Worry —
What help have you ever been to me?
Why then are you so ever present in my thoughts?
So many journeys begin with you,
Always destined to end with your friends here below.
Not one thing do you add or enhance
Never improving the quality of your mind,
And the fruits you bear are nought but stress and damage.
How often have you misguided me,
Making even insignificant problems grow,
Never offering a solution,
And the plain truth is that you are no friend to me.
Fear —
How oft you have shaken and caged me,
Wrestling with me throughout the long hours of the night,
Yet only you take pleasure in it,
Getting a thrill from the wanton damage you cause,
Leaving your owner crippled and destroyed.
You are the dark source of my insecurities,
Feeding them until they overflow,
You are so intense, yet you yield nothing of worth.
Brazen as a monkey on my back
You take delight in riding me like a jockey,
Running me as though a thoroughbred,
Never sparing the whip until I’m running scared,
Eyes wide, nostrils flared and heart pounding,
Until it feels as if it will burst from my breast.
Enemy to freedom, even life,
Faithless, faith is the only thing that can quench you.
Jealousy —
Your destructive power wreaks havoc,
Heedless of whether aimed at owner or target,
You judgements without understanding,
Falsehoods from which I’ve often tried to hold you back.
Yet with the persistence of water,
You seep from under the door I’ve locked you behind,
Neither forgiving nor reasoning
You tear down everything that you claim you love,
Actions that reveal the beast within,
Injecting my veins with your poisonous potion,
A burning toxin of suspicion,
That fuels the flame of even your next of kin.
Anger —
The ugliest in the land by far
You rage in bursts and too many carry your scars,
With no remorse you inflict your pain,
Never looking back on the damage you have caused.
You devour everything noble,
Leaving a broad path of destruction in your wake.
You run with fists clenched and grinding teeth,
And never a melodious sound do you make.
You run in the bright name of justice,
Although selfishness is the only thing you know.
Love —
How sweet you are, both shallow and deep.
Sometimes you move with liquid grace like quicksilver,
Sprinting with youthful joy and vigour,
And in the marathon the treasure of the wise.
You understand and forgive so much,
Welcome everywhere, yet sometimes seldom seen.
Even the fairest cannot compare.
Yet beautiful as you are, you are without fear,
Venturing in the darkest places,
And those who dwell therein search for you earnestly.
Many pursue you, some try to hold you,
Yet you grow more only when are freely given.
Oh, my most precious companion.
You are the happy smile on my face,
And the prize most desired by all who live and breathe.
The currency of relationships,
You are many times exchanged in the market place,
Each transaction increasing your worth,
More excellent still for those who know your value.
Without a stain, wrinkle or blemish,
You are true and pure and will forever remain
Hope —
The most ancient of all life’s virtues,
You are everlasting, enduring for all time.
When others have fallen or faded,
You stand upright and strong as a mighty tower,
Strength to withstand and ward off despair.
You have fuelled many pursuits in the trusting,
And you draw your owner to stand tall
One more time, after being knocked down, broken and bruised.
A faint light on the far horizon,
You lead true lovers on over vast distances.
Your thoughts and vital inspiration,
Though perfect in plan, may seem to be a mirage
Yet so clear when you lift them up high,
But when all else is long gone, you are what dies last.
Trust —
A friend, fine and yet strangely fragile,
Your strength can be greatest when you have found your match,
Yet can shatter at an enemy’s glance,
And once broken, may not be easily repaired.
You take much time and effort to build;
Held in high regard by some, desired by many,
You receive praise from only a few,
But when you are gone, you are so terribly missed.
Passion —
Set free to run amok, unbridled
You would be a loose cannon, creating chaos.
You are the one that can drive all my emotions.
Coupled with any of the above qualities,
You will amplify their character,
A formidable ally that can power much.
Some days I crave you and some I curse,
Even though your strength can make me feel immortal.
A virtually unstoppable force,
You are never indifferent, yet it is I,
I who must choose with whom you will be your allied.
Tell me true, what are you — friend or foe?