We were woken by Liz when she returned just after ten. Amy started to get out of the bed as she came into the room but Liz stopped her. “It’s okay Amy,” she told her. “I don’t mind and there’s no point in getting out of a nice warm bed to get into a cold one, is there?”
Amy smiled as she got back into bed. Liz sat on the edge of the bed close to her. “Had a good time?” she asked her as she brushed hair off Amy’s forehead. “You look shattered.”
Amy smiled.
“I hope dad isn’t wearing you out!”
This time Amy laughed.
“Amy has one of those magic wands and I have been a bit over jealous with it.”
Liz laughed. “Tom, give the girl some privacy,” she said. “Actually, I nearly got one of those once,” she revealed. “Your Aunty Margo has one.”
“My friend Becky bought me one for Christmas,” Amy told her.
“I hear that they can be quite intense.”
Amy nodded. “They can be dangerous in the wrong hands,” she responded turning around to look at me momentarily.
Liz laughed.
“I dug out our old bondage stuff,” I told her.
Liz smiled. “I see,” she responded looking across at me. “And I take it that dad took full advantage?”
Amy blushed and looked away. “You should take it easy on her, Tom; she’s not used to this pace of things.”
“It’s okay mum, Dad’s not… well, he’s not leading me anywhere that I don’t want to be led to.”
Liz stroked her forehead. “You’ve grown up so quickly,” she said to her. “It’s hard to take in that not long ago you were our little girl and now you’re a grown woman.”
Amy smiled and took her hand. “I’ll always be your little girl mum even when I’ve got kids of my own.”
Liz leant over and kissed her. It was a touching moment of mother and daughter bonding. “Having those piercings done – did it hurt?”
Amy shook her head. “Not really,” she answered. “I mean, it was a bit sore at first just like any other piercings but it’s well worth it.”
“I was thinking of having it done,” she said. “Apparently you’re Aunty Margo has had her hood done.”
“Wow,” Amy responded. “I didn’t think she was the type.”
Liz laughed. “Joe has suggested that I get one.”
Liz looked at Amy. “He’s my boyfriend.”
“So things are serious between you then?” Amy asked her.
I lay silently behind her not saying anything.
“I wouldn’t say that it was serious but we do like each other and we enjoy each other… in bed.”
Amy must have felt my erection suddenly pressing into her back and she reached around and held it. Liz stood up to go. “I would like to see your piercings sometime if that’s okay,” she said to Amy.
Amy turned around onto her back. “Take a look now mum if you want,” she said pushing the duvet down to her thighs.
I was quite shocked with her doing that but Liz just sat down on the bed again. “They do look pretty.”
Amy pointed at the ones on her labia. “They were done for a couple of boyfriends, Jeff and Malcolm,” she explained, “and the hood was done for Becky. She has them as well.”
“I see,” Liz said. “Joe was explaining to me a bit about them earlier. You can change the beads anytime can’t you?”
“Oh yes. They just screw off. They’re just like earrings in a way. You can take out the barbell and change that too if you want.”
Liz seemed fascinated by them. “I’m planning have a Venus sometime.”
“A Venus?”
Amy explained it to her mum. “Tell you what, mum, why don’t we have it done together? Jen is very quick and very good.”
“She’s one of the Body Piercers. She’s very gentle.”
“So I’ll be in good hands then,” Liz said.
Amy laughed. “She has a lovely soft touch mum.”
Liz was still looking at her hood piercing. “Joe was saying that it rests on the clitoris,” she said to her. “Must be quite intense?”
Amy nodded. “You will notice the difference when you have sex.”
Liz smiled. “So Joe was saying too.”
“He must be quite an experienced guy.” Amy said.
Liz smiled. “You could say that; he’s been married and he’s had a few flings along the way.” she said as she stood up. “Well I better have a shower and get to bed.”
Amy pulled the duvet back up.
“There’s always room in here,” I told her, “patting the space behind me.”
She stopped and looked at the bed. “No, it would be invading your space.”
“It’s okay mum,” Amy told her. “We have finished for the night and it will be cold on your own.”
Liz smiled. “Okay then. I’ll be about half an hour if you want to… well get your goodnight kissing and cuddling done.”
Amy turned over to me as the door closed. “Mum seems quite content with everything,” she said reaching for my erection.
“Yes,” I responded. “I think Joe’s made a difference in her.”
“And you don’t mind him making a difference in her do you, dad?”
I said nothing.
“You don’t mind another man fucking her do you?”
I groaned. Amy was pushing my buttons. “Well he must have quite a big one,” she said as she began to stroke me.
“He’s black and she says that he is about the same size as me but doesn’t have the girth I do.” I revealed.
“West Indian.”
“Wow!” she retorted. “Mum’s gone black!”
I laughed.
“Having a black guy is on my own to do list,” she said before kissing me.
I rolled her onto her back. “Amy Warren you are a very dirty girl.”
She laughed and reached down to pull my cock into her. “I’m a bit of a slut, actually, dad,” she said quietly. “And sluts like to be fucked regularly and very hard.”
I did just that. I slipped my hands under her bottom forcing her legs high into the air and I fucked her with vigour and power. And watching it all was Liz. As I rested on Amy’s now still body, I caught her standing in the doorway watching us. Amy quickly turned to face her with a look of horror on her face but Liz just smiled and quietly closed the door behind her.
“How long has she been stood there?”
“No idea,” I shrugged. “Maybe she’s a bit of a voyeur.”
“You don’t care do you?” Amy smiled.
I shook my head. “She can pull up a chair next time for all I care.”
We laughed and then got up and went to the bathroom together. Amy stood by the toilet waiting for me to finish cleaning my teeth but after I finished I just stood there. “I need a pee,” she told me.
“Ever heard of watersports?” I asked.
She smiled. “Yes,”
“I like watersports. Next time I expect to watch you.”
Amy smiled and kissed me. “Not with Mum around.”
“Maybe she likes it to?” I said as I walked away.
We had settled down in bed by the time that Liz came back. She climbed in behind me and switched off the light. It was just after eleven. I found myself becoming aroused again. I had two naked females either side of me and Amy had not long taken my flaccid cock in her hand and enlarged it. Liz had turned on her side and was pressing quite tightly against me. I could feel her groin against my side. I felt her hand alight on my thigh and her fingers reach out to touch my cock but they encountered Amy’s hand and quickly pulled back.
“It’s okay mum. I don’t mind you touching him as well.”
Her hand returned and clenched around my erection above Amy’s. As Amy turned on her side to face me she pushed back the duvet cover back. I was now lying on my back between the two of them with their hands holding my erection. “Everyman’s dream hey,” Liz said with a smile.
I never said a word.
“Would you share him with me sometime Amy?” Liz asked.
She laughed. “Of course, mum,” she said. “He’s still your husband.”
“Thanks. He is a good lover and I do miss sex with him.”
I laughed. “Well as long as you do not want it now,” I told her. “I’m kind of knackered at the moment.”
“You’ve worn my poor husband out Amy,” Liz said with laughter.
“Well have to get together and sync out diaries.” Amy said.
“Good idea,” Liz responded. “How about Wednesday night?”
“I’m seeing Joe on Tuesday morning so Wednesday will be fine.”
“Ooooooh,” said Amy.
“He’s coming here so I hope neither of you come back until the afternoon at least.”
“Romps in the marital bed hey, mum?” said Amy.
She laughed. “I kind of think your dad doesn’t mind.”
“I think I agree with you there,” Amy said. “I think dad is a bit of a cuckold on the quiet.”
“Excuse me!” I said reminding them that I was still there.
“Actually, I have a confession to make,” said Liz. “I think I’m the female equivalent. I… I quite enjoyed watching the two of you at it just now.”
“Well, as dad said to me, you’re quite welcome to pull up a chair and watch. I don’t mind.”
“As long as you are not going to munch away on a bag of popcorn,” I chipped in.
The girls laughed and I reached for the duvet cover. I was ready for sleep now.
Sleep came quickly but it was a disturbed one. First of all it was very warm lying between two naked bodies and trying to get back off to sleep with an erection was difficult, especially when both women had wandering hands. I finally awoke just after six. I was facing Liz and she was holding my erection. She was fully awake and smiling at me. “You were tossing and turning a lot in your sleep last night” she said very quietly.
“Turning, most certainly,” I responding. “But no tossing though.”
She smiled. “And would you like to be tossed?”
I kissed her. “I would prefer a fuck.”
“Well Amy is right behind you.”
I reached down between her legs. “Amy’s asleep and I would prefer to fuck you, anyway.”
“Amy’s awake,” came a voice from behind.
I turned over and Amy greeted me with a kiss. “Spoilt for choice hey,” she said. “Two eager females to choose from.”
Liz pressed herself tightly against me and took hold of my erection again. “I want to keep myself for Joe tomorrow,” she told me. “So it will have to be Amy.”
“Thanks mum,” she said. “Yes dad, mum wants to be nice and fresh for her boyfriend tomorrow and I sure that you would prefer her to be hot and horny for her fuck tomorrow wouldn’t you.”
She was taunting and teasing me and I reached down between her thighs and pulled her flat onto her back. “Yes, you’re right, Amy,” I said as I rose up to mount her. “”I’ll fuck my slut of a daughter instead.”
Amy welcomed me between her wide open thighs as Liz pushed the duvet down. She wanted to watch. She wanted to watch her daughter getting fucked from close up. I lifted Amy’s legs onto my shoulders to give her a better view. I wanted her to see my hard cock thrusting in and out of her. But most of all I wanted her to hear her daughter squeal as she got fucked. “Come on Amy,” I said. “Let mommy see what a filthy slut you are.”
And Amy obliged. Getting carried away, she started to call out to me to fuck her harder. Liz also got caught up in the frenzy of it all; her hand found its way to Amy’s breasts and her erect nipples. Amy gasped very loudly as her nipples were taken between finger and thumb and squeezed hard in turn. But the loudest screams came when her hand found its way down over her tummy to her mound and alighted on her hood. A little pressure, a little rub and Amy soared into a world of heavenly ecstasy.