My boyfriend’s roommate, Shana, celebrated her birthday a few weeks ago. She had moved in a little more than three years ago and she hadn’t aged a lick since then—quite the contrary, in fact. It took a while, but Ken (and I) learned to be very okay with that. You see, his roommate was like a daughter to us.
Shana spent the previous night at my apartment so Ken was able to get his place fixed up for a fun family birthday party. Shana and I let ourselves in right on time and Shana ran to give him a hug.
“Daddy! I had such a good time at Mommy’s house and you were right—I didn’t even miss you!” She looked so cute in her denim romper with the stem-to-stern zipper and her jelly shoes, which were a far cry from what she’d wear Monday morning. Shana wrapped her arms around her daddy’s neck and opened her mouth for their “I love you” kiss while I brought her things into her bedroom.
Our girl was a little anxious about sleeping over at my place but Ken and I had a long talk with her ahead of time about how much fun and exciting it would be. I’m happy for her that it was. She ran around popping balloons until I dished out the cake and ice cream.
“Tell me about your sleepover, Shana.” Ken gave me a wink.
“I really liked Mommy’s apartment. It only has one bedroom so I got to sleep with Mommy. We watched movies and ate cheese sticks and she didn’t make me do my homework like you do, Daddy.”
“I checked her calendar, Kenny. There was nothing that couldn’t wait.”
“That sounds great, Princess! What else did you do?”
“We played with Mommy’s toys!”
Ken gave me a look. “Really? Toys? What kinds?”
“Well, she keeps all of them in her nightstand. She said that was because she didn’t want to share them but guess what? She shared them with me!”
“She did? Your mommy must really love you.”
“Uh-huh, she does! And do you know where she plays with them?”
“Tell me.”
“Mostly in her pussy but sometimes in her butthole. And a lot of them hum and tickle when you play with them.” She turned to me with a serious, girl-to-girl look. “Can I tell him about the big one?”
I smiled and shrugged. “I think you just did, but go ahead.”
“Daddy, one of them looks just like your penis except it’s dark brown and a lot bigger. Mommy said I could play with that one some other time. Anyway, she has jewels for your butt. Daddy, do you remember how my pussy gets all slippery when you lick me or fuck me? Well, Mommy has stuff that’s slippery just like that.
“She gave me a little jewel and she took the big one and we put some of that stuff on it and I could pop that jewel right into my butt! It felt really funny but I liked it a lot and I wanted to keep it in all the time. Mommy said I could keep it in for a while but we need to take it out before bedtime. Anyway, it made my butthole look really pretty.”
“Pictures, Bet?” Ken whispered to me.
“So, Mommy gave me a toy that was shaped like a rocket and she got one for herself and we squirted some of that stuff on them and we just relaxed on the bed moving the humming rockets in and out of our pussies. That felt real good, let me tell you!
“Mommy and I talked about school and boys and you and things while we played with our toys. After a while, we stopped talking and just played. Mommy was breathing real hard and moved hers in and out real fast and wiggled her clit so I did that too.
“Well, the next thing you know I was cumming and Mommy was cumming and we laughed about that. I pulled mine out but Mommy told me, ‘Don’t stop now! This isn’t like with Daddy,’ so I pushed it back in and you know what? Mommy was right!”
“I counted four,” I told him. “The girl couldn’t be stopped.”
“Uh-huh. After that, we cleaned our toys including the jewels, and turned off the lights to go to sleep. I crawled up Mommy’s nightshirt and fell asleep just like that!”
Ken and I had picked Shana’s present long before the sleepover and exchanged knowing glances after she gushed about the butt plug.
“Here you go, Princess! We think you’ll really like it,” Ken said.
She tore at the rainbow and unicorn paper and squealed when she saw what it was.
“It’s a pony’s tail! This end goes in my butthole, right?” She didn’t give us a chance to respond before she dropped her panties, squirted the accompanying lube, and popped in her tail. She whinnied and pranced around the room. “I’m a pony!” She stripped naked and held her front hooves against her breasts as she cantered some more.
Shana was a beautiful girl with muscular haunches and outstanding breasts with nipples that could pierce your soul. I was doubly glad at her giddiness because Ken and I knew that something was bothering her that she wouldn’t share.
She hugged each of us in turn and kissed our faces over and over. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”
After the party, our daughter whickered and whacked herself to sleep.
Shana lived in two worlds: grown up and not. When they moved in together, Ken was slyly invited to be her daddy and he embraced the role. I came into their lives a couple of years later and even though I didn’t live with them, we were a family.
We were a family that fucked each other a lot but a family nonetheless.
Usually, Shana couldn’t wait to undress and play dress-up when she got home, Ken told me, but lately, she’d simply loosen what could be loosened and mope.
“When was the last time she went out? I mean, for a good time.” I asked him.
“A long time ago. When we go out shopping or whatever, she actively avoids any adults. And the teens see her as an adult so…” Was that it?
I had a friend who boarded her neighbor’s estranged son, Michael, after they kicked him out after graduation. Big-bosomed Pauline was only about ten years older than Michael but she overflowed with a motherly need to nurture and Michael was only too happy to attach himself to her.
By “attach himself” I meant his mouth on her nipple. All. The. Time.
I was visiting once and was reminded that boys don’t walk—they clomp.
“Mommy. I want a snack,” he said, tugging at her t-shirt.
Pauline snapped her shirt back down. “Muffin! Manners! We have a guest. Say hello to Aunt Bet.”
“Oh.” He hung his head toward me. “Sorry. Hi Auntie Bet.” Looking back at his mommy, he added, “Now, can I?” He looked so pathetic that I shrugged my acceptance at Pauline.
“Fine,” she said to his clapping-hands delight.
My dear friend struggled to get her shirt past her bust. Her boobs were big when we first met but now, after she taught her body to make milk for her boy, they were striking. Her boarder, her “son,” was suckling before her bra could be set aside. She dabbed at the dribbling other one with a napkin.
Michael wiped his mouth on his sleeve after a long drink and ran off, bottomless with beads dangling out of his bum. “Thanks, Mommy!”
“Stop right there, young man! Either push those beads all the way in or take them out but don’t you lose them again.” He stuffed them in and scampered down the hall. “And wash your hands!”
Michael, like Shana, was on his own on weekdays but when he was home, he was playing with his model trains or Legos. Pauline took care of her boy the way that any good mother should, bringing him juice boxes and snacks and making sure that he cleaned up after himself every time that he ejaculated. Pauline was right—boys are messy.
Lately, though, he was sullen and restless. “I’m afraid of losing him,” Pauline said.
“Sullen and restless,” is what Ken had said about Shana.
What they needed was a play date.
Ken and I had laid out Shana’s outfit for the evening. We didn’t tell her we were having guests for dinner earlier because we didn’t want her fretting about it. She was uncooperative at first but relaxed into the comfortable routine of Mommy and Daddy undressing and dressing her.
I brushed the knots out of Shana’s hair while Ken put her undies on her: a white cotton camisole and white cotton briefs.
Next came the flowery skater dress with capped sleeves. Bet and I made a race out of running her white thigh-high socks all the way up and tickled her when we got there. I loved her giggle. She spread out her legs to let us put her Mary Janes on her feet. Her hair was pulled back with a ribbon, making her a proper young lady.
I let Pauline and Michael in. He was wearing a checkered button-down short-sleeve shirt, baggy, knee-length shorts, and white ankle socks. His sneakers lit up when he walked.
The three adults gave hello hugs and kisses while the two kids just stared at each other. “Shana, this is a friend of mine. You can call her ‘Aunt Pauline.’ And this is her little boy, ‘Michael.’” Shana half-hid behind her daddy.
Michael took Pauline’s hand. “Muffin, this is Ken. He’s Bet’s boyfriend. You remember Aunt Bet, don’t you?” After some coaxing, Michael shook Ken’s outstretched hand. “Shana is their daughter. Isn’t she pretty? Michael…”
“I guess.”
“Aren’t you going to say hello?”
“Hi.” Shana stared at Pauline for a second and set the tone for the rest of the day. “Daddy, Auntie Pauline has really big boobs.”
We had activities set up for them, so we could watch their play. I shooed them to go color while the grown-ups talked. We weren’t certain how the two would connect and so along with new jumbo boxes of crayons, the coloring books ranged from unicorns and superheroes to tits and cocks. The unicorns were quickly set aside.
“Do you really think I’m pretty?” Shana asked without looking away from the cock she was rubbing with a thick brown crayon.
Michael was drawing bigger nipples on the tits in his book. “Uh-huh.”
“Thanks. I think you’re pretty too.”
“Mommy says I’m ham-sum. She says I’m her ham-sum little man.”
“Wanna play a trick on the grown-ups?” What a mischievous grin Shana had, which was quickly matched by Michael.
She ran to us and asked her daddy if they could have some paper bags to color.
“What for?”
“You know, to color and stuff.”
“And stuff, huh?”
Kenny retrieved two bags and Shana skipped back to her co-conspirator. “Got ‘em!”
We couldn’t hear what they were whispering between giggles and shushing. Ken called out when they skulked towards Shana’s room.
“Hey, I told you to stay out here.”
“Daddy, we have to go in there.”
“Daddy, just for a minute!”
“One minute and leave the door open.”
“Daddy, just for a minute!”
“Okay, one minute and don’t close it all the way.”
They dashed for her room with colored bags in hand. The door slammed but was re-opened a crack before Ken could say anything. We wondered what they were up to. Pauline said this was new to her. After a few minutes of sniggering, they emerged with the bags over their heads.
“Guess who’s who!” they demanded. They had switched clothing and since they were about the same height, they might have gotten away with it except they hadn’t switched socks. Shana’s thigh-highs went right up into the legs of Michael’s shorts and Michael’s legs were mostly bare under Shana’s dress. The adults all guessed wrong to the delight of their kids.
They pulled their masks off and Michael shouted, “No, I’m Michael and that’s Shana!”
“Are you sure?” asked Pauline. “The one in the shorts sure does look like my Muffin!”
“No, I’m your muffin, see?” Michael hiked his dress up and pulled his penis out of his underwear. “See?”
“Oh, my, yes, that’s Michael’s pee-pee. You sure had me fooled!” Pauline turned to me and wondered out loud whether she should find some dresses for him.
“Is Michael always so demonstrative with his privates?” Ken asked.
“Oh, yes, ours is definitely a clothing-optional home.”
“I mostly keep my clothes on but I never know what Shana is going to wear next, if anything.”
“Shana and I almost always play dress-up when I’m here,” I shared. “I’m not surprised she came up with the clothing swap.”
Meanwhile, Shana had shed Michael’s shorts and her panties, and the two were dancing while holding hands at arm’s length. Michael’s underwear was on the floor next to hers.
“My daddy’s penis is bigger than yours.”
“So, nothing. He has hair down there, too.”
“Only grown-ups have hair down there. Everybody knows that.”
“Daddy, show Michael your penis.”
“Another time, Princess.”
Michael whispered something into Pauline’s ear.
“I’m sorry, Muffin, but we can’t do anything about that right now.”
I asked if anything was wrong and she dismissed it with a wave. “He has a stiffy.”
“What’s a ‘stiffy?’” Shana asked.
“That’s a penis that gets hard, Sugar,” Pauline explained.
“Oh, Daddy gets those all the time! I know what to do!” She flipped his dress up and started to blow him.
“Mommy, Shana knows about stiffies!”
“That’s a funny word,” Shana said between licks. “Yup, Daddy’s is bigger.”
We watched in awe of her enthusiasm as Michael came in her mouth. As soon as he was done, he kissed her, swiping his tongue around her cheeks. “Hey! Where did it go?”
“Where did what go?”
“My boy juice! I need to clean up after myself!”
Shana panicked. “Did I do something wrong? I always eat Daddy’s cum. Was I supposed to save it?”
Ken gave her a hug and explained to them both that sometimes she can eat it and sometimes she doesn’t have to and either way is okay.
“Does that mean you want me to save your cum for you?”
I laughed out loud at that one and answered for my boyfriend. “No, Love, your daddy will never clean up after himself.”
Michael toddled to his mother and tugged at her shirt. “I’m hungry.” I told them I’d get the snacks out but he said, “No, I mean I’m Mommy-hungry.”
Ken and I knew that Pauline had been breastfeeding Michael and offered her a room for privacy.
“What does he mean by ‘mommy hungry?’” Shana asked.
Michael quickly told her. “When I suck on Mommy’s boobies, I get milk to drink!”
“You do not! You’re telling stories!”
“Uh-huh! I do so!”
“Do not!”
“Do so!”
Once we calmed them down, Pauline explained that some mommies make milk and some don’t. “Would you like to try some?”
Shana leaned against her daddy who kissed her head and said, “Go ahead, Princess.”
Pauline unbuttoned her blouse and opened both sides of her nursing bra. Michael latched on and quickly suckled. “It’s okay, Shana. Put your mouth on my nipple and suck like Michael’s doing.” Shana touched her lips to Pauline’s ginormous tit and then took just the nipple between them. “Come on, Sweetheart, put your whole mouth on it suck like it’s a big ol’ straw.”
She made a good effort and got a mouthful.
“That’s not milk!”
“Yes, it is, Love,” I explained. “It’s Mommy’s milk. You’ve only had cow’s milk before. Try again.”
Pauline lifted her tit and that time Shana settled right in, suckling side-by-side her play date. Pauline was obviously, obviously enjoying the duple suckle. Her hand repeatedly reached and withdrew from her lap.
When they were done, Michael ran off with his semi-stiffy bobbing ahead of him while Shana said, “Wow! That was so cool!” before giving her auntie a big, open-mouthed kiss. She followed after Michael but paused for a second. “Mommy…”
“We’ll talk later, Love.”
“Hey!” Shana called to Michael. “Do you like ponies?”
“What’s she so excited about?”
“Pauline, you’re about to see the cutest thing!” Ken said.
They were in Shana’s room for only a few seconds before Shana pranced out, naked, with her plug-in pony’s tail. She galloped around the apartment with her friend close behind, whooping and hollering.
“Me too! I want to be a pony too!” Michael begged, stripping off the dress he was still wearing. We had to have a talk with Shana about sharing but they eventually took turns and wore each other out.
They sat on the floor in the corner, holding hands and speaking too softly for us to hear. I got a picture of that; they were so cute! Then Shana closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide. Michael stuck out his tongue and they eventually found each other, kissing the sloppiest kisses that I had ever witnessed. They kept holding hands in the middle as Shana fingered herself and Michael jerked his pee-pee.
We all got videos of that.
Shana broke the kiss when she got “the tingles.” Michael was still rubbing until Shana took over for him. When he called out that he was going to make a mess, Shana took him into her mouth just in time. She opened her mouth when he was done to show him.
“See? I remembered to save it this time!”
They cleaned up together, although I had to draw out a couple of wipes to finish the clean-up. I swear half his cum was on their faces. “Maybe you two should get dressed now.”
“No,” Shana drawled. “That’s okay.”
I put out the more substantial snack that I had planned for earlier and that time they gulped it all down. They chattered about everything except Mondays through Fridays, nine to five. We adults in the room gave up trying to stop their oversharing and accepted that we’d always have more in common with each other than we would have imagined.
The three of us lost ourselves in conversation as well until Ken noticed the kids weren’t with us. I crept to Shana’s room and my heart melted. I waved the others over to see Shana cradling Michael as he nursed. She placed a finger to her lips to keep us from disturbing him.
We gave them some time and when they came out, Pauline told Michael to get dressed, that it was time to go.
Hugs and kisses went around the room. Michael and Shana lingered with their heads on each other’s shoulders.
“I love you, Michael.”
“I love you too, Shana.”
I teared up; I couldn’t see the others.
The door closed following a trail of bye-byes and I-love-yous.
Kenny asked Shana if she had a good time. She wrapped her arms around our necks and softly thanked us before ducking into her room.
“What’s next?”
“I don’t know—maybe a sleepover?”