Peen Takes A Bicycle Ride

"Continued, erotic adventures of Peen"

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Peen jiggled down the cobblestones of the village. He liked to take his liberty away from the ship checking out the local economy. At present, he was riding a bicycle through the streets and heading away from the central part of the picturesque county town. He had just borrowed the bike from the lamppost outside a local pub.

He surely intended to bring it back. It couldn’t hurt to just take it for a spin across the countryside. Aye, he thought to himself and grinned as he watched a girl’s slender athletic legs pumping her own bike down the lane and under the now nearly leafless linden trees.

Peen arrived on a bus from the city earlier in the day. He hopped down from the vehicle and landed with his normal agility then grinned as he saw the sign for the tavern right above a nearby open doorway. Laughter drifted out enticing patrons to enter. So he did so.

He sat at the bar and when the barkeeper turned to him and lifted eyebrows, he pointed to the tap of the local brew. Both men grinned. “Good choice, sir.”

Peen licked some foam and slurped up the brew before it trickled down the pint glass, sighing, “Aye.” Then he coughed a bit at the strength of the ale.

His eyes drifted about the dimly lit cavernous room passing over the sullen loners nodding at their cups, and the hale fellows toasting each other and laughing, letting his glance stop and rest upon any tender lady fair who met his taste. His very, broad, open taste.

She was at a window booth with two delicate hands encircling her half-pint glass watching autumn leaves wiggle waggle on the breeze, falling where they would. She was wearing an out of season floral print dress with a plaid jumper giving her refined shoulders some warmth. But it was unseasonably warm today anyway and she spread her exquisite legs apart perhaps allowing her lady parts a little relief and coolness from perspiration.

Peen grinned with the image of other tasty moist delicacies that now lived in his memories and nodded approvingly at her raising the hem of her dress higher, exposing edible bits of her tender thigh and knee flesh. Then she turned her head and he winked at her when her eyes met his.

The lady drank the last of her brew and, toasting her gesture, Peen did the same. She grabbed her bag and slipped out of the booth, waving adieu to the servers and the room. As she tripped engagingly out the open door Peen followed with eager alacrity.

Now he was on the borrowed mode of locomotion following her as she peddled aggressively and forcefully, pumping her fabulous legs as if for his own personal pleasure. He followed suit as well as he could. Passing the outskirts of the village and into farmland, he began to grunt with his efforts, panting and whispering, “Nay, nay,” but keeping up as well as he could as a drip of sweat formed on his nose tip.

Suddenly she swerved away from the roadway and slipped awkwardly through a narrow gap in the hedgerow, losing control of her bike as she hit a large stone. She landed behind some shrubbery, near a pile of freshly mown alfalfa, with a loud “eek” of fright melded with frustration. 

Peen pulled over, tossing the bike onto some crackly leaves and kneeling beside her.  

“Drat, did you see that snake? Blast it all, I skinned my knee. See it? I think it’s bleeding.” She pulled her hem up spreading her legs and glancing down at both of them. She had lost a ballet slipper, but only had a slight scrape below her right knee.

“Nay,” said Peen, examining her legs for any other cuts. “Nay,” he stated, grinning, after looking into the lane for the invisible snake. He reached far behind him to the slipper and brought it around and started to replace it on her naked foot. She was wearing no sox or stockings. He tickled her arch and she giggled.

“Stop that. Are you some kind of perv, mister?” She was smiling slightly as his fingers caressed her foot and toes, grinning broadly as he did so. Her legs pulled up toward her waist slowly and her knees fell apart displaying a set of pink panties. 

“I saw you at the pub. You are a perv, silly old man.”

She was rather emphatic, but her toes were wriggling. They continued to do that as Peen pulled both feet to his crotch and used them to knead his hardening member. “Aye,” he groaned, vigorously now, humping against one pink foot. He brought the other bare extremity up to his lips and his mouth engulfed the toes. He sucked noisily each tender digit. 

Slowly, with care, as he continued to press his prick against a foot arch, one arm extended up and a finger slipped those pink panties aside to tickle the moist lips. She moaned, then guided his fingers to their proper place, dipping under her clit hood and then running fingers down and into her juicy lip juncture. 

After greedily pleasing herself, the young darling impatiently pushed him away so she could pull off her knickers. Peen unbuckled and jerked his trousers down away from his rampant beast. “Come on, you perv. I need some cock. Don’t futz about, silly man.”

With that, she twisted about and presented herself with her dress flipped up and over a deliciously rounded backside. Slipping forward Peen solemnly praised her slit with his cock head sliding up and down and then ramming into the succulent morsel. With continuing thrusts, he accepted his eternal sunshine of good fortune with happy cries of, “Aye.”

When fulfilled, the young lady collapsed onto the hay as our Peen squirted his juices onto her bared feet. 

“Hey, what was your name?”  

Whispering, “Nay,” Peen departed, returning the bike to the Green Man Inn.


Published 6 years ago

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