Perfect Porn

"In search of the elusive"

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I want porn with a story full of sexual tension, and longing.

I want to hear soft moans and whispered gentle affections.

I want eyes of tenderness, care, patience, and emotional connection.

I want exploration and adventure among traveling companions.

I want the warmth of a slow burning blaze, not the cold flash of neon lights.

I want submission without domination, taboo without defilement.

I want believable acting, a plausible relationship, true desire.

I want characters with a motivation I can comprehend.

I want organics, not mechanics going through the motions.

I want real tits and lips and bellies and dicks and pussies and hair.

I want awkwardness, laughter, and unfiltered amateur joy.

I want communication, and not just about how the pieces fit together.

I want the anticipatory potential to justify the kinetic release.

I want to see the origin of humanity in the final white climax.

I want to pretend this isn’t all just make-believe.

I want to feel something more than my own hardness in my hand.

Published 8 months ago

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