I had been gone almost two hours on a beer, booze, and food run. I called out to get some help, but no one answered. That pissed me off to start. I took the four cases of beer, Petron, and Jack Daniels bottles into the house and put all the food away.
The house was a mess. Our bed was all rumpled up now when it had been made before I left. What the hell was going on? Where was everyone? I changed into my board shorts and opened a bottle of Petron. I was pissed, so I took two shots.
We were hosting a weekend at our lake cabin for Marsha’s work sales team. We had done this each summer for the past two years and had a great time. There were some new people I had not met this year, but things went well for the first night.
There were four guys: Tim, Howard, Ed, and Price, the new guy. The girls were Eve, married to Tim, Susan, Howard’s new wife, and Marsha, married to me, Ray. Ed’s wife could not come because she was pregnant and couldn’t take the summer heat. Price is a young guy, about twenty-five and single.
We cooked steaks and corn on the grill while the girls made salad. Dinner went well, and the night was full of talk and drinking. We all crashed after midnight.
The house is a three-bedroom log cabin built by my grandfather and handed down to me when my dad passed away a couple of years ago. It came with the small mortgage company I took over after Dad died.
The walls were thin, so the three couples staying in the house heard last night’s moans and bodies slapping together. Marsha and I laughed so hard we couldn’t focus on fucking. It was just too funny.
There is a boathouse and dock on the water with a bunk room above that Ed and Price were sleeping in. We have two motorboats, a classic Chris Craft wooden hull, and a new Cobalt ski boat. We have Jet Skis and all the water toys. We have a small sailboat that I like to take out. Marsha is not into sailing, so I go out while she suns on the dock, working on her tan.
I walked out on the porch and called, “Hey, where is everyone?”
There was no response. That was weird. I had been gone for a couple of hours, and when I left, everyone was going down to the dock to do some water sports or get some sun.
I took a case of beer and walked down to the dock. As I got closer, I heard giggling and a few moans. I was quiet as I walked barefoot onto the dock. The moans were familiar. They sounded like Marsha in heat when she was ready to cum. Could it be her? No, it couldn’t be. Marsha would not cheat on me!
As I got to the boathouse, I saw the two boats gone. We needed to fuel them both, so I knew the guys were taking them to the marina to gas them up.
I stopped and listened. The sounds were two people fucking. But who?
The door to the bunkhouse steps was open, so I stood listening. There was whispering I could not make out, then I heard bodies slapping together in frantic fucking. Then I heard it, “Oh God baby, your cock is making me cum so hard, Fuck Price, fill my pussy with your cum.” She screamed as if no one were around to hear her. I knew her voice, it was Marsha. What the fuck!!!
I stood there in shock and listened to them fucking like animals for a good while, and Marsha came several times. Finally, I heard the new guy grunt and moan loudly. I knew he was cumming, filling Marsha’s pussy with his cum. Marsha screamed again, “Oh fuck, Price, your hot cum feels so good in my pussy. Keep fucking me. I want to cum again!”
By now, I was seething with anger, my hands were twitching, and I felt like my head was about to explode. What the fuck was going on. My wife of fourteen years, the mother of our three children, was upstairs fucking her new work partner in my fucking house like it was OK with me. Well, it sure as hell wasn’t OK.
I quietly entered the boathouse, entered the locked closet, and opened it. Inside was my gun safe. I spun the combination and opened it. Inside were six guns: two shotguns, a 22-caliber rifle, a 30-06 hunting rifle with a scope, and two handguns: a 9MM Glock and an old classic Colt 38-caliber revolver.
I took out the double-barrel shotgun. I loaded it with two half rounds of rock salt shot. It won’t kill you, but the burning in your ass will make you wish you were fucking dead.
I walked back out and placed a chair facing the stairs. I opened a beer, sat comfortably in the chair, and waited.
There is no bathroom upstairs, so when they finished fucking and wanted to clean up, they had to come downstairs to the bathroom or jump in the lake. They could not get by me. I could shoot both of them as soon as I saw them.
I drank one, then a second beer, before I heard any noise on the steps.
I heard Marsha talking as she came down the steps, “God, I can’t believe I did this. We have to hurry. Ray should be back soon. God, he can’t know anything about what we did, or my marriage will be over, and you will be dead.”
Marsha was accurate on one account. Price might end up dead. As for our marriage, it might be dead as well, but that was yet to be seen.
I sat looking at the doorway as feet appeared. Then there they both were, walking through the door, naked and covered with cum and sweat.
As they cleared the doorway, Price saw me, “OH FUCK!” he screamed and cowered back up the steps bumping into Marsha. When she saw me, she followed with her scream. “Oh God, Ray, your back! Oh God, we are fucked!”
My anger level was off the charts. I am sure my face, neck, and chest were flaming red. My finger was itchy on the trigger; I wanted to shoot someone. The man was going to pay now for fucking my wife. I would deal with the cheating slut later.
I yelled up the stairs, “Price, get your slimy fucking ass back down here now, or I’ll come to get you, and you don’t want that.”
“Marsha, put on some fucking clothes and sit in that chair. Do not say a fucking word or make a fucking move. Do you understand?” I stared at her with death in my eyes.
Marsha nodded her head.
“Fuck no, tell me, I want to hear your cheating voice!” I screamed at her.
Ok, and she scrambled up the stairs for her clothes.
A few minutes later, Price came back through the door. He had put on board shorts and a T. He sheepishly stood there looking at me.
“Price, sit your sorry ass down and don’t move a fucking muscle or say a fucking thing until I tell you to.” I barked.
Then Marsha reappeared and sat down, not looking at me.
I stood and walked back and forth like a correctional officer, not looking at them. The shotgun was ready, lying in the crook of my elbow with my hand gripping the stock and my finger on the trigger. I was contemplating. What to do? Could I shoot Price’s ass full of rock salt and deal with Marsha differently? I could not decide.
The fear on their faces was rewarding to see.
I stopped walking and stood looking down at them. It was time for the fun to begin. I was furious, but no death was happening. But each was going to pay!
“Ok, kiddies, it’s Storytime. Who wants to start by answering my questions? Fair warning, though: I will shoot the liar if I sense even one small miss truth or lie. Understood? 100% honesty or serious consequences will occur.” I told the two of them.
Just then, the two boats started to arrive. I grabbed the bullhorn on the dock and shouted to them. “We are doing a little business here right now. Please take a spin or two around the lake for about an hour, OK? Thanks.”
The boats swung around and headed away. I am sure that was concerning for the two lovers.
“Ok, where were we? Oh yes, one of you was about to tell me all about your cheating story, being 100% honest or else. So, who is it going to be?”
I took two beers from the fridge and sat down, laying the shotgun in a way that pointed at Price.
They looked at each other, but no one spoke.
“OK, come on now, I am giving you a chance to plead your case before I pass judgment, but if you don’t want to talk, I will just find you guilty and pass sentence on Price and deal with you, Marsha, later. So, kiddies, what is it going to be?”
Price raised his hand as if I were a teacher, and he asked permission to talk.
“Yes, Price, what do you have to say for yourself? First, stand up and take off all your clothes before you talk. I want you just like you were upstairs when you were fucking my wife!”
“What, why, Ray, what will you do?” Marsha begged.
“Shut the fuck up, Marsha! Price is talking, and I want him naked when he talks to me.”
“Strip Price!” I demanded.
Marsha started to cry. Tears ran down her cheeks. It did not affect me. The bitch cheated on me. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with her.
“Strip Price!” I demanded again.
Price took off his clothes and cupped his hands over his junk.
“Stand up straight, boy, hands at your sides. You showed my wife your cock when she sucked you off, so I want to see what you have there.” I wanted to humiliate him before I filled his ass with rock salt and pushed his burning ass into the lake.
“Oh God,” Marsha moaned, and she began to sob harder.
“Marsha, I told you to shut the fuck up, so do it, or I will gag you!” I yelled at her.
She cringed and sobbed louder.
Price looked at her, then me, and saw my anger rising.
“Well, Price, you don’t look so big down there. I bet you aren’t much bigger when you are hard?” I was laying it on now.
“Marsha, go in the shed and get a measuring tape off the bench.” She didn’t move.
“God Damnit Marsha, get your ass up and get the tape off the bench,” I yelled.
“Price, I want you to jerkoff and get your dick hard. I want to measure it!” He looked at me as his body flushed with embarrassment. He gripped his soft little dick and began to stroke it. It took him a while, but he finally got hard.
Marsha came back with the measuring tape.
Marsha, get over there and measure that puny little dick of his. You better not play with him and make him cum. Just measure him.
“Oh No, I can’t do that, Ray. I don’t want to touch him again.” Marsha cried.
“Sure, you can. You touched him a lot when you fucked him. Get over there and do it now, YOU CHEATING SLUT!” I screamed at her, making her flinch as she dropped to her knees in front of him, sobbing loudly.
“Ray, I can’t touch him. God, I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I am so sorry!” She begged me, but I was relentless.
“Marsha, stop whining and measure the asshole’s dick, or I will pass judgment on you both. Get to it slut!”
Sobbing loudly, she moved forward and took Price’s cock in two fingers. It was pretty funny see her afraid to touch him.
I could see on Price’s face that he feared what would happen next.
“Measure it now, slut.” I demanded.
Marsha put the tape along his hard dick, taking measure of him.
“Read it off. How long is he?” I demanded.
Marsha looked at it, then up at Price. “Six inches,” She said weakly.
“OK. How about around his dick?”
Marsha wrapped the tape around his dick, “Four inches.” She said softly, her breathing was a little heavier.
I pushed my shorts down and let my cock swing free. I saw Price’s eyes open wide. My cock is big. Even soft, I was bigger than Price’s little dick was when he was hard. I stroked it a few times, waking him up. “Marsha, get over here and measure my cock.
Marsha gripped my cock and stroked it a few times. She leaned in, kissed the head, and looked up, smiling at me. I watched as Price’s dick stayed hard. He liked watching Marsha playing with my big cock. I was quickly fully hard.
“Measure me now,” I said.
Marsha measured me: “Eight and three-quarters inches and six and a half inches around,” she roared.
I looked at Price. He had his hand on his dick, slowly stroking it with his eyes riveted on my big cock.
Marsha held my cock and looked up at me. She smiled and leaned in, taking my cock into her mouth, stroking me as she took me in her mouth and sucked me. I looked at Price as he watched Marsha sucking my cock. His hand was flashing on his little dick now.
“So, Price, do you remember a while ago when you had Marsha upstairs in bed, and she was sucking your little dick. You knew you were making my wife cheat on me, didn’t you? Did you care about what that might do to our marriage? Did you think that I may divorce Marsha because you fucked her? Did that even cross your mind?” I asked, snarling at him.
I pushed Marsha off my cock. “Pull up my shorts slut.” I demanded.
Marsha looked at me with a deep sadness in her eyes. She pulled my shorts up, and I pushed her away and walked toward Price.
Stopping a foot from him, I asked, “So, Price, what punishment should you endure for fucking my wife and possibly destroying my family and taking my children’s mother away from them. Tell me what you think is fair?”
His little dick quickly shriveled to nothing hiding just above his little ball sack. He looked terrified.
“Marsha, what do you think?” I asked her.
“Price, sit your ass down. Marsha, get your ass over there and sit beside Price.” I barked.
I turned toward Marsha. “This is your one chance to plead mercy for Price and yourself. If you are convincing enough, I may not divorce you, and I may not kill Price, but I may still shoot his ass.”
The look on Price’s face was a Mastercard moment, ‘Priceless.’ No pun intended.
After getting another beer, I sat back in my chair and waited for them to start.
“Ray, I am so sorry. I can’t tell you how ashamed I am for fucking Price. When you left this morning, everyone but Price and I went to the dock to get the boats in the water and fuel them up. I was cleaning the house, and Price was somewhere. I finished cleaning the kitchen and went to put on a bikini. I was coming out of the bathroom into the bedroom naked when Price walked in. I jumped back into the bathroom and closed the door. I was shocked Price had walked in on me.
I have a little more to add here before I go on. At work, I have worked closely with Price since he started. He has always been lovely to me, though he does like to flirt with me. I enjoyed some of his flirtations. I will admit that I flirted with Price, but only when he first started flirting. We have also gone to lunch twice on Wednesdays in the last two weeks. Each day, Price kissed me after lunch. No passion, just a kiss. I pushed him away each time and stopped anything further. I should have told you, but I knew you would react badly, and it would not be good at work if you did. I thought I could control the situation, but I could not. I am sorry, and I know I should have told you and stopped all of it. I made a big mistake.
This morning, Price knocked on the bathroom door and then walked in. You know that lock does not work. I had a towel around me, but that did not stop him. I told him to leave, but he said he was high from smoking a joint and was horny. I pushed past him into the bedroom and told him we couldn’t do anything. He followed me into the room and caught me. We fell on the bed, and he started to kiss me. We rolled around on the bed as I tried to get away from him, but finally, he pinned me down with my hands up over my head. He started to kiss me and play with my breasts with his other hand.
Ray, you know how I get when my nipples get hard. I can cum just from you sucking on them, and that is what happened. Price sucked on my nipples, and his hand went between my legs, and I suddenly came. Then, what happened next was out of my control.
Price picked me up and carried me out of the house to his bed in the bunkhouse. I was out of control horny then, and I sucked his cock until he was hard. Then he fucked me. I was in such a sexual state I couldn’t stop. We just did it one time. That is what you heard. Then we came downstairs, and there you were. I almost had a heart attack from shock and shame.
Ray, I am so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I never came on to Price. I only reacted to him; I let it get out of control today. Please forgive me; I love you so much; I can’t believe what I have done; I am so ashamed.” Marsha begged.
I looked at the two of them, and I shook my head. How fucked was this. I was so angry with both of them but more at Price. He was the aggressor, so I asked, “Price, what do you have to say?”
He looked at me as he sat, completely exposed.
“What Marsha said was all true. She has never pursued me. I have always been the aggressive one. I like her, and she is beautiful. I wanted her, so I went a little crazy. I am sorry, Ray and Marsha. I have made a mess for you and never considered the damage I was doing. I am so sorry.”
I stood and walked back a few steps, looking straight down the dock about thirty feet long. I looked at Price, naked, exactly right for what I had in mind.
“Price, stand up and walk out ten feet before me. I will count to five, and as Marsha yells, you will run as fast as you can to the end of the dock. When Marsha counts to the number five, I am going to shoot you in the ass with a half load of rock salt. It will not kill you or even hurt you badly, but the pain you will feel will make you wish you were dead. You will fall into the lake, and we will ensure you get out. Your ass will be on fire. Susan is a nurse, so when she gets back, she can help you. I have what you need to treat this, but you will hurt for a while. This will teach you a valuable life lesson. Keep your little dick in your pants around married women; the next guy might kill you or injure you for life.” I stated firmly.
“Marsha, get over here. When you are ready, say GO and slowly count to five.”
Price begged, “Please don’t shoot me. I have learned my lesson. Please.”
“Go… one… two… three… four… she dragged it out them… five,” and I fired.
Price had run about twenty-five feet down the dock when the blast pelted his ass, back, and thighs. He screamed and launched into the air, hitting the water with a big splash.
Marsha ran to the end of the dock, seeing Price floundering in the water. She threw two life preservers to him and pulled him to the latter. He was moaning and crying as he stepped onto the dock.
I looked out and saw the two boats sitting out away. I flagged them in and called out through the bullhorn. “Come on in.”
Price lay on an air mattress in the shade on the dock. His wounds were not dangerous, so no doctor was needed. Susan was cleaning his salt wounds. He was covered with them all over his ass, lower back, and thighs. He was softly crying and mumbling. “I am so sorry.”
I had locked my shotgun away and explained to everyone what had happened and that not a word of what had happened here would ever be uttered when we all went home. Everyone agreed. We will have Price call in sick from a back injury and be out for a few days.
Then I announced that Marsha and I were leaving for home to sort things out. “We leave the weekend to the rest of you. Have a great time.” I went over the close-down procedure, and we wished them all a good weekend and Price a speedy recovery, which I knew would take a week or so.
We walked to the house and packed in silence. We left without another word to our guests. The drive home was silent, and there wasn’t even music on the radio. It was a very solemn time, with a lot of thinking on my part and praying from Marsha.
We pulled into the garage, and Marsha turned to me. Her eyes were sad. She had managed not to cry all the way home. She searched my face for something but found nothing.
“Ray, I know you hate me right now, and you have every right to feel that way. I have no excuses for what I did. As I told you, I was completely caught in the moment. Once Price pushed a few buttons, I was on ‘Go’ and could not stop. Sadly, I should never have allowed myself to get into that position. I am so sorry, Ray, and I hope that, in some way, you can forgive me and let me earn your love and trust back again. I love you so much, though it might not seem so now. I truly do.”
I listened, and when Marsha finished, I stepped out of the truck and entered the house. I didn’t empty anything from the truck, leaving it all. Now that the initial excitement of punishing Price was over. reality set in, and Marsha’s cheating crushed me. The facts were setting in, and I was in a great deal of emotional pain. I had no idea how to handle this. I never thought in a thousand years that Marsha would ever cheat on me, but God Damnit she did!
I took a bottle of JD and a glass into my den and locked the door. I needed to be alone. I needed to let what happened thoroughly wash through me. I needed to cry.
I sat in the truck for a long time. I thought Ray would return for the stuff we brought home, but he never did. Where was he? What was he doing? I was worried about Ray and what would happen next.
I thought about what I had done. I was still unsure how or why I had allowed it to happen, and my emotions confused me.
I knew Ray was in great pain over this, and I was so afraid that now that he was focused on me, what would he do? I was scared. When we married, we talked about our love for each other. We wrote our vows, and Ray wrote the part about forsaking all others. That night, we had written our ‘law on infidelity.’ If either of us cheated on the other, then the cheated-on spouse could demand anything they wanted of the cheating spouse to satisfy their betrayal. We even signed a fidelity pledge, which I had ripped to pieces this morning. What a colossal mistake I had made.
Then, when Ray’s father passed away, his business and the whole estate were passed down to Ray. They were worth a lot of money. His father’s last will required me to sign a Postnuptial Agreement that protects every part of Ray’s inheritance from me if we divorce.
The agreement was clear and binding. Suppose Ray decides to divorce me for any reason. I will lose everything, including custody of our children. I would leave our marriage with $10,000, my car, my clothes, what I had in my retirement account, and rent paid on an apartment for six months. There would be no alimony or other support offered. I would not be invited to family holidays but would have visitation rights with the children. I would be ruined.
My body began to shake at the possibility that Ray could do that to me. But then again, what had I just done to him? I was the cause of all of this. I am the one who has destroyed his trust and possibly our family. None of this is Ray’s fault; it is all on me.
Ray never thought I could cheat on him, and I never thought I would cheat on him, either. Not even today when it happened, it was like it was not me, not Marsha, Ray’s loving wife and the doting mother of our children. I was a different person who refused to fight back and let Price have me. What was wrong with me? How? How did I let that happen?”
I know Ray loves me, or he did until six hours ago. I am not so sure about it right now. How can I expect him to sweep this away? No way that will happen. My only hope is that his love for me is strong enough to overcome this mess I have created.
Then I thought about our kids. “Oh God,” I gasped; we can’t get divorced. That would kill all of us, and our family would be destroyed. How could I have been so stupid to do this? I never thought at all. I was swept up by Price, and my stupidity, selfishness, and blind lust had brought us to where we are at this moment.
I had to find Ray, pray, and beg him to forgive me. I know that will not happen without the severe retribution I deserve.
I walked into the house. It was eerily quiet. Where was Ray?
I walked from room to room. There were no lights on, and there was only silence. It was strange.
As I approached the den, I heard a soft sobbing from inside. My heart broke as I felt the pain I had caused my wonderful, loving husband. I slumped to the floor outside the door and curled into a ball. For the first time, I truly felt the disgrace and damage I had done. I was a horrible person. No loving wife would ever do what I did and subject her husband to the level of pain and expect to survive it. I sobbed.
As I sat in my office looking at the pictures of our beautiful family hanging on the walls, I could not understand what could have motivated Marsha to cheat on our family. That was the worst of it; It was not just cheating on me; she cheated on our kids, putting the stability of our beautiful family in jeopardy. How could she do that? My God, what was she thinking? She could not have been thinking at all.
I knew I was not going to divorce her. Even if the pain I felt would not go away, I would find courage and be everything I needed to be for my family. I loved all of them, including Marsha, as much now as I did before this happened, but there had to be restitution.
I browsed the internet for punishment ideas. I was shocked at how vile some men were. The attacks were vicious, doing things I could never do. I did find several interesting ideas.
I found a chatroom on chastity. I had never thought of this before, but it fascinates me now. Not chastity for me but for Marsha. The thought of locking up Marsha’s pussy for several months was even stimulating to me. My cock twitched, knowing I would control her, and she could not fuck, or masturbate unless I gave her permission and unlocked her. What power! I could control her every move. I read the internet for almost an hour and chatted with several men. Not only would chastity command control over Marsha, but she would learn her lesson about cheating. Yes, Yes, I was doing this. Marsha would be shocked, but she would have no option. She had to agree.
Now, I needed to find the best device. I read many recommendations and looked for the devices online. I looked at several of them and then decided to go to an adult store and look at them in person. The cost was not an issue, but finding the right belt was essential.
It was late afternoon now, and I had heard nothing from Marsha. She may still be sitting in my truck, afraid to approach me. I decided I was going to be pleasant with her, and tonight I was going to fuck her like an animal, reclaiming her pussy, and then I would take her virgin ass for the first time. I had wanted that for years, but Marsha had always denied me. No more; that is also something that would change. I now own her ass and will have it whenever I want it.
The last thing was to find a good, unbiased counselor. I read several reviews and decided on two to meet with and choose from. I emailed them to contact me ASAP, leaving my contact info.
I gathered up my thoughts and corrected my attitude. I was back to normal. I needed to make my run to the adult store, pick up take-out Italian from Luigi’s, then bathe Marsha before I ravaged her body and ass. Then we would talk, and Marsha would learn her fate.
It was a good thing the kids would not be home to dinner time tomorrow since I was going to fuck their mother’s mouth as many times as I could get it up. I would eat her pussy and ass in between, as well as fuck both Marsha’s holes until she was so sore she begged me to stop. I would spank her bottom many times, leaving red handprints on each cheek and making it hard for her to sit. Yes, she deserved all of this, and I would enjoy it all.
Then later Sunday afternoon, after I fucked her ass and pussy, one last time, I would lock her into her new underwear. She would be well satisfied and realize the magnitude of my love and the hatred for what she had done. All those orgasms she had had would have to last the next thirty days. During that time will have no cock, fingers, or toys. She will realize that what she has done could have killed our marriage and family and that this punishment was her retribution. Oh boy, that will be hard on her.
Having my plan all worked out, I walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. There, on the floor, was Marsha sleeping. I looked at her and felt a pang of sympathy, but it was fleeting.
I stepped around Marsha, leaving her there. I quietly went to the garage and emptied the truck, leaving all the stuff for Marsha to put away. I drove off and closed the garage door. Marsha would wake and find me gone. That would freak her out. I would not answer my phone or any texts from her. She needed to feel the fear of loss and dread of what was coming next.
I heard a noise sounding like the garage door. I ran to the garage as the door closed. I saw all the lake stuff sitting in the garage. Ray had left it for me to put away. Where had he gone? He didn’t even wake me to tell me he was leaving. This was not good. I looked at my watch. It had been over two hours since I lay down in front of the den door sobbing and fell asleep emotionally exhausted. Now Ray was gone. Where?
I was apprehensive. Ray had not said anything since we sat in the truck for our ride home. There had been total silence, the classic cold shoulder. I certainly deserved it. I feared what was spinning around in his head and his plan. I was so afraid that Ray might decide to be done with my cheating ass and divorce me. Oh God, he wouldn’t do that, would he?
I was so stupid. How did I let that happen? I fell to my knees on the cold garage floor and prayed. “Dear God, I am so sorry for what I have done. Please don’t let my loving husband divorce me?” I began to cry again.
After a few minutes, I pulled myself together and put the lake stuff away. Then, I got my phone and texted Ray.
My text: “Ray, baby, I am so sorry for what I did. I cannot explain it. It meant nothing. I love you and only you. Please come home and talk to me?”
I finished putting everything away and went inside. I poured a glass of Jack Daniels with two ice cubes and sat on the front room couch, looking out at the street for Ray’s truck.
Almost an hour went by when Ray sent a text.
Ray’s text: “Marsha, I will be home in thirty minutes. Set the table and get out four serving dishes and salad bowls; I got Luigi’s. Then, go into the bedroom and close the door. Please do not come out until I tell you to. Respond by letting me know you understand.”
I thought this was strange, but whatever he wanted, he would get.
My text: “Yes baby, I understand. Hurry home. I love you!”
I set the table and drank two glasses of JD, taking a third one to our bedroom. I lay on the bed, waiting to hear Ray come in.
I pulled into Mabelle’s Adult Emporium. There were all kinds of wild things hanging in the window. I could only imagine what I would find inside.
A gong went off as I walked in, announcing my arrival. A stunning young blonde woman with amazing manmade breasts welcomed me. She came around from the counter, and my cock twitched. Jesus, she was wearing a cropped top, so short that the bottom half of her 38DDs was showing. Her nipples poked out like bullets. She smiled, and in her best southern drawl, she introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Sunny!”
She certainly was.
My eyes drifted lower across Sunny’s tight belly with muscles everywhere. Her bottoms were shorts made of silver silky material that looked like they were painted on. She had to be commando. Her shorts were pulled up so tight her puffy pussy lips formed a beautiful camel toe. I was staring when I heard her, “Welcome, sir; what can I help you with?” Those words came out of her pretty, red-lipped mouth and broke my trance. I looked up after she had caught me, focused on her puffy pussy.
“Oh, yes, I have never been here before, but I have a few items on my list and need some advice.” The words stumbled out of my mouth.
With a bright smile, “Well, welcome again. May I see your list?”
I fumbled in my pocket for the list and adjusted my cock, which was becoming hard.
Sunny read over the list of five items. “Hmmm, somebody has either been a bad girl or wants to be a bad girl. Am I right?”
“Yes, to be honest, my wife spontaneously cheated on me this morning. She has no excuse. She just fucked a guy from work. It’s a short but long story, and I want to teach her a lesson to ensure she won’t cheat again.”
“So, you are keeping her?” Sunny asked.
“Yes, I love her, and in the sixteen years we have been together, she has never done anything like this. We have a great family with our kids, so I will teach her not to cheat. As you can see, I want some things I need your help and advice on.”
“OK, well, let’s get started. I see you want a chastity belt. I recommend this one here. It lets you lock her up, but with this one, it is easy for her to use the bathroom, especially in the back. There are plenty of big enough openings back and front, so there is no mess. She will not be able to get her fingers in her pussy or on her clit. It is padded to make any type of stimulation impossible. It also comes with a few accessories, two vibrating plugs, for her pussy and her asshole. They are remote vibrators, so you can play with her from your cell phone or the internet when she has the plugs inserted. You can fuck with making her crazy, and she can’t stop you; it is lovely torture.”
“I see you want a butt plug set and some anal lube. Have you ever done anal with her before?”
“No, but that is part of her retribution; she will give up her ass to me from now on.”
“Well, then, we must ensure she has a pleasurable experience. Once she does, your wife will want your cock in her ass all the time. From experience, the feeling is fucking incredible. Do you mind if I ask how big you are when you are hard?”
I smiled at her, “I am over eight inches long and six inches around.”
“Oh my, may I see it professionally, of course… so I can guide you correctly?”
“I’m not hard,” I said as I opened my shorts, bringing out my cock.
“Oh my, very nice, Sunny said, smiling. “If you let me, I can help you. May I stroke you to get you hard. I won’t make you won’t cum. Will that be, OK?”
I looked at her and nodded, “Yes, but just don’t make me cum.”
Sunny walked up to me. Her big breasts and hard nipples pressed into my chest. My breath caught in my throat as her hand gripped my growing cock.
“Oh Ray, you have a nice big cock. Too bad that you are married, I would love to sample this baby in my ass.”
Jesus, her words made me grow almost fully hard in seconds. All she did was rub her nipples on my chest, talk shit to me, and take my semi-hard cock in her soft, warm hand.
I moaned, “Jesus, Sunny, I could pop any second.”
“Well, we can’t have that.” She stopped and put my cock away, looking at the list again.
“OK, I know just what you need.” Sunny ran around the store, picking up several things, then went in the back and returned with a bag full of other items.
While she was gone, I looked around and picked out two more things: a pair of nipple clamps and a ball gag. I had always wanted to try these on Marsha but was afraid to ask her. Now was my opportunity to try whatever I wanted.
We met at the counter, and Sunny had a whole bag of items. I added two more items.
“Wow, there are a lot of things here. It will cost me a fortune.” I said.
“Oh no, Sunny said, “Most of this is free. I am throwing it all in for letting me feel your nice big cock.”
“Oh really, do you want to feel it again? I saw a nice babydoll I would get my wife.” I teased.
Sunny smiled, “If you let me suck you off, I’ll let you have two of them.”
I looked at her, “Seriously?”
“Hell yeah, I would love to suck your cock and taste your cum.” She smiled and licked her lips.
My cock hardened as I seriously thought about Sunny’s offer. Then reality hit me, and I stepped back as she reached out to me. “That’s a wonderful offer, but I just can’t. I will buy the baby doll anyway. Petite size in black, please.”
“Okay, Ray, let me go over everything we have here. First, a chastity belt with accessories. Then a butt plug set with the best anal lube. There are instructions. Your wife needs to wear each plug in the set for two hours before you fuck her ass. You must lube up a lot each time until her asshole gets used to being fucked. She should wear the medium plug all day as often as possible. That will condition her asshole and make your ass fucking much more pleasurable. I threw in a DVD on anal that will help you both. I love anal, and if your wife wants some advice, send her to see me.
Now to the fun things. The nipple clamps. I bet your wife will cum when you put these on her nipples and tug on them a little. They make me pop every time my partner uses them.
The ball gags for punishment. Make her wear it when you use her, punishing her. I gave you a small leather paddle to spank her tonight. It’s better with your hand but start with this and give her a couple of hard pops on each cheek with your hand at the end. I have also given you some restraints if you want to go there. One is a spreader bar that will spread her ankles and keep them locked apart.
I added a great product I must sell you, but you want this. You can make her cum so hard she will pass out without touching her. It is a vibrating egg. Just push it inside her pussy and control it using the app on your cell phone. You can drive her crazy. She will love it. You may need to take it away from her, or she will be using it all the time and won’t need your cock.” Sunny laughed. “Not really, your cock is special, she is a lucky lady.
I also gave you some lube and a few gummy cock hardeners that will make you hard for hours. Have you ever used Nitric Oxide? It will make your sex explosive, so I gave you two supplements. You both take it an hour before sex. You will be back for more.
Lastly, I tossed in a blindfold. Have you guys ever used one?”
“No, we never have.”
“Ok, she needs to be restrained the first time, or she will take it off. After the first time, she will welcome it and won’t need to be restrained. Being in the dark will have a mysterious effect on her and will make the sex a hell of a lot more fun.
That’s it. You will be back for more. I hope things work out with your wife.”
“I am sure with all this, there will be much more excitement for both of us. Thanks for your help.”
I paid the bill and left. It was money well spent. As I thought about tonight, it was all about reclaiming Marsha as mine and mine alone. When we are through making each other cum many times by tomorrow night, I will strap her into her chastity belt for ninety days with two breaks, one every thirty days. Then, we will see where we are and if she needs to be punished more.
I stopped at Luigi’s for our food and drove home. I knew tonight would be a new experience for both of us, but it would be life-changing for Marsha. Nothing like she ever expected.
I smiled as I pulled into the garage, seeing all the lake gear was put away. Now for a nice dinner and a night of debauchery.
Part 2 Ready
Copyright © 2024 MaxxNRachelWrenn
All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.
This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations for mature readers.
All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old.