I took a walk after breakfast. There was still no word from Liz despite a couple of texts from me. Apart from some fresh air I also needed to clear my head. The last twenty-four hours seemed to have been one long fuck-fest, not that I was complaining. Amy had been insatiable. I had never met anyone like her before.
After her spanking I had fucked her over the table; still using the hairbrush on her thigh as I tugged on her hair. She screamed all the way through it. Then she took me to her room where we fucked once more, this time in her bed. “Come on daddy, fuck me in my bed,” she had begged me.
It had been five years since I had been in her room and that was to re-decorate it. She had been moaning at me for ages to change the nursery decor of the place to something more grown up. I spent the whole weekend in there. Now it was like a teenagers’ room. Walls plastered with posters. I lay on my back in her bed afterwards taking it all in. I was impressed with her tidiness but not her posters of pop stars. I had never heard of most of them.
“That’s a daft name for a pop group isn’t it – No Direction,” I told her.
She gave me a shove and corrected me. “I wanted to marry the one in the middle,” she confessed.
“He doesn’t look very stylish to me,” I retorted.
She laughed and shoved me again before running her hand down my body to my groin. “Mum’s very lucky, you know,” she told me. “You’ve got quite a whopper.”
I laughed. “How many have your seen?”
She lay there thinking as she stroked me. “Twenty… four, no five,” she replied. “I forgot to include yours.”
“And have all the others fucked you?”
“Oh no, not all of them,” she responded. “Fourteen, fifteen including you.”
“What happened to the other ten?”
“Most were just dates and I didn’t fancy taking things further so I gave them a handjob instead. “There were two that I remember being too small and they got nothing.”
“Poor lads.”
She laughed. “Well I just don’t give it away for nothing.”
I was hard again thinking about her fucking other guys and so I rolled her onto her and fucked her again helping create a nice wet patch in her bed.
We fucked again in the evening. I was relaxing with a glass of wine watching some football highlights when she came into the room with a book in her hand and dressed in a t-shirt that barely covered her bottom.
The glitter of her piercings caught my eye and my imagination. She flopped down beside me and opened out her book. It was a sex manual. “I was wondering if you could help me with my homework, dad?” she asked me showing me a page with a photograph of a couple in the reverse cowgirl sex position. “I would like to know more about this position. I know the other cowgirl position but I have never tried this one, dad.”
I reached for the remote control. This was no contest. “It’s quite easy,” I told her. “But it requires a lot of energy from the girl,”
“Could I practice on you, dad?” she asked as she reached for my belt buckle. “Maybe on the rug in front of the fire?”
I was putty in her hands. Moments later I was naked and lying on my back and Amy was climbing on my body straddling my face as she faced downwards to take my cock in her mouth. “Let’s try this first daddy,” she said before pressing her cunt into my face.
It was heavenly. I made her cum, managing to hold back my own orgasm before she moved off my face and squatted over my groin. I held my erection up for her and she sank slowly down on it. “Don’t wait for me, dad,” she said as she began to move.
I had no intention of holding back. Later we fucked once more in her bed before falling asleep. She awoke me in the night for another fuck. I had no idea of the time but it was quite dark outside. We both woke together at seven next morning and fucked once more. Our final fuck was an hour later in the shower. I had taken her into our en-suite bathroom and I took her one more time up against the shower wall. Later Amy made some breakfast for us and then I went for my usual Sunday morning walk to the village to get my paper, leaving Amy to finish off her assignment for college next day.
I went for a coffee intending to read the paper but I just couldn’t concentrate. My mind was filled with Amy and I was also thinking of Liz as well. With Amy I couldn’t help but think about our fucking. She had been such an easy fuck. I had almost fucked her again before I came out. I had watched her putting pans away, standing on tip toe to reach the shelf. Her short skirt had risen up showing that she had no panties on. I got an immediate erection and was almost ready to get up and go over to her and give her one against the kitchen worktop. She turned and saw the expression on my face. “Everything okay, dad?” she asked as she looked at my groin.
I shook my head. “Is it this you want?” she asked, lifting the hem of her skirt and walking towards me.
I just sat there in my usual zombie-like state as she approached me and kissed me. “You don’t have to ask, dad,” she said softly. “I’m always ready for you. I will never deny you, either now or in the future. Whether I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend; even when I am married I will always be available for you to fuck.”
“Fuck Amy, you shouldn’t say things like that.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t but all the same my cunt will always be available to you. Just as I hope that your big, beautiful cock will always be available to me.”
I just had to leave that moment. Perhaps it would have been better if I had done that the day before because now there was the aftermath to face when Liz returned.
Liz was already back at home when I returned an hour or so later. Her car was in the drive. I was nervous but I knew that I had to her face her now. She was sat at the kitchen table with Amy when I went in. Amy had obviously been crying. Liz turned giving me a half smile. “There’s some fresh coffee in the pot,” she said.
Amy got up and vacated her seat for me. “I’m going round to Becky’s,” she told her mum.
“What are you doing later?” she asked her.
Amy shrugged her shoulders.
“I was planning having a late lunch out. I can’t be doing with cooking today. Come and join us.”
“Okay, mum,” she replied glancing at me.
“I’ll text you when we’re going out.”
Amy smiled and left the two of us together. “Take a seat,” Liz said pointing at Amy’s empty chair.
I sat down. I was nervous and I prepared myself for a blasting. “Amy’s told me what happened yesterday,” she said quietly. “I had thought it had been going on for ages but apparently that’s not the case is it.”
I shook my head.
“But she has fancied you for a while though, hasn’t she?”
“Yes, she told me yesterday.”
“And she’s told me about last night too. Not the gory details but that you had both slept together in her bed.”
I stared down at my coffee. “I am sorry,” I told her.
“Will you be fucking her again?”
I looked at her. “I… I will try and avoid it happening again.”
She smiled. “Well at least you are being honest, I suppose,” she responded as she took another sip of her coffee. “I have a confession to make as well.”
I looked up at her.
“I spent the night with someone else.”
I remained silent for a few moments. “Well I suppose I deserved it.”
She nodded.
“Anybody I know?”
She nodded again. I felt my stomach begin to knot. “Joe,”
“Joe, who has the taxi firm?”
“Dreadlock Joe?”
She smiled. “He hasn’t had dreadlocks for years but yes, him.”
“A bit of black, hey,” I commented. “I didn’t knew you were into black guys.”
“I wasn’t,” she said before explaining that she and Margo had been out. Margo had gone off with a guy leaving her on her own and she was fed up and decided to get a taxi back home. Joe had come to pick her up and they got chatting. “We were actually in the village when he asked me if I fancied something to eat. It was his last run of the day and he was hungry. So I said yes and we turned around and went back into town.”
I never responded. I was thinking about the consequences of her walking in and discovering me in Amy’s bed.
“Good job I didn’t come back, hey?”
I smiled. “What happened with you and Joe?”
“I’m not going into all the details but… I had a nice time.”
“Is… his… “
She smiled. “You’re both about the same size but you have a bit more girth than him,” she interrupted. “But it’s not about the size of the dick itself is it; it’s about the dick on the end of the dick!”
I smiled. “And did Joe have a nice time?”
“Very much so,” she responded. “He wants to meet up again.”
“And will you see him again?” I asked suspecting that she wanted to.
Liz hesitated for a few moments. “Are… are you happy with me Tom?”
I reached across and took hold of her hands. “Of course I am. I love you, Liz. Why, are you unhappy with me?”
“I… I think our sex life could do with a bit of spicing up,” she responded. “I mean I do enjoy the spankings but outside that it’s a bit flat for me nowadays.”
I felt a bit hurt. “I always thought it was okay. We do it often enough.”
“When was the last time you just took me?” she asked. “I mean this morning Joe and I had a shower and as I was getting dressed he just pushed me back on the bed, pulled my knickers off and fucked me again. We seemed to have lost that spontaneity.”
I shrugged.
“He… he did some things to me last night that you haven’t done in ages and there was one thing we did that you have never done.”
“We’ve never had anal sex have we?”
I looked down at my coffee. “I didn’t even realise you were into that.”
“I didn’t know myself but he wanted to do it with me and I said okay I’ll give it a go.”
“And you enjoyed it?”
“Yes, it was very nice.”
“Well I’m glad you had a good time,” I said churlishly.
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to hurt you but it was different with him,” she said. “And I’m sure it’s the same with you. There was a time when you would never have done something like what you did but someone new and exciting came along and you took up the opportunity.”
I said nothing.
“You do understand what I’m trying to say, don’t you?”
I nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” I responded. “So what do you suggest then?”
“Well, Margo and Dave were in that position once and they decided on an open marriage. It seems to be working for them.”
“So you want to see Joe again then?”
“I want the freedom to make that choice, yes!”
“And do I get the same freedoms?”
She nodded. “Well I suppose it is only fair isn’t it?”
“And if it’s Amy?”
“I… I would sooner it wasn’t my daughter but if that’s what you want then… yes.”
“It’s going to be a bit awkward isn’t it? I mean you with him in our bed and me in with Amy.”
“There is the guest bedroom. But I will probably stay overnights at his place.”
I sighed. “You will be discrete won’t you?” I said. “I mean, I would sooner keep things low key.”
“Of course darling,” she said. “It will be just be between us and Joe, of course.”
“Does he know about what happened yesterday morning?”
She shook her head. “No… I… I just told him that we’re having a trial separation.”
As she spoke I caught sight of her ring finger and noticed her engagement ring wasn’t there. “I took it off last night before I went out.”
“I see,” I sighed. “So he thinks you’re free and single again?”
She shook her head. “No. I just said we had decided to take a break in our marriage.”
“And are we? Taking a break, I mean?”
“Not exactly,” Liz replied. “But we could do with a bit of a breathing space for a while.”
“Well I suppose ten years of marriage isn’t a bad score these days!”
Liz reached for my hands. “I’ve got no intention of divorcing you and I do love you, darling, but I would like to… “
“Fuck other men?”
She smiled. “And I still want you as well. I do enjoy your spankings and who knows all this might put some zest back into our marriage.”
I laughed. “Does Joe know you like to be spanked?”
She smiled and shook her head. “We don’t know each that well yet. “
“Are you going to tell Margo about the trial separation?”
“God no!” she responded. “You’re as well to put it in the Gazette.”
“So she doesn’t know about Amy either?”
She shook her head. “One thing I do know though is that Margo has a piercing down there.”
“How do you know that?”
“Joe told me,” she replied. “He had a brief fling with her a few years back.”
“The same as Amy?”
She shook her head. “Just the hood.”
“How did you find out about Amy anyway?”
“I went into her room as she was dressing. I could see them through her knickers.”
“I see.”
“And what do you think of them?”
I smiled and avoided eye contact with her. “They’re okay?”
“Just okay?”
I smiled. “To be honest… they do look good.”
“Joe wants me to have one,” she revealed. “He says he’ll pay for it.”
I said nothing.
“Do you mind if I do?”
“It’s your body.”
“But would it please you if I did?”
“I… I suppose it would make things interesting.”
“Good,” she said as she stood up and leaned across the table to kiss me. “Well now we’ve got all that settled between us I think we’ll get down to business.”
She kissed me again. “I’ve been a very naughty girl haven’t I? I’ve let another man fuck me,” she said. “What are you going to do about it?”
I smiled. “Well you had better get your hairbrush then hadn’t you?”
She pulled away but I grabbed her hand and made her turn around. “By the way,” I told her. “I used the brush on Amy yesterday. She… well… shall I say ‘like mother like daughter’.”
She didn’t respond for a moment. “Must run in the family then,” she commented.
I smiled. “Yes, she likes being a naughty girl too.”