Perverse Incentive : Ch 1

"I'm playing because Dee wants to watch, but this game is messing with my body AND mind."

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Floating in darkness, I descended. The air was warm. Faint techno-pop played in the distance, growing closer. My feet touched down with a clang, boots on a metal floor. I heard the crash of a large switch snapping into place somewhere overhead, and the lights came on with a buzz that faded slowly away. They were too bright, at first.

Looking around, I could see the room was only a few steps from one side to the other. Almost a closet. Inspirational posters decorated the walls to the left and right. In front of me, an open doorway and a long hall.

Looking behind me, a floor to ceiling screen displayed a scenic view of mountaintops above clouds. Tunnel openings dotted the landscape and empty monorail tracks crisscrossed the cloudy void.

I could also see my reflection in the glass of the display. A motorcycle helmet covered my face, except for the eyes behind the visor. My hands and arms were covered first in a black glove that went all the way to the shoulder, then over that there were elbow length brown leather gloves, metal plated on the palms and backs. Pretty flexible, despite the plate. The black layer felt like silk inside, but I could also feel the rougher leather through the silk. An impressive effect. Matching leather boots came up to my knees with plated shin and toe guards, and thick black socks went up a little further than even thigh-highs usually did.

But that was it. Nude from neck to crotch. Tits out. Ass and pussy present and accounted for. A racing-stripe of pube. Leather, metal and flesh admittedly made for an interesting contrast, but it was not a normal outfit.

A chime sounded in the air around me. A female monotone announced, “Watcher request. Deedle-Twum. Accept or Deny.”

I sighed. “Accept” and a moment later Dee’s voice crackled to life beside me. “Hello Beautiful! You look good in leather and nothing.”

“You pick this ‘outfit’ for me?” I asked, looking around, but the room was empty.

“The outfit is standard. You can change the colors, but that’s all. Hold a moment.”

I waited, and a little camera drone popped into existence beside me. I waved at it. “Hey, Dee.” The drone spun around me a few times, pausing to look up at me from near the back of my knees. “Take your time, I guess. You know I’m only playing this game at all because you want to watch.”

Dee flew up to face height. “I think you’ll like it, once you get into it. It’s quadruple X sexy, but also a pretty trippy puzzler.” It turned to look down the hallway. “After you.” The only things most web sources said about this ‘verse was that it was masterful and indescribable. Certainly there were very few people even trying to describe it, but it was a closed beta. Leave it to Dee to be one of the testers, though.

I started walking. The hall was only lit by runner lights on the floor and some dim spot lighting on more motivational posters. Lazy looking fans in the ceiling moved the air some, but not much. It was enough to make me aware of all my bare skin, though. Even a standard ‘verse with a nude patch wouldn’t feel like this. Maybe some vague mid-body sensations if the modder was good, but not air on skin. Of course, this was no patch.

I paused a moment to wiggle my toes and touch the walls, and poster frames. Checking out the resolution. “The VR is good. I can feel the inside of the boots, the weight of the gloves. The air.”

Dee followed at my shoulder, “It has to be good, the stunts they’re pulling in this one. Heh. Rub your ass on the wall.”

I shot a look at the camera, but took a step sideways, brushing the metal paneling with my hip. It felt like metal on skin. Not even what gamers called “the idea of metal” but like real metal. A little cold. Mostly smooth but not quite. The lightest scratch at it’s edge. “OK, their resolution is very, very good. I can’t feel the body-sock at all. Just the world.”

My VR sock was good, but nothing special. Dee had bought me a crotch zip-in, tellingly branded “Bad Touch”, but that was generic too, if expensive. I wasn’t supposed to look up just how expensive, but I did. Putting a real number – a really high number – to how much Dee wanted to fuck me online was revealing, to say the least.

I looked at a half-lit motivational poster. It said “PRECISION” over an image of a mostly naked and very worried looking cat-girl, knees tied tightly to her collar, suspended several feet above a dildo on a chair. The caption read, “Exactly right is so much better than exactly wrong.”

Dee chuckled. I kept walking, “That’s not foreshadowing, I hope.” The soft techno music built to a crescendo as I entered the next room, then faded away.

“It’s more like ambiance. This game has a weird sense of humor.”

I looked around. I stood on a large ‘#1’ embossed in the floor. The room was a security screening area, except that there weren’t any people screening or being screened. There were some seats along the walls and a winding, rope-cordoned line long enough for twenty people. At the end of the line, a transparent wall divided this area from the next one. Three small arches were the obvious way through the wall, but they were filled with faintly buzzing force fields in red, blue and orange. Near the line’s entrance there was a pillar with some pictographs.

I strode over to the pillar. There was a pictogram of a stick figure walking through an arch – obvious – an anatomical line-drawing with zoomed in breasts on the side – meaningless – and several images of bras and underwear crossed out in red. “Is this a puzzle? It looks like I just go through the gate.”

“Yeah, some things are more than they seem, but this is all just the tutorial zone, pretty much. You can get through the first several rooms just by doing what’s obvious.”

I made my way through the rope line. When I reached the end a chime sounded and the female monotone informed me, “Welcome to Rail Co. We can rail you anywhere! Security inspection required. Please proceed through gate number… Blue.” Blue was stated in a slightly different voice, like it had been added later. “Any items requiring inspection will be removed at the security gate.”

“What is this, some kind of costume check? You said the boots and gloves are default.” But Dee just clipped through the wall and turned back to watch me. Just to be contrary, I went to look at the other gates first.

As I approached the red one, the voice stated, “Gate Number… Red… is out of order. Passing through this gate will be a breach of security.” That sounded ominous. And like too much work. I went past it. Near the orange gate, the voice continued, “Facility personnel, proceed through gate number… Orange… No security inspection required.” That sounded more my speed, so I stepped up to that force field. Putting one gloved hand through the field, it felt like warm static. I looked over at Dee, “Ok, what about this one?” and started to step through.

Terrible idea. Dee hollered, “You don’t want to do that!”, but I already was.

Even with my arms out, feeling my way through, my breasts were the first bare skin to hit the field. The heat and electricity that had just tingled through the gloves felt like a boiling waterfall. I dunked half my breasts into that before I shrieked and fell backward. “What the hell, Dee? That hurt!”

“I had no idea you were going to go through!” Dee lectured as I scrabbled away from the orange gate and stood back up, “In case you were unclear on the point, the gloves and boots are very, very insulating. You can grip a lot of things you won’t want to hug.”

The pain, a figment of the game, faded almost instantly. “Yeah, I’m not unclear on the point. Now. A crash course would have been nice before I tried searing my nipples off.”

I stomped over to the blue gate. Stuck one finger through. Nothing. Waved my hand through it. It felt like nothing. So I stepped through the gate. There was a mirror immediately in front of me on the other side, so I got to watch myself come through and saw my breasts being vaporized by the force field. That was disturbing imagery. But only for a split second, really, since it was just a visual effect. Obviously they were still on my chest. I could feel them. They hadn’t gone anywhere.

Still the image in the mirror was disconcerting. I reached up to touch them and my hands found only air. I looked down at myself. Passed my hand through the space where my breasts should be. There were flat plates of what looked like solid blue plastic attached to my chest. I tapped the plate with my finger. “Okay, that’s pretty freaky. How do they do that.”

Dee’s camera whirled around me, “After the other field, I thought maybe you’d be mad about this one too.”

I jumped up and down. My breasts didn’t follow the motion. They were still. “No. This is weird, but it’s fine. Magic trick.”

“It is a damn good effect. I read all about it in the developer’s logs, but I only understood half of it. A little bit of tactile and neurological trickery. Short story is that IRL your hands aren’t quite where you think they are.”

I tried again, keeping that in mind. Still empty space. “Really good effect, if it still works even after you’ve told me what’s happening. Wild.” I looked up at the camera, “And you like this game?”

“With all the fail-safes they built into the VR sock, it’s not like you can actually get hurt, no matter what it feels like is happening. I’ve actually walked through gate Orange. Well, dove. That kind of sends you into hard mode. Red will be a battle mode, but all they have right now is one test room.” Dee moved toward the door to the next area, the floor by it marked with a number two. “There were some warnings on the game about ‘discontinue use and see a doctor’ blah blah if you think about doing stupid things outside the game, but I think that’s probably just grumpy lawyers. Come on. It gets weirder.”

There wasn’t anything in this half of the room except the mirror, so I followed. I tried not to reach for my breasts with my hands. I felt entirely normal as long as I didn’t try to look at or touch them.

As I passed through the door, the chime sounded, so I stopped to listen. “By continuing, you are authorizing RailCo to complete a thorough mechanical inspection of all confiscated items. All items can be retrieved after inspection at Claims in room 4.”

I chuckled as I headed inward, “Boobie inspection. Hilarious.”

The walls of the next area were made of stacks of monitors. Some looped over the ten seconds when I walked through the blue gate, slowing down to catch the bewildered expression on my face as my breasts disappeared. Some looped over the orange gate mishap, often freezing for several seconds mid shriek. The face I made was so gruesome, I actually couldn’t help but laugh. The video repeated from various angles, and at various speeds, all optimized for comic effect.

Turning away from the monitors, I could see the room itself was bisected by a climbing wall – not quite vertical, more like eighty degrees – and the other side was about thirty feet above me. All the handholds on the wall were dicks, boobs, vaginas and assholes of every possible size and color. There were lots of flesh tones, sure, but there were lots of crazy pastels and primaries too.

“Ok, that’s just bizarre.”

Dee flew from between my legs to the wall, darting upward between various protrusions, “I can’t argue. They don’t use this effect too much, thank god. I don’t know. Maybe they wanted to show off their art skills.”

I walked over to the wall, touched a boob-hold. Happily, I couldn’t really feel texture through the gloves. “Dick and pussy collage? I mean, they’re realistic, I guess.” I started to climb.

And froze, just for a moment, about four handholds up. I might not be able to feel texture through the gloves or boots, but I had to lean against the wall to climb it, and my stomach could absolutely feel the huge nipple and floppy dick it was pressed against. They were warm. The cock flexed a little. I had an awful thought. “Dee?” I tried not to panic, “Are these going to hold my weight? Fake or not, it would be horrifying to, ahh, break one.”

Dee came down next to my face, “Nah, they feel pretty real, but they’re indestructible, like almost everything else. You won’t see anything worse than a bruise or scratch texture in the whole game.”

I shuddered, stuck my fingers into a vagina up above me and started pulling myself up. It was so wet it squelched. I lost my grip and fell backward.

It was only a half dozen feet, but I landed on my head. A very fake crunching sound played in my ears and for just a moment the metal floor felt spongy. Then it was solid again. A pulse of pressure ran across my body. Not exactly painful, but nearly so. Dee hovered above me. “And you’re basically indestructible too, though it will keep a count of your failures. And replay them for you occasionally.” I stood up. My glove was all wet and slippery.

Dee whirled slowly around me. “Yeah, my display says that was death number one. Don’t feel bad, I did exactly that in a different room. Pussies look like such good handholds. Many are not.”

I looked at the wall more carefully, plotting a path up. Breast. Breast. Cock. Breast. I decided that nearer the side of the room I could probably get all the way up with mostly breasts, a minimum of dicks and maybe only one slippery vag.

The weird colors actually made it a lot better; reminders that these were lifelike toys and not people. Stepping on green dicks and purple boobs was weirdly amusing. The vaginas were much better footholds than handholds, especially once I started shoving my boot into them with enough force. I still froze a few times as bushy pubes and warm pokey nipples brushed my stomach, but I made it to the top.

I looked behind me. The wall monitors had already added my backward flight and crash to their playlist. “Claims in room 4, right? Let’s go do that.”

Dee followed me silently into the next room. There were only a few monitors in here, above two dozen seats that looked like a waiting area. A few monitors in the corners of the room replayed my greatest hits. On one side of the room, a conveyor belt like a baggage claim looped out from the wall and back. It wasn’t moving.

The chime sounded. “Please stand by. Inspections will be completed momentarily.”

I looked around. “What, so we’re just supposed to wait?” But before Dee could say anything, I felt my breasts turn sideways. I sat down. Having them not move when I did was one thing. Having them move around while I wasn’t was entirely different. They dangled upward, swung around, then settled flat as though I was laying on my back. Then something started poking them with a metal prod that was not warm. “Boob inspection”, I grumbled.

First one nipple then the other was pinched by something metal. Tweezers? Tongs? The feeling that they were somewhere else was overwhelming. One breast zoomed through the air and slapped against something hard and flat – I could only imagine it being dropped on the floor – then it was swung around again. The other felt like it was being lightly but firmly stepped on.

Then nothing. I braced myself for further surprises, but the ‘somewhere else’ feeling in my breasts faded until they seemed back where they belonged, just pointing the wrong way. I opened my eyes. “Ok, Dee. A little warning would have been good, there.”

“I, uhh. She did say inspection. A bunch of times. What did you think she was talking about?”

I looked up at the camera drone, “You’re telling me that didn’t take you by surprise?”

“Maybe a little? There was a bit of a slap. But, no. No, not really.” A pause. “Are you, ok? If you want to quit this, we should quit. It’s a pretty fucked up game.”

The conveyor belt was starting. “I’m fine. Mostly fine. How do they do the gravity thing?”

“Yeah, that I have no clue. Somebody somewhere’s a pervy fucking genius, that’s all I know.”

A pair of huge blue blobs – no, boobs – came through the curtain on the conveyor belt. “Are those mine now? They’re ridiculous!” I stood up and walked towards them, but another pair came through the curtain. And another. All protruding from thick blue discs. Thirty seconds later there were dozens of pairs clogging up the belt. One of each pair had an “OK” stamp on it in red ink.

I started picking up and setting aside anything that had right color skin. “How am I supposed to figure out which ones are mine? It’s not like I know precisely what they look like.” I tossed one pair out of my pile onto one of the chairs. “Ok, those are definitely too small to be mine, but any of the rest could be.”

I felt cloth sliding over one breast and then the other. I turned to look. One pair that were the right shade had just come through. I picked them up. It was a little disorienting, since I could feel them being moved, and being able to see them and feel them set up a sort of crazy feedback loop in my head. They started to feel like they actually were where I could see that they were, even if that was totally impossible. “I’m holding my own boobs, Dee. Feels very weird, Dee.” I wobbled them in front of the camera, “So, do they go back, or what?”

I tried pressing them onto the blue plates where they belonged. They just tapped together. Didn’t snap into place or anything.

Dee was looking at the parade of breasts on the conveyor again. “They don’t go back. At least not now. But you’ve got them. That’s something, right?”

I tried to find a way to carry them that didn’t feel strange. There wasn’t one. Carrying them by the nipples really wasn’t something I should have tried. Holding the blue disc worked best, one in each hand. Better if I held them at the right angle in relation to my body, but that made my wrists hurt.

I pressed one boob against the visor of my helmet. I could see it flatten against the glass. I could feel the glass flatten my nipple. Dee hovered next to my face, “Everybody does that almost immediately. The helmet thing. The programmers mentioned it in an interview. Everybody.”

I looked toward the doorway, “So, what’s in room five? Shall I assume it gets weirder?” But Dee just flew onward, so I followed the drone through that hallway and around the corner, breasts in hand.

Room five was some kind of puzzle. A dozen pedestals around the room of varying design. Each with a red-lit surface on top and a lever further down. A mess of raised symbols covered everything. On one pedestal, a rock about the size of a grapefruit sat on a blue-lit surface. On the opposite side of the room, one lever pointed up instead of down. At the end of the room, a door – barred – with a bunch of symbols on it in a circle.

I flipped the one lever that was up. A weight hidden in the ceiling above fell down, smashed the rock into crumbs. The weight reeled back up into the ceiling. The surface changed from blue to red. All the levers shifted up. I looked around. It had to be some kind of sequence puzzle.

Tentatively, I put my boob-disc on the pedestal that used to have the rock, and the surface changed to blue again. Took it off. Red. I had just seen the weight fall, so that made me nervous, but I didn’t see any real indication of where to start, so I put the breast back on that same pedestal. I went across the room, pulled the lever I had just pulled. It stayed down. No smash. I removed the breast from the pillar. It remained blue. “Ha!”

Dee went around the room looking at the symbols on all the pedestals. “Are you kidding me? It took me a half dozen mashed bits to get that far. Are you sure you never played this?”

I looked around. “I wouldn’t play this by myself, Dee.” What was next, though? Some pillar designs had rings around them. Some had embossed shapes. Some had leaf designs. On the door, one symbol – a ring with horns – was shining. The first column had rings and horns. Ok, that was the order, no sweat. Next symbol clockwise, double ring and zig-zags. Find the matching pillar. Boob on pillar. Which lever?

The levers had the same designs as the pillars. Each on the opposite side of the room. I pulled the lever. The weight came down.

It didn’t obliterate my breast like it did the rock, but it did feel like a solid punch in the tit. The weight went up, the puzzle reset. I hurried over to the pedestal and reclaimed my mashed boob, afraid the weight would come down again if I left it. I growled, “How the hell do they do that, then, Dee?” I massaged the breast – my breast – while I complained through clenched teeth, “My VR is not equipped with frag-rr-ing boxing gloves.”

“I do not know.” I could hear a grin in that voice. Asshole. “I’ve had some games where you could get hit by things and it hurt, though. I think it’s standard, just not used often. For the record, at various points, this game simulates heat – you found that out – cold, various sorts of impacts, and some electric shock.”

“Electric shock? Are you kidding? Why am I playing this?” I looked around the room again. That should have worked, though. Shoot. Horizontal zig-zags and vertical zig-zags. Stupid. I looked around for other similarities. Ovals instead of circles. Downward horns instead of upward horns. Almost every indicator had some kind of decoy.

Dee trailed behind me, answering my rhetorical question as I looked over everything carefully. “You’re playing because I asked you to, which I appreciate a lot. It’s entertaining as hell to watch you play. You’re certainly better at it than me. And, I mean, you’re obviously intrigued. I knew you would be. Weird puzzles are your thing. Weird consequences are mine. Perfection.”

I ignored the monologue and tried again. Got five of twelve before I smashed my breast again. Triangles and vee shapes. I switched to using the other breast. This one was sore. But I finished the rest of the puzzle on the next try. The lights all lit on the door and it slid open. I retrieved my breast, and wandered towards the next room.

“That was a lot better time than I had with that puzzle.” Dee chirped, “Somehow, I never thought of using parts from the claims room either.”

I sighed. A whole room full of giant alien-colored boobies just a few steps away, and I just blithely thumped my own. “Thanks Dee. Now I feel bruised and stupid.” Though, the ache faded even as I said that. Probably because I’d stepped through the door. Just another illusion they could turn on and off at will.

Room six was fairly small, if you just counted the immediate space, but an enormous red-lit corridor continued into the distance. Between two shoe-prints in red circles, a red line shot down the center of the corridor, eventually curving out of sight. A few screens in the corners of the room showed replays of the previous room’s painful errors.

Dee chuckled, “It’s not stupid. Almost every puzzle in here has multiple solutions. Obvious. Less Obvious. Devious.”

The information lady’s chime sounded. “Assist Four Unlocked. You Bet Your Tits.” As she spoke, a small box rose out of the floor.

Dee continued, “And they reward you for solutions that fuck you up.”

Out of the box I pulled a strap with blue plastic loops on one end. The discs my breasts were attached to snapped right in. Easy carrying. I could even hang them around my neck, which put them nearly where they belonged and left my hands free.

The overhead chime sounded. “For your safety and comfort, any items that may impede rail travel should be removed before departure.” As she gave these instructions there was the sound of hydraulics, and the long red line on the floor rose slowly. “All carry-on items should be packed securely. RailCo is not responsible for items lost or damaged during rail travel.” When the rail reached hip height, it locked loudly into place and lit up like a string of cherry colored fluorescents. The boot-prints indicating where to stand were on decidedly opposite sides of the rail.

Dee looked up at me from knee height, “So did you catch all that?”

I walked over to the rail, “Yeah. Hold on tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” I reached out to test the rail with one hand and my arm was jerked forward momentarily by the rail’s impulse, like I’d touched a fast moving belt. Even through my glove I could feel that the rail was not only fast as hell, but also hot as hell. “Crazy. That would be like sitting on a frying pan.”

“No kidding. A sixty-mile-an-hour frying pan.” Dee flew over to one side of the room, where there was a small turn-style. I followed the drone, and found that a low wall hid a part of the room from view. The turn-style led to a short walk through a waist-high force-field and back to the front of the room.

I shot Dee a look of resignation, “It gets weirder?”

Dee cackled, “Weirdness Intensifies.”

I pushed through the turn-style. The force field tingled as I stepped through. I looked down to see pretty much what I expected. An epic-level thigh gap squared off by blue plastic. “So somewhere now, there’s a disc with my pussy and pretty much my whole ass crack. And god knows what’s going to happen to it, but in return I get a shiny rail-riding body modification.”

“Correct on all counts. The rail is a total blast, though.”

The rail was a total blast. I walked up to the end of the bar, and onto it. It was at precisely the height to grab me by the crotch as I walked forward, and it was like being shot out of a cannon. The rail was still hot, as I learned to my dismay when I tried to lean forward like I was riding a bike. Too hot to hold for long, even with gloves. But the angle of momentum was so perfect, I didn’t really need the extra balance. I traveled most of the way in a glorious X pose.

That said, the sensation of 60 mile an hour wind on a bare stomach isn’t one I’d recommend. Even warm air feles cold at that speed, and kind of abrasive. The rail ride was only about four minutes long, briefly shooting out across the mountaintops I’d seen in room zero – a little glimpse of a beautifully rendered world – but by the end of it every inch of exposed skin on my front side was just a little sore.

At the end of the ride, the rail ended but I kept going. It slammed me into a wall that had the texture of metal but felt like it was made of elastic, absorbing the impact with a comical crunch sound. I flopped to the floor and groaned as the resurrection-ripple counted off two unbearable squeezing pulses. Death number two. I sat up. “Ok, how the heck was I supposed to survive that?”

“Beats me. You’re kind of supposed to kick off the wall with your feet, but I could never do it. Seen it done. Saw one psycho who stood up on the rail and rode it like a skateboard the whole way. So many crazy things. A few people have racked up death counts in the thousands. The pulsing stops at fifty, though.”

I frowned at Dee as I stood up, trying to imagine what fifty of those boa-constrictor hugs would feel like. You’d be flopping around on the floor for a solid thirty seconds. I looked over at the rail, and down at myself. It kinda looked like my legs were just way too long. “Sitting on that thing with your own bare butt is one of those stupid answers, isn’t it?”

“I’ve seen that too. Madness. Treasure box popped up right here with, I think it was an upgraded pair of boots maybe? The replay ended too early.”

I was standing on the number six, but I couldn’t see much else here. A few screens overhead played clips but didn’t shed enough light to see by. The only real light was from a globe on the ground a few feet from the landing.

I walked over to the globe. It was a little bigger than a stock-pot. Electricity crackled and wandered inside like a plasma ball. It lit up five, maybe ten feet around it well enough to look at things, including a large sign that rad “Section 6-B of this line is under construction. Please use footpath to next station. Thank you for choosing RailCo!”

Beyond the sign, a narrow bridge jutted from the landing out into the darkness. A bridge over what, I couldn’t tell. Could be anything from a bottomless pit to a short jump. I could also just barely see another globe shape alongside the bridge, but it wasn’t lit.

The plasma lamp had a huge handle on top, so I braced myself and lifted it up with both hands.

Or I started to, but fell over as the relatively light handle slid straight up out of the globe. The handle was attached to a short glass shaft that held a separate spark, momentarily, but I dropped it when I fell. It landed on my knee, gave it a jarring, numbing buzz, and went out. “Oh shoot I broke it!”

Dee was nowhere to be seen. “Dee? You here?” I looked around. No Dee. I stood back up and picked up the shaft. It didn’t look broken, so I put it back into the globe. It made a high-pitched charging noise for a moment, and when I pulled it back out, it was lit. Excellent.

It didn’t shed any more light than the screens overhead, but I made my way carefully across the bridge to the next globe and slid it in. With a soft hiss the plasma lantern flickered to life, illuminating the next piece of the bridge. A corner curve and a gap that would be easy to fall off of in the dark. I pulled out the shaft. Not lit. But when I put it back, it charged up.

I made my way along the bridge in this manner, lighting every globe along the treacherous path and occasionally calling for Dee. Five globes later, I was facing a gap large enough to require a real leap. I could just barely see the bridge and the next globe on the other side. So I leapt. And tucked the charged shaft a little too much under my arm.

Whump. It discharged into my side as I started to jump, and I fell, curled into an involuntary ball of pain and dumb.

It was indeed something like a bottomless pit. A good three seconds of falling followed by an 8-bit crunch sound. Three crushing pulses for my third death, and when I opened my eyes, I was laying on the bridge next to the gap.

“Watcher request. Deedle-Twum. Accept or Deny.” The info-desk voice startled me into sitting up.


“Hey Beautiful. I tried to find a video of that rail ride to show you, but I kinda logged out instead. Sort of. I was still watching, but I couldn’t display in-game. Had to reset.”

“I died again. Fell off the bridge.”

“Yeah. Falling is kinda scary. I don’t like falling.” The camera descended from the gloom of the ceiling. “You going to try again?”

I stood up. The shaft was in the nearest globe. “At least they don’t make you go back to the beginning and get it.” I pulled it out. “It’s hard to jump holding this thing. Awkward.” I looked at the gap. “I could bowl it, but it might fall. I could reset it if I fell too, but I’ll bet they don’t reset it if you just drop it.”

“I never threw it. Just jumped, so I don’t know.”

I took a breath, held the shaft in front of me and charged forward like a swordsman with a rapier. I had to land running a bit, or I’d have fallen, but thankfully the bridge kept going straight into the dark for at least a little ways.

Dee made impressed oohs and ahs, following slowly through the air. “I wish I had a clip of that.”

I chuckled, “Me too, a little. But no recording. This is you and me only, right?”

“Hey, I said ‘I wish’. This whole session is local server and not recorded, except for the game save.”

“Ok, that’s what I figured.” I walked back to the edge and slid the shaft triumphantly into the globe. It lit up not only the plasma inside the globe, but runner lights that illuminated a new landing. A wall. A barred door. A keyhole at the near end of the bar.

I walked over to the door. Not a keyhole. I ran my hand over it and felt disoriented all over again as I touched my own vagina, slid a finger inside, and then backed away. “I don’t even know what to say about that. I figured I’d get it back, like the breasts, by they’ve used it as part of the machinery?”

Dee hovered next to it, and kind of cackled, “Yeah, they keep doing that with various parts. You keep having to retrieve them and give them back. Only occasionally do they actually put you back together.”

“So how do I open it?” I said, but I knew as soon as I said it. “The shaft is the key.”

I pulled it out of the globe. Not charged. I touched it to my stomach. Smooth. Ridged. Warm but not hot. Maybe a little longer than was strictly necessary, but it was exactly the right width. It should have been obvious from the start what they intended me to do with it.

I rubbed it against the outside of the keyhole. The sensation sort of spread out until it was located where I saw it instead of between my legs where it should be. Even in this weird situation – maybe because of the situation – I was wet almost immediately. I slid it in slowly and one of a dozen lights on the front of the door lit up green.

“What, just one?” I pulled it out too fast and another light lit up before both went out. “Oh boy. Gotta make the keyhole happy.” I looked over at Dee, “I guess this bit is what you came for, eh?”

Dee laughed, “This whole ride is what I came for, Love, but this is definitely the ice cream on top!”

I put the glass key back in the keyhole and tried to get a rhythm going. Three lights. Four lights. Zero knees. I leaned against the wall and pushed the glass dildo into myself from entirely the wrong angle. Eight lights.

I stopped. Pulled it out slowly. Four lights. One light.

I turned around. “Dee, I just had a really bad idea.”

Dee’s voice was flat, “How so?”

I was mesmerized by the dancing plasma ball just a few feet away. “The solutions that fuck you up.”

Dee just about choked. Eventually it turned into something like crying laughter. “You know I’m not going to stop you, Love. If this is my ice cream, that would be a chocolate truffle the size of my head.”

I walked over to the globe almost in a daze and slid the rod in. The sound of it charging went straight to my stomach and fluttered around. Even the door lights flickered up to three for a moment.

Dee hovered attentively next to my hand. “I wonder if anyone has opened the door without actually touching themselves. Looks like it could be done.”

The noise stopped, and I pulled out the now glowing key. I stood there staring at it for a few moments, just watching the spark twinkle, before pointing it at the keyhole and walking back.

It didn’t discharge when I touched myself with it, but it did crackle with static. I watched as all the tiniest hairs stood up on that rectangle of flesh, reinforcing the feeling that my vag was located there in front of me instead of between my legs. Five lights.

I slid it in slowly. It tingled inside, energy thrumming just under the glass. I slid it in and out one time and that alone almost took me down to my knees. Seven lights.

I slid it in, a centimeter at a time. Nine Lights.

It didn’t discharge until it was in as far as it could go.

I watched a momentary electric light show flash across the keyhole. Watched sparks shoot off my clit into the air. I clenched that key with every muscle that could do that and several that didn’t have anything to do with that. Every nerve inside and out coursed with sensation while the rest of my body went numb. My cunt was burning, frozen, in pain, in ecstasy, everything at once. Then it went numb too, except that it was buzzing and tingling like it had fallen asleep.

The key stayed where it was, but I fell over, howling, twitching and bucking ridiculously. I felt like I had my legs wrapped around an industrial strength vibrator. I kept trying to reach up and pull the key out of my keyhole, but every time I just wound up saying “oh dear” and letting go when I felt it move inside. Every little pull on that rod left me curled up and shuddering.

Dee couldn’t stop laughing, and was actually wheezing for air. I knew I’d get to watch this moment over and over for the rest of the game. Next time I played, we’d both be laughing at replays on the monitors.

While I was curled up and spasming for the fourth time, glass rod still half way inside me, the door opened and a chime sounded. “Assist Seven Unlocked. EMP Me Please.”

I could see a box, larger than the last one, pop up on the other side of the door.

A second chime sounded, “Tutorial Zone Complete! Thank you for choosing RailCo! We can rail you anywhere!”


Published 6 years ago

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