‘Fuck!’ I shouted, jumping out of bed. This is my first day on the job and I’m already late. I haven’t even met the actual manager, or pharmacist I should say. I’ve only met the hiring manager, which after going over my pristine resumé of perfection, hired me on the spot. She had probably told my boss how promising I would be and now look at what I’ve done. What a beautiful first impression, I thought sarcastically.
I ran to the bathroom to hurriedly brush my hair and teeth. I dressed as fast as I could in my new uniform. I loved how the scrubs fit my body. They made my tits look perky, and my ass look plump. I grabbed my purse, and a granola bar from my counter top as I ran to my car that was parked just outside my apartment. I threw my hair up in a tight pony tail before driving in the direction of my work site. It was already 8:15 am. It could’ve been worse.
Thankfully traffic was light, assuming most people in this town had already arrived at work. I couldn’t stop beating myself up over it on my way there. I hope my new boss goes easy on me. I parked in front of the building, closest to the door. My anxiety spiked to new heights. I found my self biting my bottom lip nervously, so I took a deep breath.
‘Here we go,’ I mumbled to myself before entering through the automatic doors. I walked briskly through the door labeled ’employee’s only’ and into the main pharmacy room. It was surprisingly empty. I found my way to the back of the pharmacy, where the break room was located. I set my belongings in a cubbyhole next to the other filled spots. Someone was obviously here. When I went back into the main room I saw a tall, lean, muscular man standing at the entrance going over some paperwork on a clip board. He was half turned away from me, and from what I saw he was handsome. I cleared my throat to get his attention, and he looked my way. My heart nearly stopped as I stared back at ocean blue eyes and a perfect chiseled face. He looked like a god. My anxiety spiked even higher and my breathing picked up.
“Hi, I’m new, uh, my name is Sophie. I’m not exactly sure if the manager that hired me informed you about a new employee. Sorry I was late, unfortunately my alarm didn’t go off.” I lied briskly, holding my hand out in an attempt to shake his. He just stared at me, his icy blue eyes boring deep into mine. My mind began to fog in the awkward silence, but finally he grasped my hand an shook it.
“Hello Sophie. My name’s Dr.Carter, Caleb Carter. It’s very nice to meet you.” He smiled and I felt like fainting. He had perfect teeth and a smile that made my knees weak. ‘Keep it together Sophie,’ I thought to myself, trying to clear my mind and focus on what he was saying.
“I’m the pharmacist here, more importantly your boss. I guess it is unfortunate that your late but it’s okay. Just try not to make that a habit. I have a few things I’d like to go over with you. It’d help to see where your at before we start your training, so if you would please follow me to the clean room in the back.”
He started to lead the way and I followed. We entered the room, and I noticed there were two other pharmacy technicians working at stations. I could see through a door where a brunette female was dispensing some kind of medication, and another blond female was counting pills.
“Hi Dr.Carter,” the blond said in a sultry voice. Her lust for him was almost palpable. She glanced at me.
“Who’s this?” She asked, keeping eye contact with me. She started sizing me up, as if she was trying to decide if I was a threat or not.
“Girls, this is Sophie. She’s our new pharmacy technician.”
He gestured to the blond saying her name was Claire, and the brunette who’s name was Lily. The three of us greeted each other, and then they went back to work. Dr. Carter ushered me over to a work station.
“I’d like to observe your skills in sterile compounding and aseptic techniques, we can start with garbing. Please begin whenever your ready.”
He began flipping through the paperwork on his clipboard, settling on a blank sheet. He stared at me expectantly. I mentally calmed my nerves the best I could and walked over to the equipment.
My pharmacy knowledge started to come back to me as I cleaned my hands and arms with the sanitizing foam. I put my shoes covers on just like I practiced, and reapplied the foam. I put my hair cover on; front to back, just as I was taught. I made sure all my hair was covered. I applied more of the foam. That was the only annoying part about this routine, it was so repetitive. I donned my face mask, tying it behind my head and neck. I pinched the metal on my nose, adjusting it to fit perfectly and glanced up at Dr.Carter.
I was a little startled to see him gazing at me in an indescribable way. Unaware that I was staring at him, his gaze drifted down my body, hovering over my tits and then my hips. I looked away, not wanting him to know I caught his lustful stare. I cleared my throat snapping him out of it, and asked what next. He resumed his professional appearance and directed me to start my hand washing techniques while writing something down on the clipboard.
I walked over to the sink, aware of his gaze on me. I grabbed the sponge package and started to squeeze, activating the suds. I opened the package, threw it away, and gabbed the fingernail pick attached to the sponge. I diligently cleaned under each finger nail on both hands, then tossed the pick into the garbage. I then applied a small amount of water to the scrubby side of the sponge and used it to clean under my finger nails, making sure to start with my left hand. I then flipped it over and started to scrub the four sides of my fingers, starting with my left thumb. Outer side, top, inner side, bottom and then the webbing in between. Then the forefinger: Outer side, top, inner side, bottom, and then the webbing. I repeated this technique until I’d done each finger on both hands. My hands we’re now covered in soap. I washed my left palm, and then my right. I washed the back of both hands and then starting with my left wrist, on the left side, began to wash in a circular motion down towards my elbow. I washed both arms.
I heard a noise of approval from Dr. Carter as I threw the sponge in the waste basket. I pressed the pedal with my foot, starting the water. I then rinsed each hand and arm. I made sure to keep my fingers pointed up, remembering that if water dripped from elbow to finger tips, I’d just be contaminating my hands all over again. I then dried my hands and forearms properly before turning towards Dr. Carter. He was scribbling something down.
“Very good Sophie, that was perfect. I think that’s good for now, I’ll examine your other techniques tomorrow. For now I’d like to observe your math skills.”
I gulped. I hated math. He handed me a thin packet of paper, which had conversion calculations and word problems on it. I immediately noticed drip factors and solution problems. Before I grabbed the sheets, I stripped off my gear in reverse order and placed them in there proper spots. He directed me to a small room off to the side.
“This is my office. You’re welcome to use it for your test. No worries, it’s actually pretty simple work. I’ll be out here if you need me.” He smiled and walked out the door, closing it behind him.
I took three deep breaths. I didn’t realized how tense I actually was, or how he affected me until he was gone. I was so nervous I didn’t know if I could even focus on this packet. Either way I had to try. I grabbed a pencil and got to work. He was right, it wasn’t that tough. When I finished I left it on his desk and went in search to find him.
I found Dr.Carter going over Lily’s previous pill counting and whatever else she was doing. Claire was talking to a customer on the phone while entering information into a computer. Dr.Carter finished and strutted over to me. He suggested showing me dispensing techniques and when we were finished with that, he showed me the computer software and how to log in information. After that he explained their method of storage.
“We used to hold the schedule medications with certain other ones, but we found it easier to store them separately.” He stopped talking and stared at me for a few seconds.
“How would you like to go for drinks after work?” He asked.
My eyes got wide. Did he just ask me out? On my first day? He noticed my expression and chuckled. It was such a lovely sound.
“We have this thing called Funday Mondays. It’s the one day out of the week that the employees and I go out to some cheap bar and drink. I thought it was appropriate to invite you considering your now an employee. So, what do you say?”
I was a little disappointed. I almost hoped he’d ask me; and just me, to go out with him. This was just as good though. I seen it as an opportunity to get to know my coworkers outside of this professional facility. He looked so hopeful.
“Sure I’d love to go.” I said through my smile.
He grinned back and directed me to work with Lily for awhile, she was supposed to show me the rest of my duties, and explain my criteria for answering phones and dealing with customers. Soon came my lunch break and then eventually the end of the work day. I had covered a lot of stuff in just one day. I was excited about moving forward tomorrow. I gathered my belongings, gave Dr.Carter the address to pick me up from later. I then started to walk out.
“Hey Sophie! Wear something sexy, and I hope you can hold your liquor.” Claire teased before I could walk through the door. That was the first time she had really spoken to me all day.
I smiled and nodded at her, but was a little perplexed by her comment. I already assumed Dr. Carter had told the girls that I was tagging along, but they didn’t seem like the party animal type. I had assumed we were all going for a few drinks due to the fact that we all had to work bright and early tomorrow morning, but Claire made it come off as if we we’re getting hammered. It was unusual but when I got home, I listened to her advice.
After eating a light dinner, I dressed in a blue skin tight dress that I hadn’t wore in ages. It made my D tits look fantastic and my ass big and round, while showing off my flat stomach and slim waist. It was kind of short though and that had me kinda concerned. Thinking back to the way Claire had looked at me when I first met her, I had a vague fear that she was just pulling my leg.I felt as if she were trying to get me to over dress in order to embarrass myself. I shook off my anxiety. I wasn’t going to let it damper my night, so instead I stepped into my black stilettos, applied my makeup and sent a quick full body picture to Dr.Carter. The text read: ‘Is this appropriate? Or too much?’ We exchanged numbers originally for direction purposes just in case he got lost, but I thought what the hell, I had to make sure I wasn’t walking into a trap.
I fiddled with my thumbs while waiting for a reply. It was nearing 10:30 pm. My phone pinged and I picked it up. Of course it was from Dr.Carter. He replied: ‘You look fantastic, I’m coming to get you in five.’ I felt my heart leap and butterflies in my belly. I hated being nervous but at the same time the feeling was surreal. I brushed my teeth and waited for him to arrive.
A few minutes later, I heard a honk. I pulled the blinds down and spotted a cab just outside. Leaning against the front door was Dr.Carter. He was dressed in black jeans and a button down blue top, the cuffs rolled up to his elbows. It was strange seeing him without his lab coat. I decided to leave my purse at home, stuffing some cash and my ID in my bra before walking out the door. I locked it behind me, and made my way down the sidewalk. When Dr.Carter saw me he lit up with a smile, his eyes sparkling. I could see Lily and Claire in the back of the cab, they waved and I waved back.
“You look beautiful Sophie,” Dr.Carter said softly, admiring my curves. I squirmed under his stare. God he was so hot.
“Thank you Dr.Carter.” I said shyly.
He opened the back door for me while Lily scooched over so I’d have a seat.
“Please, call me Caleb. I’m only Dr.Carter at work.” He said winking before shutting the door. I internally swooned.
“Damn girl look at you! You look hawt!” Lily boasted, fanning herself while Claire and I giggle.
I thanked her and complimented them both just as Caleb sat up front, and the driver took off. Caleb was giving him directions and I spaced out the window, deep in thought. I was still nervous, I couldn’t wait to get some alcohol in my system to calm me down. We arrived at a dark building painted red and black. I could hear music bumping inside, but there was no visible sign with the name of the bar. It looked more like a club than a bar.
“First round is on me ladies!” Caleb shouted leading us the entrance. We pulled out our IDs and showed them to the man at the door. I was the last to go, so when my group flashed their cards, I glanced to see their ages. It turns out Caleb is 25, Lily is 21, and Claire is 23. Lily and I happened to be the same age.
Once inside the building, I realized it did have a bar like atmosphere. There was a long bar with stools at the center of the room. A few lounges with comfy couches and coffee tables rested in the corners along the walls, and there were tables on one side of the room. There was also a dance floor on the opposite side, where a group of people we’re grinding to the music.
Caleb led us to a lounge area and a waitress stopped to ask us if we wanted any drinks. He ordered five rounds of Jager bombs for each of us, 6 mixed drinks, (the names I didn’t quite catch) and a deck of cards. I looked at him appalled. Five shots already? We’re not even gonna start with something simple? I thought to myself. He saw my expression and laughed.
“I hope you like Jager,” he shouted over the music, moving closer to me on the couch. I proceeded to tell him I had never had it, and he laughed even harder. The waitress came back with our drinks and the cards. Caleb asked me what my favorite soda was. I told him Dr. Pepper but before I could ask why, he ordered one for me. When I gave him a puzzled look, he explained.
“Its a chaser. Just in case you don’t like the taste. You might like it if you like Red Bull.” I continued to give him a questioning look. He pointed to the shots. I realized it looked like a shot within a shot. There was a middle that contained liquid and then outer ring that contained it’s own liquid.
“The inside of the shot glass is Jager, the outside is Red bull.” He explained.
“And I’m supposed to drink that whole thing all at once?” I squeaked and he nodded clearly amused. The waitress set down my Dr. Pepper and walked off. Lily opened the deck of cards on the table.
“Who’s ready to play kings and get drunk?!” she shouted excitedly while Claire clung to her side.
Caleb told her to set it up, and while she did that he explained how to play the game. Lily placed the deck in the middle of the table after shuffling them, and handed out our drinks. We each had five shots and two tall drinks of some sort of alcohol. I was to the left of Lily, so she asked me to start the game. I hesitantly picked up the first card and turned it over. It was a six of hearts. Caleb laughed shouting at us to drink up. Lily and Claire rolled their eyes and grabbed a shot, downing it easily. I grabbed one, remembering Caleb tell me that a six meant all female players had to take a drink. I eyed the beverage suspiciously before putting it to my lips. I gulped it down, screwing my face up as it burned it’s way to my stomach.
Yuck! I sipped from my Dr. Pepper as fast as I could while the three of them laughed at me. The shot made my tummy feel warm. It was Caleb’s turn. He picked up a card. It was an Ace. He grinned mischievously at us and grabbed one of his cups. The girls followed along with me trailing. I forgot what rule this was, so before Caleb drank I asked.
“Ace is waterfall Sophie. When I start drinking, Claire will, and so will Lily and then you. Claire can’t stop until I do, Lily can’t stop until Claire does, and you can’t stop until Lily does. Understood?” I nodded, nervous again. I didn’t know if I could chug this without throwing up. I was afraid it would taste like the shots. Caleb started drinking and we three followed. I was pleased to see it tasted sweet. I could still taste a hint of alcohol but it didn’t bother my taste buds.
The alcohol made a warm trail down my throat. I watched Caleb continue to drink, I didn’t know if he’d ever stop. He was staring at me over the rim of his cup, clearly grinning behind it. He kept going, almost emptying the entire glass. I slapped the table three times in protest, trying to swallow as much as I could. Finally Caleb set his cup down, quickly followed by Claire who was laughing giddily, but to my horror, Lily kept going. I realized she was going to make me chug my entire drink. My body was on fire and my stomach felt full. I watched her, desperately wishing she’d stop. We tipped our cups back swallowing the rest of our drink. I started coughing when I finished it. She bounced up and down clearly pleased with herself.
“Yay, you actually did it! Pardon me for testing your limits,” she laughed, it was infectious. We we’re both laughing while Claire pulled a card. I was starting to feel dizzy, like I was floating. I looked over at Caleb and he was staring at me. He winked and I giggled. He leaned over to whisper in my ear.
“Are you okay?” I nodded to him. “Are you drunk?” He questioned.
“I think I’m getting there” I said giggling again. “I’m having a lot of fun!” He smiled at me and placed his hand on my thigh just above my knee, sending electric shocks up my body. I was flushed. Claire announced her card and we turned to look at her. It was a four. Suddenly, all three of them rushed to touch the floor.
“You didn’t touch the floor! Drink!” Claire shouted through her smile.
“No fair! I didn’t know the rule!” I said grabbing a shot. I swallowed it down, finding it easier since I was feeling fuzzy. I took a sip of Dr. Pepper anyway while Lily picked up the next card. It was a Jack. Oh no, I remember this one. ‘Never have I ever.’
“Who’s ready to get personal!?” Lily exclaimed putting three fingers up, which we all followed. “Never have I ever, um, had a threesome.” She said. Heat flushed to my already hot cheeks. I’ve never had a threesome, so that saved me from having to put my finger down. I was just surprised at her question. We were coworkers after all, I felt a little awkward. Claire was the only one to put a finger down.
“Never have I ever went skinny dipping.” She stated next. Clair, Caleb, and I, put a finger down. Caleb glanced at me and smirked. One more question and if Claire put her finger down she’d lose.
“Never have I ever sucked dick.” Lily said, looking directly at Claire as if she knew she had before. Lily put a finger down, and so did I. My cheeks heated up again. Claire was the last one to put her finger down. Caleb still had two fingers up, and this time when he looked at me, it sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t help but think about what his dick looked like, or how big it was.
I hadn’t been with anyone intimately in a long time. A high school guy was the last guy I had actually given head to, but knowing that it had been a few years didn’t bother me. It was my choice. I knew my body, and I knew no man could ever please me the way I wanted. I was patiently waiting for the right one. Maybe it was the alcohol that was getting to me, but the way Caleb was looking at me made me think that maybe, just maybe, he could do me right. Claire drank a shot and I pulled the next card. I got an eight.
“Pick a mate Sophie.” Caleb’s voice was low and husky, I was beginning to get turned on.
“I pick you Caleb.” he smiled and picked up a shot and we both drank. The game continued on until we ran out of alcohol. I was dizzy and giddy. To be honest I was drunk as fuck. Suddenly I had an urge to go dance. Feeling bold, I grabbed Lily’s hand and pulled her towards the dance floor. She giggled and started to dance with me. I really liked Lily. She was fun to be around and we were the same age. I could see a promising future of friendship with her. We bumped and grinded to the music, bringing me flash backs of high school after parties. Usually ones where I ended up sneaking off with some guy to do things I shouldn’t have been.
Lily was a good dancer, and luckily she was my height. We looked pretty similar, except I had black hair; hazel eyes, and more curves; she had brunette hair, blue eyes and soft curves. I turned around with my back facing her, and started grinding my plump ass into her crotch. She laughed but went along with it. We switched positions so now her ass was grinding into me. I grabbed her hands and placed them on her thighs. My hands were placed over hers, and I began to rub them up her body as we swayed our hips. I made sure to steer clear of private areas, I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.
I caught Caleb watching us, his gaze hungry. I vaguely thought about what it would be like to have a threesome with him and Lily, but shook the thought from my head. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my ass, making me jump. A pair of hips pushed into me and I could feel some guys hard-on. I jerked away and turned around to see some ugly pervert trying to grind into me. I pushed him away, telling him to fuck off while Lily glared.
“I’m sorry baby, are you lesbian? Cute girlfriend. I just wanted to have some fun,” He said reaching for me again. I backed up and gave him a glare of my own.
“For one, no. I am not lesbian! Two, I’m not interested. Fuck off.” I turned around, getting ready to walk away but the stranger grabbed my wrist to pull me back.
“Excuse me, what the fuck are you doing?” Caleb was suddenly by my side, pushing the prick out of my reach. “Don’t fucking touch her.” Caleb growled. I’ve never seen him angry, and it was sort of frightening but kind of a turn on. The asshole smirked and shrugged before speaking.
“Cant share your hoe?” He chuckled.
Before I even processed what I was doing, my hand snaked out and slapped him across the face so hard, a few people near by turned in our direction. Caleb grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground. He drew back his fist, ready to swing but I pulled him back, leading him off the dance floor near the bar. Lily and Claire were at our booth in deep discussion. I guess she took off once Caleb showed up. Caleb grabbed my arm, halting me.
“Are you okay?” he said, concern evident in his gaze. I nodded, still feeling a little shaky.
“I can’t believe I slapped him, I just kinda blacked out.” I stared at my feet, shaking my head. “I tend to lose my temper quickly when people disrespect me,” I murmured. He grabbed my chin, pushing it up to make me look at him.
“Don’t be sorry, I thought it was brave. If we’re being honest, it was kinda hot too. I admire a woman that can defend herself. I’m glad you stopped me before I got us all kicked out though. I would have beat the shit out of him, and probably gone to jail. Thank you.” He then tucked a piece of my ebony hair behind my ear.
“No, thank you. That pervert freaked me out. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t show up.”
I smiled up at him. He stared into my eyes, making me melt inside. He then stroked his hand down the side of my face. He stopped at my lips, and started tracing them with his thumb. I closed my eyes, feeling like I would lose my balance at any moment. He leaned in, but instead of kissing me like I thought he would, his lips just brushed my ear as he whispered. “Dance with me Sophie, please?”
I just nodded, afraid my voice would fail me.
He walked me back to the dance floor and pulled me tightly against him. I was happy to see that prick was gone. He placed his hands on my hips and pressed. I could feel his cock in his pants and I gasped. It felt so big and it wasn’t even hard. He was lightly breathing on my neck as we swayed. I starting grinding my hips harder into him, his breath coming faster. His hands roamed my body, but didn’t dare enter unknown territory even though, at the moment, I would have loved him to. We danced like that for awhile. Eventually the girls came up to us, letting us know they we’re ready to head home.
Caleb paid for our drinks. I insisted on helping him pay but he wouldn’t let me, so when he wasn’t looking I slipped our waitress a generous tip. I checked the time on my phone. It was nearing 1 am. That wouldn’t have been too late if I didn’t have to work in the morning. We headed out, calling a cab. We dropped Lily off first, and then Claire. Caleb’s place was closer than mine but he didn’t want me riding alone, being the gentleman that he is. He even sat in the back with me.
“I had a really nice time with you tonight.” He said placing a hand on my knee as we neared my apartment.
“So did I, I’m glad I decided to tag along. The girls seem like they like me.”
I smiled to myself at that thought and he nodded. We pulled up outside my front door. He gave me a warm hug and watched me walk up the sidewalk, waiting for me to enter my home. He was so sweet. When my door closed behind me, I sighed and kicked off my heels. I was exhausted. I opted for a shower in the morning. I quickly brushed my teeth, stripped my clothes, and laid in bed naked until I passed out.