romance please.”
Sarah seems to be content. “Oh nooo, we need some action,” she replies.
Laura stays awfully quiet. Sarah finds a movie and asks Laura if she’s ok with it.
“Yes, it’s fine,” Laura replies in a soft voice.
The movie starts, and I begin to change my position, slightly. My right hand was at the back of the couch to make space for Laura to sit down. I slowly and carefully put the hand under the blanket trying to place it between her and me without touching her. But it’s not possible. The outside of my hand is lightly pressing against her upper thighs. She is squirming a bit when she notices the touch, but there’s simply no space for her to go. I act casual as if it’s not a big deal, my eyes focused intently on watching the screen.
I can feel the fabric of her pants. I didn’t notice it before but she must be wearing either leggings or stretch pants. Something like that. I am starting to enjoy this more and more. I am barely paying attention to the movie. I am noticing her perfume now. It’s sweet and feminine with a touch of citrus notes.
After a few minutes, I subtly intensify the pressure of my hand and slowly shift in position. Suddenly, Sarah leans forward to pick up her glass of wine. After a second, Laura follows to do the same. This is my chance to shift to a better position! I shift so my crotch is pointing even more toward her. Now she is leaning back and I can feel her ass pressing against the top of my thigh very close to my crotch. My dick is hardening while I’m trying very hard to avoid touching her with it.
While the girls are clinking their glasses and saying “Cheers” to one another I rest my right hand, palm down, on the side of the upper thigh of Laura. My heart is beating. Will she move or say anything? I stay frozen, watching intently on the screen while the girls are taking a sip from their wine glasses. A few seconds pass. Laura is not moving a bit. It seems like she is tolerating my touch.
I let a minute or two pass. Laura is taking another sip of her wine. I get bolder by resting my right hand on the middle of her upper thigh. Only touching her very lightly though, not pushing the envelope. I focus on Laura’s breath. She seems nervous. I don’t want to back up again, but also I try not to push my luck too far right now.
I have to make her feel at ease a bit showing her I’m not a perv fixated on feeling her up. There’s a car chase going on in the movie and I comment on a few things I notice, acting completely casual. On an almost car crash, I squeeze her thigh a bit. Fuck this is turning me on. My dick is pushing hard against my joggers. I’m very conscious of not touching her thighs with it. Moving just an inch more toward her and my dick will touch the top of her upper thigh.
She takes another sip and then moves forward to place her wine glass back on the table. I’ll put my hand back on the back of the couch and let her lean back. Give her a break. But fuck, now I’m back at square one. That wasn’t smart. I take a deep breath and decide to move back in.
I wiggle around a bit with my body, so it’s not obvious that my goal is to touch her more. My right hand moves back under the blanket coming to a rest on the inside of her left thigh touching her right thigh with my small finger. Just a few inches away from her pussy. This time, I act assertively. There’s no point pretending that it’s natural to rest my hand there. I’m obviously being sexual with her.
She is not moving at all. I have the impression that her breathing becomes more rapid. Every time Sarah engages in conversation with her she gives only one-word replies. Laura is heavily reacting to my touch. Maybe she is enjoying herself. Or maybe she is too shy to say something? I don’t know, but I’m more and more willing to find out how far I can go with this.
Somehow, I decide now it is time for her to feel my cock. There’s a good chance that she could freak out and either stand up or tells my sister. That would be very awkward for me. But I just had to take my chance. It’s almost like I have to, now. In my mind, I decide it is better to poke her from the side rather than just slowly touch her by resting my hard-on above on her thigh as I did before with my hand.
I press my ass hard inside the side of the sofa to be able to shift position. I hold onto the edge of the sofa with my left hand and use her thigh slightly for leverage to shift pressing a bit deeper into her. I shift more than the first time to be able to point my dick against her thigh. Oh god, there’s no space. No turning back. I’m now pressing against her thigh with my hard dick! She must feel it very clearly. My right hand is still calmly resting where I left it before.
I wiggle slightly. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t say anything. A sense of euphoria comes over me. My dick is pressing against a girl I don’t know, and she likes it. Or at least she’s tolerating it. Adrenaline and dopamine are shooting through my body. Who would have thought this would happen tonight? On a night I had planned to relax by myself.
I can feel my pre cum wetting the inside of my pants. I’m not shy anymore. My dick is constantly pressing against her thigh. She is probably getting wet too. I take my left hand to reposition my dick slightly within my pants to poke her even more directly. She doesn’t react. I decide to push it further.
My right hand slides slowly but firmly beside her thighs which are pressing together. It requires a slight force to push my hand between her thighs. Her pussy is close. I can feel my hand being squeezed between her thighs. My breathing is getting more rapid. I press further back toward her pussy like a relentless Michael Jordan on his drive to the basket. This is my purpose now. This is what I am alive for at this moment.
I press further. Slowly and controlled but with no hesitation. I’m feeling her. My little finger is touching her. Fuck, I’m touching her pussy through her leggings. I press still a little deeper down and further towards her. Now, I can really feel her better. My hand is really warm now being engulfed within her legs. Either I am completely imagining things or I can feel her being quite wet down there.
I twist my hand slightly so I create some space between her thighs to push further. Definitely. She’s fucking wet down there. What a naughty girl. Oh god, I’m loving this.
The sound of the movie stops abruptly. I’m looking at the screen. I can see the pause sign. My heart is racing like seldom before in my life. I turn my head to my left. All this happens within a second, but it seems time is moving slower.
“Need to go to the toilet,” Sarah says while standing up and removing the blanket while doing so. Gladly I react quickly by removing my hand quickly from touching Laura’s pussy.
“I’ll go, too,” I hear Laura replying to Sarah while also standing up slowly.
Fuck me that was close, I think to myself while both girls leave the room. Probably Laura felt too awkward staying next to me and that’s why she joined Sarah to go to the toilet. But what do I know, girls are weird in this way.
I take a deep breath while thinking about what has just happened and what should be my next moves. Do I want to push this further? Is Laura sobering up on the toilet? Should I just leave it at that or go back to where I left off? I can feel my dick still hard as a rock nudging me to continue. Fuck it, I’ll just have to risk more if I get another chance. I can’t hear them coming back, yet, so I hastily push down my boxers as far as I can within my jogging pants, so my dick has more breathing space. I plan to push down my pants a bit under the blanket so that part of my dick will be peeking out.
I’m waiting for them to return. I briefly realize that I haven’t paid any attention to the movie at all. I put the blanket over my lap so Sarah won’t be able to see the big bulge in my pants. It’s been more than five minutes, now, and they didn’t return yet. What’s going on? Is Laura telling my sister about what happened? That would be horrible. Are they not coming back? Maybe Sarah asked her if she is still comfortable on the couch.
I hear a door close in the hallway and steps coming closer. Sarah is entering the room while chatting about weekend plans with Laura. Laura still seems awfully quiet. I don’t make eye contact with them. Sarah sits down first, with Laura close behind. Both Sarah and I make some space for Laura to fit back. Once she settles, I lean over a bit and give Sarah part of the blanket so we can pull it over ourselves again. While doing so I poke Laura with my cock again and stay in that position a good second longer than needed.
Sarah presses on play again. Sound and pictures are filling the room again. I don’t move right away. Keep her guessing a bit if I have the balls to do it again.
After two or three minutes I’ll move my hand back on her thigh and make my way slowly but decisively back toward her pussy. There’s no hesitation in my movement. This time I press down between her thighs so that my right hand is completely holding her pussy. I shift again to poke her with my dick. With my fingers, I start to slowly massage her wetness through the leggings. I keep doing this for a bit while intensifying the pressure. I can feel her pussy lips through the fabric of her pants. I hear her breathing more heavily.
I watch Laura, intently. Sometimes, she is closing her eyes for a brief second. But she is always very aware of Sarah. I am too. The last thing I need now is for Sarah to get suspicious. It seems like Laura doesn’t want that either.
I slowly remove my hand from her pussy again. I could feel how turned on Laura is right now. Now it’s time for my plan from before. I slowly shift in my spot while pulling down my jogging pants very, very slowly. Sarah couldn’t have noticed this. But maybe Laura could have felt something. I grab my dick and fix it on the top of the waistband of my pants, so it peeks out halfway. Touching my dick I feel the pre cum on my fingers.
I decide to start by placing the part of my cock which is peeking out on top of Laura’s thighs. I switch my position a bit in my seat as best I can. I want to just lay it there softly, not grind it into her so it requires me to sit up a bit and lower myself again. I’ll do the movement and while my dick is landing on her thigh I look at Laura intently. I think I can see her eyes widen a bit. She must have realized it now. The fact that my bare dick is directly touching her leggings.
I place my hand on top of my exposed dick and press it lightly into her thigh from above. Rolling my hand up and down, slightly massaging my dick. The tip of my cock is oozing with pre cum and through my rolling more is coming out and spreading over her leggings. The fingers of my right hand are covered in my pre cum. Although I’m only rolling my dick I can feel the sensations intensifying. I need to stop this for now, otherwise, I’ll cum all over her leggings.
While still rolling my dick I am thinking about what to do next. I make a decision. This might be even bolder than getting my dick out. I need to be careful so that Sarah doesn’t notice anything. I pull the blanket up further so it covers me almost up to the shoulder while helping to fix it the same way for Laura. Sarah seems to be following the movie while also pulling the blanket a bit higher. I’m glad this worked so smoothly.
I push myself more upright. My right hand finds Laura’s hips and it wanders further toward her belly. Is she going to say anything? I’m trying to slip inside her leggings but her top is in the way. I slowly fiddle around a bit not trying to raise any suspicions. Fuck, this is taking me too long; I’m getting a bit nervous. And if I’m getting nervous, Laura might be getting double nervous, considering her shy demeanor and what I am doing with her.
Finally, I’m able to push her top up enough so my fingers are free to move. I go very slowly, just pushing the tips of two fingers under the waistband of her leggings. Then I halt for a second. It feels like I should be going slow. Earn her trust. I can’t speak with her, so my motions need to be considerate mostly, but also firm when needed.
I’m very slowly pushing forward more. The tip of my ring finger finds its way inside her panties. I pause again for a few seconds. I need to find the right speed for doing this. Not too fast but also not too slow.
My hand pushes further inside, and now the tips of three fingers have entered her panties. I stop again, for a brief moment, to pay close attention to Laura. Nothing has changed from before, she doesn’t seem to be any more nervous.
I take this as a green light and move my hands further. Now, all my fingers have entered her slip, and, on my middle finger, I can start to feel some wetness. No more hesitation now. My fingers are slowly moving further down and I can feel the warmth and wetness of her pussy lips. I don’t rest anymore. My fingers are slowly moving up and down just massaging the outer parts of her pussy lips.
I can totally feel her pussy juice on my fingers. Her pussy must be soaking wet. No wonder. She probably doesn’t experience something like this every day. Through my fingers, I can feel some short pubic hair. There’s a good chance she just trimmed them or hasn’t shaved in a little while. Maybe she doesn’t have a boyfriend or regular sex.
While all these thoughts are running through my mind I notice that my fingers have increased their pace in the motion I was making. It’s time to push inside her soaking wetness. I don’t start with one finger first but slowly push my middle and ring finger inside of her. I don’t even look at her reaction I just feel her on my fingers.
I push my fingers further inside her. Her pussy is basically eating them. I push further. And further. I’m deep inside her now. I start to go in and out of her slowly. Looking over to Sarah to see if she notices anything. She must have noticed my glance because she starts speaking. My fingers instantly freeze inside Laura.
“Why don’t they just smuggle the drugs with a little boat?” Sarah asks while looking at me.
Oh, fuck she’s asking something about the movie. Nothing comes to my mind.
“Yes, Sarah, I agree. A boat seems to be a better idea than doing it with a little airplane,” Laura answers.
Sarah seems to be content with the approval. Wow, Laura saved me I really wasn’t prepared to give a proper answer. How could she follow the movie with my fingers in her pussy? Good girl. She should be rewarded.
I move my fingers again but this time not sliding inside her, instead, I’m stimulating her g spot in up and down motion. My goal is to give her an experience she never forgets. My nervousness dropped quite significantly and that is mirrored in the pace I move my fingers inside her. No pausing, just constant steady stimulation. I try to hit her clit with my thumb while stimulating her, but it’s difficult. I intensify hitting her g spot. Maybe I’ll make her cum all over my fingers.
I stop relatively abruptly and slide my fingers slowly out of her pussy. Massage her pussy lips for a second but then move to her clit stimulating her in an up-and-down motion. Doing a circular motion would be more suspicious. I don’t want to push my luck completely. My sister is just inches away from her pussy.
I think of the pussy smell. Right now I can’t smell it through the blanket. But what if we remove the blanket later and Sarah can smell it? She’s not stupid, she can put two and two together. There are also possible spots of my pre cum on Laura’s leggings and her pussy leaking through her leggings. I lift the blanket with my left hand a little on my side and indeed there’s an intoxicating smell filling my nostrils for a second. I have to deal with this later somehow. Right now my fingers are on the clit of a girl with whom I haven’t spoken more than five sentences.
During all my rushing thoughts I never stopped massaging her clit very slowly. Now, I push my two fingers back into her pussy again. I contemplate for a second if I should add a third finger, but doing that would push my luck and make it much more uncomfortable for me to do a steady motion.
I repeat the same motion as before trying to hit her g spot as best as I can. It’s now or never. For a few seconds, I go very fast and I can feel Laura twitching in her seat. I think this is too much for her. Let her enjoy this to the fullest. After a few seconds of hitting her intently, I slow down my motion significantly. I can’t be sure if she just came or not, but it’s very possible.
In any case, I had fun with her. I remove my fingers from her hot, pulsating pussy and slide them down gently on her outer pussy a couple more times before I slowly, slowly remove my fingers outside her panties and outside her leggings. Fuck me, my fingers are covered in her juices. So hot.
I remove my hand further without touching my dick, which is still laying on her thigh pulsating pre cum. I move my hand outside the blanket on top of the blanket. I notice Laura peeking over to see what I’m doing. By inspecting closely, you can see my fingers glistening, but Sarah doesn’t seem to notice. Laura is looking down at my hand multiple times though. That’s the hand that started this and which gave her all the pleasure.
I take note that Sarah is immersed in the movie. Once I’m sure Laura is aware of my hand, I guide it toward my face. We have a moment as my fingers are touching my lips where Laura’s and my eyes lock. I push the two fingers into my mouth and lick her juices off while she is watching me. Her taste hits me very intensely. She tastes sweet and feminine. I can feel my cock twitching while tasting her and looking deep into her eyes. The moment lasts only a brief second or two, but it feels like it solidifies so much between us.
I did all this for both our pleasures. Laura can begin to trust me. At least that’s how I feel. The naughty time is over for me now, and I shift again in my position to pack my raging hard-on back into my pants. I have a little trouble doing so. Sarah is noticing and looks over to see what I’m doing and then at Laura. I settle down shortly after. I don’t think she noticed anything.
I put my hand back reassuringly on Laura’s thigh. It feels so natural now almost as if I’m watching a movie with my girlfriend and my sister. Laura and me both relax. I think we are both happy that it’s over now. We didn’t get caught and it was a pleasure for both of us.
We continue to watch the last thirty minutes of the movie like this. Sometimes I caress her thigh a bit or squeeze her lightly. Subtly intensifying the intimacy between us.
When the movie ends the girls talk a minute or two about it while I pretend to play around with my phone. Then they both get up to go upstairs.
Before leaving the room Laura turns around to me and says, “It was nice meeting you, Ryan.”
I reply with a smirk on my face, “Yes, likewise, it was an adventure to watch this movie together.” Sarah won’t understand this, but I’m sure Laura will.
The night turned out much better than expected after all. It will be interesting the next time I see Laura. If it will be awkward between us or if we can build on this pleasurable experience.