I looked up from my laptop straight into the sun where I saw a silhouette. I recognized the figure of that of the young woman in cabin D. We hadn’t seen her around but rumours where that late at night she was being picked up by the black man only to return before sunrise.
“Yes?” I put on my sunglasses and took her in. Shorts, tight top, no bra, hair in a ponytail. My cock moved in its enclosure.
“Could I borrow your charger, mine seems to be broken?”
She unplugged mine from the extension cord which hung from a branch of a tree that gave a bit of shade.
“Thanks. What are you doing?”
“I write a travel blog and right now it’s about fishing.”
“Oh.” She sat down and I couldn’t help to take in the perfect shape of her thigh and ass.
“What do you do?”
She just smiled at me then quietly said, “Things, things that some people think are immoral.”
My curiosity was peaked. “Well, I won’t judge you.”
“I’m the mistress to the man you saw me come in with.”
“Really, you are okay with that?”
She spoke good English but had a Latin accent. “Why not? Who am I to judge a man’s choice of whom he spends his nights with? Or how an adult woman makes her money?”
“I thought you northerners where more conservative?”
“Some are, but not me. I say, live and let live.”
She laughed and her entire face glowed and I was drowning in the green lakes that were her eyes.
Her phone buzzed and after reading the message she unplugged the phone and got up. “Thanks and it was nice meeting you Mr..?”
“Tom, just call me Tom.”
“Okay, just call me Tom. See you around.”
I watched her walk away and wondered what it would be like to kiss her ass cheeks and those amazing thighs.
The Australians had travelled inland so my nights were calmer with less beer. I was just about to call it a night when the woman went by me in a hurry. Her high heels clicked on the stones and then went quiet as she crossed the grass covered courtyard to her cabin. I could have sworn she was crying.
I brushed my teeth but on the way back to my cabin I passed her cabin and she was crying loudly. I knocked on the door and after a few minutes she said, “Yes?”
“It’s me, Tom, are you okay?”
She opened the door. Her face was blushed and her right side was actually red. Someone had slapped her hard.
“Jesus, what happened?”
She pulled me inside and closed the door. “Enrique became upset with me.”
She blew her nose in a napkin and wiped the tears from her eyes. “He, he, tried anal sex but it hurt too much so I pushed him away.”
There was a bottle of scotch on a small table and I poured two glasses and handed one to her. “Calm down, it’s not the end of the world.”
She sipped from it. “Yes it is, he pays for my education, my clothes, my food, everything and if I can’t please him, he will just dump me like a dirty panty.”
“First of all, what’s your name?”
That figures, of course her name was Emeralds in Spanish, with those eyes what else would it be. She drank more scotch and sat down with a sigh. “I don’t know what to do. He expects me to meet him tonight for dinner and then sex.”
“If you don’t mind telling me, what went wrong?”
Everything was fine, he was fucking me in a doggy position and I was close to coming, he has such a wonderful cock. Then, suddenly he pulled out and thrusts his fully erected dick against my anus while grabbing my hips and pulling me against him.”
“Oh, shit. Excuse the pun.”
“He penetrated me so hard I cried out and managed to pull away from him. My anus was hurting so bad, I cried.”
“Then what happened?”
“He told me not to be such a pussy and come back so he could continue. I refused and after a short argument he slapped me and sent me home with the driver.”
“What an asshole. Anal sex shouldn’t hurt, and it can be very pleasurable for both partners.”
Esmeralda scoffed and reached for the bottle and filled both our glasses. “For the man maybe. Look at me, I’m tiny, and Enrique has is a good eight inches and thick. There’s no way I can take him.”
“Did he use a lubricant?”
“No, just my pussy juices.”
“Sometimes that’s enough.”
She drank from her glass and put it aside. “Well, I might as well start looking for another man, by the morning Enrique will have kicked me out of his life.”
I felt sorry for her and had a thought. “Esmeralda, this might sound crazy but I have an idea.”
“Let me warm you up, before you meet your man.”
She raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, showing plenty of cleavage.
“What about if I give you anal pleasure and fuck you gently just before you leave, that way your anus is already stretched and Enrique could enter you more easily.
She slapped me. “Ouch, what the fuck? That hurts.”
“”What did you expect? Do you take me for a street whore? I’m not!”
I got up and finished the drink. “Just trying to help. Good luck to you, Esmeralda.”
I went out and into my room where I swore at myself for being so stupid. Now there was no chance in hell I would get into her panties and the Australians would have a good laugh. A few minutes later I heard her door open and close, then soft steps on the grass followed by the click clack on the stones. She was gone into the night to have her beautiful ass fucked by an old man with a big cock. What a waste of an amazing woman, I thought and closed my eyes.
The following morning Esmeralda stepped out of her cabin, stretched her arms over her head and when she saw me lowered them and came over to the table where I was nursing my fourth cup of coffee.
“Tom, I’m sorry I slapped you.”
“It’s okay, I overstepped.”
She sat down and leaned back in the chair. Nipples pressed against her white sports bra and she had a beautiful camel toe between her legs.
“So, how did it go last night?”
“I’m still here, my ass hurts like hell, but I’m still with him.”
“Cool, I’m glad it worked out.”
Inside I was fuming, I so much wanted to tap her ass and now I had lost my chance. Life wasn’t fair.
She looked at me and a smile grew on her lips. “What?” I asked.
“After I left last night I thought about what you had said and even though it was kind of stupid, it was cute. You wanted to help, that’s all.”
“Sure, but now you have done it so you don’t need my help”
“True, but I just happen to know someone who does.”
I raised my eyebrow and moved in closer. “Who?”
“My little sister, she is a mistress in training and hasn’t had anal sex yet.”
I was not going to fuck some under-aged girl. “Right, and how old is she?”
“17, and ready as fuck to try it.”
“Really?” I could almost feel how my devil horns began to grow out of my forehead. The thought of being with another such young girl was only in my dreams.
“Yes, and guess what?”
She checked her watch. “She should be here in about 15 minutes. If I were you, I’d make my cabin nice and clean for her.”
The girl that knocked on my door was not what I had expected. She was nothing like her curvy sister with her dark green sensual eyes or that raspy sexy voice I could drown in.
“Hey, you the writer?”
“Sure, and you are?”
“Karla. Will you let me in?”
I stepped aside and let her in. Dressed in tight black Lycra pants and a sports bra of the same colour she didn’t have much of that Latin figure. Sure, her ass was nice and round but lacked that extra umph her sister had. Boobs looked like a smaller B cup. Her hair was straight and stuck out of the hole at the back of her red baseball cap and she wore aviator sunglasses. When she took them off, blue eyes met mine.
“I know, my eyes, they always makes men and women react. My daddy was a gringo, he fucked Esmeralda’s mom. We have different dads.”
“Okay, that’s fine, I guess.”
She looked around the sparse room. “Anything to drink around this place?”
I got her a beer from the mini fridge and opened it for her. She drank almost all of it before smacking her lips. “Okay, here I’m. Esmeralda says you are going to show me how to do anal sex so the old dudes won’t dump me?”
I had to laugh. She sounded like a chick asking me to help with her homework. “Sure, what about taking a shower first?”
She shrugged her shoulders and got undressed. Where is it?”
“Out there, it’s a communal shower.”
“Okay, come with me?”
I hadn’t planned on that but since my buddies were gone no one else was around.
I grabbed the soap and my towel which we would have to share. In the shower we stepped in and as the water washed over us, I took her in again. Naked, she looked much hotter and I realized she was perfectly balanced like her sister as far as tits and ass went. I also loved the sight of her shaved pussy where her clit showed between the folds.
She grabbed my semi erect cock in her hand and went down on her knees. She licked it a few times and then sucked on it, like a real pro.
“Mm, this is much nicer than an old man’s cock. At least it’s hard when I begin.”
It made me laugh.
“Most of my guys need Viagra”, she said while jerking me off.
I lifted her up and turned her around and without me asking for it she pushed her ass cheeks against me and grabbed my cock between her legs. A second later it slid inside her tight and very wet pussy.
“Oh fuck, you are hard. So good, baby,” she moaned as I began to move.
I caressed her boobs and kissed her neck while fucking her slowly. I had no intention of come soon.
My hand slid down and found her swollen clit which I rubbed until she came for me. Her legs shivered and she spasmed a few times before her pussy relaxed around my shaft and I pulled out.
We dried and went back to my room and as we crossed the court I saw Esmeralda looking out her window with a worried look. I gave her a smile and a thumb’s up.
Karla sat naked on my bed and looked up at me. “What now?”
From my bedside table I took a tube of lube I had bought for the university chicks. “This is lubrication; it will help me enter you.”
“Lie down on your back and put a couple of pillows under your ass.”
She looked confused.
“Yes, I know, most people use doggy style for anal sex but I find it easier for the woman in a missionary.”
She did what I asked and she looked so cute lying there. She began to play with her nipples while the other hand moved along her tummy to her clit.
“Do you think I’m hot?” she asked,
I was stroking lube on my erect cock. “Yes, you are.”
She spread her pussy lips and her pink clit was swollen and ready but that had to wait.
I made sure my index and middle finger also had lube on them and then I gently pushed my index finger inside her anus.
“Oh, oh, that feels strange, but good,” she purred closing her eyes.
I finger fucked her until there was no resistance and then I added my middle finger to the party.
“Oh fuck, wow! Don’t stop, go on.”
Which I did until the room filled with her moans and groans and her body was moving all over the bed and her head thrashed from side to side.
I moved in between her legs and placed them over my knees and at the same time pulled her closer. She looked up at me and I asked, “Ready?”
“Mm, fuck my ass.”
I lined up my dick and slowly pushed inside her. There was the usual tension just as the head slid in and she gasped a few times and when the shaft entered her, her eyes flew open.
“Papi, you are fucking my ass, I can’t believe it. I have a cock in my ass!”
I began to move her and myself back and forth in a steady but slow rhythm so her tiny asshole became used to my cock. Her eyes had glazed over and were half shut. Sweat pearled on her forehead and between her boobs.
“Ay, Papi, que rico, me encanta.”
The Spanish turned me on even more and I fucked her harder until her boobs danced wildly on her chest and our eyes were locked.
“Come in my ass, give me that love juice,” she moaned.
My dick jerked a few times and I emptied myself deep inside this lovely young teenager.
I stayed where I was with my dick inside her. She smiled up at me. “I can still feel it jerking inside me.”
She gave her anus a squeeze and my cock came alive again.
“Dame lo, Papi. Fuck me again!”
Which I did and this time I pulled out and she jerked me off sending my white cum all over her round breasts and even a few drops landed on her soft lips which she licked away.
She got up, got dressed and left the room in one single go, not a word, not a good bye, nothing.
A few minutes later Esmeralda came in without knocking on my door finding me naked on the bed. She looked down at my flaccid cock.
“How did it go?”
“Just fine, I’d say. Your sister is a real hottie.”
“Thanks, I trained her myself.”
She sat down on the bed and flicked my cock back and forth a few time.
“So, she tells me you are pretty good.”
“I guess I am.”
“Maybe one day I could be your mistress?”
I laughed. “Sorry, Esmeralda, you are out of my league. I’m just a poor old writer trying to survive while getting some hot pussy ones in a while.
She bent down and kissed me. “Thanks anyway for helping me with Karla. I’m leaving tonight. We are taking Enrique’s private jet to Europe. Good luck to you.”
She left and closed the door. I lay on my bed with a smile on my face. What would be next for this horny writer?