Peeping Tom

"Tom gets new neighbours and has a blast"

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It was hot and humid. My body sweated from every pore and my T-shirt stuck to my back. There was an empty bottle of water next to me on the table behind an overflowing ashtray. I stared at the blank page on my laptop and swore at it once again. My mind was blank, no ideas, not even a whiff of one. I looked up as voices reached me from the entrance to the small bed and breakfast where I was staying.

It was run by a family, dad, mom, and two teenaged daughters. The guests stayed in little cabins that had been erected around a central court. Each cabin had a bed, a mini fridge, a tiny TV and a very welcome AC. It was small and a bit cramped but it was my home for the next three months. The other guests were a mix of workers and tourists. There was a communal kitchen, eating area, three bathrooms and a BBQ area. Being just outside the city it was an easy commute by bus or taxi.

The voices came closer and I saw that it was a group of four young women, a couple still teenagers and the other two in their early 20’s. There was an older woman too, who seemed to be in charge. The girls laughed and goofed around while the older woman spoke to the male owner of the place. I watched them for a while. It was nice eye candy and it took my mind off my task. Tight shorts and halter tops were their uniforms. Bouncy tits, and long tanned legs. My cock came awake. After all, it had been a month since I got laid last and it was time to dip the cock in the well of love. Cheesy, right?

I watched the group disappear to their cabins. Two girls in each and the chaperon had her own. To my pleasure I noted that the two brunettes were next to me while the blond and the redhead were a few doors down. When moving in I had taken down the TV on the wall since I didn’t really need it but I did need the wall socket. I had noticed that whoever had put up the TV had made a few tries until he or she got it right, leaving two small holes in the wall. When looking through them, like binoculars I could see the bed next door. It was a double and left very little space in the room. Knowing this, I was looking forward to some peeping later that night.


During dinner, I watched the young women in the group as they sat around the BBQ with their chaperon. While the other guests, me included had wine or beers with our food, the girls had water. At first, I thought they were a sports team of some sort because they had very lean and strong muscles. But I learned from the owner that they were actually students from a university and they were staying at the bed and breakfast because it was close to a jungle trail. They were biology students and ventured into the jungle to take samples. That explained their strong bodies which had been honed by tracking up and down the slippery tracks.

At 9 pm it had already been dark for several hours and the girls got ready for bed. I got up and got my tooth brush and paste from my cabin and joined the line to the public bathrooms. I was standing right behind the redhead when she turned around.

“Hi, what do you do?”

“I write a travel blog, but right now I have writer’s block.”

“Cool, I bet you will get over it soon. I’m Becky by the way, and those are my friends at the front of the line. Maria is the blonde; the taller brunette is Sandra and the other Jenny.”

“I live next door to them.”

She smiled wickedly at me. “Are you a deep sleeper?” she almost whispered.

“I guess.”

“Good, because they can get a bit loud.”

The line moved forward and she slipped into one of the toilets that had become available leaving me wondering what she had meant. As I waited, Jenny, Sandra and Maria went by me on their way back and this close they were stunning examples of the opposite sex.

I waited almost ten minutes after coming back to my cabin before I turned off the light and moved to the two holes in the wall. With the light off, they couldn’t see the holes from their side. When I looked into their room Sandra and Jenny were undressing and I held my breath. Both had cute white cotton panties. Jenny a white bra, while Sandra had a pink. They both took them off and their boobs were in clear sight. Small hard nipples on top of full round breasts. I sighed as my dick grew hard. Then Sandra moved closer to Jenny and they kissed softly caressing each other’s backs and asses. Slowly they fell onto the bed where panties were taken off and right before my eyes they began to scissor. Their moans and sighs were like music to my ears and I began to stroke my cock which was already leaking pre-cum.

Jenny moved down and licked her friend’s pussy while finger fucking her. At that moment, I came and shot a large amount of cum onto the wall and moaned loudly. Sandra opened her eyes and pushed Jenny away. “Who’s there?”

“What?” said Jenny with a horny rasp to her voice, wiping pussy juice from her cheek.

“I could have sworn I heard someone sigh.”

Jenny kissed her friends thigh.” C’mon, let’s continue.”

Sandra lay down again and Jenny went back to licking her. I cleaned the wall and the floor and then got into my bed. I could still hear them going at it and that’s what rocked me to sleep.


The following morning Sandra caught me looking at her while she was eating her breakfast. She held my gaze and slowly a smile grew on her lips. She wiggled her finger from side to side and mouthed “naughty” at me. I blushed and quickly got up to wash my breakfast plate. She must have guessed it was me who had moaned the previous night since my cabin was the closest. Obviously she hadn’t told the chaperon or I would have been kicked out first thing in the morning. This made me wonder what the horny little slut was up to. Maybe, she liked a bit of cock with her pussy? I hadn’t had a threesome in a long time. I decided to play it cool that evening and not look through the holes.

My day went fine, I did some writing, had a few beers with the owner and his wife. By the time the girls came back from the jungle I was freshly showered and shaved. They looked like they had been in a mudwrestling competition. Their legs and arms were covered in dirt and their clothes were filthy. Sandra had dirt in her hair and face. They quickly dropped their backpacks in their cabins and then went to the showers.

When they came out wrapped in towels they were fresh as daisies and when they walked past me I could smell the shampoo and soap. I loved that smell.

After dinner I went to bed to read a bit and I was deep into my book when there was a quiet knock on my door. I checked my watch and it was almost two in the morning. When I opened, Sandra stood outside.


She looked around making sure no one was around. The night was quiet apart from the hooting of an owl and the night insects.

“Can I come in?”


She tiled her head and the light from the moon caught her white teeth as she smiled. “I have a favour to ask you.”


I closed the door behind her and indicated she could sit on the only chair while I sat on the bed. “What’s up?”

She looked down at her hands and then up at me. “Was it you last night?”

“I guess it was. Will you tell on me?”

She shook her head. “No, I won’t. I didn’t mind it. I guess I’m a bit of an exhibitionist,” she said and giggled.

“So, what can I do for you?”

“I want to suck your cock.”

There was a long silence in the room. Then I said, “I thought you were into girls.”

“I’m but I’m bisexual.”

“Oh, okay. Why me?”

“To tell you the truth, I haven’t had a cock for the last five years. Not that I haven’t had a chance but Jenny is always checking on me, she is a straight up lesbian.”

“What about now, what if she misses you?”

“She is knocked out, we hiked for miles today and it was tough going.”

Again there was a long silence until she broke it. “C’mon, take it out.”

What man wouldn’t take his cock out to make a pretty girl happy and that’s just what I did. It was still flaccid and it hung between my legs. Sandra looked at it and licked her lips. She reached out and gently took it in her palm, weighing it and then closed her fingers around the shaft. Now it became awake and grew in size until it was fully erect. The cock head, dark red pointed right at her face where she sat.

She tugged on it and I took a step forward and in doing so she opened her mouth and my cock entered to its base. Her eyes widened and her lips tightened around the shaft as I slowly began to fuck it. She cupped my balls and teased them with her nails as her tongue played around the head.

“I won’t be able to hold back,” I moaned.

Her eyes told me she didn’t care. Instead, she began to suck me harder making sure my cock was as far back in her throat as it could be. My balls contracted and when I shot my load she closed her eyes and I saw how she swallowed several times before gently pulling back. She licked the cock head clean and then ran her index finger and thumb along the shaft milking out a few drops that she also licked away.

“That was amazing,” she said and got up.

“What? You don’t want me to, you know, go down on you?”

She smiled. “Trust me, Jenny does it much better than any man.”


She silently closed the door behind her and she was gone. I stood naked in my room and thought about what a lovely girl Sandra was.


“You bastard,” Jenny hissed in my ear the next day in the kitchen.


I turned around, my back to the microwave. She stepped in close enough I could smell the mint gum on her breath.

“My girl tasted of cum this morning when I kissed her.”

“Wasn’t me.”

“Liar. There is no other man here that she would be with.”

I pointed at a couple of guys in their 20’s hanging laundry. “What about those?”

She slowly shook her head. “No, she like older dudes, like you. She has some Daddy issues, you see. Yeah, Sandra loves old cock.”

“I’m not old.”

She scoffed. “Limp dicked mother fucker.”

I got pissed. “Oh, I wasn’t limped dicked last night when your girl was sucking my cock. I was so hard she could hardly take it.”

“Asshole!” she stomped off and I went back to my breakfast.

I while later they both came out of the cabin and Sandra kept her eyes low as they passed the kitchen. Jenny gave me an evil grin with smouldering eyes and hiked up her backpack higher on her shoulder.

I didn’t give a fuck. I didn’t need or want drama in my life. I had gotten a good blowjob by a hot chick and if it was a onetime deal, no sweat. How wrong I was.


A few days later I was sitting in my chair outside my cabin. It was late at night. A beer on the floor and smoking a cigarette. I was contemplating where to go next.


I turned and saw Sandra standing in the doorway to her cabin. “Sorry, not interested.”

She gave me a smile. “I think you will be, come on in.”




When I walked in I had the shock of my life. On the bed lay Jenny naked with her legs apart and a dildo shoved so far up her pussy only the knob was visible. She held it with two fingers while looking at me with dazed eyes.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she moaned.

“Take you cock out and feed it to her,” said Sandra and closed the door.

“C’mon, she is a lesbian.”

“She is willing to try but it has to be now before she comes.”

Who was I to say no? I dropped my shorts and took off my T-shirt. Naked, I walked to the side of the bed and when I got there; my cock was standing straight up.

Sandra leaned over Jenny and angled my dick downwards her face.

“There you go, just look at that tasty cock. Try it.”

With a quick glance at Sandra, Jenny opened her mouth. Her eyes looked into mine as my dick slipped over her lip and into the warmth. They were soft and lush and she sighed as she began to move back and forth with her head.

Sandra had taken over the toy and was fucking her with it. This gave Jenny freedom with her hands and they went to work on my balls and shaft, playing, teasing, and stroking.

“Has she ever tasted cum?” I asked Sandra.


At that moment Jenny came. She arched her back closed her eyes and held on to my shaft. I did the same and emptied myself in her mouth. The cum dribbled out between my dick and her lips running down her chin and dripping down onto her boobs.

Jenny licked it up and while doing so pulled me down onto the bed. She quickly got on top of me and guided my cock to her pussy and sank down. She was tight and wet. Slowly she began to ride me.

“What do I do?” asked Sandra, a bit lost.

“Sit on his face.”


Suddenly I had a shaved pussy covering my mouth and nose. I went to work on it and the room filled with the sounds of people having sex, and good sex at that. The girls kissed above me and played with their boobs. I came deep inside Sandra but she kept on riding me for several more orgasms while Jenny came multiple times and I drank more pussy juice that night than I had done over the past few years.

When the girls feel asleep, I slipped out into the night. Naked, with my clothes in my hands, I went into me cabin to find Maria and Becky on my bed.

“Hey, Tom,” said Becky while gently rubbing her clit.

“We have been waiting for you,” added Maria, caressing her boobs.

“Fuck me, I can’t anymore. Your friends fucked me dry.”

They giggled in unison. “Just lie here between us.”

“Okay, I can do that.”

I felt like a hot dog between two buns as I lay there looking up at the ceiling. They hands caressed me and soon Maria slid down towards my cock and to be honest, I felt proud as it rose to the occasion and filled her tight teenaged pussy.

“You see, you can pleasure us, but tomorrow, you will fuck us first and then the lesbian sluts next door.”

“You mean, you two…?”

“Heck no, we are cock lovers and can’t get enough of it.

“Good Lord,” I moaned, this was going to be a long night.


Published 5 years ago

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