Part Three – Dot Is Confused

""Honestly, I don't know where my head is at either," Dot admitted."

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When I woke, my dick was stiff, but there was nowhere to put it other than in my hand. Dot wasn’t in bed.

I found Dot sitting at the dining table. She had a bowl of cereal in front of her, but she was playing with it, not eating.

“Morning, Dot.” I kissed Dot and put my hand inside her dressing gown. “You were amazing last night,” I told her as I felt her breast and tweaked her nipple.

Dot was passive and quiet. I put my dick close to her mouth, but there was no response. “Come on, Dot. Don’t you want to suck my dick?”

Dot took half my cock in her mouth, but it was like it was in an empty tube. There was nothing.

I pulled my cock out of Dot’s mouth and sat next to her. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

Dot kept her eyes down. She didn’t even look at me when she said, “This is wrong. We have to stop.”

“Why?” I exclaimed. “And don’t tell me it’s your age.”

I could see Dot was troubled. “You’re married, and yes, my age. I am twice yours.”

“Technically, you aren’t. Otherwise, you would be seventy-four, not one. Besides, your age wasn’t a problem last night.”

Dot looked at me, “Last night was good, wasn’t it?” and she managed a smile.

We talked, but it seemed Dot didn’t like other things she was doing either. “I have never used profanities before,” Dot said.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want. I don’t mind either way. Does it bother you when I do?”

Dot said it didn’t, but the other, a major was she had bared her breast in public. “I can’t tell you I’m not enjoying our time together, but I need time to figure out what I am doing.”

I wouldn’t push Dot into doing something when she was uncomfortable with it, so I told Dot I would give her time to think and went home,  disheartened.

Dot went out for most of the day while I pottered around. In the evening, I had a long chat with my wife, Trish. I didn’t hear from Dot until three the next morning. She sent me a text and asked if I wanted to go over for breakfast.

Instead of texting back, I rang Dot. “Hi, Dot. Why are you awake at this time?”

“I can’t sleep, but I didn’t mean to wake you.”

I told Dot I was awake too. I wasn’t, but I didn’t want Dot to think she had. Dot told me she had been shopping, but she wouldn’t tell me what she had bought. She had had lunch in town and met a young man in the cafe. “It was busy,” Dot said. “He asked if he could sit at my table. There weren’t many seats free.”

“You like him,” I said. I could tell from Dot’s tone.

“Yeah. He is a nice young man.”

“Young, younger than me.”

Dot was silent for a few seconds before she said he was.

I asked his name. “Guy,” Dot told me.

I tried to bait Dot. “And while you sat with Guy, what were you thinking? Did your nipples get hard? What about your pussy, Dot? Was it wet?” There was a long silence. I broke it and said,  “It was, wasn’t it, Dot?”

“About eight for breakfast,” Dot said, deflecting my questions.

I told Dot eight was fine, but I would make breakfast for her. She hung up, and I jacked myself off.

Dot was punctual and arrived at eight. I noticed straight away she wasn’t wearing a bra under her tee.

“Come in. Breakfast is ready.” I escorted Dot to the breakfast bar with my hand on her ass cheek. Surprisingly Dot let my hand rest there.

I served Dot pancakes, fruit, nuts, and coffee. There was toast, but Dot had eaten her fill and joked she wouldn’t need another meal for the rest of the day.

After breakfast, we sat in the lounge. “This Guy…”

“Nothing happened if that’s what you are going to ask,” Dot jumped in.

Dot’s nipples had been pushing against her top since I saw her at the door, but they became more prominent when I mentioned Guy.

“Can we go for a stroll?” Dot asked. “Walk breakfast off.”

“Sure, if that’s what you want,” I told Dot. I changed, and Dot went home to put her walking shoes on.

We met where our drives meet, and Dot was still braless. “Around the block?” Dot asked and added, “But would you leave my bottom alone, please.”

It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, so I asked Dot if we were still friends.

“Of course we are. In private, I don’t mind so much. It’s only in public it doesn’t seem right.”

I held a crooked arm out for Dot. She put her arm through and held onto me. Dot smiled at me, and we began our walk.

We strolled down the road and into a park, chatting all the way. We were walking down a path. Dot looked around, “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You haven’t said anything.”

I told Dot I didn’t know what she meant. “About this,” Dot said, and she lifted  her tee and flashed me her breasts.

“Oh, I noticed, but I didn’t know if I should say. To be honest, I am not sure where I stand. I am confused.”

“Honestly, I don’t know where my head is at either,” Dot admitted.

“There is a shelter around the corner. Put your tee down, and we will talk in there,” I told Dot.

She giggled, “Don’t you like seeing them now?”

“Don’t be silly, Dot. You know I do.”

She covered her breasts, and we walked to the shelter.

“Talk to me, Dot,” I said when we sat down.

Dot sighed, “I’m so confused. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I am seventy-one. We are having an affair, and that is wrong.”

“Tell me about Guy,” I said.

“I’m not sure I want to talk about him,” Dot replied.

“How old is he?” I asked in a determined voice.


“And,” I said. Dot told me she liked him. My next question seemed to embarrass Dot, “Sexually?”

Dot took her time answering, and then she said, “Yes. That’s why I couldn’t sleep last night, thinking about him. I wanted to ring him, but he is married. I rang you hoping you would ask to come over.”

“Dot, Dot. Before you say anymore, take your jacket off.” Dot was slow, but she did. “Good, now your tee.”

Dot looked horrified. “I can’t. You know I have nothing on underneath.”

“Take it off. You can sit in the corner. If I see anyone coming down the path, I will tell you, and you can put your jacket on. If someone comes the other way, you will see them.”

“Promise you will tell me,” Dot said, with a worried look on her face.

I promised, and Dot slipped her tee over her head. She sat in the corner with her back to the side of the shelter.

I carried on my questioning, “Why didn’t you tell me what you wanted when I rang?”

“I don’t know. As I said, I assumed you would ask to come over.”

Dot picked her jacket up. “Someone’s coming,” she said, putting it on.

I looked, and a woman was walking towards us with a dog, “Don’t cover yourself too much,” I told Dot.

The woman looked shocked when she saw the gap in Dot’s jacket, and there was no top. She looked at me and back at Dot. It didn’t take much working out what was going through her head. Particularly with the outraged look on her face.

We laughed, and I asked Dot, “Do you want to fuck Guy?”

Dot stopped laughing. “Yesterday, I would have gone to bed with him, but not today.”

I asked, “Why?” and Dot told me, “The same reasons as you. The age difference and he is married.”

“An elderly gent is coming,” I told Dot.

She smirked and got a devilish look on her face. “Is there?” she said and opened her jacket.

Both breasts were on show. I watched Dot, expecting her to cover herself.

“He is just a few feet away,” I told Dot, but she didn’t move.

I said, “Hello,” as he passed, and remarkably he never saw Dot. He kept his eyes on me.

As he shuffled away, Dot remained settled in the corner, with both breasts out.

“What now?’ I asked.

“Now we go back to my place and spend the day in bed,” Dot replied.

We went back home and straight to bed. Dot was the most energetic I had known her to be. Once she got me inside her, you would think I was the older one.

Dot fucked all the energy and cum out of me.

Eventually, thank god, Dot said she was going to take a shower.

“Want to go for a drink?” Dot asked when she came back into the bedroom.

I was relieved that’s all she wanted and said, “Yes.”

Dot put a new dress on. She had bought it when she was out yesterday. It was green and suited Dot. She wasn’t sure about it because it’s much shorter and figure-hugging than she usually wears.

I told her she didn’t have to worry. She looked great.

While we drove to the bar, Dot shuffled around in the seat and then again at the bar.

“Dot, for god’s sake, what is wrong with you?” I asked, getting frustrated with Dot’s constant moving.

“I got a new pair of panties. I can’t get used to having something between my butt cheeks.”

I laughed, and Dot told me I shouldn’t. “Take them off,” I told her.

“I might, and I know I haven’t many pubes, but this thing is so small it doesn’t cover them.”

I couldn’t help myself and cracked out laughing. Dot saw the funny side and laughed along with me.

“Tell you what,” I said. “I will shave you when we get home. That will solve that problem.”

“I’m not letting you down there with a razor,” Dot said, looking worried.

I told her not to worry, “I keep Trish’s pubes neat when she as them.”

“Maybe, but not mine, you won’t.”

I told Dot she would look better clean-shaven. Dot had never manicured her pussy hair before, but she said, as she usually does,  she would think about it.

We had a couple of drinks and a game of pool. I enjoyed telling Dot the few patrons who were there were perving at her ass when she bent over to play a shot. It didn’t faze her. Dot took a little longer to play her shots.

I bought one more beer each, and while we drank, I asked Dot why she had opened her jacket, knowing someone was about to walk past.

“I can’t explain. It was simply an urge. I wanted. Damn it. I don’t know what I want,” a confused Dot told me.

“I think I know what you want.”

“Are you going to take me home and give me what I want?” Dot asked, with a twinkle in her eye.

“Alright, I’ll take you home, but first, I want to make a call. We might make a stop.”

I went outside to make the call, and when I came back in, I told Dot we were going to make a stop. She complained and told me she was wet and horny. Dot put her hand on my crotch when we got in the car and said she wanted to go home.

“How horny are you?” I asked Dot.

Dot put her hand between her legs. “Very,” she said.

I took Dot to a friend’s house who luckily didn’t live far away. She wanted to know where we were, but all I told her was she would find out soon enough.

The door opened, and I introduced Dot to my friend, Cal. He repeated what he had told me over the phone, that he didn’t have much time.

We followed him through the house and into the basement.

“Wow, ” Dot said when she saw what was in the basement.

“Okay, I’ll take a few shots, and we will see what…”

“Dot,” I told Cal.

“Right. Dot. I’ll take a few shots, and we will see what the camera thinks of you,” Cal said.

I explained to Dot, which she must have already guessed,  “Cal is an amateur photographer, and he was going to take some photos of you.” Dot didn’t look worried, but I told her Cal had taken many pictures of Trish to ease her mind.

“Shall I sit on the stool?” Dot asked.

There was a stool on the small stage.

“Sure,” Cal said.

Dot sat on the stool, and Cal began. He adjusted the lighting and took more shots. “Okay, Dot, take your dress off?” Cal said.

Dot glared at me.

“Isn’t that what you wanted? A few topless shots?” Cal asked.

“Yes, of course, it is,” Dot said, still glaring, and she took her dress off.

I could tell Dot had a mixture of emotions. To begin with, she covered her pussy. I think she was embarrassed about her pubes poking out of her panties.

All in all, Dot modeled remarkably well for a first-timer. She was stiff at first, but Dot soon overcame her nerves and relaxed. That’s when Dot began to enjoy herself. She took instructions and didn’t mind Cal touching her if she was slightly off the pose he wanted.

“That will have to do for now,” Cal said, after about fifteen minutes.

Cal explained he would go through them and send me the ones he thought were the best by email. Dot wanted to know when and Cal told her he might have them by late evening if she was lucky.

“Can I have a photo with you?” Dot asked Cal.

“Sure,” Cal said and handed me his camera.

I took a couple of shots of them standing together, but then Dot wanted another of them with their arms around one another.

Then it was, “Just one more,” from Dot.

Dot stood in front of Cal, and she got him to put his arms around her and hold her breasts. Dot’s hands were behind her back, and judging by their smiles, both were enjoying what they were feeling and having felt.

As we were leaving, Cal asked Dot if she would come back. “We could have some fun with the camera,” he told Dot.

I saw the glint in her eyes when Cal asked, but Dot didn’t say she would, just that she would think about it.

Dot was bubbly on the way home. She couldn’t stop talking about what had happened.

I asked if she would go back because I suspected she would jump at the chance, but Dot was hesitant.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure I want someone else to see me naked. Besides, what would I do with nude photos of myself?”

I knew Dot was thinking of her age again, which pissed me off.

“There wasn’t much of you left for Cal to see,” I told Dot. “When you see the photos, you will change your mind, I guarantee. What would you do with them? I’ll show you when we get home.”

Dot went quiet. I broke the silence by asking her how it felt to have Cal’s hands holding her breasts. She didn’t say anything, but she gave me a broad smile. I waited an appropriate amount of time and then asked, “What were you doing to Cal when you had your hands behind your back?”

Dot giggled and told me it was none of my business.

“Come on, Dot, you had hold of his dick, didn’t you?”

“No, I,” Dot stopped. “Alright, I did. I felt it on my bottom and couldn’t resist grabbing hold.”

By now, we weren’t far from home, but it took until I stopped in the drive for Dot to admit she liked what she had had in her hand.

I smiled at Dot and said, “Want to hold another?”

Dot leaned over and felt for my dick. She looked me in the eye and said, “I was thinking more of having it buried deep inside me.”

Dot squeezed my cock, and that began a frantic reaction from us both. We left a trail of clothing from the front door to the bedroom. I wanted to taste Dot’s honey pot, but she wasn’t interested in foreplay. “Just fuck me,” Dot growled.

We had another energy-sapping fuck session, and when it was over, I said, “Never, ever tell me you can’t because you are seventy-one again.”

“Shut up,” Dot said. “We haven’t finished yet. Not by a long stretch.”



Published 4 years ago

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