Piper’s Smoking

"Eighteen-year-old stepdaughter desperately wants to start smoking cigarettes."

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Quint’s eighteen-year-old stepdaughter Piper bounced through the front door of their home. With her came the sweet scent of body spray and suntan lotion.

“Hi, daddy.”

She set her backpack down and headed for the kitchen. His smoking fetish was instantly aroused. A few days earlier, Piper expressed a strong interest in smoking. Out of the blue, at the checkout line in the grocery store, she said, “Daddy, I love you, but I love cigarettes too.” Caught completely off guard, and thinking it an odd statement, he couldn’t find the words to immediately reply. But, his cock reacted instantly.

Quint’s had an amazing fuckstick. A veiny eight inches of girth, with an oversized mushroom cockhead. He was endowed. The problem this amazing bulbous head presented is that, when Quint had a public erection which he did from time to time, none of his pants allowed the room needed – even for just a semi.

While blood filled his cock as a result of Piper’s statement, he discreetly pulled on the zipper area of his trousers and bent over some. Piper was batting her beautiful green eyes up at him, waiting tenderly for Quint’s reply. Her full lips stretched out into a broad smile, exposing perfect teeth. The crotch of Quint’s pants was at its limit. He could hear his own heartbeat in his eardrums.

Saying nothing to Piper, Quint refocused, said to the clerk, “And a pack of Marlboro Reds.”

“Pick a lighter,” he told Piper

She scanned the options above the magazine rack and settled on a Bic with a picture of Bugs Bunny on it. Bugs was holding a carrot with his hands on his hips. She struck the flint wheel a few times, producing a bright yellow flame. Releasing the tab, allowing the flame to die, she clasped the lighter to her chest in excitement – before handing it over to her stepfather. They collected their bags of food, Piper’s first pack of smokes, and headed toward Quint’s Lexus.

As he pulled out of the parking spot, he asked, “How do you know you love cigarettes? Have you smoked one? Ever?”

“No, but I’ve always wanted to. I dreamed about it,” she replied. “Cigarettes have always been something I knew I would add to my life, and now that I’m an adult, I want to do it.”

Quint shot back, “Alright, but let’s take it slow. I want to make sure this is what you really want.” He knew this was the start of an erotic training game. He would be the one to control the process and bring her along. On the drive back to the house, Quint felt a bead of precum leave his pisshole.

That was three days ago.

Since Piper’s proclamation of love or cigarettes, he’d jerked of seven times. An unopened pack of Marlboro Reds and a Bugs Bunny lighter in front of him each time. Three times, at night, in his room with the door closed, two times in the hall bathroom, once on the couch, and once outside by the pool.

At five-foot-two, one hundred pounds even, and super-cute – Quint knew Piper would be an amazing smoker to have around. She’d be his smoker. He always wanted a live-in cigarette smoker, and his adorable Piper would fill the spot nicely.

A smiling Piper came out of the kitchen with a root beer. She came over to the couch where Quint was relaxing, sat down at his feet, and said, “Daddy?”

He knew the implication.

Quint said, “Go into the top drawer of my dresser.”

Piper sprung to her feet and raced to his bedroom.

“I picked up an ashtray for you too, but just bring the Marlboros for now,” he said in a raised voice.

She quickly returned with the cigarettes. Not knowing exactly what to do next, Piper stretched them out to Quint, who was still seated. He said, “They’re yours. Go ahead and open them.” She licked her lips.

Breathing heavy with anticipation, Piper found the small tab on the cellophane and pulled the rectangular casing away from the pack. She pushed back the folding top, exposing a thin layer of foil. Quint had seen her open many presents through the years, but nothing came close to this. Piper was captured by the thought of entering this new phase in her young life. He could see she really wanted this.

Piper pinched the foil away, revealing twenty fresh corks. She looked at them, and then to Quint, as if for permission to proceed.

He said, “Take a cigarette out.”

She complied.

“Put it between your middle, and forefinger.” In that moment, his cock jumped and then rolled in his pants.

Watching her, he noticed how big the cigarette looked compared to her small frame.

“Now, bring it up to your lips and let it dangle.”

He opened his legs to relieve a growing tension. To his relief, his cock had found its way under the leg-hole of his briefs and was traveling down his thigh.

“I want you to keep the unlit cigarette with you for a while. I want you to walk around the house with it and work on your smoking behaviors. I want you to be comfortable with having a cigarette with you. I want you to play. Okay?”

Piper smiled and nodded.

As the next few days passed, Piper had her unlit Marlboro with her at all times. Dangling from her pouty lips as she checked her phone. Between her fingers while she ate cereal. Pinched in her teeth when she took a piss. At the end of each day, the cork was soaked in her saliva.

Quint came home one day, to find Piper making the bed with the unlit cigarette in her mouth. He said, “Well, what do you think?”

Piper said, “Daddy! This has been fun!”

Quint then said, “Throw that wet one away, and let’s move to the next level. I want you to light a cigarette, and as many as you like for the next few days – but don’t inhale. Walk around, have more fun, but don’t smoke yet. Okay?”

Piper smiled and nodded.

Over the next few days, Quint watched Piper. On the first day of this phase, he peeked into her room, only to catch Piper in the mirror, dancing with the lit smoke. When he looked in again the next day, she was in the mirror practicing conversation as a smoker.

“So, what brand do you smoke?” Piper asked her reflection. She then folded one arm across her chest, while resting her elbow on the hand. With the lit cigarette up high in the air, she answered herself, “Right now, I’m really enjoying these Marlboro Reds. This afternoon, it’ll be Newports. And then tonight, Benson & Hedges.”

Seeing her enjoyment, and smelling the smoke coming from her room, Quint couldn’t take it. He walked across the hall to his own bedroom and closed the door. Once inside, he pulled his zipper down, freeing his throbbing cock. He reached underneath his balls and pulled them through the zipper also. With his exposed cock now firm and reaching toward the ceiling, Quint released a large dollop of spit from his lips onto his giant cockhead.

Just as he rubbed the saliva over his knob, and was beginning to stroke his hand down the shaft, a ribbon of cigarette smoke came into the room from under the door and met his nostrils. This sent him over. Before the bottom of his hand reached his scrotum – on the very first stroke, the warm rush of orgasm was on him. Hot jets of jism exploded from his pisshole. “Oh, Piper, you naughty slut.” Quint said softly through stuttered breathing.

The following morning, while drinking his coffee, Quint waited on the couch for Piper to exit the bathroom. He was dressed for work and had a few minutes to spare. Leaving the bathroom, blonde hair pulled back in a long ponytail, and still in her powder blue pajamas – Piper said, “Good morning, daddy!”

“Good morning, sweetie. Come here for a minute.”

Quint moved to the end of the couch. “Lay on your back with your head on my lap. Today is the day.”

Piper giggled a little and obeyed.

Looking up at Quint and knowing what was coming, she licked her soft, full lips. Quint pushed a Vantage Full Flavor king between them. Striking a match, he touched the flame to the end of the cigarette. This would be her first inhale. Quint had never smoked himself, but had seen and studied so many beautiful women smoking in his life, he felt he could easily assist his young stepdaughter in getting started.

With the back of her head resting in his crotch, lit cigarette in her mouth, Piper’s pretty eyes were fixed on Quint’s. He said, “Relax, keep a tight seal around the filter, and breath through the cigarette. I’ll take it from you and replace it as we go.” Piper’s amazing mouth tightened down on the cork, causing the cherry to glow brightly. The snaking string of smoke leaving the tip stopped. It stopped because it was now being drawn through the cigarette, into Piper’s beautiful body. Quint was certain she would cough, but she inhaled smoothly and completely. He pinched the Full Flavor king and lifted it from her mouth. Lungs still full, her face expressed a satisfaction Quint had never seen in anyone. With the cigarette gone for a moment, Piper pulled in extra air. This pushed the smoke into her further. She then formed her tender lips into a complete circle and exhaled a large stream of smoke toward her socked feet. Quint scolded her, “Are you sure you didn’t smoke before this?”

Piper laughed, with the last of the smoke coming through her teeth. After a few short blows to completely clear her airway, she said, “No, daddy! I swear! I knew this was going to be special. I waited like you told me. I waited so we could do this together!”

Quint grinned, “Well, you’re already looking like a pro. You did great. Let’s keep going.”

Still holding the Vantage – filter-down – between his thumb and forefinger, he pushed the cork through her lips once again. This time, Piper double-pumped the cigarette, creating a long ash. Seeing her inhale strongly, Quint withdrew the king and said, “Hold it.” In obedience, Piper locked her lungs. “Ok, now exhale through your nose only.” At hearing this, Piper blasted two twin cones out of her cute button nose.

Quint tapped the long ash into his half-empty coffee cup and gave the cigarette to Piper. “You should know by now how to hold it and play with it. When you put it between your lips, spread your fingers wide and allow the cigarette to move upward with the power of your mouth. If you’re doing it right, your cheeks will sink in and hollow. Always hold the smoke inside for full enjoyment.”

Quint looked at his watch. “I have to get running. We’ll have some more fun with this tonight.” Oh, before I go…” He opened his briefcase. Inside, along with everything he needed for the office, sat two cartons of cigarettes – Camels Wides and Newports. He handed them to young Piper, who was still holding the lit short of the Vantage king. “I want you to try different brands. You should smoke at least one carton of them all. When you smoke through those two, I’ll bring home two more.”

Cigarette in hand, Piper smiled big, jumped up from the couch – and hugged Quint. “I love you, daddy!”

Published 4 years ago

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