I’d made sure I enjoyed every inch of the fabric, watching myself do so in the bathroom mirror, my action quickly going from tentative to frantic. Removing them from my face only at the very moment of ejaculation, I filled them with my hot jizz, being careful not to waste a single drop.
Photographing the scene to share with her later, I wrapped them carefully, replaced them in an envelope and returned them to her with a knowing, coy smile and a few words exchanged between us. It was after I’d left that she tasted me for the first time, sending me a text to let me know. I recounted the episode to her, shared the photo, and revealed how I’d tasted and smelled her, enjoyed the wetness of where her cunt had been, and the musty scent of her arse hole. It was the smell of her arse I’d been enjoying split seconds before my masturbating had resulted in my coming for her, another fact I shared which had excited her.
The fantasies I’d been sharing had become almost daily events, and the following one is based on what I shared the day.
I have her sat on my face, squatting over me to best open her up, while engaging her holes and clit with my chin, nose and tongue, which slips from arse hole to cunt, an action much appreciated as she slowly rocks her body backwards and forwards over me, helping my warm tongue better slip in and across her. She takes up my erect cock in her hand, hard for her and her toned body. Stroking it, running her fingers along it, she squeezes my balls with her free hand, feeling their fullness. Leaning forwards, she slides me deep into her throat, almost gagging while I bring her pleasure with my tongue and face, my tongue probing her puckered hole, my thumbs pinching it open, my senses filled with all of her.
As the feeling of excitement grows in each of us, I take her off of me and lay her on her side. Putting one of her legs over my shoulder, the other runs under me, spreading her open; ripe, wet and bulging, glistening in the low light.
She rubs at her hard, sensitive clitoris with licked fingers, also touching the shaft of my cock as it glides in and out of her. Returning her fingers to her mouth, she enjoys once again the taste of both of us combined as she had when she’d first sucked my come from the fabric of her panties. I grasp her thigh, hook a hand around her other leg, fucking her harder and harder. She throws back her head and cries out as she can no longer hold back her orgasm.
I start to come now, brought on by her cries and the tightening of her warm cunt around my cock. When I’m sure she is at the peak of her pleasure, her hands gripping at my forearms, I withdraw, pumping my cock to orgasm above her. Spraying her cunt, stomach and tits with my come, I splash her with my hot juice. Rubbing my shiny, spent helmet along the middle of her quivering cunt lips, we go on to massage the hot, glossy jizz into her hot, toned skin, seeing her glisten. I take some to her face, my wet fingers running down her cheeks and along her lips, then across her tongue. She tastes me, shuddering and shivering as our eyes meet.
Embracing together in a spoon, I wrap my arm around her, feeling her hot sticky skin and smelling the heady mix of our combined juices. She shuffles her bum into me, letting my spent cock rest between the warm cheeks as we drift off into a deep, contented sleep.
Author’s Note – I wrote this story the day after I had first tasted this woman, which I’d done through licking and smelling her damp knickers (dampened by her reading my earlier stories of her). Her knickers were a gift she’d let me take, and would do so again on many subsequent occasions, for me to fill with my come and return to her. It was our game, and our way of sharing ourselves with each other when our interactions had to be limited. Originally written in the first person, I’ve now made it more of an account of the fantasy, having added more detail. Comments and votes are welcomed, but not important to me as I have other reasons for sharing this which is first based on fact, then recounts the fantasy I shared with her the following day.