Mi-Cha was a foreign-exchange student from Korea, who had come to the UW to pursue her studies in biology. She had walked from Kincaid Hall, home of the university’s Biology Department, using the buildings to keep from getting too wet. But now she had to cross Central Plaza, affectionately known by the students as “Red Square” due to the red brick paving.
She tried to hurry, but the paving bricks were wet and slick and her sneakers didn’t have a lot of grip to them. About halfway across Red Square, Mi-Cha slipped and fell into a shallow puddle she was trying to skirt. Her textbooks fell into the water with her and got wet, as did she. Falling on the hard brick surface hurt, and she wasn’t able to get right up, so she sat in the puddle for a few moments.
Kevin White, the university football team’s star linebacker just so happened to be coming out of a nearby building and was standing under a handy overhang deciding if he wanted to get out in the rain as well. He was debating it when he heard Mi-Cha’s cry and spun around to see her fall. His decision now made, he sprinted over to where the young girl sat in her puddle of rainwater.
He offered her his hand. “Are you okay?” he asked her as he pulled her to her feet.
“Yes,” she said, looking down at him as he picked up her books and tried to drain as much water off as he could.
As he helped her to the nearest shelter out of the rain, he introduced himself. “My name is Kevin… Kevin White.”
“Me Mi-Cha,” she said, looking up and smiling politely.
“Mi-Cha… that’s a pretty name,” he said. Again she looked up and smiled, then quickly looked back down.
They got in out of the rain and she looked down at her drenched, dripping clothes. She really looked pitiful.
“You can’t go to the library or anyplace else in that condition. Are you staying here on campus?”
“Yes, I’m Alder Hall,” she said, starting to shiver now.
“Well, we need to get you home and into some dry clothes before you catch cold!” he said. “Wait right here, I’ll go get my car and take you home so you can get out of those wet clothes.”
“O-okay,” she said, shivering more now. She knew that if she tried walking home cold and wet as she was, she would surely get sick and she didn’t want to miss any school. Being an exchange student was a rare opportunity, especially for a girl from a small town like her – she wanted to take full advantage of it.
Kevin made sure she was okay sitting in the rear entry of the building, and then he left to go get his car. He returned a few minutes later, walking through the building to appear at the entry where Mi-Cha still sat.
“Okay I’m back. I’m parked out front though, so I could get closer to the building. Let’s take you back home,” he said. He walked her through the building, holding the doors for her as they went.
“Thank you for helping,” Mi-Cha said quietly as they walked.
“That’s okay, I just hope your books and papers are all right,” he said, “You are new here, right? I don’t think I have seen you on campus before.”
“Yes, I am exchange student… from Korea,” she said.
“That’s cool. How do you like America so far?”
“It is very… different. Sorry, my English not good,” she said, looking at her lap. She fidgeted nervously with her hands. Mi-Cha was intimidated by this boy who had rescued her. She was just a small girl – a college Freshman in a strange country. He was a junior, a 3rd year student and a big, brawny six-foot five-inch tall, 257 pound football player.
Kevin saw she was nervous with him and he smiled to himself. As she sat in the seat next to him playing with her hands, he reached over and gently put a hand on top of hers. “Relax Mi-Cha, it’s okay. I can understand you just fine.”
Mi-Cha looked up at him then and saw the kindness in his eyes and his big sparkling smile. She settled back in her seat a bit and her shoulders relaxed, the nervousness draining away. He drove her over to her dorm house and pulled up front. He got out and walked around to open her door, offering his hand to help her out. Then he walked her to her door to make sure she got in all right.
“Are you going to be okay now?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you,” she replied, smiling up at him.
“Okay then, I hope I see you around campus again – under better conditions though!” he said, turning back towards his car. As he drove off, she went up to her 3rd floor dorm room and went inside to change and get out of her wet clothes.
Once she had showered and was more comfortable in dry clothes, she began looking at the damage that had been done to her books and papers. Her books were a bit wet, but they would be okay. The paper that she had been working on wasn’t so lucky. It had gotten so wet it fell apart. Fortunately, she wasn’t too far into it yet and with a little work, she could replace it fairly easily.
As she looked over her books, she began day dreaming a little about the boy who had rescued her. Kevin had been very nice and very gentlemanly. And on top of that he was very good looking, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair, a scruffy beard, and those baby blue eyes that had shown such kindness in them.
Mi-Cha lazily traced her fingers over the dried, wrinkled pages of her textbook. Suddenly, she noticed she wasn’t quite dry any more – a small wet spot had began to form in the front of her clean panties!
* * * * * * * * * *
It was four days later when Mi-Cha was between classes in one of the university’s snack shops when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
“Hi, Mi-Cha!” the voice said. Mi-Cha turned around to see Kevin behind her. She broke into a big smile seeing her hero. “Anyone sitting here with you?”
“No, please?” she said, indicating she would like him to sit with her.
Kevin took a seat and sat his food down. “So did much get ruined the other day?” he asked.
“No, it all right,” she said.
“That’s good. I was afraid your textbook might have been totaled by all the water. Those things are expensive!” he said.
“Yes, much money,” she agreed.
“I saw it was a biology book – are you a biology major?” he asked.
“Yes, Marine Biology,” she said.
“That’s cool. I’m going for my Bachelors in Business Administration in Information Technology,” he said.
The two of them talked more about school and he asked a lot of questions about her home in Korea. He learned she was from the small town of Gwacheon, South Korea. Actually, as she explained, she lived in Munwon-dong, a little suburb of Gwacheon, about 30 minutes drive from downtown Gwacheon. He explained that he was from Boise, Idaho. Mi-Cha said that her father ran a little grocery market in Gwacheon, while Kevin said his father worked in a department store selling computers and electronics.
As the two talked and got to know a little more about each other, Mi-Cha found herself totally captivated with this American. Kevin too, found this exotic young beauty to have his full attention. Both were very much enjoying their time together.
“Listen Mi-Cha, I have to get to class, but I would really like to talk to you more. Would you like to go out sometime?”
“Yes, I would like,” she said.
“Good. There is a football game this weekend against Oregon State. Would you like to come to the game and then afterwards we could go out?”
“Yes, I would like,” she said again.
“Good. When you come to the game, just tell the front gate you are with me, and they’ll let you in for free and show you where to sit. That way you’ll get a good seat and it won’t cost you anything!” he said.
“Okay,” she said. Kevin and Mi-Cha went their separate ways after that, both headed to classes but in different directions. Mi-Cha tried to concentrate on her studies, but his face and his voice kept interfering with what she was supposed to be learning. She found the American football star to be very interesting, attractive, and yes, even sexy. She liked his unusual way of enjoying life – completely different than the strict, reserved way that she was used to back home. In Korea, men were all business and there was little time for foolish entertainment. But Kevin seemed to be embracing life for all it could give him and she liked that in him. Not to mention she thought he was the handsomest guy she had ever laid eyes on!
Kevin was having his own troubles concentrating. At five foot-two inches tall with brown hair down to the middle of her back and soft brown eyes to match, Mi-Cha was a very attractive girl. And her cute “little girl” face and hot little 34-23-35 body only made her more appealing. He had thought she was a knockout the first time he had saw her there in the rain and his opinion of her only got better each time he saw her. He was glad she had agreed to come to the game and then go out with him afterwards. He was going to do his dead-level best to win her, whatever it took!
Of course neither of them knew of the other’s true interest and so began the game… each one working to impress and sway the other into developing a casual friendship into something more substantial and meaningful. Kevin tried to win Mi-Cha’s attentions while Mi-Cha tried to make herself attractive to Kevin.
* * * * * * * * * *
Saturday, the day of the game, finally came and Mi-Cha got ready to go to the game. She wasn’t sure what to wear to a football game, this one being the first she had ever attended. Luckily for her, this was a home game so she would be able to change if need be. She decided to go in a favorite pair of blue jeans and a white button front blouse. She got dressed and put on some makeup, wanting to be as pretty as she could for her date with him. As she finished up she looked at herself in the full length mirror. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she thought she looked okay, but not really sexy. She wanted to attract him – this was a date after all not just two friends having coffee. She needed to do something more.
Mi-Cha thought about changing her top and she unbuttoned her blouse. She was just about to take it off when she came up with an idea. She tied the ends of her blouse up around her breasts like a crop-top, leaving the top open. She decided not to wear her bra, hoping that it would make her even more alluring when he saw her. Besides, experience had already proved that he had the ability to make her nipples hard… now she was counting on that same talent!
Being an exchange student, Mi-Cha didn’t have a car and therefore no need for a driver’s license. She had her temporary student visa and her university ID card if needed for identification. So she took the campus shuttle to the stadium and as Kevin had told her she told the guy at the front gate that she was there at Kevin’s request. The security guard standing at the gate showed her to her seat and she settled in to watch this thing called football.
Mi-Cha didn’t have a good grasp of the rules, the players, or much of anything about the game, but she did understand by the way the crowd was cheering when something good happened. She was also excited to see her Kevin out there doing what he did, every time he blocked for the quarterback or made a good tackle of the opposing team she felt a little tingle between her legs. Although she didn’t understand the game, the competitiveness and spirited rivalry got her juices flowing – like watching gladiators battle each other in ancient Rome.
When the game ended, Kevin walked across the field to where Mi-Cha was sitting. “So what did you think of the game? How do you like American football?” he asked.
“I like very much,” she said smiling and looking down. He still intimidated her and made her feel small and weak – which compared to him, she was.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now I have to take a shower if we are going to go out. Wait here for me?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. He trotted across the field into the dressing room and took a quick shower to wash off the sweat and grime from the game. He got dressed in his street clothes, then came back to where Mi-Cha sat waiting for him.
“Okay now that I am presentable, we can go!” he said with a big grin.
She smiled back at him. She didn’t really care if he was sweaty and grimy, she would have taken him shower or not. But the fact that he wanted to be clean and look good for her made her heart swell.
“Please, can stop at my house? I wish to change too,” she said in her broken English. So they left the stadium and went back to Alder Hall so she could change clothes for their date.
They pulled up to Alder Hall and he parked in the visitor’s parking. Mi-Cha took him up to her dormitory room. It was actually more like a tiny apartment with a living area, a bedroom and a bathroom. There was no cooking facilities, but other than that it was pretty much a small apartment. Kevin sat in the recliner waiting for Mi-Cha to change in her bedroom. She was gone for about ten minutes when she reappeared.
“Wow! Mi-Cha…” he said, standing as she entered the room. Mi-Cha had changed from her jeans, sneakers, and tied up shirt into a very sexy little black knit dress that was short enough to tease but still acceptable in public. It had a deep V neckline that showed off her young proud C-cup breasts well. She had seamed stockings to accentuate her legs and silver strappy CFM heels to give her a bit more height. Overall she looked magnificent, and Kevin stood there mouth agape as she slowly walked up to him.
“You like?” she asked. He answered her question by taking the girl in his arms. He looked at her for a moment and Mi-Cha waited anxiously for his next move. Her eyes darted back and forth as she searched his face for his reaction. Then she got it as he leaned forward and kissed her softly on her glossy pink lips. At first the kiss was gentle and tentative, as if each was unsure if the other was ready. But then she parted her lips in invitation to him and their kiss deepened, become stronger and more passionate. She had wondered about what it would be like to kiss him ever since that first meeting when he rescued her from the rain. And now that he was making his feelings known, she surrendered herself to him, moaning her approval and desire softly into his mouth as their tongues danced with each other.
He would have been content just to stay there in her dorm room the whole night, and she certainly wouldn’t have minded continuing their kiss, but he did promise her dinner so after a few precious moments of kissing, he broke their kiss. “We’d better get going before we lose the reservation for dinner,” he said.
“Yes,” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. They left her dorm room and after she locked the door behind her, he offered her his arm and she smiled taking it to walk down the hall to the elevator and out to his car.
Being a lot more familiar with Seattle than she was, he took her to a very nice seafood restaurant only 20 minutes away. There they had a very nice, classy dinner and a glass of white wine. She wasn’t sure what to order so she let him order both of them the grilled salmon. They ate their dinner and talked, with Kevin keeping his eyes fixed on his Oriental beauty and Mi-Cha looking up every so often to see him looking at her, then shyly averting her eyes again as if she wasn’t supposed to be caught looking at him. He thought it was quite charming of her to feel so shy and timid around him and smiled each time she did it.
Dinner finished sooner than either would have liked it to and before long, they had to leave. Kevin paid the bill and they got back in his car and headed back to the campus. As they drove, Mi-Cha searched for a way to spend more time with him. She didn’t want to night to end so quickly and she hoped he would feel the same. She debated with herself in saying something, but her Korean background – with the typical women should be quiet and submissive mentality – made it hard for her to make the first move. She hoped that he would speak up, but Kevin wasn’t sure what to do either. He didn’t want to embarrass or offend her by being too forward.
They pulled into the visitor parking lot at Alder Hall, and she realized that it was now or never.
“You want me to come in… to your dorm room?” he asked just to make sure he heard her right.
“Yes, very much,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at him. She saw what she was hoping for – a big broad smile sparkling eyes and a kind and caring face.
“I would like that very much too,” he said. You could almost hear her heart leap when he said yes. Kevin got out of his seat and came around to open her car door. They walked arm in arm into the building and up to her room. Once inside she took him over to the recliner he had sat in before while she went into the bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable.
She came back into the living room wearing just an oversized t-shirt and her panties. She came over and stood in front of him as if waiting for something. He reached up and took her hand, pulling her into his lap. She curled into him happily and laid her head on his shoulder.
They sat there for more than a half hour, just cuddling and being close together. Kevin slowly traced his fingers up and down her naked legs, each time getting a little braver and going a little higher. Before long, he was at the bottom hem of her t-shirt. He had gotten no resistance to this point so he “casually” slipped his hand under the t-shirt. Mi-Cha adjusted her position so she could part her legs a bit for him. The invitation made, he slid his hand further up the next trip until he felt the edge of her panties. Kevin could feel the heat coming from her core and as his fingers ran along the edge of the material, he noticed the wet spot that had developed there as well.
“Ohhh…” Mi-Cha moaned, and spread her legs wider.
Kevin leaned over and, as casually as if he had done this a hundred times before, kissed her softly on the mouth while allowing his hand to gently caress her firm young breast through her t-shirt. “You are a very beautiful woman, Mi-Cha,” he whispered softly after their kiss was broken.
She smiled at him. Mi-Cha’s breathing had quickened and her heart was beating so hard in her chest she just knew he could hear it. Suddenly he stood up, picking her up in his arms at the same time. With her mind was still buzzing from the erotic kiss, it was all Mi-Cha could do to stammer, “What are you going to do now?”
“Have you ever had sex with an American guy?” he whispered into her ear while softly nibbling on her neck.
“No,” she gasped, “n-never. I… I’m virgin.”
Kevin smiled knowingly. “Good,” he whispered, “it will be my honor to be your first,” he said as he carried her gently into her bedroom and laid her on her bed.
“But we aren’t going to have sex,” he continued, softly kissing her lips and working his way to her neck and then to her shoulder with tiny little wet pecks.
“We not?” Mi-Cha asked, not understanding his idea.
“No, Mi-Cha,” he replied between kisses, “Since this is your first time, I want it to be special for you. We are going to make love, there is a big difference.
He leaned over top of her and held her face to his, kissing her passionately. Mi-Cha reached up and ran her fingers through his long hair, as his hand found her side and began sliding upwards. His hand slipped under her large comfy t-shirt and moved higher, eventually finding her breast. Mi-Cha gasped as his hand grazed her hardened nipple and she arched her back a bit, her breasts reaching up for his hand.
Then Mi-Cha sat up and took the bottom edge of her shirt and pulled it up over her head and off, laying back down on her bed.
“Are you sure?” he asked her one last time.
“Yes,” she said. She flushed slightly, as she knew he had never seen her bare-chested like this before. She reached up and began to unbutton his shirt, gently but firmly. He pulled it off once it is totally unbuttoned and Mi-Cha ran her fingers across his chest.
Kevin returned the favor, kissing his way down her lithe, trembling body and stopping at her stiff, rosy nipples.
“Ohhh…” she moaned aloud as his mouth closed over one aching nipple and began to lick and suck the throbbing bud. She could feel his hardness pressing against the side of her leg.
Slowly, he ran his tongue around her nipples, taking turns between them. Kevin continued to swirl his teasing tongue around her thick nipples as she moaned encouragement to him.
“Ohh… Yes, yes!” she moaned, cupping her breasts and offering herself up to his greedy mouth. He started sucking on a nipple, biting it and chewing on it gently, then moving to the other, switching back and forth. His hand moved to her inner thigh and up to her crotch. He could feel a moistness there between her legs, and knew she was aroused and ready for him. He moved to position himself kneeling between her spread legs. Slowly, he pulled down her soaked panties as she lifted her legs for him. Once they were off, he took them to his nose deeply inhaling her scent. Watching him enjoying her delicates sent a shudder through her body and she clenched the sheets beside her.
Once he had his fill of her musky woman-perfume, he turned his attention to the source of the fragrance. Using his index finger he circled her dripping slit as she squirmed and ground her ass into the bed. Then he gently pinched her clit.
“Oooh, Ohhh!” Mi-Cha began to have the first of several orgasms.
Kevin smiled as he watched the exotic beauty in front of him enjoying her pleasure. Then he began to circle her slit again, moving slowly outwards. His hands ran over her milky thighs, and then he lightly dragged his fingertips closer and closer to her core, then farther away, teasing her and driving her mad with lust.
Suddenly, without warning, he plunged two fingers into her drooling slit, then quickly pulled them back out. Mi-Cha gasped in shock and surprise. Slowly he slide down, lower and lower, until his mouth was level with her mound. Kevin’s tongue reached out and flicked her clit gently at first, then harder. He pushed his tongue deeper and deeper into her, until she was screaming out in indescribable pleasure. He licked and lapped up her pussy juices wherever he could reach them, his tongue swirling and wriggling inside her like a crazed snake.
“Ohhh!!” Mi-Cha screamed out as she erupted in an earth-shattering orgasm. A shudder ran through her body and her knees were instinctively drawn up from the force of her own orgasm. He looked up from his meal, watching her between her knees, his face glistening with her juices. Then he moved up her body to kiss her deeply, and she tasted her own juices on his tongue, and in his mouth.
“Me now,” Mi-Cha said, pushing him onto his back. She knelt in front of him and unfastened his belt and jeans, pulling them down eagerly. Then she pulled down his boxers, gasping as she got her first look at his cock. He was hard, twitching in anticipation, and a good nine inches long! Mi-Cha, wrapped her small hand around the base and held him firmly, smiling as she felt him throb and pulse in her grip. She looked at it, studying the cock in her hand. She ran a finger around the hood, marveling at the velvety texture. She looked at him for a second and he smiled and nodded.
Mi-Cha parted her glossy pink lips and began to slide down his meatpole, taking as much of the hard cock as she could. Slowly he disappeared into her warm wet mouth, until he hit the back of her throat. She gagged a bit but she ignored it, and began bobbing up and down, working his cock with her mouth and tongue. Kevin closed his eyes as the sensations of Mi-Cha’s sweet mouth began to make his cum boil in his balls. She increased that boiling when she swirled her tongue all around his length, paying attention to the rim around his cockhead.
Mi-Cha took him into her mouth again and slowly slid down his pole further this time. She reached the point that she had gagged before, but this time she was ready. Swallowing as she went, she opened her throat and proceeded to take him further down. She slid him down her throat until her nose reached his abdomen and she could go no further. Holding him deep in her throat like that for a few seconds, she cradled his cum-heavy nuts gently, massaging them and tickling his perineum lightly with her fingernails.
The sensations were almost too much for Kevin, and he nearly exploded right then. He moaned and spread his legs further apart, reaching between them to place a hand on the back of his Oriental flower’s head. Mi-Cha would have been happy just staying right there, pleasing him with her mouth and fingertips all day. However the need for air caused her to pull back far enough to open her throat for a breath.
Without taking him out of her mouth completely she breathed in deeply through her nose and once her lungs were full of fresh air she went back down again.
This time however, Kevin reached over and grabbed her ankle, pulling her ass around to him. she moved around as he directed her. Kevin began caressing her thigh as she sucked on his cock, his hand slowly sliding up her leg higher and higher until it bumped against her dripping sex. Mi-Cha moaned softly and spread her legs wider as Kevin’s fingers parted her now bulging lips and insistently slipped inside of her wet hole. As Mi-Cha happily bobbed her head up and down his length, Kevin began churning his fingers inside her pussy and rubbed over her screaming clit.
Mi-Cha was on fire now, she was so excited and aroused she wanted to scream. She humped against his hand as she sucked and licked furiously, trying to make him cum. It was a test of wills – Kevin holding on trying to make her cum and Mi-Cha doing her best not to while bringing him to orgasm first. Unfortunately, Mi-Cha was outmatched in this game. Kevin was older and more experienced… he knew tricks that Mi-Cha was unprepared for. He used one of these tricks now as he curled his finger under her pubic bone to reach her spongy g-spot. He began rubbing the sensitive area as his fingers twisted and wriggled inside her sopping pussy.
Mi-Cha felt her orgasm rising and she was just about to crest. All she needed was a little more… A little more… And as she tried concentrating on sucking his cock for all she was worth, Kevin gave her that “little more”. The position of Kevin’s was such that, with a little adjustment, his thumb was able to reach her little puckered asshole. Using his thumb he rubbed lightly on the sphincter and then eased the tip of his thumb into the ring. This was all it took. Sucking on his hard cock while he fingered both her wet pussy and now teased her asshole was too much for her mind to contain.
Ohhh… Myyy… OHHH” Mi-Cha squealed, pulling her mouth off of his cock and throwing her head back. Kevin watched the girls face, contorted by the force of her orgasm, her eyes wide and her mouth open. She knelt there beside him, her thighs shaking violently as she was bombarded with a hurricane of sensations, her mind trying desperately to process the incoming barrage but unsuccessfully. Mi-Cha moaned and panted as her orgasm tore through her, finally causing her to collapse, exhausted on top of him, her head in his lap. He stroked her soft brown hair as she tried to calm herself.
Once she had returned to herself and was able to, she propped herself up on one elbow and looked at him. “You wonderful, but you not cum yet. Why?” she said.
“Oh don’t worry Mi-Cha, we aren’t done here just yet!” he said with a smile. He sat up, pushing her onto her back and spread her legs wide. He got between her splayed thighs and then looked at her.
“Are you ready?” he asked her softly.
“Yes,” she responded, subconsciously gripping the sheet beside her.
Slowly, he got on top of her. Mi-Cha could feel his body pressing her down on the bed, the heat from her core evident. Kevin took his hard cock in hand and she felt him lining up with her wet slippery slit. Inch by inch, he eased his cock in.
“Ohhh…” Mi-Cha moaned as she felt him opening her up. She had never felt anything bigger than her fingers inside her and his cock was stretching her deliciously.
He slid deeper into her until the head of his cock popped in. Mi-Cha gasped as she felt it pass her opening and he stopped momentarily until she was ready to continue. He eased himself a little deeper into her and she arched her back as he explored her.
He pushed in a little deeper, then he felt some resistance. “That my cherry,” Mi-Cha said. He stopped and looked at Mi-Cha for a moment. She was laying there naked and looking like a vision, watching him and biting her lip nervously.
“Ready?” he asked her. She nodded her head yes, but he could see the apprehension in her face.
“Don’t worry, Mi-Cha, I will be gentle,” he said reassuringly. She smiled and took in a breath, preparing herself.
When he saw she was ready, he gathered himself and pressed forward. Mi-Cha whimpered as her hymen was torn apart and Kevin felt it give. He laid down on top of her, giving her his body to hang on to and his shoulder to hide her face in. He pushed on slowly and carefully until he was completely inside… in a place no man had ever been before. Mi-Cha clung tightly to Kevin and he stayed fully inside her as she got accustomed to him there. Then after a few moments, he began pulling slowly out. She felt the emptiness where he once was and she whimpered a protest.
“No! Please!” she cried out.
“It’s okay, I’m not pulling out,” he said. And true to his word he stopped leaving just the head of his cock inside her before pushing back into her again.
Mi-Cha winced again and whimpered and Kevin stopped for a moment. Mi-Cha had tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I’m hurting you. Should we stop?” he asked.
“No, go on,” she said, “These happy tears.”
Kevin then pushed all the way inside her, then slowly back out, again and again. The pain and discomfort Mi-Cha once felt gave way to pain to pleasure, and Kevin could tell. Her whimpers turned to moans and she no long clung tightly to him, instead she was gripping his arm and raking his back with her nails.
Mi-Cha’s pussy contracted around him, holding him and pulling him in deeper. His thrusts became more urgent and passionate as he moved faster and faster. Her pussy muscles began milking him, urging him to give up his seed. Kevin was nearing the point of no return.
Kevin was at the brink and about to cum, so he started to pull out. “No, please. Cum in me. I want you cum in me, please,” she said, holding him tightly. He looked into her pleading eyes and couldn’t refuse her. He slid back down her warm tunnel and resumed his thrusting. In and out, in and out, now with more power and speed. He could feel the cum in his nuts rising and knew he couldn’t hold out any longer. He thrust once more into her, deeper than ever this time, and held himself there as he erupted inside her. He grunted as he released his white hot load deep in her womb.
“Kevin! Ohhh, Kevin!” Mi-Cha cried out as she felt his cum scalding her pussy walls and coating her insides with white, sticky heat. She came as well, adding her own juices to his and mixing them together inside her before they leaked out around his cock.
They stayed like that, held tightly in one another’s arms, neither one wanting to let go or be let go, for several minutes. He could feel Mi-Cha shaking as she cried on his shoulder, the emotions of the experience too much for the young girl. He held her and slowly rocked her back and forth as she released all of her pent-up emotions.
When she finished crying he wiped away her tears and looked at the young girl. “Feel better now?” he asked, genuinely concerned for her.
“Yes, all better,” she said. She sat up and put her arms around him. “Thank you, Kevin. You make woman out of Mi-Cha.”
“Thank you, Mi-Cha for letting me be your first,” he said. He pulled her face to his and kissed her passionately. They went into the bathroom and cleaned up, then Mi-Cha changed the sheets, stained with her blood and their combined cum.
When Kevin came out of the bathroom cleaned up, Mi-Cha was laying in bed waiting for him. He crawled in and took her in his arms. They lay like that cuddling, until they fell into a deep, peaceful, happy sleep.