Adam shifted impatiently in bed while Cassidy remained behind the closed bathroom door. He was feeling pretty antsy and very horny. What the hell was she doing in there?
“One second!” she yelled back.
It was well after eleven o’clock, and Adam was starting to lose his patience. She knew how much he hated staying up late on a work night. He worked a very high-pressure job in finance and was an early riser anyway. He would never say it to her face, but in the back of his mind, he always thought that if she got a real job, she would understand.
Suddenly, the bathroom door cracked open. Adam sat up excitedly as his girlfriend strode out in a sexy black dress. She was all leg. Her dirty blonde hair was done in curls that flowed easily as she did a little spin. The back of the dress was basically non-existent, with only a few buckles and straps holding it together.
“Do you like it?” she asked with flirtatiousness to her voice. She stood there by the bed, looking quite comfortable even though her feet donned five-inch heels.
“Cass, you look so hot.” Adam sat up and embraced her, rubbing his hands all over her skin.
She feigned modesty and giggled. But she had a few more tricks up her sleeve.
“I went out and bought a few things today,” she said, grabbing at the waistband of Adam’s boxers. “Let me show you.”
Adam peered at the clock, feeling a bit more anxious as the minutes ticked by. What if he overslept tomorrow?
Cassidy appeared with a bag, from which she pulled out a pair of handcuffs, a paddle, and a vibrating cock ring. It was a bold move for her, because the couple’s sex life had been pretty much strictly vanilla throughout their three years together, but she decided to take the first steps to “mixing things up.”
“What is all this?” Adam asked hesitantly.
Cassidy picked up the cuffs and dangled them in front of her tits. “Don’t you think it’d be fun to play with a few new toys?”
“I mean. . . I guess it would.” He picked up the cock ring. “You want me to wear this?”
Cassidy got down on her knees and pulled Adam’s boxers over his hips. His cock was semi-erect and popped out in front of her face. She slowly licked up his shaft, all while staring up at him. “I want you to do whatever you want, baby. You just tell me what you want.”
Adam let her suck his cock for a minute or two before pulling her up, standing. He sighed and threw his hands out like he was surrendering. “Cass, I feel bad, but can we just fuck and go to sleep? It’s late. This isn’t really the best night for all this.”
Cassidy laid down on the bed, feeling defeated. She was biting her tongue from telling Adam that maybe if he hadn’t had to stay at work late again and miss their dinner reservations, the whole sex thing could have got started much sooner.
But still, she needed fucked, so he climbed on top of her and did what he did every night – avoid eye contact, make no noise, and finish in the same position they started.
Cassidy tiptoed to the bathroom later to get herself off.
“Most people wouldn’t put up with that, you know.”
“Put up with what?”
“Oh, I dunno. Not having good sex?”
Cassidy rolled her eyes. Alex didn’t know what she was talking about.
Alex put down her fork and stared at her friend. “Sorry. I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. All I’m saying is that if you aren’t sexually compatible with someone, then it usually won’t end well. You have to be on the same page as the person you’re with, at least to some extent.”
Cassidy sighed. “I know, I know. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything.”
“I wouldn’t know much about vanilla sex,” said Alex. “Ben and I do it all. He is not shy about experimenting…”
Alex trailed off, knowing that Cassidy would press her for more details.
“Well, go on!” said Cassidy, and Alex laughed.
“He’s definitely the dominant one between us, and he knows exactly what to do and say. Like, the other night when he was watching TV, he made me sit at his feet on the floor like a dog until the show was over. Then I followed him up to the bedroom on all fours, and he surprised me with this new butt plug. It was amazing. We fucked all night after that. I’m talking the hottest, roughest sex I’ve ever had.”
“Adam would die if I ever tried to bring a butt plug into the bedroom.”
Alex looked at her knowingly. “That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about – compatibility. You can only take missionary so much, girl. Listen, you should come with me tonight. There’s this fetish party going on at a hotel downtown. I was going to go with Ben, but you can be my hot date instead!”
Cassidy laughed. “Eh, I don’t know. That sounds awkward. Plus, Adam would kill me.”
“Why? It’s not like you’re out fucking other dudes. You can at least go and see what it’s about. We’ll have a few drinks and take a cab down.”
“Okay, you talked me into it,” Cassidy said, feeling an excited lurch in her stomach. A fetish party. She was going to a fetish party. Maybe this was the beginning of a new and sexy chapter in her life.
“Alex and I are going out tonight,” Cassidy said over dinner later. Adam had surprisingly been home on time for once, so they were actually eating at the table together.
He took a drink of his wine. “That’s cool. I have a work thing anyway.”
Cassidy felt a little put off by the fact that he didn’t even ask where the girls were going. It was very typical behavior of her boyfriend, however.
“What kind of work thing?”
“Just one of those stuffy, kiss-ass types of events that you hate so much.”
Adam went upstairs and changed. He leaned over to kiss Cassidy on the cheek while she finished up the dishes.
After he left, she hurried upstairs to change. What did one wear to a fetish party? She felt like such an amateur.
Alex arrived and the girls had a few drinks.
“You’re not nervous, are you?” Alex asked.
Cassidy downed the rest of her vodka in a hurry and laughed. “What do you think?”
The party was packed full of all kinds of people – young and old, men and women, couples and singles, you name it. Cassidy felt a little at ease because the whole group seemed like the type of open-minded people you could be yourself around. It was a fetish party, after all.
She passed by a couch where a bunch of people sat with their feet propped up on the backs of women who were acting as human ottomans. She saw a man being walked around on a leash by a woman in a military get-up. She saw the kinkiest things and felt the horniest she’d been in a long time.
“Let’s get a drink,” Alex suggested, sensing Cassidy’s shock.
They stood together against a wall, taking it all in. It was then that Cassidy noticed a very tall, dark-haired man across the room eying her up and down. He was incredibly sexy in one of those rugged, mysterious types of ways. His face seemed to have a permanent, cocky smirk to it.
Before she could even point this man out to Alex, Cassidy saw him making his way over to her. He was taller than she had even thought. He was slim, but also built in a way that made him appear powerful. She had never met anyone that looked quite like him. He seemed cold, but still so sexy and appealing.
“You look out of place here,” he said to her in a slow, smooth voice that startled her.
Cassidy peered over at Alex, who was pretending to be distracted with something so that the two could talk. She shrugged. “I’m a newbie, I guess you could say.”
“Welcome,” the man said, nodding at her. “I’m not a newbie, but I do like when I meet one.”
“Why’s that?”
“I like to see the new people’s reactions to these events. I can tell this is your first time being exposed to stuff like this. It’s cute, the way you take it all in.”
Cassidy felt her spine tingle. “I’m trying not to seem so conspicuous. I guess it’s not working.”
“Don’t be shy,” the man said, leaning inward with the first sign of a smile that Cassidy had seen from him. “I’m going to go say hello to a friend. I’ll see you around.”
Cassidy watched him stride away and immediately turned around to discuss with Alex what had just happened. To her surprise, however, Alex wasn’t there. She felt a little worried and pulled out her phone to call her friend.
The room was so loud, she stepped out so she could hear. Just as she was dialing Alex’s number, she heard someone shout her name.
“Cassidy? What the fuck are you doing?”
Her heart dropped into her stomach as she looked up to find Adam standing in front of her in his suit. She had no idea his work even was at the same hotel. She was mortified. How would she explain this?
“Hi,” she said stupidly.
“Are you – are you at that sex party?” He motioned behind her, his jaw agape.
She stiffened. “So what if I am?”
“Why? Why the hell are you there, without me, no less?”
“Maybe to try to broaden my sexual horizons. You should take a lesson!” She didn’t mean on yelling, but she was so angry and had so many years of pent-up sexual frustration inside of her that she couldn’t help it.
“You’re a freak. I don’t even know who you are!” Adam said somewhat hysterically. He walked around in a couple circles and stared at his girlfriend. “This isn’t working. If this is what you want, then fucking go for it. Have a great time.”
Cassidy stared at him. “You’re breaking up with me.”
“I am, Cass. Enjoy your freak show.”
His name was Hollis. He was several years older than Cassidy, which turned her on all the more. After the fetish party was over, Ben came to pick Alex up, and Cassidy went up to Hollis’s hotel room. He wasn’t from the area, and Cassidy felt silly for being a little saddened when she learned this fact.
At the party, she had seen Hollis in action. She had seen his dominant side and how it suited him so well. After the blow-up with Adam, she began to loosen up at the party and ended up confessing to Hollis about the sex she had wanted for so long. He assured her that he could help her out in that department. They came up with a safe word, shared a few laughs, and Cassidy felt more comfortable than ever.
“We can start slow,” he said in the elevator ride up to his room. “I don’t want to scare you off.”
Cassidy gave a little smirk. “You can’t scare me off.”
Hollis grabbed her hand and walked in front of her, leading her off the elevator and to the door of his room. Cassidy’s heart was racing as he put the key in the door. Was she really doing this?
Immediately when they walked into the room, Hollis held her up against the wall and started kissing her neck and collarbone. Cassidy squirmed and moan underneath his touch.
“On your knees,” Hollis demanded in a surprisingly sweet and almost patronizing voice. It was a tone that said “you are going to do what I tell you to do no matter what.”
Cassidy got down on her knees as he said and peered up at him, wide-eyed.
“Unzip my pants and take my cock out. Do not put it in your mouth until I say so.”
She did as she was told and undid his pants. His cock sprang out and she was surprised at how thick it was. Hollis took his cock in his hands and rubbed it around Cassidy’s waiting mouth. A whimper escaped her lips. She was so incredibly turned on and astounded by what was happening.
“Someone wants it, huh?” Hollis said, bending over to grab Cassidy’s jaw in his hands. He looked her square in the face as he puckered her lips between his fingers. “Do you want this cock?”
Cassidy nodded anxiously and mumbled, “Yes. Yes, I do, sir.”
Hollis stood up and gave a sardonic laugh. “Sir, huh? I like it. It fits. Good girl. Now, suck my cock.”
Cassidy eagerly took his cock into her mouth and began to suck it from base to tip. Never before had she tried so hard to please the man whose cock she was sucking. She felt needed, almost challenged.
“Keep sucking, just like that,” moaned Hollis, running his hands through her hair. He liked how eager she was. It was always refreshing to meet a woman so willing.
Her jaw began to feel tired, but she didn’t dare stop. Finally, he motioned for her to stand up.
“On the bed,” he commanded, snapping his fingers at her.
She hurriedly got on the bed, her heart racing with thoughts of what would come next. Hollis stripped down naked, turned on the TV, and laid down beside her. One arm rested behind his head, while the other one held the remote control.
“Get back to sucking this cock, little girl.”
She did as she was told and tried to gather up some spit in her tired mouth. He didn’t look at her once, focusing all of his attention on the TV. She paused for a second to let her mouth get a small break, and he pushed her head right back on his cock.
“You’ll stop when I say you can stop. This is what you’re good for right now.”
While Cassidy sucked away, she glanced down between her legs to see that the wetness had dripped out of her and formed a string between her pussy and the sheets. God, was she turned on.
“Someone’s wet I see,” said Hollis.
Cassidy nodded. “Yes sir.”
“Maybe if I’m feeling nice later, you can get off. Right now, though, I want you on your hands and knees.” Hollis stood up and walked over to a suitcase by the air conditioner.
Cassidy did as he asked, nervously peering backwards to see what he had up his sleeve.
“I think it’s time for your punishment,” said Hollis, returning with a riding crop.
“What did I do?”
“You stopped sucking my cock when I didn’t tell you to. You misbehaved, so you get punished. Is that a problem?” Hollis leaned down over top of her and grabbed her neck with his large hand. Cassidy shook her head.
“No sir.”
“Good girl. Now sit still. This will hurt.”
He struck her once against her ass cheeks, and Cassidy let out a yelp. He struck again, again, and again. She writhed under the blows.
“Shut up, little girl! You don’t want people to hear you and know what a little slut you are, do you?” Hollis said teasingly, striking her again with crop. The sound of the leather connecting with her taut white skin pleased him immensely. He loved to see the thin lines popping up as welts on her ass.
“I can’t help it, sir,” Cassidy whimpered. “It hurts.”
“I think I’ve got something for you.”
Cassidy hoped he would move onto something other than whipping her, but to her dismay he dangled a ball gag in front of her face.
“Open that pretty little mouth for me,” he commanded, fitting the ball gag into her jaw. He fastened it in the back and patted her ass. “Good girl. That’s better. Where were we?”
He raised the riding crop over her red ass and struck her several more times. He had her roll over onto her back and brought the crop down over her tits. Her tits were perky and the perfect size – bigger than mosquito bites but smaller than ridiculous porn tits. She seemed real, and Hollis loved that.
Cassidy squirmed every time brought the crop down again her tits, especially when it hit her sensitive nipples. Luckily for her, he was nearly done. He put the crop down after a few more blows and leaned over to kiss her all over.
“You’re doing such a good job, little girl. I’m so impressed with you,” he whispered into her ear while one hand crept to her dripping pussy. “Keep this up and you’ll get to come soon!”
Cassidy felt like putty in his presence. He removed the ball gag at that point, telling her he wanted to hear her pretty moans. She thanked him graciously and waited for him to tell her what to do next.
“On your back. Spread your legs.”
Cassidy spread them. Hollis spread her lips with his fingers, looking at her pussy as though he was examining it.
“My, you are a wet one, aren’t you?”
Before she could get a word out, he had rammed his huge cock inside of her, stretching her full. She let out a gasp.
“So nice and tight,” said Hollis through his thrusts. “What a great fuck hole you have, little girl.”
Cassidy began to get lost in his fucking. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Never before had she felt this sort of dominating power using her body in the most delicious way.
“Keep those legs spread, slut!” Hollis said suddenly, and Cassidy quickly responded by holding one leg in each hand, as far apart as she could.
Without warning, Hollis pulled out of her sopping pussy. “Suck my cock.”
She took it into her mouth without hesitation, loving the way she tasted herself on him, and feeling proud all at the same time. He let her suck his cock for a good five minutes before he demanded her to get on her hands and knees.
He got behind her and started pounding her from behind. “Good girl,” he said. “So obedient. You know your place already.”
He picked up a steady pace. Cassidy began to feel her pussy getting sore from his thick cock. Occasionally, when he saw her becoming uncomfortable, Hollis would give a firm spank on her ass to remind her of what was going on. The more he fucked, the hornier she felt, no matter how sore her pussy was.
“Do you want to come, slut?”
“Yes, please. Sir, please let me come.”
“Don’t you dare, little girl.”
The fucking continued with Cassidy on edge nearly the entire time.
Finally, when he was ready to blow his load, Hollis pulled out of her and rolled her onto her back. He grabbed her hair with one hand and his cock with the other. She waited with anticipation, and eventually he let out a groan as a stream of come landed on her face, dripping from her eyebrows down to her lips.
“You look like the most perfect cock whore right now,” said Hollis through a proud smile. “Good job, little girl.”
Cassidy relaxed against the soft blankets and pillows. “Sir, can I please go wipe my face off?”
Hollis stared at her for a second, debating. He shook his head. “No, I think I’d like to leave you like this. Do you want to watch TV?”
Cassidy felt the semen on her face drying. It felt strange, but she loved it. She tried to focus on the TV show, but couldn’t. Hollis was the sexiest man she had ever been around. She glanced over at him and took in his firm, toned body. She had just had the best fuck of her life by this man. She couldn’t believe it.
While the show played, Hollis reached over to tweak Cassidy’s nipples. He’d roll them around between his thumb and index finger, pulling on them gently. The whole time, his attention was focused mindlessly on the TV. He grabbed her tits in his hand and shook them around like a piece of meat. Cassidy moaned. She loved having her tits played with.
“I almost forgot!” Hollis exclaimed suddenly. “You haven’t got off yet, have you? Whore, if you want to play with yourself and get off, you can. You’ve been a good little girl for me tonight.”
He continued to twist and grope her tits as she began rubbing away at her clit. He bent over her and sucked her nipples into his mouth, occasionally giving them a little bite. They were so soft and responsive, and he could tell she loved every second of it. A minute later, her breathing grew rapid, and Hollis pulled back to watch the orgasm quiver through her body.
He pulled her close. “I’m glad I met you tonight.”
She sighed contentedly against his chest. “Me too, sir.”
“Are you sleepy, little one?”
“Let’s sleep.”
They fell asleep just like that, on top of the blankets, her face drying with come.
Cassidy was stirred awake by a motion and the feeling of a different body next to her. For a split second, she forgot where she was, but that feeling was quickly replaced by the sensation of her stomach dropping and blood rushing between her legs. How crazy last night seemed.
Hollis had been running his hands over her tits for the last few minutes, and watching her slowly wake to his touch turned him on to no end.
“Good morning, little one,” he said, with no trace of sleep in his voice whatsoever. “Why don’t you get under these blankets and suck my cock?”
Suddenly feeling wide awake, Cassidy crawled down under the blankets, well aware of what her face must look like after last night. She took his hardening cock into her mouth. Her jaw was still a little sore from all the head she had given only hours before, but it didn’t really bother her. She felt accomplished more than anything.
Hollis watched her head bobbing up and down under the blankets. He let her continue on for a few minutes, and then patted her head, indicating that she could come up and lay beside her.
“Thank you for letting me give you morning head,” Cassidy said, cuddling up against him.
“Of course, little girl. That’s what you’re here for.”
They laid like that for awhile, Cassidy curled up against him, content, and Hollis with one arm around her, and the other caressing her tits. Finally, Hollis looked at the clock and realized check-out time was almost upon them.
Cassidy got dressed slowly. She wished she had other clothes to change into other her little leather get-up that Alex had let her borrow. Hollis noticed her hesitation and tossed her a t-shirt out of his bag.
When they both were dressed, Cassidy sensed awkwardness in the room. Was all of it over now? Would she see him again? It felt strange to think that the whole experience was confined to only last night. She hoped it would last…
Hollis, seemed to read her mind, and said, “You know, I come to town quite frequently. It might be nice to run into each other again, yeah?”
Cassidy felt herself exhale with relief. She smiled. “I’d love that.”
They exchanged numbers and spent the elevator ride down together in an embrace. Hollis called her a cab, kissed Cassidy goodbye, and drove away.
She came home to find that Adam had already moved out. Most of his things were already gone, leaving behind only bits and pieces of their relationship. With a bit of sadness, but also much relief, Cassidy packed them up into a box and put it in the garage.
“You have to tell me everything,” Alex said with an air of excitement, flopping down onto Cassidy’s bed as Cassidy folded up some clothes.
She laughed. “Let’s just say I no longer am just a vanilla girl.”
Alex squealed. “Yes! Your kink cherry is officially popped.”
Cassidy gave her butt a little rub and smiled, remembering how it got that way. She hoped he wouldn’t be a stranger…